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Translated by Ros Romem
He was clever and understood the people with whom he worked. He was devoted and dedicated to the Zionist movement and to the redemption of the people and the land. He scorned anyone who objected to Zionist ideology. With convincing arguments he would embarrass all those who had doubts about Zionism. He was far more convincing with his talks than those who gave long speeches. He carried out wise, realistic and basic Zionist propaganda, not from a podium but in his many meetings with people from all classes.
He was a member of the Shaarei Zion Synagogue Committee and participated in every Zionist activity. He excelled in selling Zionist shares and in organizing various Zionist activities.
He was always ready to help people in distress and protect anyone in need. He was always genial and knowledgeable about all local problems of the Jewish population.
An honest man, he fought for truth, justice and fairness. This was his way and he trod this path all his life and in all his activities.
He was Pincze to his friends, very popular in Ostrowa and well liked by everyone who met him.
I remember his great enthusiasm on his return from a Zionist conference he had participated in as a young man. He was familiar with all the issues on the agenda for meetings of the local committee and he executed them well.
He did a lot for the Tarbut School and educated his sons in its spirit.
His wife Jutke encouraged him and took part in communal activities with him. She was a member of the WIZO committee and very active in the organization.
They perished during the Holocaust with their two sons in Bialystok, hyd.
By his brother Jeshaja Galant
Translated by Judie Ostroff Goldstein
He was born in 1912 in Ostrowa, the son of Abraham Mendel Galant. In 1939 he was living in Zambrów. He was a scholar, having studied in the major yeshivos of Lomza, Wolozyn, Klock and Grodno. When the Germans occupied Ostrowa, many Ostrowers fled to Zambrów
Szoel Galant took many of these refugees into his home and fed them. For those he could not accommodate, he found other homes for them to stay in.
In 1941, when the Germans occupied Zambrów, they killed a group of thirty Jews, among them Szoel. The date and place of his death is unknown. Also his wife Taszke, their child Libele and his wife's parents were murdered. May their memories be blessed and their souls bound up in the bond of life.
Margolis family
Translated by Ros Romem
Rachel Leja Landau |
and sons Symcha and Pejsach |
By Chaim Glinka
Translated by Ros Romem
He was an outstanding teacher and communal worker, loved by all his friends, acquaintances and the young people he came in contact with.
He was a member of the Zionist Council, always willing to work for every Zionist concern as well as a member of the town council representing the Zionist movement.
He was brave fighter for Jewish concerns. His speeches in defense of the Jews in Ostrowa were famous and influenced decisions about Jewish concerns. He defended with honour, reason and devotion the many interests of the Jews of Ostrowa.
For many years he was the head of the Haskalah Association and broadened it activities. He played a large part in the expansion of the library and cultural activities. He endeavoured to inject the Zionist spirit into library activities and to enlarge the Hebrew literature section. He was highly educated and of great intelligence. He home was always open to all Zionist and communal matters.
His wife Chana, may she live long, now lives in Israel and was a member of the organizing committee of WIZO in Ostrowa as well as its chairperson for a time. She helped Mosze in his extensive communal activities and was an active Zionist.
Mosze died in the Warszawa Ghetto in 1941.
By his mother Chana Holcman
Translated by Judie Ostroff Goldstein
Meier (Mietek) Holcman, son of Mosze and Chana, was born in Rozan, brought up and educated for several years in Ostrów Mazowiecka, attended the first Hebrew kindergarten in Ostrowa and was a student at Tarbut school.
In Warszawa he went to a state Gymnasia where he was the only Jewish student in the class. (There were only two Jewish students in the entire school). He never lost his national pride, which he had learned at the Hebrew school in Ostrowa and at home from his parents.
In his Bar Mitzvah speech he said among other things: Being one Jew among so many Christians, I see many differences between their freedom and our persecution, but I am proud to be a part of the Jewish nation. I was born a Jew, I am a Jew and I will remain a Jew.
And for this sin of being a Jew the Nazis murdered him in his youth. Meier Holcman was murdered in Treblinka in 1942.
My child! Your mother's eyes will never cease to lament your death until her dying breath. And my heart will never cease to long for you.
Translated by Sara Mages
A man with a deep Jewish awareness, possessor of a broad Jewish and general education, an expert in ancient and modern Jewish literature, and the owner of a broad knowledge in general literature and different fields of science.
He was devoted to the Zionist work, served as a symbol and model to the youth and the public. He saw in the education of the young generation one of the major Zionist work. He demanded that the young generation will not receive a superficial education by speeches, brochures, slogans, etc., but an intensive education that will cover all the complex problems of the Jewish people in general and Zionism in particular. Only by an intensive education he claimed it is possible to implant and strengthen the Zionist recognition and the willingness for pioneering and Zionist action.
His many speeches and lectures, in addition to their rich and intensive content were full of love to Israel and Zion. They were built with a strong logic and convincing with the beautiful expressions that he gave to his ideas.
He was a member of the Zionist Committee and participated with awareness and great interest in all the problems on the agenda. He was elected and participated in various Zionist conferences. He saw in the distribution of the Hebrew language - especially among the youth the foundation of the Zionist work.
He perished during the Holocaust. hyd
Translated by Sara Mages
Involved in the city's public life and devoted all his time to them. He was active in the Zionist movement, the Haskalah [enlightenment] Movement, and has done a lot for the expansion of the movement's large library and for public service. He was also knowledgeable in literature.
He didn't skip any Zionist and national activity that he was called to participate in, was a member of the Zionist Committee in the city, and participated actively in meetings and gatherings. He had a clear viewpoint on the Zionist's issues that were brought up for discussion, and tried to convince and justify his opinions. He was a delegate of Keren Kayemet L' Yisrael [Jewish National Fund] for several years.
He dreamt of immigrating to Israel and settling there, but he was unable to do so because of the difficulties in immigration of those times.
Translated by Sara Mages
A man imbued with Zionist consciousness, served as the secretary of the Zionist Committee, and tried to instill the spirit of Zionism everywhere.
He was well liked, a man with a lively conversation in public matters. He devoted all his free time to the Zionist movement and to various public affairs.
He always dreamt of making an aliyah to Israel, but was unable to do so.
He engaged in public needs with trust.
By his brother Tuwia Makower
Translated by Judie Ostroff Goldstein
Chaim Makower also called Chaim Papierasznik zl was an extremely religious Jew. The entire three years that he served in the Russian military, he never once ate the food that was served in the military mess. He made do with what he was able to find that was kosher (because while doing his military service he received several citations, he was not bothered by the military authorities).
He lived by the labour of his hands his entire life, always helped people in need and lived his life doing good deeds. Even in times when he was in need he would share what little he had and give charity.
One of his sons, Cwi Makower survived and lives in Israel in Kiryat-Borohov.
May his memory be blessed.
By his daughter and her sister: Brajncze Grabinski-Frejman, Israel
Translated by Judie Ostroff Goldstein
In memory of my dear father and family so tragically killed by the German murderers. May they be remembered for the good they did.
This must serve as the gravestone for their violated bodies.
sons and daughters: Chaim Zelman, Jeszija, Sara, Chana, Szabatai, Chaja and Mosze |
Translated by Judie Ostroff Goldstein
Was known in the town as a wonderful volunteer, a daughter of the Kocker Hasid and prayer leader Jeshaja Augustower, she learned about good deeds in her parents' home. She was very active in collecting money for the needy and was a member of the women's committee for the Nowaradoker Yeshiva in Ostrowa. She remained a widow and on her own managed to give her children a religious upbringing.
Murdered in Slonim. Hyd
Translated by Ros Romem
Fejga Tejtel was one of the important and outstanding women with whom our community was honoured. Her good deeds were spoken about with deep admiration and great respect.
The people of Ostrowa, especially those involved in community work, were well aware that Fejga Tejtel did not belong to the kind of communal workers about whose good deeds people talked about publicly. She was clever, noble and very active in the community. She was a unique personality among the distinguished communal activists in Ostrowa. She gave a great deal of herself and of her energy to care for the indigent and the sick, especially girls. She was happy to give assistance anonymously.
She was involved in several charitable institutions and was the heart and soul in the field of social welfare. She also instilled her beliefs in her sons and daughters with the goal that they continue in the tradition of her love for humanity, filled with a desire to help mankind.
At the outbreak of the Second World War she fled with members of her family to Semiatiec (Grodno District) and for a while this was a safe place. But the killers who worked for Hitler, may his name be cursed, did not skip over this town either and she was murdered there along with her family hyd.
Translated by Ros Romem
Sara was the daughter of Michel and Fejga Tejtel zl. She was one of the dear and honoured citizens of Ostrowa. She was born and raised in Ostrowa and was educated in her parents' home and inspired by them. Everyone who knew her called her by the nickname Sara'cze. She continued in the path of her mother and cast a glow upon her family and surroundings with her personality.
She was a charming young woman with wise eyes. She was all soul. As a child she absorbed the beauty of the Hebrew language of the Prophet Isaiah, The Bible and retained ahavas Zion [love of Zion] all her life.
She was educated in languages and literature and worked at the head office of The Land of Israel Centre in Warszawa. She was popular with all the employees who found in her not only a colleague but also an inspiring personality with her great knowledge and gentility.
She married Mr. Perelgryc, an educated man and they settled in Warszawa. During the Second World War she and her son Daniel were in the Warszawa Ghetto and they perished there. Her husband had stayed with her parents and daughter Naomi in Ostrowa and escaped with the family to Russia. He became ill and died in Russia. Their daughter Naomi came to Israel with the Children of Teheran and she now lives in Binyamina, Israel. Hyd.
May her soul be bound up in the bond of life.
Daughters: Rachel, Peszkeh and Szulamit |
her little son Daniel |
Translated by Ros Romem
Sara Tejtel was the founder and chairperson of WIZO to which she devoted herself heart and soul. She was a member of the Zionist Committee for many years.
She was a noble and honourable woman and excelled in her great love of everything concerning Israel.
She was very involved in organizing the JNF bazaars that for many years were a great success.
She surrounded herself with women who worked for Zionist causes and had a large impact on the community.
May her soul be bound up in the bond of life.
Translated by Judie Ostroff Goldstein
Riwka Rekant, the widow of the well-known philanthropist, hospitable volunteer and Dozer Reb Josef Welwel Rekant, was known as a community volunteer. Her house was always open to every needy person.
When the Jews began fleeing to the Russian side of the border, a lot of refugees were arriving in Ostrowa from the surrounding towns of Pultusk, Serock, Rozan, Wyszków, Dlugosiodlo, etc. waiting for the opportunity to cross over to the Russian side. A large number of refugees found a little comfort in her house. She cooked for them, gave them a place to sleep and simply gave over her home to them. She truly risked her life. Her nephew Hirszel came back from the Russian side several times and with tears in his eyes begged her to cross the border with him. (He was well known on the paths that went through the Zambrów forest). He warned her that soon it would be too late and that the border crossings would be closed. She answered that she could not abandon all the stray Jews without food or a roof over their heads. She remained with the refugees until the last minute. On the 29th Heshvan 5700 [11th of November 1939] all the remaining Jews in Ostrów Mazowiecka, including Riwka Rekant were gathered together by the Nazis and murdered as martyrs hyd.
May her memory be blessed
Translated by Judie Ostroff Goldstein
Translated by Judie Ostroff Goldstein
During 1940-1941 they were in the village Iwacewiec near Kosow-Podlaski. When the war between the Germans and the Russians broke out, they went to Slonim. In 1942 the Nazis took them away to be killed. The children ran away and got as far as forty kilometers from Slonim. But the SS caught them and brought them to Kosow-Podlaski.
(son of Chana and Izrael Sztejnberg)
Translated by Judie Ostroff Goldstein
He excelled in his studies at the state high school in Ostrów Mazowiecka. Zelman went to university in Warszawa where he participated actively in Zionist student-circles.
During 1939 to 1941, he worked as a teacher in the Jewish school in Waszylków near Bialystok and was well liked by the children and parents.
Murdered in Bialystok ghetto.
(daughter of Hana and Izrael Sztejnberg)
Translated by Judie Ostroff Goldstein
She was one of the best students in the Jewish public school and later in the state middle school in Ostrów Mazowiecka.
Her zeal and eagerness to learn were strong as well as her desire to be an educator of Jewish children.
She studied Jewish history in her free time and Israel was very dear to her.
Murdered in Ciechanowiec Ghetto.
These young lives were atrociously cut short by the Nazi regime and are mourned by their grieving parents and sister.
Translated by Judie Ostroff Goldstein
Sitting from right: Bendet Lichtensztejn, Jakob, Elka, Basia, Riwka and Mosze Aron. Standing: Lejbl and Dwora Jonisz, Motl, Jechiel, Leja and Rejzel Lichtensztejn. Murdered in Slonim |
The parents: Icchok and Frejda, sons: Pejsach Arje and Mordchai, daughters: Basia and Riwka Murdered in Rutki Kosow, near Bialystok in 1942. |
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Ostrow-Mazowiecka, Poland
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