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Monument at Treblinka, to which the Jews of Ozarow were deported to their deaths on October 22, 1942. Each of 17,000 stones is engraved with the name of a community exterminated by the Nazis

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in memory of those who perished

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Ozarow and its population in 1939: yellow, Jewish; dots, Polish; stripes, Jewish and Polish; green, rural

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Partial List of Ozarow Deportees
& Location of their Homes on Town Map

27 Hersh-El'ye Adler
27 Chava Adler
27 Chaim Adler
27 Dyna Adler
27 Meilech Adler
27 Yoissef Adler
27 Motel Adler
7 Rachela Adler
7 Shimon Adler
14 Shloime Ankier
10 Abush Apelbaum
23 Abraham Apelbaum
1 Michael Apelbaum
23 Shya Apelbaum
21 Motel Baigielman
5 Aaron Bard
4 Doctor Bass
26 Laizer Bergman
26 Kuna Bergman
14 Chil Birenbaum
14 Ephraim Birenbaum
20 Malka Birenbaum
20 Gittela Birenbaum
6 Moishe Birenbaum
5 Yankele Birenbaum
10 Mordechai Birentzveig
10 Yossel Birentzveig
11 Hersh-Laizer Bleiwas
23 Chil Blumenfeld
1 Doctor Bober
27 Abush Boksenbaum
6 Baruch Boksenbaum
6 Ben-Zion Boksenbaum
27 Chil-Yankiel Boksenbaum
27 Idel Boksenbaum
6 Shloime Boksenbaum
10 Sender Borenstein
31 Itzchak-Chaim Borenstein
10 Yankiel Borenstein
18 David Bromberg
13 Chaskiel Bursztyn
13 Cheyva Bursztyn
4 Hersh Bursztyn
13 Noiach Bursztyn
13 Nuta Bursztyn
2 Moishe-Leib Chalman
6 Shmuel Chalman
6 Wigdor Chalman
7 David Cukier
7 Meyer Cukier
10 Itzchak Cukier
10 Moishe Cukier
15 Shloime-Isaac Cukierman
3 Yankele Cukierman
3 Bairish Cukierman
27 Tovye Cukierman
9 Berel Cukierklaper
2 Slouva Cymerman
19 Chaim Cytron
19 Leib Cytron
18 Abraham-Nuta Daches
18 Shaul Daches
15 Moishe Diament
10 Doctor Drach
9 Moishe Drayerkop
9 Moishe Dunaiec
12 Meyer Duzenman
16 Chaya-Roise Dubuk
10 Mendel Edelstein
28 Leib Epstein
28 Yankele Epstein
12 Rebbi Reuven Epstein
12 Rebbi Yechiel Epstein
15 Rebbi Hersh Epstein

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21 Naftule Epstein
7 Chaim Feldman
26 Moishe Feldman
26 Porye Feldman
18 Shaul Feldman
12 Chil Fleishaker
10 Yisruel Fleishman
5 Bairish Flikier
5 Cudyk Flikier
5 Bayla Flouder
11 Shachne Fryd
11 Yossel Fryd
11 Ksyl Frydland
6 Reva Frydland
7 Gamniel Frydman
7 Louzer Frydman
7 Shloime Frydman
23 Blema Fraiberg
8 Marme-Rivka Fraiberg
8 Naftule Fraiberg
8 Yankev-Meyer Fraiberg
15 Yoiel Fudym
18 Itche Fuks
15 Berel Gewandshneider
15 Sura-Ita Gewandshneider
1 Abraham-Itche Glauber
20 Itche Glauber
20 Shulim Glauber
2 Bairish Goldblum
3 Chaim-Meyer Golblum
3 Itzchak Goldblum
15 Itche Goldspiner
5 Nachme Goldspiner
10 Yossel Goldspiner
14 Berel Goldstein
7 Chaskiel Goldstein
5 Rachmil Goldstein
27 Raphael Goldstein
11 Yisruel-Moishe Goldstein
9 Bairish Gotlib
19 Ephraim Gotlib
14 Yoinathan Gotlib
22 Mary'm Gotlib
13 Sura Gotlib (Donditchke)
24 Yisruel Gotlib (Gliner)
13 Chaya Graff
13 Laizer Graff
13 Meilech Graff
17 Moishe Graff
2 Chaim Grohman
13 Shimshon Grohman
22 Meilich Grynbaum
22 Yisruel Grynbaum
6 Aaron-Moishe Grynbaum
4 Fishel Grynbaum (Soifer)
5 Chil Grynberg
20 Shmuel Grynberg
22 Chaim Gryner (Volvish)
7 El'ye Gryner
2 Mendel Gryner
27 Gamniel Gryner
27 Mordechai Gryner
27 Wolf Gryner
14 Ephraim Grynspanholc
14 Moishe-Mendel Grynspanholc
15 Shmuel Grynspanholc (Panye)
10 David Gurfinkiel (Chazen)
5 Hersh-Leib Gutman
14 Mordechai Gutman
11 Mindele Gutwein
11 Shya Gutwein
18 Laibel Hirshenhorn
13 Toba Hirshenhorn
11 Meilech Hitelmacher
13 Hershel Hochbaum
20 Moishe-Chaim Hochbaum/Kaplan
20 Leibke Hochman

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17 Yankev-Yoissef Melman
17 Zeilig Melman
17 Chaim-Marmel's Mendel
21 Raizel Meyer's
5 Chil Mintz
12 Yossele Mintz
12 Eibe Morel
5 Itche Morel
2 Basia Nissenbaum
3 Motel Nissenbaum
16 Hershel Niskier
22 Naftule Niskier
22 Shyale Niskier
10 Yankiele Nomberg
1 Bayrech Orenstein
4 Chaskiel Orenstein
13 El'ye Orenstein
13 Hershel Orenstein
19 Kopel Orenstein
14 Louzer Orenstein
4 Rochele Orenstein
11 Zelman Orenstein
18 Chaim Pik
10 Nussen Pik
25 Rachmil Pogoda
16 Yossel Pouritz
12 Moishe Rames
12 Pessa Rapoport
4 Shya Rapoport
5 El'ye Rebbi
5 Abraham Rochwerg
5 Bayla Rochwerg
9 Chaim-Shloime Rochwerg
5 David Rochwerg
5 El'ye Rochwerg
6 Mendel Rochwerg
12 Shloime Rochwerg
1 Yerouchem Rochwerg
27 Shmay'e Rolnicki
14 Benda Rolnicki
27 Hersh Roos
24 Moishe Rosenblum
24 Motel Rosenblum
27 Berel Rosenman
20 Mendel Rosenman
20 Shime-Leib Rosenman
11 Dyna Rozenbaum
13 Shmuel Rozenbaum
13 Chil Rozenblum
5 Yume Rozenblum
18 Abraham Rozentzweig
18 Ephraim Rozentzweig
3 Moishe-David Rozentzweig
18 Shloime Rozentzweig
5 Abraham Rozenfeld
8 Itzchak Rozenstein
23 Laizer Rozenstein
10 Abraham Ryba
11 Alter Ryba
10 Moishe Ryba
14 Rachmil Ryba
3 Moishe Schlosser
5 David Schneider
5 Shimon Schneider
17 Hersh Schneidman
17 Shmuel Schuchhendler
1 El'ye Shafir
10 El'ye Shafir (bat-chen)
18 Hershel Shafir
18 Moishe Shafir (Shames)
5 Moishe Shafir
26 Yankele Shafir (Wyszmontow)
13 Nachman-Itzchak Shames
14 Moishe Sheinblum
26 Yoiel Shenker
15 Aaron Sherman
5 Ephraim Sherman
15 Isaac Sherman

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10 Sura Hochman
7 Gershon Ingberman
7 Shya Ingberman
19 Itzchak Berel's
9 Shloime Karas
2 Berel Karp (Sachaliner)
4 Shloime Karp
7 Yoissef Katz
10 Mordechai Kestenbaum
8 Moishe Kestenbaum
6 Perel Youkef's Kestenbaum
6 Shya Kestenbaum
27 Naftule Kierbel
15 Klapper (health officer)
14 Hershele Kleiner
15 Aaron Kleinman
15 Avroum-Leibish Kleinman
28 Bartche Kleinman
14 Ben-Zion Kleinman
14 Itchele Kleinman
17 Meyer Kleinman
14 Nussen Kleinman
16 Volvale Kleinman
21 Cheynoch Kleinmintz
1 Hersh-Yoissef Kleinmintz
18 Shya Kleinmintz
27 Chaskiel Koenigsberg
1 Yisruel Koenigsberg
3 Wolf Koenigsberg
23 Chil Kopershtych
4 Rachmil Kohen
15 Peysach Kotek
12 Chaim Laks
1 David Laks
12 Leah Laks
4 Alter Lasociner
1 Aaron Lederman
6 Abraham Lederman
14 Cheyna Lederman
24 Chil Lederman
28 Wolf Lederman
15 Tovye Lederfein
9 Abraham Lederwerg
6 Meyer Lederwerg
15 Laibel Itche's Lerer
10 Shaindel Lerer
5 Louzer Lichtinger
6 Laibel from Linow
5 David Lustig
5 Laibel Lustig
5 Laizer Lustig
13 Moishe Lustig
5 Nathan Lustig
5 Nousia Lustig
13 Sroul-Leib Lustig
5 Yoske Lustig
3 Abraham Mandel
13 Chaskiel Mandel
13 Chil Mandel
21 Fishel Mandel
10 Itche-Meyer Mandel
11 Kopel Mandel
18 Leah Mandel
13 Meyer Mandel
10 Moishe Mandel
13 Shaul Mandel
21 Shloime Mandel
21 Yankiel Mandel
9 Brandel Manheim
25 Naftule Manheim
13 Meyer'l Yoi'el's
14 Aaron Melamed
2 Hendela Melman
7 Kopel Melman
2 Laibish-Meyer Melman
27 Laizer Melman
9 Meyer Melman
7 Moishe Melman
15 Shimon Melman

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9 Elchanan Tenenbaum
9 Hertzke Tenenbaum
9 Moishe Tenenbaum
9 Yerouchem Tenenbaum
27 Chaskiel Teperman
15 Abraham Tokarz
26 Avrum-Leib Tyshler
26 Kayla Tyshler
18 Meilech Tyshler
18 Meyer Tyshler
18 Peretz Tyshler
26 Shmuel Tyshler
6 Yankele Tyshler
18 Yisruel Tyshler
11 Pinchas Wacholder
12 Chil Waitzman
3 Moishe Waitzman
18 Youkele Waksman
19 Pinchas Walerstein
21 Itche Warshawski
16 Alter Waksman
17 Antchel Waksman
17 Chil-Yoissef Waksman
9 El'ye Waksman
16 Hershel Waksman
4 Itche Waksman
4 Laizer Waksman
26 Meilech Waksman
17 Moishe-Aaron Waksman
4 Moishe Waksman
4 Shama Waksman
10 Shya Waksman
21 Youme Waksman
18 Yukale Waksman
22 Wolvale Waksman
7 Zangv'l Waksman
16 Zelman Waksman
16 Louzer Wassertregers family
17 Idel Weinberg
17 Zeilig Weinberg
15 Shya Weingarten
17 Shya Weingarten
3 Chaim Weinryb
3 Chaskiel Weinryb
3 Moishe Weinryb
9 Moishe Weinryb
3 Yankele Weinryb
3 Youe Weinryb
12 Itche Weintraub
5 Shmuel Weintraub
5 Leibish Wronenberg
17 Abraham Zalcman
9 Zalmale the Baker
27 Chaskiel Zauberman
9 Hersh-Leib Zauberman
26 Louzer Zauberman
14 Nouss'n Zauberman
27 Shimale Zauberman
6 Wolf Zauberman
7 Yisruel Zelcer
6 Abraham Zycholtz
5 Chil-Motel Zycholtz
14 Laizer Zycholtz
19 Bairish Zylberberg
15 Kelman Zylberberg
22 Leibish Zylberberg
7 Motel Zylberberg
19 Nycha Zylberberg
7 Shloime Zylberberg
23 Alter Zysapel
1 Antchel Zysapel
14 Chil Zysapel

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17 Leibish-Peysach Sherman
7 Moishe Sherman
19 Moishe-Leib Sherman
13 Moishe-Wolf Sherman
9 David Shiffman
9 Moishe Shiffman
17 Laibel Shnold
22 Laizer Shnold
22 Soumer Shnold
13 Abraham Shoor
13 Itche Shoor
13 Meyer Shpagat
2 Shmuel Shpilman
11 Moishe Shteinhart
12 Ephraim Shteinsneider
13 Nuchem-Laizer Shuldman
15 Laibel Staal
3 Pelta Staal
15 Nachman-David Staal
18 Tzarka Staal
6 Yankelchu Staal
6 Chaim-Yoissef Studer
1 Lipa Studer
1 Moishe-Idel Studer
12 Rebbi Chaskiel Taub
13 Taub (lime dealers)
17 Chem'ye Tchresnia
13 Aaron Teichman


Unveiling by members of the Paris Ozarow Association of a monument to victims of the Holocaust from Ozarow and its surroundings. Bagneux cemetery, 1950

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Ozarowers Deported From France Who Perished
& Dates of their Deportation

Birth date
Birth place
15 05-08-42 Abraham Adler 1912 Ozarow
47 11-02-43 Blima Adler 29-12-03 Krasnik
47 11-02-43 David Adler 02-05-32 Paris
40 01-11-42 Chana Myrla Adler 1905 Ozarow
11 27-07-42 Sura Adler-Malach 12-08-12 Siedlec
02 05-06-42 Israel Chalman 20-07-99 Ozarow
11 27-07-42 Chaya Cukier 26-06-02 Ozarow
46 09-02-43 Tauba Flom 23-12-84 Ozarow
01 27-03-42 Chil Goldblum 14-05-00 Ozarow
09 22-07-42 Yisruel-Shya Goldfarb 20-07-25 Tarlow
11 27-07-42 Jeannette-Gittela Goldfarb 20-03-20 Tarlow
09 22-07-42 Samson Goldfarb 1884 Tarlow
49 02-03-42 Abraham Goldsztain 26-01-09 Ozarow
47 11-02-43 Perla Goldsztain-Gotlib 15-04-12 Ozarow
12 29-07-42 Basia Grynblat 05-01-14 Ostrowiec
11 27-07-42 Betty Gryner March 1940 Paris
11 27-07-42 Rachela Gryner 1909 Lask
04 25-06-42 Rachmil Grynszpanholc 19-03-07 Ozarow
68 10-02-44 Chaim-Wolf Herszenhorn 22-09-93 Ozarow
68 10-02-44 Sara-Gittela Herszenhorn 13-03-93 Ozarow
15 05-08-42 Alter Kestenbaum 1903 Ozarow
11 27-07-42 Sura-Leah Klaiman 15-01-19 Tarlow
05 25-06-42 Berek Klaiman 24-03-15 Tarlow
16 07-08-42 Chana Kotek 1907 Ozarow
66 20-01-44 Daniel Kotek 05-06-39 Paris
57 18-07-43 Deborah Kotek 15-02-15 Warsaw
36 31-08-42 Henri Kotek 05-04-18 Ozarow
36 31-08-42 Henriette Kotek 30-11-23 Paris
14 03-08-42 Psachye Kotek 11-11-07 Ozarow
66 20-01-44 Samuel Kotek 18-01-28 Paris
57 18-07-43 Simon Kotek 20-01-13 Ozarow

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Ozarowers Deported from France (cont.)

Birth date
Birth place
46 09-02-42 Faiga Lerer (Youkale's wife) 1896 Ozarow
47 11-02-42 Sarah Lerer 01-01-30 Ozarow
26 31-08-42 Felix Lerer 06-02-40 Paris
26 31-08-42 Ida Lerer 17-05-37 Paris
26 31-08-42 Sarah Lerer 12-10-05 Mangusaw
06 17-07-42 Zelman Lerer 21-06-02 Ozarow
42 06-11-42 Sura-Myrla Mandel 16-04-04 Ozarow
22 01-08-42 Anna Rosenberg 19-08-30 Paris
20 17-08-42 Moszek Rosenberg 17-04-04 Sydlowiec
15 05-08-42 Rivka Rosenberg-Gryner 1902 Ozarow
22 21-08-42 Sarah Rosenberg 1929 Ozarow
01 27-03-42 Moszek Rozenfeld 24-05-07 Ozarow
01 27-03-42 Alter Rozentcwaig 22-11-08 Ozarow
51 06-03-43 Chil Szerman 06-12-08 Ostrowiec
05 28-06-42 Itzek Sztuder 06-02-02 Ozarow
15 05-08-42 Faiga Zylberman 18-09-99 Ozarow
15 28-06-42 Frida Zylberman 25-09-31 Étain
24 26-08-42 Laia Zylberman 27-12-26 Ozarow
24 26-08-42 Rachel Zylberman 09-02-25 Ozarow
15 28-06-42 Slouwa Zylberman 15-01-29 Ozarow
24 26-08-42 Sura Zylberman 25-01-23 Ozarow

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Ozarowers Deported from Belgium

Birth date
Birth place
Antwerp 07-42 Esther Birenbaum 1901 Solec
Antwerp 07-42 Moishe-Meyer Birenbaum 1926 Ozarow
Antwerp 07-42 Sarah Birenbaum 1931 Ozarow
Antwerp 07-42 Yossel Birenbaum 1928 Ozarow
34 18-09-42 David Gutwain 10-10-16 Ozarow
Antwerp 07-42 Bernard Melman 1923 Ozarow
Antwerp 07-42 Celina Melman 01-03-30 Ozarow
Antwerp 07-42 Moishe Melman 1898 Ozarow
Antwerp 07-42 Rochel Melman 1900 Ostrowiec

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Claire Rothman photographed at the entrance sign to Ozarow on December 29, 1993
In 1921 her grandfather Shya Rochwerg emigrated from Ozarow to Montreal, where he became Charles Rothman and prospered as a dress manufacturer and realtor. The sign advertises the presence of the Ozarow Cement Works, a tangible connection to the limestone quarries of the region.


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