52°47' / 20°07'
Translation of
Galed le-kehilat Raciaz
Editor: E. Tsoref
Tel Aviv 1965
Our sincere appreciation to Yad Vashem
for the submission of the necrology for placement on the JewishGen web site.
Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Raciaz
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Our mission is to produce a translation of the original work and we cannot verify the accuracy of statements or alter facts cited.
Introduction | 2 | |
The history of the Jews of Raciaz (17361888) | Shlomo Grinspan | 17 |
How the zealots fought the Haskalah in Raciaz | Ish Chail | 19 |
The Zvolin [Zwoleń] Hasidut | R' Zvi Zemach | 22 |
Raciaz my town | Elazar Mor | 24 |
The beginnings of Raciaz | Avraham Yosef Kleiner | 38 |
In the old Bet Hamidrash | Shraga Yosef Ostro | 45 |
The Bet Hamidrash fire | Esther Gutman | 48 |
The old Bet Hamidrash fire | Efraim Goldberg | 50 |
The cultural activity in town | Michael Avukay | 58 |
Raciaz during the First World War | Esther Shrenski | 67 |
My town | Galila Arkevitch | 72 |
The youth in our town | Miriam Buch | 75 |
The Jewish children in the Polish school | Chana Orzhan | 81 |
The Hatzfira newspaper at the Zionist meetings | 84 | |
The Raciaz of old | Moshe Moskovitch | 86 |
My family and my teachers | Yechezkel Bet-Halachmi | 91 |
Yechezkel | Rachel Bet-Halachmi | 103 |
With my dear father | Esther Yitzhar | 107 |
My grandfather | Tirtza | 110 |
The first among the first | Efraim Tzoref | 112 |
This is the history of the community goat | Yosef Chaim Lask | 114 |
The Association of Raciaz Former Residents | Michael Avukay | 122 |
R'Yeshayahu Kamin zl | Chana Kamin | 124 |
My father R'Yeshayahu Kamin | Moshe Avni | 127 |
My father zl | Shraga Yosef Ostro | 131 |
The Balfour Declaration in Raciaz | Mordechai Porat | 133 |
Organizations in Raciaz | Shmuel Dubinski | 138 |
The false charge | Yitzhak Buch | 143 |
The Hebrew School | Miriam Buch | 145 |
My uncle R'Hirsh Gedalia Kolmirezh | Efraim Z. | 146 |
The Poalei Zion Orchestra | Zvi Kenster | 149 |
A monument to the martyrs, my relatives | Efraim Zoref | 150 |
R'Yitzhak Mordechai Zlotnik zl | A. Y. Altus | 160 |
Mordechai Goldberg | Zev Weinstock | 161 |
My grandfather Rabbi Dan | Yosef Kirstein | 169 |
Rabbi Dan the Melamed [teacher] | Yosef Aharoni | 171 |
My father the community helper and my mother the generous | Sara Weinstock | 172 |
My father zl | Rachel Kopolis | 173 |
My origins | Esther Gutman | 177 |
The Hiller Home | Gedalia Moscowitz & Yitzhak Hiller | 180 |
My father Gedalia Lask | Esther Pochodny | 182 |
My Father zl | Zvi Lask | 186 |
Our Home | Esther Broida (Lampkovitz) | 187 |
My Parents | Efraim Goldberg | 191 |
R'Mendel Granat | Yosef Ramon | 193 |
Yechiel Eliezer Burstein zl | Nathan Ben Menachem | 196 |
His song | Yosef Ramon | 197 |
Reuven Tzinamon zl | Ahuva Tenenboim | 199 |
The tragic death of my grandfather and grandmother | A. Y. Altus | 200 |
Memories | S. Zhelinevski | 202 |
Moshe Oved-Gur | Efraim Z. | 203 |
The Horrors of the Holocaust | ||
The Nazi invasion of Raciaz | A. Y. Altus | 213 |
The life in Raciaz was silenced | Chaim Fogel | 219 |
The Nazi invasion of Raciaz | Golda & Pesach Moscovitch | 240 |
In the Ponyhovsk camp | Pages about Plonsk from the Ringelblum Archives | 242 |
On the verge of ruin | Chaim Fogel | 245 |
After the deportation | Breina Kenster | 249 |
In our desolate and orphaned home | Zvi Kenster | 256 |
Folklore in Raciaz | ||
My grandfather R'Yosef Hirsch | S. Weinstock | 263 |
The Litwak cantor | Elchanan Rachum | 264 |
The great dispute | Avraham Yosef Kleiner | 265 |
Supplement to the above story | S. Y. Ostro | 266 |
The maxims of R'Mendel Grant | A. Y. Kleiner | 268 |
Wolf the fool | Chana Klopman | 274 |
The Sanctifiers of God's Name and of the Homeland | ||
My son Amnon | Michael Avukay | 277 |
My brother | Edna Solel (Avukay) | 281 |
His life's song came to a sudden end | Ch. Lamdan | 282 |
Purity and completeness | Ben Artzi | 283 |
Amos Tzoref zl | Efraim Avi-Amos | 285 |
A commander-educator | Yechezkel Kaspi | 290 |
Praise to sorrow | Efraim Tzoref | 292 |
Foreword | 299 | |
The years before Auschwitz | Yakov Grinspan | 303 |
In the town that I was born | Elazar Mor | 319 |
In my parents' home | Rachel Kopolis | 327 |
My mother's generosity | Sara Weinstock | 333 |
The fire in the Bet Hamidrash | Ester Gutman | 337 |
Anti-Semitism in Raciaz | Esther Shrenski | 339 |
The Balfour declaration in Raciaz | Mordechai Porat | 341 |
The false charge | Yitzhak Buch | 334 |
The Nazi invasion in Raciaz | A. Y. Altus | 347 |
My friend Leibl Grinspan | Moshe Schulman | 354 |
In the death-camp Auschwitz | Chana Rachionska | 359 |
Those who were saved in Pawiak | Y. Shmulevitch | 364 |
The Association of Raciaz Former Residents in Israel | Michael Avukay | 379 |
They shall shine with the briliance of Heaven..... | 385 | |
Isser Tzemach zl | Efraim Tzoref | 387 |
At home | Chana Klopman Karsch | 389 |
Yehoshua Bet-Halachmi zl | Esther | 390 |
Michael-Chaim Kenster zl | Moshe Kenster | 391 |
The Rosenstein family zl | 393 | |
Zvi Pocodny zl | Esther Pochodny | 394 |
The Narzhemsky family | 395 | |
Avraham-Moshe Navra | 396 | |
Sara Feige Navra and her children | 397 | |
Chana Moscovitch-Pedro | 398 | |
Zisa and Henia Vogel zl | 399 | |
The Shmulevich family | 400 | |
Mendel Kahana and his family | 401 | |
Neche Tzemach Kravetzki zl; Yitzhak Altus and his wife | 402 | |
Bella and Yehudit Eibschitz; Shaye Birnboim and his wife | 403 | |
The Lassman family | 404 | |
Meir Birenboim; Hersch Wolf Ratzonski | 405 | |
Luzer Finkelstein; Dr. Avraham Klopman zl | 406 | |
Shmuel Eliya Margoles and his wife | 407 | |
Asher Byalostotzki | 408 | |
The David and Rivka Goldstein family | 410 | |
Shaul Korbe and his wife | 411 | |
Miriam Dvora Schwarz and her son; Moshe Halberstat | 412 | |
R'Moshe Mordechai Byalostotzki and his wife | 413 | |
Yechezkel Dovroshklenko zl; Naftali Weinstock zl | 414 | |
Leib Zelig Zhebitzki and his wife | 415 | |
R'Yosef Leib and Rivka Pochodny zl | Michael Avukay | 416 |
R'Yosef Zvi and Tzipora Klopman zl | 418 | |
R'Yitzhak and Meche'le Kashtchenovski zl | 419 | |
Dov ben R'Dan Kirstein zl | 421 | |
Zvi Boda and his mother Chaia | 422 | |
List of Raciąż Jews Killed in the Holocaust | 423 | |
Gal-ed: Selected chapters | ||
Introduction | 3 | |
The town where I was born | E. Mor | 7 |
Pilgrimage to the graves of my fathers | Rachel Beth-Zion Lask-Abrahams | 17 |
The Balfour Declaration | M. Porat | 25 |
The Bet Hamidrash fire | Esther Guttman | 26 |
Tha false charge | Y. Buch | 29 |
My parents' household | R. Kopolis (Zemelman) | 31 |
The Nazi invasion | A.Y. Altus | 35 |
M. Avukay (Pochodny) | 43 | |
The Racionz Society in Israel | 52 |
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