In 1911, a major fire occurred in Pushelat and the wooden synagogue burned
down. Jews from Pushelat, in Jacksonville as well as those living elsewhere in
America, sent money to Pushelat so a new synagogue could be built. It was
decided that the Rabbi in Pushelat, Ruvin Brog, would hold the money until
permission to build the new synagogue was obtained. Rabbi Brog, a pharmacy
graduate of Vilnius University, owned the pharmacy in Pushelat. Unfortunately,
two Lithuanian men found out about the money. On September 16, 1912 in the
middle of the night, they robbed Rabbi Brog of the money and killed him and his
wife, Frayda. A four-year-old son, Meir, had severe head bruises but survived.
A 2-½ year old son, Isrol, was unhurt. An unborn child died with its
mother, Frayda. No harm was done to Frayda's father, Fayvush Shemer, - an old
paralyzed man who could not speak, and perhaps was considered to be not
dangerous by the criminals.
As the two men ran out of the yard between the houses of Shemer and Brog, Chaya
Zelda Kremer saw them. Frightened, she ran in the opposite direction and met
Eliash Margolis who was going for water. Even today, the villagers in Pushelat
get their water from wells as they have no indoor plumbing. Chaya Zelda told
Eliash about the two men and showed him the direction they were going. He
hurried in that direction, passed the two men, and recognized one of them as
Mikhail Petrushkevich. At the same time, Chaya ran to Rabbi Brog's aunt, Mikhle
Shemer, and told her what she had seen. The two women went to Rabbi Brog's
house, climbed through a broken window, and found the bodies.
After learning what happened, and conducting an investigation, the police
arrested Mikhail Petrushkevich and Leon Bogdanovich. Their trial was held in
the city of Kaunas on September 10, 1913. The jury consisted of twelve
Christians who were selected by drawing lots. Three judges presided over the
trial. Russian was the official language and the court proceedings had to be
recorded in Russian. Yoffe, from Kaunas and member of the court staff, served
as translator as the Jews testified in Yiddish.
The Jews from Pushelat who testified at the trial were, Chaya Zelda Kremer,
Mikhle Shemer, Mikhel Grin, Gelman Treisman, Gilel Lazarov, Girsh Rosenberg,
Leyb Frank, Ayzik Frank, Eliash Margolis, Mikhlia Tauba Viten, Minda Kats,
Ruvin Ligum, Girsh Levin, Itsik Zhuk, Mendel Geller, Abram Grin.
A resident of Panevezys, Itslia Brog, (daughter of Vigder and mother of Rabbi
Brog) also testified.
At the end of the one-day trial, the members of the jury found both men guilty
of murder in the 1st degree. It was the duty of the three judges to decide what
the punishment would be. They sentenced them to 15 years of penal servitude -
the mildest possible punishment for this offense. The following year, World War
I began and most prisoners were released from prison. In all probability,
Petrushkevich and Bogdanovich only served a year or so of their sentence.
Translation from the original police report, autopsy report, and court records
of the trial was done by Vitalija Girchyte, Chief Archivist, Kaunas Archive,
Kaunas, Lithuania.
Kaunas Archive - Fond I-79, inventory 3, file 4186, pages 2-6:
Bill of indictment in the case of Mikhail Petrushkevich, son of Mikhail, and
Leon Bogdanovich, son of Liudvik.
On September 16, 1912, about 5 o'clock in the morning, Girsh Rosenberg,
resident of estate Matkunai of Panevezys uyezd, 4 "versta" from
Pusalotas, was going to Pusalotas to the owner of local pharmacy Ruvin Brog, as
he needed medicine for his eye which bruised in a scuffle the night before.
When he reached Brog's house, he knocked several times on the door of the shop,
but nobody answered, so he went to the back of the house, where a shed
("kuchka") was attached to it, to knock on the window of the Brog's
flat. At that time two men jumped out of the window of Brog's flat into the
shed and ran out through the back door; one of them, a tall man, said to the
other in Lithuanian "let's hurry". It was dark in the shed, and
Rosenberg did not see the faces, but he recognized resident of Pusalotas
Mikhail Petrushkevich by his female like voice. Presuming, that these
were criminals who wanted to rob the Brogs, Rosenberg hurried to the house of
his Uncle Mikhel Grin, who lived in the same town, and told him about the
On the same morning the resident of Pusalotas Chaya Zelda Kremer wanted to
enter into the yard of Shemers and Brogs, but at that time two men ran out of
the gates of the yard, turned left and headed towards the leather factory.
Kremer was so frightened by the unexpected appearance of these two people,
which she did not look at their faces, and she turned back at once. She met
Eliash Margolis, who was going for the water, and told him that she had seen
some people who came out of the gates, and showed the direction they went.
Margolis hurried in the same direction, passed them, recognized that one of
them was Mikhail Petrushkevich, and went back to the well. At that time Chaya
Kremer ran to Brog's aunt Mikhle Shemer, whom she also told about these
two people. Two women thought that somebody might have spent the night in
Brog's shed, but when they went to Brog's flat, they noticed a broken window
and two candlesticks lying on the ground, so they started knocking on the door.
Nobody answered so Kremer and after her Shemer, entered the house and
saw the chest of drawers open, linen strewn on the floor. Ruvin Brog was lying
on the floor and wheezed, his head was covered with a pillow. The dead body of
Frayda Brog was lying on the bed.
Itsik Zhuk told that when he was returning home late at night, he saw Leon
Bogadanovich and Mikhail Petrushkevich slowly walking near Brog's house.
Having learned of what had happened, local police "uriadnik" Anton
Buyvol came to Brog's house and found in the house a pintle (bolt? bar?"
shkvoren" in Russian) which must have been used to hit the Brogs. In the
shed he found a foot-cloth smeared with wheel grease, in the vegetable
garden a pair of old high boots.
On the same day, "pristav" (higher police official) of the 3
"stan" (police precinct) of Panevezys uyezd Viktorovsky, arrived at
Pusalotas. He established that the criminals got into Brog's flat through the
window, having covered the glass with wheel-grease and then pushing it; having
killed Frayda Brog and wounded Ruvin Brog, who died soon without recovering
consciousness. They also caused light injuries to Meyer, 4 year-old son of
Brogs, but did not do anything to the father of Frayda Brog an old
paralyzed man who could not speak, and perhaps was considered to be not
dangerous by the criminals.
Having questioned local residents on September 17, the pristav found out that
on that night Mikhail Petrushkevich came to Pusalotas with two women
Anna Narbut and Alexandra Beliavsky; they all visited local town dweller Leon
Bogdanovich who not long ago had driven Brog to Panevezys to receive the money.
The same pristav also conducted a search of the house of Bogdanovich, and found
hidden in the hay, wrapped in a kerchief, a wet towel, which looked as if it
had been used to wipe hands covered with blood. Chemical analysis made by the
Medical Department of Kaunas Gubernia Administration, proved that this towel
was smeared with blood.
The autopsy of the bodies of Ruvin and Frayda Brog showed the following. On the
body of Ruvin Brog two wounds were found on the left side of his
forehead and on the left temple where the bones were broken; the bones of the
base of the skull were also broken; left cheek and left collar-bone were
On the body Frayda Brog two wounds on the forehead and one on the left temple
were found, the skull was cracked and broken; there was one wound beneath the
left eye; autopsy showed that she was six months pregnant. The doctor came to
the conclusion that injuries were made with some hard blunt object; besides two
bruises of Ruvin Brog and a light wound beneath the eye of Frayda Brog, all the
injuries are qualified as heavy and causing danger to life. The cause of death
of both Brogs was concussion of brain.
Itslia Brog, mother of Ruvin Brog, living in Panevezys was questioned and she
testified, that having checked the property found in her son's house, she found
that 75 rubles that she gave her son to keep for her, are missing, as well as
bills for 500 rubles.
According to the testimony of Mikhel Grin, the resident of Pusalotas, Ruvin
Brog was in charge of the construction of a school in Pusalotas, he was
receiving money for this purpose and all local people knew about it. Two weeks
before the murder, Grin went to Panevezys, and on the road was passed by Brog,
who was driven to Panevezys by Leon Bogdanovich. In Panevezys, Brog found Grin
in the inn and asked Grin to drive him home, as he was afraid to go back with
Bogdanovich whom he considered to be a bad man.
As Ruvin Ligum (age 50 son of Shevel Eliash), and Girsh Levin(age 43
son of Ovsey, also called Dragun), testified, the pintle, with which the
Brogs were killed, looked very much like the pintle which was stolen from
Levin's cart , which stood in the yard of Ligum's house.
Gilel Lazarov testified that on September 16, 1912, about 12'clock at night, he
was going through Pusalotas on his way to Panevezys and saw Mikhail
Peterushkevich coming out of the yard of Ruvin Ligum with some woman, and he
was carrying some metal thing in his hands. He also testified that high boots
found in Brog's vegetable garden, looked like the high boots of Leon
Bogdanovich. He used to see Bogdanovich often, as the latter sold goods in the
market near the house of Lazarov. These high boots appeared to be small to
Mikhail Petrushkevich, but fitted perfectly to Leon Bogdanovich. According to
expert people, they looked as if Bogdanovich had worn them.
The defendants Mikhail Petrushkevich and Leon Bogdanovich pleaded not guilty
and explained:
Petrushkevich: On September 14, 1912, in the evening he took Anna Narbut,
sister of Leon Bogdanovich, and Alexandra Beliavsky from Seduva to Pusalotas.
They spent the night in Panevezys and came to Pusalotas on September 16, at 4
o'clock in the morning. He took the women to Bogdanovich, then went home and
went to sleep. He did not enter the town and learned about the murder of the
Brog family only in the morning. He claimed he did not know whom the pintle,
high boots, foot-cloth and the towel belonged to.
Bogdanovich: On September 16, 1912, Petrushkevich brought to his house Anna
Narbut, the lover Petrushkevich, and Alexandra Beliavsky, and went home at
once. After about an hour Bogdanovich heard some cries in the town, went
outside and learned about the murder of the Brogs. About two weeks ago he had
taken Brog to Panevezys and Brog refused to go back with his cart, as he was
taking some load. Bogdanovich stated that he did not know whom the pintle, high
boots and foot-cloth belonged to. As to the towel found in his barn, he said
that it was not his and must have been put into his barn by some Jews on
purpose, to arouse the suspicion that he was guilty of the murder of the Brogs.
On interrogation Alexandra Beliavsky and Anna Narbut confirmed that they
arrived at Pusalotas at 4 o'clock at night . Petrushkevich went home, and they
had tea in the house of Bogdanovich and then went to sleep; none of them went
to town or to the house of Petrushkevich.
The neighbor of Brogs, Itsik Zhuk (age 32 son of Mikhel and married to
the cousin of Brog's wife), testified that about 2-3 o'clock on that night he
saw off his father who was taking apples to Panevezys. On returning home, he
saw Leon Bogdanovich and Mikhail Petrushkevich walking slowly near the house of
Brog and his own house. He even wanted to ask them what they were doing in the
middle of the night, but they quickly went away, so he went home to sleep.
According to the copy of the verdict of the judge of the 2
district of Siauliai town of March 20, 1912, Mikhail Petrushkevich was
sentenced for 5 months of prison for larceny and served the penalty till August
20, 1912.
On the basis of the above testimony, town dweller of Pusalotas, Mikhail
Petrushkevich, son of Mikhail, 30 years old, and town dweller of Panevezys,
Leon Bogdanovich, son of Liudvik, 29 years old, are charged with the crime
specified in paragraphs 13 and 4 of article 1453 of the Code of Penalties.
Having agreed beforehand to rob Ruvin Brog and his family and kill them, with
some blunt object caused injuries to Ruvin and Frayda Brog, which resulted in
brain concussion and death of both Brogs, and stole 75 rubles and bills 500
rubles worth.
Mikhail Petrushkevich and Leon Bogdanovich, according to paragraph 201 of the
Statute of Criminal Court, should be brought to trial in Kaunas Regional Court
with the participation of the jury on
April 30, 1913 in Panevezys. Confirmed by Vilnius Court Chamber on May 24,
1913. Pages 12-15.
Three judges presided at the trial - F.I.Krivitsky, F.P.Dauguvet, and the
chairman, F. M. Rapoport (Jewish?)
Testimonies of witnesses interrogated by pristav on September 16-17:
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