Memorial book, Jezierzany and Surroundings
(Ozeryany, Ukraine)

48°53' / 25°57'

Translation of
Sefer ozieran ve-ha-seviva

Edited by: M. A. Tenenblatt

Published in Jerusalem, The Encyclopedia of the Jewish Diaspora, 1959



Project Coordinator

Judy Brodkey


In loving memory of

Lillian Brodkey

Judy Brodkey


This is a translation from:
Sefer ozieran ve-ha-seviva (Memorial book, Jezierzany and surroundings),
Editor: M. A. Tenenblatt, Jerusalem, The Encyclopedia of the Jewish Diaspora, 1959 (H, Y, 498 cols. pages)

Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Ozieran

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TOC translated by Sara Mages

A Word from the Editorial Board   4
“Ask, Oh you who have been burned by fire…” The editor 7
Section A - The Jews of Ozeryany, their History and Status
Jezierzany: Segments of History and Geography Dr. R. Ben–Shem 19
My Memories and My Life Story Yehuda Cohen 32
My Town, Ozeryany Chaim Zeidman 51
Memories, Figures, and Impressions from an Extinct Way of Life M.A. Tenenblatt 67
Regime and Life Changes Shimon Bedor (Bedler) 102
Riots on Shabbat Shuva Eliyahu Goldenberg 123
Four Torah Holidays in Jezierzany Zvi Fenster 125
Section B - Intellectuals and Community Leaders
Moshe Schulbaum: Researcher, Linguist, and Educator M.A. Tenenblatt 137
Reb Velvele through the Eyes of the Poet of Village Jews (Yiddish) Yitzhak Metzker 183
Ronetti Roman aka Aron Blumenfeld M.A. Tenenblatt 197
Figures and Personalities C. Zeidman 219
The First Zionist in Jezierzany B. Shimshon 225
Aron Blumenfeld–Roman's Hebrew Style M.T.T. 227
Section C - Institutions and Economy
The Municipality - The Community Committee S. B-R 231
The Economic Situation during the First World War Eliyahu Goldenberg 236
Tradesmen in our Town M. B-G 241
Ozeryany in America Chaim Z-N 247
Section D – Zionism, Youth Movements and Pioneering
Between Wars M. Bar–Gil 255
Hatzohar and Beitar in Our Town Rafael Snyderman 269
Peretz Fareyn Shlomo Trembolski 275
As World War II Erupted Tzvi Fenster 279
Section E – Holocaust and Destruction
The Holocaust Chronicle July 1941 – April 1944 Tzvi Fenster 289
Necrology of the Martyrs from Ozeryany and Environs
   – Ozeryany
   – Leshkovitz (Ulashkivtsi, Ukraine)
   – Lanovtse & Kozachizna (Lanovtsy, Ukraine) & (Kozachizna, Ukraine)
   – Bil'che-Zlote (Bil'che-Zolote, Ukraine)
   – Libitshok (Glubochek, Ukraine)
   – Zhilinitz (Zelin'tse, Ukraine)
   – Pilatkowce (Pilatkovtsy, Ukraine)
   – Zwiahel (Zvihel, Ukraine)
   – Shershinovitz (Shersheniovtse, Ukraine)
Resistance and Heroism Tzvi Fenster 389
The Pain in the Heart Lunzya Klinger- Schneiderman 394
To Our Sons after Us Dr. Avraham Bedor (Bedler) 395
Section F - Ozeryany's Scroll (Yiddish)
I Before the Deluge
  A Bundle of Memories Leyzer Tenenblatt, Chicago 405
  What we did for our home town Morris Berger (New York) 411
  Between Jezierzany and Borszczow Ruchel Oyerbach 413
  The Books of a Jezierzany Grain Merchant Anshel Tenenblatt 418
  The Origins and Livelihoods of the Village Jews around Jezierzany R. Avrekh 420
  A Letter from My Father Yitzhak Metzker (New York) 423
  The Village of Bilcze Before the Destruction Monye (Netanel) Bloytol 431
II Destruction and Extermination
  How Jezerziany was Destroyed Zusha Peltz 436
  Annihilation of Jezerziany's Young People Yitzkhok Nayman 443
  The Inhumanity of the Pilatkewice Peasants Bluma Vayntroyb 451
  Driven into the Tluste Ghetto After a Program Tsila Kimmelman–Khanin 455
  How the Jews of Lanowice Were Murdered Rifka Nagler 457
  A Deliverance Worse than Death B. Feldshu 483
  Three Survivors out of Seventy Y. Nayman 485
  The Farewell Journey Ruchel Oyerbakh 489
Names Index for Jezierzany Yizkor Book


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Contact person for this translation Judy Brodkey
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