Table of Contents

Bereza Necrology

Surname First Names Where they lived in Bereza Number in Family Remarks
Archik & wife & son and daughter market place next to Veinshtein 4  
Aguz Henya (widow), 2 sons Mikal and Chaim Olner 3  
Aharonovitz Ishakar and wife and 2 daughters and mother and sister of Ishakar left 6  
Aksman Aharon and wife Yenta and 2 daughter and mother of Yenta, Reshle's Ester market place 5 dairy store
Aksman Hirshl, wife Reizl 3 May St. 2  
Aksman Sholom and wife Zoneh born Goldshtein and 2 children 3 May St. 4 Shoemaker
Alexandrovski Moshe, his wife Chaya born Goldberg, daughter Ritza & husband & daughter left next to the Khassidic Shtibel 5 medical knowledge
Alprin Ben Tzion wife Miriam, sons Abraham and Menachem Shasay across from Zaltzman 4 tailor
Alprin Erukhmial, wife Etl, daughter Batya & daughter Shasay across from Zaltzman 4 stitcher/sewer
Alprin Mushke widower & son Asher Olner next to Epshtein 2  
Alprin see Galprin      
Altman Meita daughter of Khema, wagon owner Shasay next to fire dept. 1  
Ashman Aharon and wife Shasay, opposite the woodmill 2  
Ashman Sholom and wife Shasay, opposite the woodmill 2 photographer
Ashman Yakob and wife Faya (born Seletzki) and 2 sons and a daughter Shasay next to the "Kezremes" by Seletzki 5 photographer
Abraham and sister and mother Public housing ? 3 shoemaker (employee)
Baier Chaim and wife and son Tzerkovna 3 tailor
Baier Eliezer, wife Rakhel daughter of Rasheh Tzerkovna 3 tailor
Baier Mendl and wife and 3 daughters and son Shkolna across from the Tarbut School 6 tailor
Baier Yosef, wife Khashkeh, daughter Tzina, daughter Fruma, and son Yosef Aharon Shkolna across from the Tarbut School 5 Carpenter
Balgalei Leibl and wife Rakhel and son (son-in-law of Yakhnah Orshovski) across from the public bath house 3 carpenter
Barkleid Yosef and wife and 2 sons and 2 sisters of Yosef: Peitza and Rachel next to Yehuda Potok 6 Metal worker
Barkleid Zelig, wife Chana (born Polak) and mother of Zelig behind the "Kezremes" next to Hetzigeleneya 3 In charge of the workshop of the bricks
Barnitzki Ester and her husband market place next to Neidos 2  
Batlai Yakob and wife Feitza (daughter of Mordechai Vinik) and daughter Olner with Mordechai Vinik 3  
Beizer Fishl and wife and son Leibl Public housing ? 3 Forest laborer
Beker Pesach and sister PerItzl from Otovetzk Shasay lived with Chaim-Zelig Blyakher 2  
Berezman Moshe and wife Berta and son Sioma and daughter Ida Shasay across from Tbolitzki 4  
Berezman Yehoshu and wife Ester and daughter Leah and son Binyamin left 4  
Berezman see Frankl, Berezman      
Berezman see Zarestski, Meir      
Berkovich Motl and wife Pesel and son Leibl Pruzany St. 3 grain merchant
Berkovich Peishke and wife and daughter Yakhna and son David and another 2 daughters Post Office 6 blacksmith
Berkovich see Kagan, Yosef      
Berlem Motl and wife Ester and daughter Peshka and another daughter Olner in Yehuda Tukman's house 4 Canteen in the market place
Berman Abrahamel Public housing ? 1 shoemaker employee
Berman Leizer son of Malka, brother of Devora Rappaport Shasay across from Grenberg 1 electrician
Berman Meir and sister Devora Shasay across from Grenberg 2 shoemaker employee
Berman Rebeka (widow of Mutiah) and daughter market place 2  
Berman Toiba (widow), son Nachum and wife and daughter Public housing ? 4  
Berman Yeshayahu and wife Miriam and 2 daughters and mother of Miriam Public housing ? 5 worked in the cemetery
Bilchik Chaya-Etl, widow and daughter Chana Shasay next to Zaltzman 2 General Store
Bilchik Eliahu-Yosef and wife Sara Elka and daughter Liba Pruzany St. next to the synagogue 3  
Bilchik Feivl and wife Broka and daughter Shifra Tbolitzki 3  
Bilchik Shleimka and wife Sara born Kolishovski Tbolitzki 2 carpenter
Blum and wife and 2 daughters and son and mother 3 May St. 6 Store
Blumshtein Chana-Musheh from Lineve Shasay in Grenvald house 1  
Blumshtein Shleimka and wife Sheindl and 2 daughters Peshkeh and Chuma 3 May St. next to Mendl Ravitz 4 Store for writing materials
Blumshtein Shoika and wife Sima (daughter of Folk Rshinski) and daughter Shasay in Folk Rshinski's house 3  
Blumshtein see Kaplan, Chava      
Blyakher Chaim-Zelig and wife Shasay next to Subinski 2 tailor
Blyakher Itzak and wife Bluma and son and daughter Shernetzel St. 4 shoemaker
Blyakher Kinka (widow from Kosowa) and daughter Malka left next to Chaim Epshtein 2  
Bovitz widow of Yisaskhar Shasay next to Riterman 1 pharmacy
Braverman Henia (widow of Yankel), son Nisen and grandmother Leah Bluma Shasay across from woodmill 3  
Braverman Meir and wife and son Leibl and Tovah 3 May St. 4 Bakery
Braverman widow of Efraim, son Chaim, son Meir, daughter Tzviah and another daughter Olner next Fisher 5 Harness/Leather
Brazovski (Shamekheh) and daughter Shasay next to Levinzon 2  
Brazovski Henia (widow of Yehuda the teacher) and daughter Hodes left across from Shlosberg 2  
Brazovski Ruben and wife Leah left across from Shlosberg 2 carpenter employee
Breisha Efraim and wife Dovka Vavitz St 2 sold lottery tickets
Breisha Leiba and wife and 2 sons Post Office St. 4 blacksmith
Breisha see Pilechik, Idl      
Brenshtein see Pudorovski, Idel      
Brindel Leibl (Kashe's) and wife Brokha and 3 sons and 2 daughters and mother left 8 barber
Broida Chaim and wife Merl (born Langer) Shasay across from Vlobelski 2  
Broida Israel and wife and 3 daughters and son-in-law Shasay across from Vlobelski 6 Grocery store
Broida Leibl, his wife Rakhel and son Sholom and daughter Bashkeh and her husband Pered Shtat next to the river 5 shoemaker
Broida Mendl & wife and mother. The son of Shlomo (of blessed memory)-Chassid Broida St. 3 Restaurant
Bronshtein Asher and wife Khasha Tbolitzki 2 sewing shop
Bukh'halter Feivl and wife Mushkeh, son Leibl and son and daughter Seltz St. 5 Butcher
Bukh'halter Hirshl, wife Bobl and son Kalman close to "Kadisha" Synagogue 3 Butcher
Bukh'halter Meir and wife Elka and 2 daughters and son Kalman Shernetzel St. 5 Fabric store
Bukh'halter Yosef and wife and son Tuviah, daughter Keila, son Maier, son Itzak Seltz St. 6 Butcher
Bukshtein Alter (widower) Shernetzel St. 1  
Bukshtein Aryeh and wife Yakha and 5 daughters; Plata, Khadka, Sarah'ka, Perleh, Mirl Shasay next to Zaltzman 7 Soda Factory
Bukshtein Asher, wife Henya Broida St. 2  
Bukshtein Chaim (son of Alter) Shernetzel St. 1  
Bukshtein David and wife and son Shema and son Abraham, and 2 sons and daughter Shasay across from Grenberg 7 Butcher
Bukshtein Itzak, wife Hinda (born Galprin), and daughters; Roza, Chinka son Yosef Pered Shtat 5 shoemaker
Bukshtein Itzl and wife (daughter of Yakob Icheh Druker who lives in Mordechai Zakheim's house) Shasay corner of Shernetzel 2 Horse merchant
Bukshtein Pesach and wife and 2 children (son of Shlomo) next to Neidos Gershon 4 Butcher
Bukshtein Pesach, wife Sara (born Chestler), son Moshe and 2 daughters Shasay next to Shtuker Sima 5 Horse merchant
Bukshtein Shlomo and wife next to Neidos Gershon 4 Butcher
Bukshtein Tuviah, wife Sara and 2 daughters (son of Alter) Shernetzel St. 4 Horse merchant
Bukshtein widow of Yehuda and 2 daughters next to Neidos Gershon 3 butcher shop
Bukshtein Zunya, wife Baske and daughter Beilah and son Nota Shasay next to Vlobelski 4 shoemaker
Bukshtein see Goldberg, Israel      
Bukshtein see Kharali, Shaul      
Bukshtein see Kolodny, Israel      
Burgman see Krshinski, the teacher      
see Bukstein, Peseach, wife Sara      
Chesler see Kobel, Moshe      
Hirshl and wife and son Yosef, daughter Zelda and another 2 daughters left 6 shoemaker
Dentzig Leiby and wife Mekhala and daughter Leah Shasay next to the "Kezremes" 3 Roof repair
Derchinski Eliahu and wife Sheina (born Dubovski and 2 daughters Olner on top of Veinshtein 4 Carpenter
Derechinski Meilakh and wife Freidl, son Borukh, daughter Feigl and daughter Chaya'ka Olner on top of Veinshtein 5 Fabric store
Derechinski Mikal and wife Devosha, born Tukman Olner on top of Veinshtein 2 Buyer of butter and chickens
Ditkovitz Aharon and wife Shifra and 2 daughters 3 May St. 4 Painter
Ditkovitz Nachum Itzah and wife and daughter Beiltzah 3 May St. 3 Metal worker
Ditkovitz Shmuel and wife Chana (daughter of Berl Kravchik) and son Broida St. in Berl Kravitz' home 3 Painter
Doidovitz see Pomerantz, Leiby      
Dratzinski see Kravitz, Feibl      
Drugotzinski Shaul, and wife Chaya Eshkeh, son Leibl and son Feivl and daughter Sheina and daughter Basheh Olner next to Potok 6 Tranport wagon from Lioishki to Bluden
Druker see Bukshtein, Itzl      
Druker Leiby and wife Rasheh, son Itzak, daughter Peshka and another daughter Olner, lived in Yosha's house 5 Tranport wagon from Lioishki to Bluden
Dubinski Ester (widow), 3 sons: Moshe, Pinchas, and Tzvi , 2 daughters: Fruma and Breina Olner - daughter of Yosha the coach owner 6 store
Dubovski see Derchinski, Eliahu      
Dubovski Abraham and wife Zeditever St. next to Niselboim 2 fish and chicken buyer
Dulgin Nakhman and wife Freida and son Yehuda and son Leibl and daughter Ikta Shasay near bridge #2 5 Blacksmith
David & 2 daughters, one married and husband across from the "Keserketin" 4 Bakery
Edelshtein Arnial & wife Chaya and daughter next to Post Office 3 Brick factory
Elberg Moshe left next to Shlosberg 1 wooden houses builder
Elberg Yosef & wife Itka and daughter left across from Shlosberg 3 Barber
Elman Aharon Shmuel & wife & handicaped daughter & her husband Shlomo & 2 daughters Shasay next to bridge #1 6 shoemaker
Engel Mushke (daughter of Arkeh Pomerantz) & husband & daughter Chana Shasay next to bridge #1 3 kiosk
Epelboim Chana (Miasevitz), daughter Mariasha, daughter Khumah Shasay Berezman Home 3  
Epelboim Yehuda and wife and son Olner next to Shapira 3  
Epshtein Chaim and wife Reizl, daughter Rebeka, daughter Leah left 4 Shoemaker
Epshtein Feigl and husband and 2 children Shasay by Goldfein near Bridge #2 4 daughter of Shimon from the village of Oo'lian
Epshtein Gavriel and wife Shkolna 2 Glazier
Epshtein Leibl & wife Rakhel born Potek Olner 2 carpenter
Epshtein Moshe-Eli and wife Tzviah (born Subinski)   2 carpenter
Epshtein Shimcha, wife Pola, son Moshe and daughter Shasay next to woodmill 4 Flourmill
Epshtein Shmuel and wife Dina and 3 daughters Shasay next to Vlovski 5 Grocery store
Epshtein Yehoshua & wife daughter of Leah & 3 sons Shasay next to Vlovski 6 Carpenter/
Epshtein Yosef-Shimcha and wife Chana and son Kalman. daughter Leiba Olner 4 Shoemaker
Epshtein Zalman and sister left 2 Carpenter
Epshtein Zalman and wife Shasay next to Vlovski 2 Carpenter
Epshtein see Zarestski, Tuviah      
see Feigenblut      
Feigenblut Feigenbaum?/David and wife and mother-in-law Freida and daughter Sara, daughter Shoshana and another daughter Shasay across from Levinzon 5 Fabric store
Feiglman Berl and wife and son Kalman left 3 Shames (Synagogue Sextant/Beadle)
Feiglman see Kobrinski, Shimon      
Feingold Sender and wife Lib'kheh and 2 daughters and son Shasay close to the Post Office 5 worked in the Sid factory
Feldman Chaim and daughter Feigl and her husband and son Olner 5 Tailor
Feldman see Zakheim, Yakob      
Finkel widow and married daughter and her husband and son Shasay next to the Post Office 4 Grocery Store
Fisher Itzak. wife Chana Rakhel. daughter Nekhama and another daughter Liba Olner 4  
Fishls Shmuel and wife Shasay; lived in Shlomo the Shochet's home 2 Shochet
Fishman Velya widow and son Leibl and daughter Manya (Polonskerkah) Shkolna next to the Tarbut School 3  
Frankl (Berezman) widow Ora and son Menakhum and another son Shasay across from the fire station 3 Store for writing materials
Frankl Polya and her husband Shasay; lived in Eliezer Neiman's home 2 Polya was a dentist
Frankl Rakhel widow and son David and son Eliahu and daughter Sara and daughter 3 May St. across from Aksman 5  
Fridenberg Mutia and wife (daughter of Chinka Kagan) and 2 sons Shasay; lived with Kagan (who was across from Grenberg) 4  
Fridenberg Shimon (nickname Chipuk )and wife Sara Menukha Shernetzel 2 sold fruit
Fridenberg Yakob and wife Itka and son Leibl and daughter Hinda Shernetzel 4 Tailor
Fridenberg see Kagan, Mendl      
Fridenshtein Binyamin and wife Eta (daughter of Feigl Geler) and daughter Shasay; lived with Geler 3 worked in the forest
Fridenshtein Moshe (son of Yakob-Asher and Rakhel), wife Leah, and son 3 May St. across from Aksman 3  
Fridenshtein Yakob-Asher, wife Rakhel (born Goldberg), son Shimcha, daughter Freidl (Orphan) Shasay; corner of Tbolitzki 4 Lumber merchant
Fridman Abraham and wife and daughter Leah and her husband and daughter of Leah End of Shasay next to Bridge #2 5  
Fridman Alter (his children), daughter Ester, daughter Shprintza, daughter Sulkeh, son Shmuel 3 May St. 4  
Fridman David (Bolshevik) and wife Reizl, daughters: Tzerna, Sheindl, Ester; sons: Shmuel, Shimon, Naftali, Moshe, Abraham; Chaim Aryeh and his wife Feigl and their Berl 3 May St. 14 Builder of wooden houses
Fridman David (son of Yosef Ruben), wife Mekhala and 4 daughters and a son Shatz St. 7  
Fridman Fridl widow and son Pruzany St. across from Bilchik 2 Glazier
Fridman Hirshl, wife Blumkeh (daughter of Modish Galprin) and 2 sons Shasay; lived in Chaya Etl Bilchik's home 4 Fixed bicycles
Fridman Itzah and wife and 2 daughters Market Place across from Serlin 4 Itzah
Fridman Mikal and wife, daughter Itka, daughter Rakhel, and daughter Tzipora Shasay near the Post Office 5 son of Yosef Ruben
Fridman Moshe (son of Yosef) and wife (daughter of Binyamin Kobrin) Market place; lived with Kobrin 2 Blacksmith
Fridman Nakhman and wife, daughter Zlatka, daughter Feigl, daughter Chana, daughter Henia, son Yosef   7  
Fridman Nakhum-Icheh widower and daughter Sheindl Beit Chaim 2 Carpenter
Fridman Sheina Breina and daughter Henia and her husband and 2 daughters Shasay next to bridge #2 5 Brought chickens and fish
Fridman widow of Yosef Ruven and son Sholom and son Hirshl Shatz St. 3  
Fridman Yosef and wife and son Kalman Shasay across from Sima Shtuker 3 Blacksmith
Fridman see Kolishovski, Zusha      
Fridman see Tukman, Saneh      
Fridman see Veinshtein, Sara      
see Bukshtein, Itzak      
Galprin see Fridman, Hirshl      
Galprin Feivl and wife Keila (born Kravitz) Shasay next to Danchik 2 Lumber merchant
Galprin Israel Tzadok and wife Hodes and daughter Peitza and daughter Mileh Shasay next to Dantzig 4 Lumber merchant
Galprin Isser, wife (nickname Pasheh) Pered Stat 2 Builder of wooden houses
Galprin Modosh and wife Henia and daughter Lubka Across from Yehuda Potok 3 forestry merchant  
Galprin Moshe (nickname Pasha) Pered Stat 1 Builder of wooden houses
Galprin Peitzah (lived in Ben Tzion Alprin's house) Shasay across from Zaltzman 1 Nurse
Galprin Sheina and sister Eta and her husband Pered Stat 3  
Galprin Shmuel and wife Friedka and daughter Leah Pered Stat 3 Builder of wooden houses
Geler see Fridenshtein, Binyamin      
Geler Feigl (widow) Shasay corner of Post Office 1 Partnership in Shoe store
Geler Rakhel (widow of Hillel) Olner 1  
Geler see Greivski, Feivl      
Geler see Pinchuk, Meir      
Gelman Aharon, wife Leah Seltzer 2 Store
Gerber daughter Rakhel and daughter Tzviah, and 2 more daughters in the courtyard of Devora Berkovich 5 shoemaker
Gerber see Vinik, Yakob      
German Alter and wife and son Khanon Shernetzel 3 Grain Buyer
German Alter and wife Gitl and daughter Liba and another daughter Mina Shasay next to Mendl Broida 4 Fabric Store
German Kalman and wife Blumkeh and daughter Miriam and son Yosef Shasay 4 Fixed Bicycles
German Shepsel and wife Ester, daughter of Berl & Tzalka Reshet Shasay next to Levinzon 2 Grain merchant
German see Glezer, Yakob      
German see Karpel, Moshe      
Gershgorn Borukh and mother Malka and wife and son Beit Chaim 4 Kiosk selling sweets
Gershgorn Moshe and wife Shasay across from Gerber 2 Women's tailor
Gershgorn see Pomerantz, Itzl      
Gershgorn see Subinski, Meirum      
Ginshpring Abraham Itzak and wife Shasay across from Levinzon 2 from the village Varmut; Grain Merchant
Ginshpring Chaim and wife Teibl and daughter (lives in Abraham Pomerantz's home) Shasay close to the bridge 3 fruit merchant
Ginshpring Moshe-Shimcha, wife Breina and son Binyamin and daughter Ester and daughter Sara and her husband and son Olner 7 fruit merchant
Ginzburg Nisen and wife and 3 daughters and son Shasay across from Winik 6 Restaurant
Glezer Aharon, wife, daughter Chaya, daughter Doba, another daughter and grandmother market place 6 Store
Glezer Aizik, wife, daughter (nickname Teigakatz) Broida St. 3 Beverage Store
Glezer Eli and wife and son and daughter Broida St. 4 Beverage Store
Glezer Sadya, wife Pesel, and two sons Broida St. 4 Fabric Store
Glezer Yakob and wife Baska (daughter of Alter German), daughter, and mother of Yakob Broida St. 4 Store
Glutzerman (daughter of Nachum Yudel) 2 sons and a daughter 3 May St. 4  
Glutzerman Abraham and wife Beila and her sister, a daughter and 3 sons next to "Kadisha" Synagogue 7 Labor foreman for Vilnik - making roads
Glutzerman Elimelekh and wife Chana, son Shlomo, son Shimcha, daughter Mera and another daughter Seltzer 6 Worked in the flourmill of Makerniski
Goldberg see Alexandrovski, Moshe      
Goldberg see Fridenshtein      
Goldberg Hirshl and wife Rebeka (born Grosman) and 4 sons: Aharaon, Shimshon, Yosef, Moshe left 6 nickname Shtreialach
Goldberg Israel and wife (daughter of Shlomo Bukshtein), daughter Feigl, son Henok and another 3 daughters corner of Shernetzel St. and 3 May St. 7 buyer of flax
Goldberg Itzah (Itzak) (son of Israel and Yenta), and wife Sonia (born Lovshovski), son Mordechai and another son Yakob Tzerkovena 4  
Goldberg Itzah-Hirshl and wife and 2 daughters next to "Kadisha" Synagogue 4 Butcher
Goldberg Leiby (son of Israel and Yenta) and wife and 3 children left next to Burgman 5  
Goldberg Mordechai and wife Sheina, daughter Feigl, daughter Leah, son Shmuel-David Broida St. 5 Butcher
Goldberg Moshe-Aharon, wife Chaya, daughter Leah Olner next to Tukman 3  
Goldberg Pincheh and wife and sister of Pincheh, Gutl, son Yakob, son David, son Chaim, daughter Malka Shasay across from Beit Chaim St. (? Cemetery St.) 7 Pincheh
Goldberg see Shmorovitzki, Motl      
Goldberg see Siminovski, Hirshl      
Goldfein Shmuel Shasay close to the bridge 1 Flourmill owner
Goldshtein see Aksman, Sholom      
Goldshtein Zunya and wife Broida St. 2 tailor
Goldshtein see Sapir, and sister…      
Gordon widow, son Binyamin, daughter and her husband and 2 daughters Shasay next to Ashman 6 from the village Varmut; Grain Merchant
Gorodetzki Nachum and wife and child Shasay with Winik 3 Electrical engineer
Gostovski Moshe and wife, son David and another 3 sons market place 6 Harness/Leather
Greenvald Rasha and daughter Sonia and son Feivl (pharmacy) Shasay across from Beit Chaim St. (?Cemetery St.) 3 pharmacy
Greivski Feivl and wife Chava (daughter of Rakhel Geler) and son Olner with Rakhel Geler 3 worked in Sid (white wash)
Greivski Itzl, Kheshkeh, and another sister Shernetzel 3 worked in Sid (white wash)
Greivski see Liberman, Shepsel      
Grenberg see Yaver, Yitzak      
Grenberg Abraham, wife Rebeka, 3 daughters: Feigl, Mushka, Dova, and son Leibl Olner 6 tailor
Grenberg Shmuel and wife Ester Rakhel (born Samorovitzki) and 2 sons: Aharon and Moshe Shasay across from the "Talmud Torah" 4 Kiosk selling newpapaers
Grosman Goldberg, Hirshl      
Grosman Eliahu (nickname Streialakh) and wife near bridge #2 2 store
Guberman Ekhial and wife and 2 children Shasay in Mikal Fridman's home 4 owner of a warehouse of rags
Guberman Shmuel and wife and daughter and mother Shasay next to fire station 4 owner of a warehouse of rags
Guberman Yosef and wife and son Itzl and son Abrahamel and David Shasay next to fire station 5  
Ester and daughter Vikhna, daughter Elka, daughter Roza and her husband and daughter Sonia and son Kalman   7 village - Lisotzitz
Halprin Israel and Golda, son Fishl-Leib, daughter Otka, son Abraham   5 village - Nivka
Heidemak Moshe and wife and son Dov and 2 daughters Shasay in Shlomo the Shochet's house 5 store
Meirim & daughter and husband Eliahu, and 2 sons market place 5 Beverage store
Izenshtein Akhsah, son of Losia (lawyer) & wife & son market place 4 Fabric store
Izenshtein David, his wife Bele'kheh, son Mendl and daughter Olner next to Fisher 4  
Izenshtein Erakhmial, his wife Rakhel, son Idel and 3 daughters left next to Alexandrovski 6  
Izenshtein Heneniah, his wife Bobl, daughter Neomi; Rebeka daughter of Heneniah and her husband Itzkeh, and 2 sons market place 7 store
Izenshtein Maks, his wife Sarah (born Udelovski) and daughter Zeditevah 3  
Izenshtein Moshe (son-in-law of Vlobelski) & wife Pemitzah, son Binyamin & mother-in-law wife of Vlobelski) Shasay by Vlobelski 4  
see Fridenberg, Mutia      
Kagan Avigdor and wife and daughter Chaya and 2 children Shasay across from Shernetzel 5 Glazier
Kagan Bobke and married daughter and her husband and 2 children Biet Chaim 5  
Kagan Borukh-Yakob and wife Chana-Tzviah Shasay across from Guberman 2 Shoemaker
Kagan Chinka and married daughter Chaya and her husband and 2 children Shasay across from Grenberg 5  
Kagan David and wife and daughter Shasay across from Shernetzel 3 Wife was seamstress
Kagan Ekhial-Moshe, wife Chava, daughter Feigl, daughter Beiletza, son Asher, son Menashe Shasay next to Arye Bukshtein 6 tailor
Kagan Israel and wife and daughter Doba and daughter Mekhala 3 May St. 4  
Kagan Mendl, wife Chana (daughter Shimon Fridenberg) and daughter Shernetzel lived with Fridenberg 3 Wagon owner
Kagan Moshe, wife Rasha and son and daughter Biet Chaim 4 Store
Kagan Shema wife Keila and son Betzalel and son Itzik and daughter Itka Shasay next to Feingold 5  
Kagan Sholom and wife Elka born Siminovski and daughter Tzirl'ah   3  
Kagan Yoel Mordechai and wife Ester and 3 daughters: Frida, Sara, Tzirl Shasay next to bridge #2 5 Shoemaker
Kagan Yosef and wife Devora (Berkovich) and son Hillel Shasay across from the wood mill 3  
Kagan Zalman and wife and 2 daughters Shasay across from Guberman 4 stitcher / stitcher/sewer
Kagan see Shpozhnik, Moshe      
Kaganski Berl-Leib and wife, son Yosef, son Abraham, daughter Shoshana and son Shkolna across from the Tarbut School 6 Store in the market place
Kaminitzki David and wife and 2 daughters Shasay across from the Talmud Torah 4 Carpenter
Kaminitzki Khetziah (widow of Yosef who was killed by the Kazremes 1939), daughter Ester, and daughter Yosefa) Olner; lived in Tukman's house 4  
Kaminitzki Shaul, wife Zlata, daughter Broka and daughter Chaya Pruzany St. next to the Synagogue 4 A kiosk in the market place for baked goods
Kaminitzki Shlomo, wife Sara and 2 sons and a daughter lived in the courtyard of the fire station 5 Metal worker/fixed bicycles
Kantor Abraham and brother Berl left 2 hired tailor/journeyman
Kaplan Chava, widow, mother of Leibl and Sheindl Blumshtein 3 May St. 1  
Kaplan Fishl, wife, and daughter, and aunt Chana Maleikhah or from Eleikha Olner 4  
Kaplan from the town of Pruzany and 2 daughters and a son-in-law and son of one of the daughters Shasay next to the Kezremes 5 Grocery store
Kaplan Isser (widower) and daughter Meiteh and another daughter Gitl and husband Chaim Olner 4 Cultivated lands
Kaplan Leibl and wife Etl (daughter of Zlata Subinski) & daughter Olner; lived with Zlata Subinski 3 Music teacher
Kaplan Mordechai, daughter Mekhalah, daughter Reva, son Mendl, son Abrahamel and second wife Freidl and a mutual daughter Tzerkovna corner of left 7 Bakery
Kaplan Moshe, wife Zlatkeh, daughter Toibl, son Abraham, and Yerakhmiel Tzerkovna 5 Bicycle Store
Kaplan Tzipa (daughter of Itzah Lisker) and daughter Toibl and 2 sons Shernetzel; lived with father - Itzah Lisker 4 Her husband Leibl transported merchandise from Branovitz. He was sent to Russia and he died there.
Kaplan Yehoshua, wife Elka (midwife) and daughter Mina and son Volk Post Office St. 4 Yehoshua worked in the bank
Kaplan see Slodovinik, Abraham      
Karpel Moshe and wife Konka (born German) and daughter Rakhel and Tzipora Shasay next to Vavitz 4 Store for Leather / animal hides
Kas Yakob and daughter with her husband and 2 daughters Shatz (sidestreet) 5 Yakob used to grind flour in the flourmill
Kaserski Feigeh (widow) and son Itzah, daughter married to Beinish Vavitz St. 4 Grain merchant
Kaserski Khanon, wife Bashkeh, daughter Leah, daughter Tzipora, son Avigdor Shasay across from the wood mill 5 Grain merchant
Kavah Yakob and wife and daughter and son 3 May St. 4 Upholstery
Kelnitzki Ishakar and wife Chaya and brother of Chaya and daughter and 2 sons Shasay corner of Zediteva 6 Grocery wholesaler
Kharali Shaul, wife Sharakah (daughter of Bukshtein), and daughter Tzerna lived in Khaikin's home on Shernetzel St. 3  
Khareski Eliahu and wife and daughter Sonia (from the village of Nevka) lived in Yehuda Potok's home 3  
Kheikin Nakhman and wife and son Mordechai Corner of Shasay and Shernetzel 3 Grocery store
Khomski Chana (wife of Yosef) and son Meir and daughter Tzipora Market place across from Berman 3  
Khomski Hillel and wife and daughter Kheshkeh and son Pinkhas Seltzer 4 Fruit merchant
Khomski Yehuda and wife and 3 children Seltzer 5 Buyer of grain
Kipen Teibl (widow of Moniya the shoemaker) and son and daughter Shernetzel across from Shlomo Buckshtein's 3  
Kirzhner Moshe, wife Toiba and daughter Mera and daughter Chaya 3 May St. next to the bridge 4 Tailor
Kirzhner Nakhum, wife Bashka and 3 sons and daughter left next to HirshlGoldberg 6 Tailor
Kirzhner Yosef and wife (the blind one) 3 May St. next to the bridge 2  
Kirzhner Yosef and wife and son Yeshaya and daughter 3 May St. next to the bridge 4 Tailor
Kleiman Abraham Itzak, wife Rakhel, 2 daughters: Henia, and Risha, and 4 sons: Shlomo, Sholom, Mairim, Yosef Pruzany St. across from the Synagogue 8 Hat maker
Kleiman Mordechai, wife Risha Pruzany St. across from the Synagogue 2 Wooden house builder
Kleiman Yosef-Aharon, wife Fruma and daughter Freitzka and daughter Risha Shasay; across from the fire station 4 Wooden house builder
Kleiman see Kobrin, Yehoshua      
Kobel Berl, wife Veleh, 4 sons: Yosef, Shayeh, Zundl, Yakob, and daughter Rebeka Shasay; corner of Beit Chaim 7 Blacksmith
Kobel Moshe, wife Beilkah (born Chesler) and son Pruzany St.; in the home of Rutka 3 Fixed bicycles
Kobel Pinya and wife Basha (born Rabinitzki) and son Moshe and son Noakh and daughter Etka Post Office St. 5 Metal worker and blacksmith
Kobrin see Fridman, Moshe      
Kobrin Abraham Yehoshua and wife Tzerkovna 2 Store for metal
Kobrin Binyamin and wife and son Gershon and daughter (from the village of Pishke) Market place next to Niselboim 4 Shoemaker
Kobrin Yehoshua (son of Binyamin) and wife Gitl (born Kleiman) and child Market place next to Niselboim 3 Shoemaker
Kobrinski Shimon, brother Moshe, wife of Shimon (born Feiglman) lived in Glutzerman's home; next to the "Kadishai" synagogue 3 Moshe was a journeyman shoemaker
Kolishovski see Bilchik, Shleinka      
Kolishovski Fishl, wife Reva, son Hertzl Beit Chaim 3 Tailor
Kolishovski Zusha, wife Leah (daughter of Nakhman Fridman) Beit Chaim; lived in father's home -Fishl Klishovski 2 Zusha was a journeyman shoemaker
Kolodner Efraim, wife Gitl, 3 daughters: Nekhama, Ester, Leba, son Shaul Shkolna next to the government public school 6  
Kolodny Israel, wife Sima (daughter of Asher Bukshtein) and son and 2 daughters Broida 5 Horse and fruit merchant
Kosovski (wife, from Blodnia) and daughter Khoma Market Place 2 Grocery Store
Kosovski Tzimakh, wife Teibl (born Roterman) and son and sister of Tzimakh Shasay; lived in the Ruterman's home 4 Grain merchant
Krasik Velvel and wife (daughter of Yosef Krinski) and 2 daughters Subinski next to Kravitz 4 Store
Kravchik see Ditkovitz, Shmuel      
Kravchik Berl and wife (from Shershev) Boida 2 Hat maker
Kravchik Eli and wife (from Shershev) Boida 2 Hat maker
Kravchik Leizer, Perl, daughter Rebeka, daughter Reizl daughter from 1st wife -- From second wife: daughter Miriam, son Israel-Chaim, son Asher Pruzany corner of Shkolna 7 Fish Merchant
Kravelnik Hirshl, wife Liza and son David, daughter Ester, daughter Polya and her husband and son Shasay across from Vinik 7 Lumber merchant
Kravitz see Galprin, Feibl      
Kravitz Feivl, wife Mekhala (daughter of Mikal Dratzinski) and daughters Leah, Sara, Bela Subinski 5 Fabric store
Kravitz Yakob, wife Bluma and daughter Toibl and her husband and son Boida 5 Harness maker
Kravitz see Pitkovski, Abraham      
Krinski see Krasik, Velvel      
Krinski Israel, wife, daughter, son Shasay next to bridge 4 Shoemaker
Krinski Shlomo, wife, 2 sons and 3 daughters Tbolitzki 7 Shoemaker
Krinski Shmuel (Beinishy's) and wife and 2 sons and 3 daughters Shkolna across from the Tarbut School 7 Tailor
Krinski Yosef and wife, and son Shimcha, son Sana and another son Aizak Market place next to the "Kadisha" Synagogue 5 Store for Leather / animal hides
Krolitzki Hillel (widower), daughter Khoma and her husband and daughter Shernetzel 4 Transport merchandise on horse back
Krolitzki Rikl (sister of Hillel), widow, and son Idl 3 May St. 2 Grocery Store
Krolitzki see Portnoy, Aharon      
Krolitzki see Zakheim, Yona      
Kronik Ashke (widow of Zelig), and daughter Ester and daughter Sara Shasay next to Berl Kobel 3  
Krshinski The teacher (who was a son-in-law of Chaim Aryeh Burgman) and wife and daughter left across from the synagogue 3 Teacher
Krupchitzki Asher and wife Bobl (daughter Golda Lipozhnik) and son and daughter Olner next to Yosef Simcha Epshtein 4 Tailor
Kupranski Fruma (widow) and son Shmuel and another son Rafael Beit Chaim 3 Candy store next to the fire station
Kuzhitz Itzak, wife O'nyota, son Betzalel and another daughter Olner; lived in David Pomerantz' house 4  
see Broida, Chaim      
Langer Chaim and wife, and sister of Chaim: Itka and her husband and 2 daughters 3 May St. next to the River 6 Tailor; son Kalman was killed in 1939
Langer Shepsel, wife Teibl, and son Kalman, daughter Devosha and another daughter Tibl 3 May St. next to the River 5 Tailor
Lavershtein Hirshl and wife Tzirl and daughter Shasay across from the Post Office 3 partners with Liskovski -fabric store
Lederman David and wife and wife's mother, daughter Masha, 2 daughters and 2 sons Shasay; lived in Sima Shtuker's home 8 processed sheepskins
Lefin Leizer and wife nickname Lapidot Shernetzel 2 Fruit merchant
Lefin Meir and wife and 2 daughters Shasay next to Zonshein 4 Fruit merchant
Lefin see Pomerantz, Shabtai      
Leibyh from the village of Senevitz and wife and daughter Zeditever 3 Grain merchant
Leizerovitz Itzah, wife Gitl and daughter Reizl Olner 3 Shoemaker
Leizerovitz Shmerl, wife Ester, son Abraham Olner next to Yehuda Tukman 3 Shoemaker
Leizerovitz Yosef, wife Rakhel, son Moshe, daughter Shasay next to Leiba Tukman 4 Shoemaker
Levinzon Naftali and wife Miriam, wife's sister, son Molik, son Vik, and daughter Shasay 7 Grocery store
Levshovski see Niselboim, Binyamin      
Lezerovski Chaim, wife Kheshkeh (born Pomerantz) and son Shasay next Olner 3 Grain merchant
Lezerovski Zosha, wife Gitl, daughter Rebeka Shasay next to Olner 3 Grain merchant
Liberman Chana-Gitl, widow left 1  
Liberman Shepsel, wife Sara born Greivski, son, daughter End of Shasay; lived in Shmuel Goldfein's house 4  
Liberman see Linovski, Itzl      
Liberman see Slatzki, Meir      
Linovski Itzl and wife born Liberman. Genendel Liberman and her husband and son Shernetzel 5 Grain merchant
Lipozhnik see Krupchitzki, Asher      
Lisitzki Borukh, wife Rebeka, son Shepsel, grandmother Dina Subinski 4 Butcher
Lisitzki Moshe Zerach and his family Bluden train station 4 Butcher
Lisitzki see Novik, Moshe      
Lisker see Kaplan, Tzipa      
Lisker Abraham, wife Elka, and wife's sister left 3 sold kerosene
Lisker Alter, wife Elka, daughter Beilatza and her husband Zakariah and daughter Pruzany across from the synagogue 5 worked in the Sid factory
Lisker Chaim and wife and son and daughter Shernetzel St. 4 Grocery store
Lisker Itzah Shernetzel St. 1 Roof maker
Lisker Moshe and wife Sara born Pudorovski and son Shaika, daughter Matleh Beit Chaim 4 worked in the Sid factory
Liskovski Aharon, wife Fruma and daughter Beit Chaim 3 Rags merchant
Liskovski Gedaliah, wife Devosha and child Shkolna next to the Tarbut school 3 Rags merchant
Liskovski Henokh, wife Velah, daughter Keileh, son Moshe, Sara Liskovski and her husband and son Subinski 7 Store for fabric and clothing
Liskovski Khanon, wife and 2 sons and daughter Court yard of the fire station 5 Wagon driver
Liskovski Khona and wife and 5 sons Shasay next to Sima Shtuker 7 Rags merchant
Liskovski Leib and wife and son and daughter lived in Kipen's house which was across from Gershon Neidos 4 Rags merchant
Liskovski Moshe and wife and married daughter and her husband, and son Hertzl and another son Beit Chaim 6 Merchant
Liskovski Moshe-Henokh, wife Zlata and 2 daughters Shkolna next to the school 4 Wagon driver
Liskovski Riva-Gitl and daughter Toibl and her husband Meir and 2 sons and 3 daughters Beit Chaim the School 8 Shoemaker
Liskovski Sarah, widow of Shlomo Shkolna next to the Tarbut School 1  
Lovshovski see Goldberg, Itzah      
Lovshovski Hirshl Velvel and wife Zlata and daughter Chana Tzerkovena 3 Painter
Feivl and wife and daughter Olner next to Veinshtein 3 Store
Miasevitz see Epelboim, Chana      
Miasnik wife Gitl, daughter of Sholom Broida Pered Stat next to the River 2 Worked in the slaughter house
Mikhlinski Itzak and wife, son Leibl, son Sender, and son Chaim and another son Post Office St. 6 Blacksmith
Mikhlinski Sima (widow) and 4 sons Post Office St. 5 Smithy/forge
Milikovski Shimon and wife and daughter Seltzer 3 Store for animal hides
Milikovski Yakob and daughter Doba and son Motl Olner 3 Store for animal hides
Minkovitz Yekutial and wife Sara and daughter Osnat 3 May St. 3 Melamed (religious subjects teacher)
Minkovski Tzviah (daughter of Aharon Pomerantz) and Child Shasay next to Bridge #1 2  
Miskin Todres, wife, son Leibl, son Chaim Berl, son Shepsel and daughter Tzerkovena 6 Manager of the Bath House
Mkrenski Israel and wife and son Abrahama and son Moshe and daughter Shasay next to the wood mill 5 Flourmill owner
Molodovski Yakob and wife and daughter Malka and another daughter and son Shernetzel 5 Grocery store
Moshkovitz Yakob and wife and son Berl, son Itzah, son Yokhanan, daughter Peltah, daughter Mekhala and her husband and two children Market place 10 Makes tomb stone; beverage store
Movshovitz Eliezer, wife Sara (daughter of Bobka Kagan) Shasay next to fire station 2 Barber
Movshovitz Moshe and wife Chaya and son and daughter Shasay next to fire station 4 Barber
Mozikenski widow (born in Chelm, Poland) and daughter Rebeka and son Itzak Olner; lived in Mlikovski's house 3  
Leizer, wife Sara, and 4 daughters and son left across from Shlosberg 7  
Neidos Gershon and wife Ester and daughter Fanya and her husband Across from the "Kadishai" Synagogue 4 Tree merchant
Neidos Shimon and wife Bilah and daughter Elka and son David Across from the "Kadishai" Synagogue 4 Tree merchant
Neiman Eliezer, mother Sheine Yudes, wife Chana and 2 children Shasay next to Leib Tukman 5 Grocery store
Niselboim Binyamin and wife born Levshovski and 3 children Market place next to Neidos 5 stitcher/sewer, animal hides store
Niselboim Shimon and daughter Malka Zeditever 2  
Nostzki Itzak and wife Chaya and daughter Yokheved and another daughter Masha Across from the Post Office building 4 Fish merchant
Nostzki widow of Abraham and 2 daughters Across from the "Kadishai" Synagogue 3  
Novik Moshe and wife Leah (born Lisitzki) and son Subinski; lived in Lisitzki's house 3 stitcher/sewer
Novinski Fishl and wife and 2 sons Shasay across from the Talmud Tora 4 Shoemaker
Nudl Shlomo, wife born Feiglman and daughter Shasay across from Beit Chaim St. 3 Tailor
widow of Moshe & son Sanah and another son Shasay across from the Post Office 3  
Orbach Ekhial, his wife Shoshana & daughter & 2 sons Shkolna across from Polnisker 5 Barber
Orshovski see Balgalei      
Orshovski Fruma and her husband and son Across from the public bath house 3  
Orshovski Naftali and wife and son Beit Chaim 3 shoe repair store
Alta and sister Khashkeh Pruzany St. 2 Seamstresses
Pesetzki Gutel, wife Rebeka Market Place 2 Shoe Store
Pesetzki Moshe Leib (son of Gutl) and wife Ida and 2 daughters Shasay across from Zaltzman 4 Workshop for winter boots
Pesetzki Pesha and her husband Asher (nickname Seiparta) Olner next to Epshtein 2 fixed rubber boots
Pesetzki Sima and her husband Abrahamel (nickname Seiparta) Olner next to Epshtein 2 fixed rubber boots
Peshel Meir and wife and son Itzak and 3 daughters Post Office 6 Chicken merchant
Pezes and wife Chaya and 2 sons and daughter   5  
Pezes Rakhel and son Archik, and another son Yitzik and a daughter Olner; lived in Epshtein's house 4  
Pilechik from the shtetl of Seletz, lived in the ghetto and wife and son Yudel and 2 children 3 May St. 5  
Pilechik Idl, wife Sheina (born Breisha) and 2 daughters Post Office St.; lived in Brisha's home 4 Carpenter from Seletz
Pinchuk Ester (widow of Chaim). 3 daughters: Kheika, Peiah, Feigl Post Office St. 4  
Pinchuk Meir, wife Rebeka (daughter of Rakhel Geler), son Hillel, son Shmuel Olner; lived in Rakhel Geler's home 4 Butcher
Pitkovski Abraham, wife Rakhel (daughter Feivl Kravitz) and daughter Olner; lived in David Pomerantz' house 3 Store
Pitkovski Moshe and wife Rebeka, daughter Sheindl Pruzany St. 3 Wood / Lumber merchant
Piuk Chaim and wife and 2 daughter (the son of Peniah) Beit Chaim; lived with father 4 Sold deli
Piuk Gershon, wife Rokhama and daughter Adel Shasay across from Levinzon 3 Butcher
Piuk Pinya and wife Breina Beit Chaim 2 Deli manufacturer
Plantovski Yosef, wife Khesia and son Hirshl, daugher Mekala Shasay across from Goldfein 4 Carpenter
Pletkovski Abrahamchik and wife Henia Leah and daughter Idel and daughter Reitza Beit Chaim 4 Tailor
Polak see Barkleid, Zelig      
Polak Abraham and wife and 2 daughters Market Place 4 Grain Merchant
Polak and wife, 2 daughters, and daughter and her husband. They once lived in the village Keresnevor. Market Place 6 Restaurant
Polonskerka see Fishman, Velya      
Pomerantz see Yaver, Chaim      
Pomerantz see Yalom, Shimkha      
Pomerantz see Engel, Mushke      
Pomerantz see Ginshpring, Chaim      
Pomerantz see Lezerovski, Chaim      
Pomerantz see Minkovski, Tzviah      
Pomerantz Abraham (widower) and son David Shasay across from Sima Stuker 2 Blacksmith
Pomerantz Abraham and wife and daughter Breina Olner; next to the public bath house 3 Clothing store
Pomerantz Abrahamel and mother and wife and daughter Pered Stat 4 worked in the Sid factory
Pomerantz Aharon and wife and daughter Liba, daughter Musheh, son Meir Shasay next to Bridge #1 5  
Pomerantz Berl (son of Binyamin) and wife and 3 children 3 May St.; lived in parent's home 5 Was supported by father- Binyamin
Pomerantz Berl and wife and 2 daughters Post Office St. 4 Soda Factory
Pomerantz Binyamin (Kheitka's) and wife Chaya (husband was a Khassid) 3 May St. 2 Store in the market place
Pomerantz Chaim, son of Velvel the butcher who went to the USA Shasay across from the Post Office 1 Butcher
Pomerantz David and wife (from the village of Sholin) Olner; across from Veinshtein 2  
Pomerantz Eliezer and wife Chana and son and daughter Post Office St. 4 Soda Factory
Pomerantz Itzl and wife Leika (daughter of Moshe Gershgoren) and son Pered Stat 3 worked in the Sid factory
Pomerantz Khama and wife Yona (Teibl) [daughter of Reznik from Afula, Israel] and daughter Olner; lived in Shmerl Lazerovich's home 3  
Pomerantz Leiby, wife Sara-Feigl, 4 sons: ?Ora, Meir, Itzak, Shimkha; and 2 daughters: Musha, Risha, and 2 grandmothers: Rakhel Pomerantz, Fruma Doidovitz Shasay next to bridge #1 10 Shoemaker
Pomerantz Liba (widow) and 2 children Shasay next to bridge #1 3 Her husband was kill in 1939
Pomerantz Motl, brother Itzah, sister Chana Shemayahu? 3  
Pomerantz Mushke and husband and daughter Shasay next to bridge #1 3 Kiosk
Pomerantz Mutiah and wife Corner of Subinski and the market place 2 Store
Pomerantz Shabtai and wife (born Lefin) and 2 sons and daughter Shernetzel St. 5 Blacksmith
Pomerantz Shepsel, wife Chaya Freida and son Israel and son Binyamin Pered Stat the last house 4 Blacksmith from the village of Sholin
Pomerantz Shmuel Aizik, wife Rasheh Post Office St. 2 Soda Factory
Pomerantz Shmuel, wife Sheina and son Shasay across from the fire station 3 Grocery Store
Pomerantz Sholom (son of Zalman) and wife and son Subinski; lived in father's house 3 foreign currency changer
Pomerantz Sholom and wife and daughter and son Shasay across from the fire station 4 Merchant
Pomerantz Teibl and her sister ( daughters of Mutya) Subinski 2 Shoe Store
Pomerantz Yeshaya and mother and sister and her husband & 2 sons Shasay across from Goldfein 6 Blacksmith
Pomerantz Zalman a widower and daughter and her husband Subinski; next to Lisitzki 3 foreign currency changer
Pomerantz Zelig and wife Liba born Pudorovski and daughter Market Place; lived with father - Mutiah 3  
Pomerantz see Slatzki, son-in-law …      
Portnoy Aharon and wife Sara (daughter of Hillel Krolitzki) and 3 sons left; lived in Hillel Krolitzki's home 5 imported merchandise from the city of Brisk
Portnoy Yakob-Leib and daughter Matl and her husband & 2 sons 3 May St. 5 Manufactured oil
Potek see Epshtein, Leibl      
Potok Yehuda, wife Beila, son Israel, son Berl, 3 daughters: Perl, Baska, and Chaya Beginning of Olner St. 7 Shoe Store
Potok Yosef and wife and 2 daughters 3 May St. next to the river 4 Sold fruits
Pribolski and daughter Khamkeh and her husband Leibl and 2 daughters Tzerkovna 5 Nickname Pakterke
Pribolski Mendl, wife Gutke, and son Chaim, son Berl, daughter Devora Post Office St. 5 Tilled the fields in the village of Aronova
Pudorovski Idel and wife Rebeka (born Berenshtein) Beit Chaim; lived with father 2  
Pudorovski Yosef Chaim, wife Keila-Chaya, daughter Meita, son Leib Beit Chaim 4 Metal Worker
Pudorovski see Lisher, Moshe      
Pudorovski see Pomerantz, Zelig      
Pudostroitza Aryeh Leib and wife, daughter Chana Shernetzel St.; lived in Shlomo Bockshtein's house 3 Flour Store
Pudostroitza Itzak and wife Shasay; lived in Begen's home across from Guberman 2 Partner with Sa'adya Resnik
Pudostroitza Meir and wife Rebeka and daughter Golda Shasay next to the wood mill 3 Partner in the flourmill
Pudostroitza Yakob and wife Rozka (born Vlovski) Shasay; lived Chaim Velinski 2 lived with Chaim Velinski
Pudostroitza Yosef and wife Rebeka and son and 2 daughters Market Place next to the Gentile: Likhotzki 5 Store
Putziniski Zelig and wife Bashkeh, son Zalman and another 2 sons Olner next to Abraham Grenberg 5 Was an underground shochet
see Kobel, Pinya      
Rappaport see Bermna, Leizer      
Reshet see German, Shepsel      
Rezhik see Pomerantz, Khama      
Roterman see Kosovski, Tzimakh      
Rshinski see Blumshtein, Shoika      
Rshinski see Sokolovski, Akiba      
Rshinski see Vlobelski, Leibl      
Sakharov Return Rebeka (widow of Israel Leizer from the city of Kosova) and son Leibl Olner; lived in Yehuda Tukman's home 2 Relative (maybe to Yehuda Tuchman)
Samorovitzki see Grenberg, Shmuel      
Sapir and sister from from Blodania who bought Moshe Goldshtein's house Shasay 2 Owner of the Flourmill
Sapir Itzak, wife Glisha born Beizer, and daughter Zeditevah 3 Barber and Musical Instruments
Sapir Nakhman, wife Leah left 2 Barber and Musical Instruments
Sapirshtein Abraham and wife and 2 children Shasay; Across from Leib Tukman 4 Watch maker
Sapirshtein Yehoshua and wife Elka. Son Velvel and another son Shasay; lived with father 4 Watch maker
Seletzki see Ashman, Yakob      
Serlin David and wife Zlatka, son Shlomo, son Hirshl, daughter Gitl Pruzany St. next to the Main (Big) Synagogue 5 Hotel
Shmorovitzki Motl, wife Mushka (daughter of Hirshl Goldberg) and daughter next to the Main (Big) Synagogue 3  
Shpozhnik Abraham, wife Yenta and 2 daughters Beit Chaim 4 brick mason
Shpozhnik Golda, widow of Yakob Eli and mother Olner 2 Abraham's mother
Shpozhnik Moshe and wife ( daughter of Borukh Yakob Kagan) Side street Laizerka across from the Post Office 2 Tailor
Shpozhnik Yosef and wife. Daughter Gitl, son Leika, son Shaul and another daughter Beit Chaim 6 tinsmith
Siminovski see Kagan, Sholom      
Siminovski Hirshl, wife Roza (daughter of Israel Goldberg) Shernetzel St.; lived in Israel Goldberg's house 2 Carpenter
Siminovski Mordechai and wife and son Zalman Shasay next to the Talmud Torah 3  
Siminovski Velvel, wife Reizl, daughter Chaya, daughter Sara, daughter Meita, son Itzak Shasay next to Bridge #2 6  
Siminovski see Tukman, Elimelekh      
Slatzki Efraim and wife and son Mutiah and son Bobka 3 May St. 4 Oil manufacturer
Slatzki Meir, wife Hadasa (daughter of Chana-Gitl Liberman) Market Place; lived with Abraham Abba (father?) 2 stitcher/sewer
Slatzki son-in-law of Motiah Pomerantz, and wife and 2 sons, daughter Liba and another daughter Market Place next to Berman 6 Grinder in the flourmill
Slatzki Yakob, his mother the widow Ikta Shasay next to the Kezremes 2 Fire station Chief
Slodovinik Abraham, wife Itka (born Kaplan) and 2 daughters and son Olner 5 Bakery of Itka Maleikha
Sokolovski Akiba and wife PeItzah (daughter of Folk Rshinski) and 2 sons Broida 4 Fabric store
Solnitz Ekhial, wife Regina and daughter Leah, grandmother Toba Shasay next to Mikal Fridman 4 worked in the Sid factory
Sondek widow, son Yitzik, son Yehuda, son Shimcha, son Yoska and another son Pered Stat 6 Fruit merchant
Soronovski Arnial and wife Doba, daughter Breina, daugter Leah, sister of Doba; Henia   5  
Subinski see Epshtein, Moshe-Eli      
Subinski see Kaplan, Leibl      
Subinski David and wife and son Chaim and son and 4 daughters Pered Stat 8 Wagon owner
Subinski Elimelekh and wife and daughter and son Moshe Shmayahu 4 Horse Merchant
Subinski Hirshl and wife Leah, son Itzl and son Mikal and daughter Reizl   5  
Subinski Meirum, wife Malka (daughter of Moshe Gershgorn and 2 daughters Beit Chaim 4 Shoemaker
Subinski Natan (Noteh) Subinski 1 Soda Store
Subinski Sara Leah, widow Subinski 1  
Subinski Yakob and wife Chaya and son Shmuel   3  
Subinski Zlata, widow Beit Chaim 1  
Moshe, wife Zehava and daughter Rakhel corner of Shasay and Tbolitzki 3 Owner of agricultural estate
Tekech Chava and sister Liba; daughters of Yoel the builder Tbolitzki 2 seamstresses
Tekech Eliahu, wife Breina, and daughter Nekha Tbolitzki 3 orderly in the theater
Tekech Israel and wife and 3 daughters Shasay next Dantzig 5 worked in the forest
Tekech Nisen and wife Henia, son Meir, daughter Baska, and daughter Olner 5 worked in the forest
Teper Eliahu, wife Zalta (daughter of Shlomo Veinshtein) and daughter Olner with Veinshtein 3 Zalta was a teacher
Tilman wife, daughter (They lived once at the Bludanya Train Station.) Market place 3 Grocery store
Trop Harav Yosef Chaim, and wife Sara 3 May St. 2 Rabbi
Trop Leibl (son of the rabbi), wife Baska and 2 sons: Shlomo and David, and daughter Rakhel 3 May St. with his father 5 Store
Tros Yehoshua, and wife Nekha and son Eliezer and son Shernetzel 4 Fabric Store
Tukman see Derechinski, Mikal      
Tukman Chaika, Ester Tukman, Elimelekh Tukman Shasay across from Levinzon 3 Elimelech was a barber
Tukman Elimelekh and wife Yenta (born Siminovski) and son Zerakh and daughter Tzerna Shasay next to the Talmud Torah 4 Butcher
Tukman Leib and wife Sarah-Risha Shasay across from Sapirshtein 2 field laborer
Tukman Mekhala, brother Itzak, sister Henia (children of Moshe) Shasay across from the Talmud Torah 3 Harness / Leather
Tukman Saneh, wife Khoma (daughter of Abraham Fridman) next to "Kadishai" Synagogue 2 Butcher
Tukman Sara (wife of Itceh), son Abraham, son Moshe, daughter Cherna 3 May St. in Aba Ditkovitz's home 4 Itzah passed away in Israel
Tukman Yehuda, wife Batya, daughter Mina, daughter Ester, daughter Chana Olner 5  
Tukman Zelig, wife Chaya-Gitl and son Meir, son Asher, daughter Rebeka next to "Kadishai" Synagogue 5 Butcher
Tzirulnik Herzkeh, wife Leah (from the town of Ruzhany) and daughter Market place next to "Kadishai" Synagogue 3 Grocery Store
Tzirulnik Lipa (son of Mordechai) and wife Shasay next to bridge #1; lived with Stuker 2 Grocery Store
Tzirulnik Menasha, wife Riva, son Chaim, son Moshe, 2 daughters Shasay close to bridge #2 6 Blacksmith and Grocery store
Tzirulnik Mendl and wife and daughter (all the Tzirulniks are from the village of Piesk or Fisk) Shasay close to bridge #2 3 Grocery Store
Tzirulnik Mordechai and wife and son Berl Shasay next to bridge #1; lived with Stuker 3 Grocery Store
Tzuker widow of Moshe Beit Chaim; across from the public housing 1 Her husband was a porter
Tzukerman Mekhala (widow) and daughter Chana and her husband Shmuel Yablonski left next to Shlosberg 3  
Tzurolnik Meir Pered Stat 1  
Tzurolnik Zidel and wife and 2 children Pered Stat 4  
see Izenshtein, Maks      
see Teper, Eliahu      
Veinshtein Sara (daughter of Mikal Fridman) wife of Vaveh and son Shasay in the home of Mikal Fridman 2 Her husband Vaveh is in Canada
Veinshtein Shlomo and wife Chaya Corner of Olner and the Market Place 2 Sold kerosene and benzine
Vender Motl and wife and 3 daughters 3 May St. 5 Grocery store
Vinik see Batlai      
Vinik Beniah and wife and 2 children Shasay close to the Post Office 4 Road contractor
Vinik Israel and wife and 2 sons: Ovadiya and Eliahu with 2 daughters Shasay next to the Talmud Torah 6 Worked in the slaughter house
Vinik Mordechai and wife Tzerena and son Leibl and daughter Chaya Olner 4 Matzah Baker
Vinik Shimon and wife Roza and 2 daughters Pruzany in home of Yakob Rabinovich 4 Soda store
Vinik Yakob and wife Leah born Gerber Shasay next to Gerber 2 Soda Store
Vinik Zalman and wife and son and daughter Shasay next to the Talmud Torah 4 Builder of wooden houses
Vinikor Mordechai, wife Beila, daughter Pesel, daughter Leah and another 3 daughters Tbolitzki next to Berenshtein 7 shoemaker
Visotzki Nekhemiah and wife Ester and daughter Nekhama Olner next to Fisher 3 Store
Vlobelski see Izenshtein, Moshe      
Vlobelski Eliahu and wife Penya and son Shasay in Shamaya Yablonovski's home 3 store for agricultural machinery
Vlobelski Leibl and wife Shoshana born Rshinski and 2 sons Shkolna next to Moshe Berezman 4 store for agricultural machinery
Vlovski see Pudostroitza, Yakob      
Voigodski HaRav Sender, wife Itka and 2 sons Yakob, Yehuda and 2 daughters Shasay across from Guberman 6 Rabbi of the City
Volinski Chaim and wife Mirka, son Abraham and 2 daughters Shasay next to Grenberg 5 Merchant of hay and foder
Volinski Leah (widow), son Henok The Post Office 2 Post Office
Volpovitz Israel and wife and 3 sons: Shebakh, Leibl, Yehoshua, daughter Sara Shasay corner of Broida St. 6 Grocery store
Borukh-Laizer and wife and son Moshe and daughter Shasay next to the Post Office 4 upholstery
Yablonovich Moshe (single, not married) son of Shmayahu Shasay across from Vlobelski 1  
Yablonovich Shmayahu and wife Shasay across from Vlobelski 2 Harness / Leather
Yablonski see Tzukerman, Mekhala      
Yalom Eliezer's (from Bludaniya) wife and her sister Yosepha and son Shasay in Chaim Zelig Blakher's home 3 Eliezer was a teacher
Yalom Ester (wife of Abraham in the USA) and 2 daughters and son 3 May St. 4  
Yalom Shimkha, wife Masha (daughter of the butcher Pomerantz) and daughter Shasay in Chaim Pomerantz's home 3  
Yalom Zisel (widow) and son Shmuel and daughter Malka Shasay across from Vinik 3 Store
Yalom see Zakheim, Zelig      
Yaver Chaim and wife Chana (daughter of Shepsel Pomerantz-from the village: Shilin) and son Pered Stat the last house 3 worked in Kalinski's store
Yaver Feivl, wife Hinda, daughter Sara and another daughter Tzviah left; in father's home across from Shlosberg 4  
Yaver Yitzak Mordechai and wife Teibl (daughter of Abraham Grenberg) and daughter left; in father's home across from Shlosberg 3 Worked in the bank
Yeshechevski Motl & wife, son Levik & daughter Ida her husband and son Corner of Olner and market place 6 Cigarette store
Yudelevski Aharon-Eli, wife Hadasa, son Moshe Olner 3 Furniture carpenter
Yudelevski Ekhial Nisel and wife Zeditever 2  
Yudelevski Shlomo Shasay next to Vinik 2 Shochet
Yushrovitz widow of the Rabbi & daughter Shifra Shasay across from Goberman 2  
see Bukshtein, Itzl      
Zakheim Chaim, wife Masha and son Tzvi and son Matityahu and daughter Shasay next to Grenberg 5 Hat maker
Zakheim Mordechai and wife and daughter Sonia Corner of Shasay and Shernetzel 3 Tin smith
Zakheim Nisen and wife Liba and son Binyamin Pruzany 3 Vice Mayor
Zakheim widow of Yosef and son Binyamin Shasay next to Levinzon 2 Soda Factory
Zakheim Yakob and wife Hadasa born Feldman Shasay next to Levinzon 2 Soda Factory
Zakheim Yona and wife Pesel, daughter of Hillel Krolitzki Shasay next to Grenberg 2 Steel / Metal Store
Zakheim Zalman and wife and married daughter and 2 daughters Zeditva 5  
Zakheim Zelig, wife Khaya'cheh (daughter of Zisel Yalom) and son Shasay across from Vinik 3 Soda Factory Khayacheh
Zaltzman Yehoshua, wife Tzirl, son Yakob and son Ruben Shasay 4 Grain Merchant
Zarestski Meir, wife Soshana (born Berezman), son Eliahu and daughter Sara Shasay across from Gerber 4 Pharmacy
Zarestski Tuviah and wife Mina (daughter of Gabriel Epshtein) and mother and daughter and son David Shkolna 5 brick mason
Zarestski widow Basha-Rebeka and son Menachem and 2 daughters Market place 4 Store
Zarestski Yehoshua and wife and 5 sons Shasay across from the Post Office 7 tailor
Zarestski Yeshayahu and wife left 2 brick mason
Zevilovitz Yehoshua and wife Hinda and 2 daughters Shasay next to Bridge #2 4 Grocery store
Zhidvitz Moshe and wife and daughter Fruma and son Shmuel and son David and son 3 May St. 6 Grocery store
Zimokhovski Shlomo and wife and son David and son Sender and daughter Henia Post Office 5 Blacksmith
Zimokhovski Yehoshua and wife and daughter Post Office 3 Blacksmith
Zunshein Moshe and mother Chaya and sister Chaya Toiba Shasay across from Zaltzman 3  
Zurukovitz Abraham and brother Shlomo and another brother and the mother Tbolitzki 4 From the Bendet Family

Table of Contents

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Yizkor Book Director, Lance Ackerfeld
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Updated 7 Mar 2024 by LA