Abelvitz Return | Chana | and family |
Abramitzki | Shmuel | mother and sister and family |
Astrinski | Chana-Rachel | daughter Ester; daughter Beileh |
Astrinski | Esne | Moshe; Edis wife; Zeml son; Feivel son; Shmuel-Chaim son; Ruteh daughter; Batya daughter |
Astrinski | Gershon | wife and children |
Astrinski | Hirsh | wife Chaya and children; Leiba and family |
Astrinsky | see Hersh Kaplan | |
Balanski Return | Meir-father | mother Czarna; daughter Feigel and son |
Binkovitz | Moshe | and family |
Binkovitz | Zeidl-father | wife and children |
Borer | Aharon-father | wife Sarah; son Leishkeh and wife Yenta; son Chaim-Hillel and wife Chana (daughter of Shifkovitz) and four children; daughter Keila, husband and seven children; Beileh, niece (daughter of Levit Tzin) and husband Mendel Hofman; daughter Chana and family |
Borer | Zadek-father | wife Feigl; daughter Reizel |
Bornshtein | Boris | wife Sheina (daughter of Reitard) and five children |
Borovski | Borukh-father | wife Chaya-Hodes; son Yoel, wife and daughter |
Borovski | Itzak-father | wife Gitl; son Shmuel, wife Nechamah and children; son Yoel, wife Etkeh and children; son Moshe, wife and children |
Borovski | Leiby-father | wife Chaiya-Zelda; son Moshe and family and wife Rachel; daughter-in-law Deborah (daughter of Yelin) and children; son David; in-laws Moshe and Zisl Ulbikh and wife of Mordechai and Feige; inlaws of daughter: Mordechai and Leah and Sheina |
Borovski | Meir-father | wife Sarah; son Moshe and wife Broka; son Itzak; Reizl, husband and children; son Itzhak |
Borovski | see Shmuel Tzin | |
Boyarski | Leiby-father | wife Perl (daughter of Moshe Kaplan); son Shmuel; son Bekhah |
Boyarski | Yekhutiel-father | wife Esneh and children |
Boyarski | Yoel-father | wife Rivke (daughter of Shabach Dvovski) and children |
Boyarski | Zalman-father | wife Beilka, daughter of Kaplan, and children; sister Peshka and husband |
Brun | Moshe-father | wife Perl; son Mendel; wife Freidl; daughter Rachel; son Khanon |
Daniel Return | Rabbi Yehoshuah Benyamin | wife Pesl; sons: Abraham, Shlomo, Shlum and family; daughter Chana and husband Rabbi and sons |
Danilowitz | Eli-Khankeh-father | wife Bluma; daughter Chana-Feigl; daughter Reibl |
Danilowitz | Itzak-Iser: father | wife Itka; son Shmuel; daughter Sarah; son Moshe; brother El'keh and wife Bobcha |
Danilowitz | see Isral Einchuk | |
Dines | Abraham-father | mother Merka and child |
Dines | Alter | mother Henya; daughter Sonya and husband; daughter Sheina; son Meishel |
Dobinski | see Gitl Kwiat | |
Doksen | David Itzkeh | wife Doba |
Dubovski | see Ester Shebach | |
Domshbitzki | Aharon-father | wife Rivke; son Velkeh; son Khonah |
Domshbitzki | Itak | |
Dutman | see Zev Gutman | |
Dvorski | see Yoel Boyarski | |
Dzhenski | Enoh | and family |
Einchuk Return | Israel | wife Chana-Peshka (daughter of Danilowitz); daughter Masha |
Eiselevitz | Rafael | and family and one son |
Viener | Abrahamkeh | and wife; son Mikal; son Moshe |
Enker | Artshik-father | wife Sheina; son Aba; son Shlomo; son Moshe; son Benyamin |
Enker | Banyeh | |
Enker | Chaim | wife Itka and children |
Enker | Daniel-father | wife Leah; son Rabbi Leibl; son Moshe; son Zalman; son Benyamin; son Shlum; mother Doteh |
Enker | Kheinkeh-father | son Gimpel and wife Beilka (daughter of Vand) and children; son Daniel, wife Leah (daughter of Vand); son Yakob; son Moshe and wife Chaiya (daughter of Frei) and son; son Leibl; daughter Kheika and husband Mordechai |
Enker | Leiby-father | and family |
Enker | Penyeh | wife and family |
Enker | Shimon | wife Chaiya-Sarah (daughter of Vand) and children |
Enker | Yankel-father | wife Zisl and family |
Enker | see Henok-Velvel Malkabitzki | |
Enker | see Shmuel Lisovski | |
Entshuk | see Eremiah Levin | |
Epshtein | Matl-father | wife Eskeh; mother Henye; son Aharon |
Epshtein | Pesach | and family |
Epshtein | Shmuel-father | brother Chaim; wife Tzipke; daughter Bobkeleh; son Yosef |
Epshtein | Yerukhmiel-father | Malka wife-(nee Zelinek) |
Finkelshtein Return | Leizer Mendel | wife Beilah; daughter Tily |
Finkelshtein | Matkeh | wife Sheina; son Chaim; sons Yosef and David; daughters Ester and Golda |
Foker | Sarah-Udel | wife; son Mutkeh and wife Mery and children; son Khany and wife and children |
Frei | see Kheinkeh Enker | |
Frey | Rivka-mother | son Yosef and wife Chaiya-Sarah and children |
Foksman | Chana-Merka | and family |
Foksman | Yosef-David | wife Chaiya-Reba; son Aharon-Leib and wife Nachah; daughter Shifra and husband; daughter Sarah and husband; son Shmuel; son Khenok |
Foksman | see Meishehkeh Lev | |
Forman | Slomka | wife Keila and children |
Galprin Return | Yehudah-father | mother Chana; daughter Reizl; son Chaim; daughter Sarah; son Yosef and family |
Galprin | Yerekhtiel | and family; brother Israel and family |
Galprin | Yitsheh | and wife |
Glembotzki | Chaim-father | wife Mery; son Yakob; daughter Rachel |
Glembotzki | Yekhutiel-father | Rivke; Abraham, Tsarna; Israel; Chaim Henokh; Hemkeh; Alter |
Goldberg | Chaim-Shlomo: father | wife Sarah-Leiba; son Benyamin-David and wife Sheina (daughter of Lev); son Betzalel; daughter Ruzeh |
Goldberg | see Noach Kaplan | |
Golden | Yosef-father | wife and sons |
Gorodnik | Abrahameh-father | daughter Mariasheh; daughter Zisel; daughter Temeh; son Shmuel; son Moshe and family; son Leibl |
Grlobin | Zalman-father | wife Zlata (daughter of Krit); son Meir; son Itzak; daughter Meinkeh |
Godes | Israel | |
Gutman | Zev-father | mother Sarah-Hinda; daughter Henkeh; son Nisen; son Leibl; daughter Khamke; son Motel (Dutman family) |
Gutman | see Izenman, Pesheh | |
Gutman | see Pesheh Izenman | |
Gutman | Aharon-father | mother Femeh and child |
Hofman Return | Mendel | see Aharon Borer |
Ilovitzki Return | Shlomo-father | wife Devorah |
Itzkovitz | Abraham-father | Sheina-wife; Yola daughter and family; son Zeidl and wife |
Itzkovitz | Alteh Adeses | Leah daughter and daughters |
Izenman | Dov | mother Gitl; daughter Merka; daughter Rachel; daughter Nekeh |
Izenman | Dudkeh (mother) | Anel son; Feivel son; Khanah-Merka daughter; Yehudit daughter; Nekeh daughter |
Izenman | Eliahu | mother Chana and two children |
Izenman | Ishakar | mother Ester; son Noach; son Hanoneh; daughter Reizl; daughter Ziga; daugher Sonya |
Izenman | Leiba | mother Khesyeh; son Mattiyahu; daughter Meteh |
Izenman | Moshe | son Elkhanon; daughter Sheina; son Shmuel |
Izenman | Pesheh | nee: Gutman; son Kopl |
Izenman | Shimon | mother Temkeh; son Feivel |
Izenman | Yakob | mother Chaiya; son Mattiyahu; daughter Meteh |
Izenman | Yehuda | mother Fruma and two children |
Izenman | see Eliahu and Yosef Kaplan | |
Kagan Return | Moshe: head of family | daughter or wife? Reizel (daughter of Abraham-Itzak Kaplan); son Benye |
Kagan | Tuviah: head of family | mother Doba; son Abraham; daughter Zeldeh and husband and two children |
Kaplan | Abraham | mother Basha (family Zukovski); son Eliahu |
Kaplan | Abraham | mother Chaiya; daughters: Muleh, Ester, Dozeh; son Yehoshuah |
Kaplan | Abraham-Itzak: head of family | mother Doba; son Ishakhar; daughter Merka; son Noach; son Israel-Yehuda; son Meir |
Kaplan | Bela | mother; daughter Ester and husband; daughter Hinda; son Abraham and family |
Kaplan | Dov | head of family; mother Bunyah; daughter Haleh; son Yehudah |
Kaplan | Eliahu | head of family of Izenman; mother Doba; daughter Meteh; son Chaim-Berl |
Kaplan | Heitsheh | daugher Feigel and family |
Kaplan | Hershl | head of family; son Abraham-Moshe; wife Rivke (nee Astrinsky); sons: Yakob, Feibel, Shmuel, Khanon; son Zalman and wife Lifsheh (nee Nardovski) and children |
Kaplan | Israel | wife Miryam; sons: Menachum, Moshe, Zalman, Leibl; daughter Dena |
Kaplan | Israel | and family |
Kaplan | Itzak | head of family and family |
Kaplan | Kenok | wife Shoshka and children |
Kaplan | Lebeh | brother of Kaplan and family; sister Aidleh and family; sister Zlateh and family |
Kaplan | Mendel | head of family; mother-in-law? Rivke; son Eliahu and daughter |
Kaplan | Noach | mother Sheina Khei'eh; wife Heitsheh (nee Goldberg) and family |
Kaplan | Sarah-Hinda | daughter Geshka and husband Yerkmiel and children: Reza, Aharon, Itzak |
Kaplan | Semah | mother; daughter Ester |
Kaplan | Shimon | and family |
Kaplan | Shlum | wife Chaiya-Rai'eh; son Aharon and family |
Kaplan | Yehudah | wife and children |
Kaplan | Yosef | head of family of Izenman; mother Tzippa and one child |
Kaplan | see Leiby Boyarski | |
Kaplan | see Leiby Boyarski | |
Kaplan | see Moshe Kagan | |
Kaplan | see Poliakvitz | |
Kaplan | see Zelig Nardovski | |
Kaplanski | Grunyeh | and family |
Karp | Abraham-Meishkeh | wife Rasheh-Gitl and children; son Heniak |
Karp | Leibkeh | wife Badankeh; son Velvel and family; son Shmuel and daughter |
Karp | Shimkeh | wife Esne and children |
Karp | Yitshkeh | wife Leiba-Chaiya and children |
Katz | Baskeh | and children; son Chaim |
Kheler | Chaiya-Gruneh | and family |
Khintzinski | Hesper | wife Chana; Ben. |
Khznovski | YItka | and daughters: Leah, Devorah, Ester, Leiba |
Kipilivitz | see Kwiat, Rukhamah | |
Kwiat | Abraham | wife and family; daughter Devorah |
Kwiat | Leizer Aharon | wife Basha and children |
Kolikovski | Breineh | sister and husband; sister Mila |
Korovnianski | Abraham | wife Etl (nee Lev); daughter Musieh and family; daughters: Dvorkeh and Sonya |
Kotlerski | and family | |
Kozik | Hamorah | wife Yenta and daughters |
Kravitz | Abraham: head of family | mother Nekeh; son Chaim; daughter Debah |
Kravitz | Zuskeh | wife; daughter Khanah, daughter Hudl, son Tzadik |
Krit | see Grlobin, Zalman | |
Krolin | Mendel | mother Leiba; son Yehudah and wife Doba; Abraham and wife Teibel and children; Shmuel and wife Malka; brother-in-law Yosef |
Kwiat | Abraham-David | and family |
Kwiat | Gitl | Gitl Dobinski and family |
Kwiat | Hirsh | wife Eidel'eh Ester and family |
Kwiat | Israel | and wife; daughter Mery; son Zeidl |
Kwiat | Israel Leib | Chaiya Rav; wife and son's family |
Kwiat | Leiby | wife Beilka; daughter Rachel; sons: Yakob, Avraham, Leizer |
Kwiat | Mery | husband Henok Levin and family |
Kwiat | Rabbi Zvi Hirsh | wife Mireh Keila; sons: Itzak and wife and son Asher, Meir and wife Nechamah and sons, sons: Moshe, Berl, Motl, Velvel, and Shmuel and wife Rachel; daughter Miryam and husband Hirsh and daughters, Ester Sarah-Leah; daughter Rivke Dier and husband Rabbi Eliazer Dier and son Menachum; daughter Ester |
Kwiat | Rukhamah | husband Meir Leib Kipilivitz and family |
Kwiat | Shimon | wife Henya |
Kzekovski | see Safir, Berl | |
Kzikovski | Feibel: head of family | mother Reikl and children |
Kzikovski | Leiba: head of family | mother Feigel; son Chaim |
Leib Return | Abraham | wife Bilhah (daughter of Vand) and children |
Leib | Motl | wife Bobka (daughter of Shebach) and son |
Levin | Eremiah | wife Masha (nee Entshuk) and children |
Levin | Shlum | and family |
Lev | Abraham | and family |
Lev | Aharon | YItka; son Leizer; daughters Rachel and Malka; son Zeidl and family |
Lev | Aiser | wife Beileh and children |
Lev | Enok | wife Menukhah; Abramaham'ke |
Lev | Meishehkeh | wife Bashka; son Tuviah and wife Sarah (daughter of Fuksman) |
Lev | Rabbi Ziedka | (Chai Nshrif) wife Shosha; Genesheh Gesteh (?) |
Lev | Slomka | and wife; son Reuben and family |
Lev | Yacob-Aharon | wife Leah; son Slomka and family |
Lev | Yehoshuah | and family |
Lev | Yoel | wife Rivka; daughter Feige; son Shlomo; daughter Breineh |
Lev | see Abraham Korovnianski | |
Lev | see Chaim-Shlomo Goldberg | |
Lev | see Proshbitzki | |
Lev | Menachum-Mendel | wife Vela and children; sons: David-Leib, Chaim, Reuben, Feivel and family, Moshe; daughter Betzn'keh and family |
Lev | Sheftal | Leah and children |
Lidski | see Orshviski, Abraham-Moshe | |
Lisovski | Shmuel-father | wife Bobel (nee Enker) and children; sister Reba and family; Meir and wife and son Chomkeh |
Lisovski | Yakob: head of family | mother Mila and family; brother Shmuel and family; sister Chana-Pesiah and family; sister Buneh; sister Devorah; sister Tzippa and family; brother Kheikel and family; brother Abraham and family; brother Leiba and family |
Lisovski | see Paiebski | |
Losh | Abrahamel | and family |
Losh | Tudel | and family |
Malkabitzki Return | Henok-Velvel | wife Reba-Merl; daughters: Devorah, Sarah, Rachel; son Israel and wife Babel (daughter of Enker) and children; son Moshe; Mutkeh Chaim and wife |
Medlinski | Sarah-mother | daughters Dobka and Mery |
Mendelevitz | Yehoshuah | wife Genysia; son Leiby and wife; daughters Malka and Nechamah |
Morshtein | Shifra | daughter R' Leiby-Ber and children |
Morshtein | Beilka | sister of Yosef Morshtein family and husband Aharon; and daughters Ester and Dena and son Itzak |
Morshtein | Leika | son Kopl and family |
Morshtein | Yosef | wife Bashka (daughter of Tzkovski); son David; Kheshka and husband Yitshe Meir and son Yakob (Tzikovski daughter) |
Morshtein | Zelig | and wife; Shlum, Loteh, Muleh, Meir, Yidl, Abraham Mishkeh and wife and family |
Morshtein | see Golda Verhaftig | |
Mrmenski | Sarah-Rivke | and children; Feigl, husband Chaim"Hasukht"and children; Sarah and family |
Novik Return | Gedeliah | and family |
Nardovski | Zelig | daughter Mireh; son Betzalel; wife Fruma (daughter of Kaplan); son Yutl and family |
Ofrin Return | Berl | wife Tzippa and children |
Verhaftig | Golda - mother | daughter Golda and family; Daniel and wife Yenta (daughter of Morshtein) and children |
Orlik | Freidl | |
Ornik | REshka | and family |
Ornik | Roshkeh | and family |
Orshviski | Abraham-Moshe | wife Chana; children: Shmuel and wife Perl; daughter Girl; daughter Piroch; son David; Fruma and husband Berl Lidski and son Chaim Lidski and daughter Sarah Lidski |
Orshviski | Chaim | wife Basha (daughter of Shevovski); Zelig; daughter Ester; daughter Shifra |
Paiebski Return | Leiby-head of family | mother Reina (Lisovski family); daughter Hadasah and family; son Benie |
Paiebski | Moshe-Oleh:head of family | mother Reba-Leah and five children |
Pashinski | Abraham: head of family | mother Chaiya-Sarah |
Pet | Gershon | wife Yehudit and children |
Plakovitz | Basha | son Zelig and family; son Yitsheh and family; son Gershon and family and father-in-law Mordrik Beihkhlitz; Breineh and girl; daughter Reizel |
Podlishevski | Basha | daughter of Kaplan and family |
Podruznik | Moshe | and family |
Poliakvitz | Meir:head of family | (of Bila Kaplan)?; mother Sonya and children; Teibeleh, sister, daughter of Bilah Kaplan |
Portnoi | Yehoshuah | wife Leiba and children |
Proshbitzki | see Vela Tzin | |
Proshbitzki | Itzak | son Berl and wife Sarah and children; Shmuel-Yosef and wife Chaiya (daughter of Lev) and daughter |
Prus | Mikal-Yakob | and family |
Pshinski | Yehudah: head of family | mother Fradel; daughter Teibel; son Meirem |
Punski | Noach | daughter Chana-Elke and children; Feivel Benyamin Malkes and family; brother Chaim and family |
Reitard Return | see Bornshtein, Boris | |
Reitbord | Akiba | wife Badankeh; daughter Reizl and family; son Nakhum and family; Yekhezkel and family |
Rind | see Reuben Vand | |
Rokkin | Artshik | wife Chaiya-Yeteh; son Hirshl and wife Leah (daughter of Gepner Tzikovski); son Yosef; daughter Sarah-Chana |
Rokkin | Devorah | daughter Malka |
Romanovski | Noach | and sons and family |
Rotes | Hirshl | and wife |
Rozanski | Berl | wife Bobl and children; Meir; Eteh |
Rozanski | Dov | wife Zisel; daughter Sheina |
Rozanski | Eliahu | and family |
Rozanski | Velvel | wife Nekes; son Abraham and wife Chana and children |
Rozinshein | Chaiya-Itka | daughter Chana-Feigel and family |
Rubin | David-Leib | wife Gitl and family |
Rubin | Mordke-Idshel | wife Leiba and children: Khikah, Moshe, Chaim |
Rubin | see Zolotnitzki, Meir | |
Ruplinski | Chaiya-Gruneh | and family |
Rvivovitz | Chaim | wife Merka; daughter Yenta |
Safir Return | Berl | daughter-in-law Kzekovski; wife Henya and children |
Safrin | Meir-father | wife Yetkeh; daughter Feigl; son Gedeliah and daugter Briseh |
Savitzki | Shlum-head of family | mother Etl; daughters Fanye, Hodes, Henya |
Sedlitzky | Chaim - son | son Zeidl and family |
Segalovitz | Berl | wife Golda and children |
Segalovitz | Yakob | and family |
Shapira | Itzak | wife Chavah; daughters: Rivke, Gitl; son Zalman |
Shapira | Stirkeh | mother |
Shbeiski | Yididl | wife Bashka and children |
Shebach | Aizik | son of Abrahamek and family |
Shebach | Baskeh | daughter of Yosed and family |
Shebach | Berl | Keila and family; Bashka and family; Bentcheh and family |
Shebach | Berl | son of Yosed and family |
Shebach | B'Vandeh | daughter of Yosed and family |
Shebach | Eliazer | wife Mery; son David and wife Berteh (nee Yitzakovitz) and children; Moshe and wife (nee Yitzakovitz) and children; niece Keila and family |
Shebach | Ester | husband Shimon Dubovski; son Yakob |
Shebach | Ester | daughter of Abramak and family |
Shebach | Gershon | and family |
Shebach | Keila | husband Mikal and children |
Shebach | Leizer Aharon | wife Mery; son David and family; son Masha and family; daughter Keila and family; |
Shebach | Mendel | wife Chaiya-Sarah and children |
Shebach | Moshe | Gershon and family; son Mendel; wife Chaiya-Sarah and children; Shimon "The Pirer"; daughter Leah and family |
Shebach | Moshe Reuben | wife Malka; son Zeidl |
Shebach | Ruvin | wife and children |
Shebach | Shmuel-father | and wife; daughter Bobl; daughter Leitcheh |
Shebach | Yidl | son Zeidl and wife Chana and children; daughter Etkeh and husband Akiba |
Shebach | see Motl Leib | |
Shewadworski | Moshe | wife Chaiya; daughter Pelteh; daughter Mireleh; daughter Chaiya-Leah; daughter Leah and husband Alter Zvetzki; sons Pletial; Borukh, Yakob; daughter Yokheved |
Shevovski | see Orshviski | |
Shibovski | Aharon | wife Chaiya; sons: Aryeh and Moshe; sister Chana |
Shibovski | Eliahu | head of family and mother Chaiya-Gruneh and children |
Shibovski | Masha-Natan | wife Yidleh; son Yakob and wife Chana and sons: Zkhava and Simcha |
Shibovski | Meiram: head of family | wife HItka; daughter Sheinah-Chaiya and family; son Eliezer and family, Rabbi: B'Roash |
Shifkovitz | see Borer, Aharon | |
Shimonivitz | Abraham: head of family | mother Rezl; son Eliahu; daughter Haleh |
Shipkevitz | Basha | Gitl and family; son Leizer and family |
Shirkis | Yosef | head of family; mother Leiba and three children |
Shlpitzki | Leiby | wife Chana; son Shimon and family; son Moteh |
Shlpitzki | Meiteh | son Bendal |
Shlpitzki | Yehuda | wife Chana; daughter Fruma and family |
Shmulvik | Shepsel | wife Bluma; son Nachman and wife Chana and children; daughter Chaiya-Rachel and family; daughter YItka; son Itzak |
Shmulvitz | Shaknah | wife Basha; daughters: Feigel, Sonya, Sheindel; son Abraham-Moshe; cousin Tzviah and uncle Shlum and children: Zalman, Hirshl, Mery |
Shneior | Brukhmiel | wife Bashka and children |
Shpitz | Beilka | Meiram's children |
Shpitz | Bishkeh | and wife Yenta and daughters Fruma and Beileh |
Shpitz | Mendel | wife Nechamkeh and children |
Shpitz | Rabbi Tzadock (Chaiya) | and family |
Shpitz | Rav Zeidl (Chaiya) | and family; |
Shpitz | Tuviah | wife Chaiya; daughter Bobtcheh and husband Fritz or Peretz Srboritzki and children; daughters: Leiba and Malka |
Sleimke | Khones | and family |
Srboritzki | see Tuviah Shpitz | |
Srebrovsky | Eliahu-Mikal | wife Leika; son Fritz and wife Bobchy and children |
Stolovitzky | Nisen | and family |
Tzikovski Return | see Rokkin | |
Tzin | Freidl-Keila | daughter Chaiya-Sarah and one son |
Tzin | Vela "Metoreh" | wife Fruma; son Gedeliah and wife Meity (daughter of Proshbitzki); son Motl; daugher Efah; daughter Golda and husband Leizer and sons |
Tzin | see Borer, Aharon | |
Tzin | Shmuel-father | son; son Matty; son Moshe and wife Etel (nee Borovski) and son; son Mendel; daughter Leiba; son Yakob |
Tzipin | Ahbraham-Moshe | wife Doba-Rivke; son Nisel; son Motl; daughters: Sheindel, Leah, Chaiya |
Tzipin | David-Leibkeh | wife Bobzhe; son Itak [untranslated note]; and daughter Masha [untranslated note] |
Tzkovski | see Yosef Morshtein | |
Ulbikh Return | see Borovski, Leiby | |
Valochinski Return | Leiby | and family |
Valoch | Zelig | wife Bobel and children |
Vand | Aharon-Shipeh | and wife and children |
Vand | Artshik | and wife and children |
Vand | Asher | son Shmuel-Shlomo; wife Chana; Velvel; Benyamin-Moshe; Yosef; Berl; daughter Shein'ka and family |
Vand | Chaim | and family |
Vand | Eli | |
Vand | Ershel | wife Shein'ka and family |
Vand | Feivl | and family |
Vand | Itzak-Leizer | wife Leika; daughter Tamara; son Muteh |
Vand | Mashka | and family |
Vand | Reuben | wife Feigl, daughter of Rind, and children |
Vand | Sheina-Sarah | sister |
Vand | Yedidiah | and family |
Vand | Yona | |
Vand | see Abraham Leib | |
Vand | see Enker, Kheinkeh | |
Vand | see Enker, Shimon | |
Vand | Leika | |
Veler | Yakob | and family |
Veluzhinski | Zeidl-father | wife Frieda and children |
Verhaftig | Golda - mother | daughter Golda and family; Daniel and wife Yenta (daughter of Morshtein) and children |
Vernik | and family | |
Viener | Abrahamkeh | and wife; son Mikal; son Moshe |
Vinshtein | Borukh-father | wife Beilka and children |
Vinshtein | Dudkeh (mother) | Yoel son and his wife and girl |
Vinshtein | Leiba | brother and family |
Vinshtein | Matty | wife Masha; son Nosl; daughter Chana and family |
Vinshtein | Nateh | and family |
Vinshtein | Rafael-Aharon | wife Malka; daughter Leitsheh and family; son Selkeh and family; son Yakob |
Vinshtein | Yehuda | and family |
Vinshtein | Zelig | and family |
Vinshtein | see Shekmeister, Yosef | |
Yelin Return | Abraham | wife Zishka; daughter Bashka and family; son Rabbi Yakob (Ben HaBkor); son Aizik; daughter Idleh and family |
Yelin | Feige-Leah | son Abraham |
Yelin | Itzak Yakob | wife Sobeh |
Yelin | Reuben | wife Sarah; daughters: Chaiya; Leiba; Gitl |
Yelin | see Borovski, Leiby | |
Yelinovik | Betzalel: head of family | mother Leah and two children |
Yelinovik | Chaiya-Leiba: mother | daughter Temeh; son Berl and family; son Yosef |
Yentshik | Chaim | wife Beilah; daughter Masha; daughter Reizl and family; son Meirim; Gedeliah |
Yinshtik | Abraham | wife Beileh and family; Chaim-Leib, wife Gitl and family; Borukh and family; Itzak and family; Yerukmiel and family; Mutkeh and family |
Yitzakovitz | see Eliazer Shebach | |
Yogel | Leizka | Yenkl the Stitcher and family; bother Yitshe Leib and family |
Yogel | Mordechai-Getzel | wife Ester; daughter Gitl and her daughter; son Abraham; son Leizer; daughter Mila |
Zakin Return | Moshe | mother Rachel; daughter Debora and family; daughters Khesiah, Pesiah, Chana, Rivke, Bashe'l |
Zalkin | Tzvi | and wife Leah |
Zelinek | see Epshtein | |
Zokovski | Shimon | and wife |
Zolotnitzki | Meir-father | wife Ester-Leah; son Slomka and wife Hinda (daughter of Rubin); son Chaimkeh; brother Israel; brother Nachum |
Zukovski | Basha-mother | daughter Zirl; son Moshe; daughter Devorah; daughter Tzippa |
Zukovski | Ester | Borukh; mother Sheina-Reizel, daughter Dobka and husband Meir and children |
Zukovski | Khoneh | wife Mila |
Zukovski | Leiby | brother Berl, sister Bluma |
Zukovski | Sheina-Chaiya: mother | daughters Rivke, Dobka, Sarah, Perl |
Zukovski | Shmuel-father | mother Sarah-Devorah; daughter Tzippa; daughter Devoshkeh; son and head of family Moshe David and wife Leah and two children |
Zukovski | see Abraham Kaplan | |
Zvetzki | see Moshe Shewadworski | |
Zvonkin | Rabbi | daughter Kidoshe?; son ?; wife Rebah and two children |
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