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Monument in memory of Pinsk's Nazi victims
Moshe-Yitshak Levin (1802-1872) Shaul Karliner's second son
Wolf Levin Shaul Karliner's third son
Hayyah Lourié (Pinsk 1867)
Heshe Rokeach (1814 - ?) Hayyah Lourié's eldest son
Gad-Asher Levin-Rokeach (1815/16 - 1877)
Yosef Halperin (died c. 1919 in Vienna)
The house of Gad-Asher Levin and Yosef Halperin, as an Orphan's Home (1921)
Georg Halperin (1878-1962)
Bernhard (Beni) Halpern
Yaakov Eliasberg (1881 - 1961)
Moshe Lourié (1824 - 1906)
Miriam-Leah, wife of Moshe Lourié (? - 1911)
A medalion commemorating the diamond wedding anniversary
of Moshe and Miriam-Leah Lourié (Pinsk 1900)
Moshe Lourié and his family (Pinsk 1900)
Workers of the Lourié factory (1934)
Shmuel'ke der sheimer ("The watchman") (1914)
Leopold and Alexander Lourié, as children (c. 1870)
Leopold (Lippa), son of Moshe Lourié (1859 - 1938)
Aharon, son of Moshe Lourié (1842 - 1910)
Alexander Lourié under arrest during the German occupation of Pinsk (1916)
Hostages of the Pinsk population during the German occupation (1916)
(second from the right Dr. Alexander Lourié)
Aharon, the son of Moshe Lourié and his family
The letter of Grigory Lourié to Dr. Herzl concerning the setting up of the Colonial Bank (Pinsk 1899)
Grigory Lourié's letter to Dr. Herzl, attached to the copy of the printed letter to Sokolov (16th September 1902)
Grigory Lourié's letter to Dr. Herzl about the crisis in the affairs of the Colonial Bank (Pinsk 1900)
Editorial board of the "Pinski Listok" Newspaper.
In the middle - Sashah Lourié.
On the left - the editor Asher Holtsman.
On the right - member of the board Bonie Rubinstein (1910)
The signatures of the particpants in the founding conference of the Colonial Bank at Cologne on Aug. 25th 1898. Grigory Lourié's signature appears on the bottom right, and Moshe-Hayyim Eliasberg's in the margin at the top left.
Idel, the son of Shemuel Lourié, and his family (Pinsk 1900)
Share of the Colonial Bank, dated 23.3.1900, signed by Grigory Lourié (right hand bottom corner)
Grigory Lourié and Women's aid Association in Pinsk
Aharon Eliasberg (1879 - 1937)

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