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[Pages 66-67]

Gordonia (cont.)

In order to attract the community and also meet our budget, we arranged various celebrations: Bialik celebrations, whose content was lectures and recitals; celebrations of the 24th of Shvat dedicated to A. D. Gordon; we also put on performances such as Jeremiah, Shulamit, The Children of the Ghetto, and performed a parody of the community at the time of the strike of the shochtim (ritual slaughterers). The community looked approvingly upon our activities and streamed to these celebrations. Some of the performances were also brought to nearby cities. Gordonia played an active role in the Keren Kayemet, Keren Hayesod, Chalutz Week (on Passover), and the distribution of the shekel (Zionist movement membership token) for the congress.

Gordonia, preparation group

Gordonia, preparation group

Seated below from right to left: 1. S. Gisenblat 2. … 3. M. Broytman 4. M. Machlis 5. B. Shuchman
In the middle: 1. C. Muchnik 2. M. Frank 3. Shaposhnik 4. … 5. …
Upper row: 1. M. Rechulsky 2. Shrayberman 3. M. Ziserman 4. R. Chaimovitz 5. … 6. Suslensky 7. T. Muchnik 8. Grovokopatel 9. Tartakovsky


Gordonia also served as the instigating force in the founding the Tarbut School and the Hebrew Gymnasium. It also worked to increase the number of Hebrew readers in the civic library. The readership reached to one quarter of the number of readers. The Gordonia chapter founded groups in Rezina, Teleneshti and Chinisheutsy. Until the time of the Second World War, many of our members made aliya to the Land and settled in villages, cities and different Kibbutzim such as Massada, Chulda, Chanita, Sarid, Nirem.

Two of our dear members fell in Hadera during the disturbances of 5696 (1936): Anshel Muchnik and Yehudah Spivak.

Gordonia, Orheyev branch

Gordonia, Orheyev branch


The nest separated from their friends after their immigration to Israel

The nest separated from their friends after their immigration to Israel


Gordonia, 1932

Gordonia, 1932


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