“Abramowo” - Encyclopedia of Jewish
Communities in Poland, Volume V

52°26' / 23°46'

Translation of “Abramowo” chapter from
Pinkas Hakehillot Polin

Published by Yad Vashem Published in Jerusalem



Project Coordinator

Sherwin Sokolov


Our sincere appreciation to Yad Vashem
for permission to put this material on the JewishGen web site.

This is a translation from: Pinkas Hakehillot:
Encyclopedia of Jewish Communities, Poland, Volume V, page 219,
edited by Shmuel Spector, published by Yad Vashem, Jerusalem

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[Page 219]



(Jewish agricultural colony in the county of Dmitrovitz in the Brisk (Yid) District (Brest, Russian Empire))


Abramowo (named after the patriarch Abraham) was founded in 1851 on government land near the town of Kamenetz D'Lita (Litovsk) in Lithuania. (The colony was also known as Pleisiszcze.)

According to a survey conducted in 1872, it was comprised of 10 Jewish families that had 10 plots of low quality land (sandy soil). The Colony was part of the Brisk District of Grodno Gubernia.

In 1921, there were 27 Jews in Abramowo. There were no non-Jews. Around the year 1935, 75% of the colony's farmers were Jews and the rest Belarussians.

During the German occupation in early January 1942, a ghetto was established in Kaminentz-Litovsk and the Jews of Abramowo were brought there. On 9 November 1942, the Abramowo Jews were taken together with the local Jews to the train station in Wysokie-Litovsk (Lithuania) in the Grodno Gubernia, and from there they were transported to Treblinka and murdered.


Yizkor Book community Kamenetz – D'Lita (Litovsk/Lithuania) Zestabeyih and the Colonies, Tel Aviv, pp. 550-556.
J. Tomaszewski, Z dziejow Polesia; zarys stosunkow spoleczno ekonomicznych, Warsaw, 1963. (J. Tomaszewski, The History of Polesia: Outline of Socio-Economic Relations, Warsaw, 1963.)

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