Panevezys Jewish Middle School - 1931 - 4th end of term, December.
From Right to Left - Standing: Berke Berchin, Henke Chalupsky, Zorach Mann (from Pushelat), S. Alisvoch.
Seated: Gerson Dakowitz, Soske Zetzer (from Pushelat), Class Teacher-Meier Resnikowitz, Yentke Chepelowitz, Yankel Shain.
Seated on floor: Merke Godashewitz, Rivke Levin.
Panevezys Jewish Middle School Graduation Class - 1931 - 4th end of term, December.
From Right to Left, Top Row: Zorach Mann (from Pushelat), Glitzman (Teacher), Yankele Shain, Berke Berchin.
Second Row: S. Alisvoch, Isaacson (Teacher), Mary Godashewitz, Meier Resnikowitz (Teacher), Rivke Levin, Gershon Dakowitz.
3rd Row, Seated: Feigenson (Teacher), Kleinstein, Riger (Teacher), Razansky (Principal).
Sitting on Floor: Soske Zetzer (from Pushelat - later married Velvel Witen), Yentke Chepelowitz, Henke Chalupsky.
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Puselotas (Pushelat), Lithuania
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