“Yakovlevo” - Encyclopedia of Jewish
Communities in Poland, Volume V
(Yakovleva, Belarus)

52°11' / 25°20'

Translation of “Yakovlevo” chapter from
Pinkas Hakehillot Polin

Published by Yad Vashem Published in Jerusalem



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Debbie Kroopkin


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This is a translation from: Pinkas Hakehillot:
Encyclopedia of Jewish Communities, Poland, Volume V, page 260, published by Yad Vashem, Jerusalem

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Jewish agricultural moshav in the district and commonwealth of Drochiczyn


Year General
1849 (?) 14
1898 (?) 354
1921 177 155
1931 31,912 20,220

The moshav of Yakovlevo was founded in 1849, in the days of the rule of Czar Nicoli the First, on the lands of the state. Most of the settlers in the place came from Slonim. Every family received 270 dunam. In the first years the settlers suffered from a lack of agricultural knowledge and an absence of funding to build farms.

In the end of the nineteenth century there was a strong agricultural situation. Every farm had a residence. The structure of the farm was 10 milk cows, work horses and more. The authority of the settlers was 3,620 dunam.

On the agricultural [moshav] lived 202 people, and in the dead season in the winter months they earned wages from different jobs.  The rest of the settlers worked in labor throughout the year. The community buildings that were in this place were the Synagogue, the wash house, and the shared granary to shelter the grains after thrashing. The settlers serviced a butcher and a community prayer leader. The children learned with teachers whose levels were inferior. Attempts to open a school with the assistance of the “Group to Distribute Hascala” [the Enlightenment Movement] did not go well In the era of World War I the number of Jews in Yakovlevo decreased.

After the war 20 Christians were added.

In the era of the conquer, the Nazis brought the Jews of Yakovlevo to the Drochiczyn Ghetto and there they were killed together with the Jews of that place in two Aktions [round-ups]: 12 Av, 5702 (July 26, 1942) and 4 Cheshvan, 5703 (October 15, 1942).

Source: HaMelitz, March 5, 1883

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