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Translated by Shalom Bronstein

The fifth volume of Pinkas Hakehillot Poland covers two districts Volhyn and Polesie according to their boundaries between World War I and World War II. In the text, Kamien Koszyrski is included in Volhyn as historically it was part of that district.

As is true with the other volumes, communities whose population in the 1921 census or those conducted afterwards that numbered at least 100 Jewish people are included here. However, several communities whose populations were less than 100 are included as in the distant past they had flourishing communities. These include Kaszowka, Rachmanowo and others. The determination of the list of localities was done according to the census list of December 1921. Since the area covered was part of Poland the names of towns appear according to their Polish designation. Exceptions are made for those towns that had a specific Jewish name such as Brisk and Ludmir.

Because of the scarcity of documentation and sources, sometimes there is a lack of symmetry with regards to data on towns, topics and historical periods. Smaller localities are at a special disadvantage. There was little information about what took place in them during the Holocaust, for there were no survivors to provide testimony.

The current volume has two separate introductions, one for each of the districts covered. The Volhyn introduction is more detailed since for most of the period this area was united geographically, politically and historically with the same holding true for its Jewish population. This made it possible to provide a wider and more comprehensive picture of the district. Polesie always included a much larger geographical and administrative area; therefore it was more difficult to isolate and focus on its specific characteristics both in general and with regard to its Jewish inhabitants.

The sources pertaining to each particular locality are listed at the end of each entry. The bibliographical source notations regarding material found in encyclopedias and archives are provided at the end of the volume in the list of general sources. Photographs in the book are taken for the most part from Yizkor books and were chosen to provide a general picture of the scope of Jewish life in those areas and not to highlight any particular locality.

In writing the articles on towns the author was helped by others. Esther Hager and Dan Haruv aided greatly in the gathering of material. Several entries were written by the following: Avraham Kablan wrote the articles on Korytnica, Kremnitz and Rovno in Volhyn and Motol and Mokrowo-Sienkiewicze in Polesie; Mordecai Nadav wrote the articles on Janow and Pinsk in Polesie and Dan Haruv is the author of the entry on Lenin, Polesie. Rafael Julius did the language and style editing with love and devotion and my friend Abraham Wein shared with me his expertise and extensive experience. Esther Hako prepared the volume for publication with great dedication and the book was printed by the Daf Noy Press, Jerusalem. All are thanked for and blessed by their endeavors.

Shmuel Spector
December 1989

Table of Contents

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