[Pages 194]
Tuviya Averbukh
He was one of the first three of Bnei Yisrael and one of the first of any of the youth who went out to Hachsharah in Hechalutz in order to actualize the order of the movement. The journey was difficult, starting from the Hechalutz chapter in Kishinev (Benderskia 20) through Bilicheni to the Hechalutz chapter that was opened in Orheyev. Despite the difficulties, Tuviya remained strong and faithful to his path.
When he made aliya to the land, he pitched his tent in the valley of Ein-Badeh in the region of Nahalel along with the first ones of Bnei Yisrael. There, they worked on the road. As the son of a large and veteran family of farmers, he also desired agriculture. In his vision, he saw the group sitting on a plot of land and opening an agricultural farm. Luck went his way, and our paths split on account of the division in the Bnei Yisrael group. After some wandering through other groups, Tuviya arrived in Moshav Rashfon, where he established his family and realized his dream of opening a farm.
He was drafted into the guard unit during the disturbances of 1946, and he and his group were the first to go to any place of danger. He survived many battles with Arab gangs. Tuviya died in a work accident during the battles of the War of Independence on the eve of Passover 5708 (1948). Many tragedies befell the Averbukh family, and the tragic death of Tuviya surpassed them all. This family should remember their son and father who inscribed a bright page in the annals of the birth of Israel.
Shlomo Bronshteyn, Gan Shmuel
[Pages 194-195]
Nachum Alkushi
Nachum was one of the members of the Second Aliya, one of those about whom it can be said, I have seen those who made aliya and they were few. I first met him as I was passing through Egypt, as I recall in the first year that I arrived in the Land (5667 1907). He made aliya a short time later. After he made aliya, he called himself Alkushi (in the Diaspora he was Birnbaum). I met him among the first of the workers of Sagara. He was among a small company of agricultural workers. He worked in the field during the day and dedicated himself to communal affairs during rest times and in the evenings. Nachum, who was blessed with administrative talents, centralized the organizational activity of the Poale Zion in the Galilee region.
I met him once again during the convention of Passover 5669 (1909), and from that time, we remained in contact through letters, primarily about matters of the movement. At the time of the founding of the first Hebrew newspaper of Poale Zion Heachdut, I invited him to Jerusalem to direct the newspaper. He always fulfilled this task with diligence and dedication. During the time he was in Jerusalem, he dedicated all his free time to communal work as a member of the headquarters of the movement. During the time of the persecutions of Gamal Pasha, he went to America, where he was one of the first to answer the call to the organization of the Hechalutz and the Hebrew Brigade. He was one of the first to return with a brigade of 40 people (Kalei Hamelech) and one of the first to assist the united movement that was formed at that time, that is the movement of Achdut Avoda, which included the Poale Zion, those not a member of any faction, and some members of Hapoel Hatzair (5679 1919). He moved to Jerusalem in 5680 (1920), where he organized the first worker's kitchen, and participated in the first group of Haganah. He married his friend Miriam Meshi in 5681 (1921). They settled and set up their household in Jerusalem. Here, Nachum opened a Kupat Cholim branch, which he headed for many years. They moved to Tel Aviv in 5695 (1935). He was active in the movement and in communal life for many years. Toward the end he became seriously ill. For three years he was so ill that he could not move at all. He was forlorn and isolated.
He died in the Ziv House, and was not eulogized appropriately. However his friends from the Second Aliya remember his diligence, his talents and his boundless dedication. His memory will remain in their hearts forever.
Y. Ben Zvi
Days of greatness came to Hebrew Jerusalem in the year 5682 (1922) with the outset of the Third Aliya. There was a need to create and develop several institutions to serve the workers whose population was then growing in the city. There was a need to open a worker's kitchen, and Nachum Alkushi was called to do this with the help of several friends, all inexperienced yet full of will, talent and responsibility. There was a need to open the first Kupat Cholim infirmary, and Nachum Alkushi was asked to take care of this institution. Dr. Pruzhinin of blessed memory came at that time from the Galilee.
Nachum Alkushi stood with him as a faithful guard. He fulfilled his duties with his typical exactitude toward himself and others. He guarded every coin, demanded order, exactitude and responsibility from everyone, and even more so from himself. Indeed, thanks to this small group of the doctor, the nurse and Nachum Alkushi, the young, small institution took root, earned an honorable place, and became one of the most important and respected medical institutions in Jerusalem.
Nachum and Miriam moved from Jerusalem to Tel Aviv in 5695 (1935) on account of work in the institution. This move from Jerusalem which was so beloved to him was not simple for him, and it was not easy for him to acclimatize himself to the atmosphere of that city. There too he served the Kupat Cholim with the same dedication, knowledge and deep, true concern toward the matters that were in his hands.
He was a faithful member of the Histadrut, the community of workers, and to all of the activities of the Workers' Movement in the Land. He served Kupat Cholim and its members with true service.
May his memory be blessed.
Al. Feri
[Page 195]
Yaakov Yehudah and wife Beznos
He was involved with the community and pleasant to his fellowman, one of those who won his acclaim by his straightforwardness, his faithfulness and his uprightness to his fellowman.
He fulfilled a special role in the preparation of matzos for Passover, and he was the first in our city who brought machines for the baking of matzos. Before this time, all matzo baking was done entirely by hand. When the community decided to centralize the baking of matzos on the eve of Passover in its own hand, so as to increase the collection of Maos Chitin, the community council turned this over to him, and he answered willingly. He agreed to direct the activity to the best of his ability. Thereby, the Ezrat Aniim (Assistance for the Poor) society was able to expand its activities in general, and expand its assistance for the Passover holiday in particular. Yaakov Iddel's role was great in interceding on behalf of those who were particularly needy and who needed greater support. He knew the situation of each person, and his intercession was decisive. A second enterprise worthy of note in which he had first rights was the fishing enterprise in our city. In the Reat and the national pond (Yas) where there were many fisherman, the fishing was concentrated primarily in the hands of gentiles who were not professionally adept. Yaakov Iddel developed this profession for the benefit of the population. He had an additional spiritual benefit from this, in that he provided portions of fish for the needy, for the Sabbath, without any payment.
His children made aliya to the Land when they grew up. He and his wife remained in Orheyev to liquidate their property. He and his wife made aliya in 1934.
The heart of Yaakov Iddel, the working man who was upright in his ways and always concerned about his fellowman, was broken during the War of Independence which took place in the Land.
He died before his time and was brought to burial in Herzlia.
[Page 195]
Fania Borsutsky
Fania B. was born to a wealthy, pedigreed and scholarly family in Heisin (Podolia). She grew up and was educated in Balta, where she received her education with the renowned teacher Reb Baruch Schwartz (the father of the journalist Shalom Schwartz). At that time, Sheynkin was given the position of Rav Mitaam (government appointed rabbi) in Balta, and the city became an important Zionist center in the region. Fania joined the group of those who assisted Sheynkin in his Zionist activities, and dedicated herself fully to the movement, despite the fact that the communal environment was not comfortable with Zionism. The left saw it as a bourgeois movement, and the right related to it with general disdain. She, the daughter of the bourgeois did not refrain from dedicating herself to this movement with all of her youthful energy. She worked a great deal in all areas, and dedicated herself especially to the establishment of the Zionist school in Balta, where the students were primarily the children of the poor. Fania B. participated as a delegate to the Zionist convention in Minsk in Elul 5662 (1902) along with her husband Avraham Borsutsky of Orheyev who married her that year. They moved to Orheyev.
She participated along with her husband in the Chovevei Zion convention that took place in Odessa in Cheshvan 5663 (1902).
(From the words of B. Shochtman of blessed memory, published in the Hayom newspaper.}
[Pages 195-196]
Mordechai and Udel Globman
His wife Udel assisted him in his communal endeavors. He took counsel and advice from her intelligent understanding and her alertness to the problems of the day, especially with regard to people who were suffering and required assistance.
Reb Mordechai and his wife Udel made aliya to the Land in the year 5684 (1924), and realized their dream of settling in the holy city of Jerusalem. They lived there until the end of their days. In Jerusalem their home served as a meeting place for those who had come from Orheyev. Reb Mordechai maintained contact for a long time with his friends in Orheyev, and exchanged correspondence with them. The letters were full of enthusiasm about the issues of the Land.
They passed away at a good old age.
[Page 196]
Idil Yagolnitzer
Yagolnitzer was a model veteran of a youth movement whose motto was boundless dedication to the idea and the principle.
I was drawn to him while I was still involved in Gordonia. He had a unique charm that made him look young in spirit while he was old in years. His soul was and always remained young and vibrant.
He was known to all of us as an activist, who preferred the duty to the community over his own affairs. He was faithful to his nation and struggled with dedication for his civic and national rights. He struggled valiantly against any event that had an air of sycophantism, and complained against all those who learned how to bow their heads in deference and get used to being dishonest with their souls.
Even the state authorities recognized his talents and honored him for them.
He was a teacher, guide, and friend for the youth. The youth related to him like a man of vision and understanding.
He was a member of the Jewish party during the elections to national institutions. He stood as one of the candidates for the list that was to protect the interests of the Jewish population.
When he appeared as a lecturer or in public gatherings in the city, he always knew how to delve deeply into the Jewish question. He did not hesitate to fight against those who mislead and are misled.
He was faithful to his principles, and served as a personal example to his acquaintances and fans. His aliya to the Land served as an example of this.
His influence was great upon all of the youth, without concern for factional affiliation. He was considered to be one of the primary leaders in the instilling of national consciousness in the youth of Orheyev and in preparing them for the road to Zion
I loved to listen to Yagolnitzer during a debate. He was very sharp when he arranged a battle against the enemies of Zionism. He knew well how to express the complete truth and the ideological essence of Zionism. His answers were on the mark, clear and convincing. His appearances at gatherings always left a great impression, not only upon those who agreed with his outlook, but also upon his opponents. They too related to him with great honor.
He stood at the helm of the endeavor of arranging self defense. He instilled in the heart of everyone the understanding of the need for defending oneself, and he also took upon himself the distribution of weapons to the members. He was the living spirit in all events and matters where the spirit of Jewish pride and independence was felt.
I met very few Jews with as much spine in communal affairs as had Idil Yagolnitzer. His heart ached so much when he witnessed the communal activism in the Diaspora tend toward ingratiation and sycophantism.
I will always remember him as a teacher, an activist and a friend. Not only I, but all of the youth of Orheyev who were connected to him with all strands of their souls will remember him.
The publication of a book on Orheyev is perhaps the finest floral wreath over the grave of this faithful and dedicated activist who did so much to educate and guide the younger generation.
His memory should be blessed through the mouths of all his friends and fans.
D. Chaimovitz
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