Caption |
Page |
The Marketplace with the Town Hall |
17 |
The River Kamienica |
22 |
The Royal Castle |
33 |
Privilege |
44 |
The Old Town Hall |
88 |
List of Parneysim [elected heads of a Jewish community] |
94 |
Drawing of the Royal Castle |
136 |
The Sandzer Shul [Synagogue] |
162 |
A Fragment of the Sandzer Shul |
163 |
Military-Duty List |
194 |
Panorama of Sandz, Drawing |
197 |
List of Jewish Taxpayers, 1866 |
212 |
President Ignacy Moszcicki in Sandz |
232 |
The House of the Kehile [Organized Jewish Community] |
234 |
Yortsayt [Anniversary of Death] of Divrei Chaim [Name For Rabbi Cahim Halberstam of Sandz] on the Cemetery, Lithograph |
333 |
The Gravestone of Divrei Chaim |
334 |
From Sandzer Tsaytung [ Newspaper] |
344 |
List of the Subscribers for a Seyfer [Religious Book] |
348 |
From the Brochure The School - Goldberg |
351 |
School to Teach Hebrew Safa Berura [Pure Language] |
363 |
From Sandzer Tsaytung |
370 |
Poalei-Zion [LaborZionism], To Friend Snicer's Release |
396 |
From Sandzer Tsaytung |
408 |
Yugnt [Youth] - Leftist Poalei-Zion with Zerubavel [Name of a Secret Group of Poalei-Zion] |
420 |
Dr. Shachna Holcer |
444 |
Union of Jewish Juvenile Workers and Commercial Employees Yugnt |
448 |
Poalei-Zion of Young People With E. Ringlblum |
450 |
A Group Yugnt With Leftist Poalei-Zion |
452 |
Identification Papers of Yugend Organization |
462 |
Children's Group From Leftist Poalei-Zion Youth |
463 |
Poalei-Zion in 1919 |
464 |
The Library Committee for Leftist Poalei-Zion |
465 |
Kopelyansky's Hebrew Course |
469 |
Committee for Keren Kayemuth [Land Acquisition Organ of World Zionist Organization] |
472 |
Thirty-Year Anniversary of the Zionist Organization |
474 |
Notice From The Kehile About An Appeal for Contributions For the Kehile Against the Butchers' Strike |
475 |
A Group of Ha-shomer Ha-tsair [The Young Guard] |
480 |
A Team From Cell of Ha-shomer Ha-tsair |
481 |
Hashomer Hatsair in Sandz, 1933 |
481 |
Hashomer Hatsair on a Trip |
482 |
The Gordonia [Labor Zionist youth] Movement in Sandz |
485 |
Cover and Title Page from the First Number of Atoneyu [The Press] - Hanoar Hazioni: [Zionist Youth] |
487 |
Young Zionists |
489 |
A Group of HaChalutz [Zionist Pioneers], 1927 |
493 |
A Group of HaChalutz, 1928 |
494 |
Kibutz HaKoshra [Training] of Dror [Liberty-Youth Movement Founded 1926] |
494 |
A Group of HaChalutz, 1924 |
495 |
A Group Poalei-Zion - Z.S.[Poalei Zion ZS [Workers of Zion,Socialist Zionists] |
495 |
Kibutz HaKoshra HaPoel HaMizrachi [Orthodox Zionist Worker] |
498 |
The Yavneh School of the Mizrachi [Orthodox Zionists] |
499 |
A Group from the Torah and Work Movement |
500 |
Young Agudat Israel [Orthodox Jewish (Anti-Zionist) political movement] |
502 |
Leaflets from 9 Records for the Elections to the Kehile Administration |
503 |
A Group of Handball Players, Maccabi [Jewish Sports Organization] |
515 |
Group K. M. K. |
515 |
Theater Group Vitak in Tevye der Milkhiker [Dairyman] |
524 |
Dr. Bernard Zilberman |
567 |
A Group from the Zionist movement with Dr.Hersh Sirop |
573 |
Shaul Amsterdam |
582 |
A Letter from Divrei Chaim [Rabbi Chaim of Sanz (1793-1876)] to Leyzer Amsterdam |
590 |
Khenukh Shprey |
593 |
Szmuel and Mina Maszler |
595 |
Menachem Eliezer Mahler |
602 |
A Letter From Eretz Isroel From Horav Chaim Khuki - Madoni To Menachem Eliezer Mahler |
605 |
Dr. Yermihu Frenkel |
613 |
From Sandzer Tsaytung [Sandzer Newspaper] |
620 |
Baruch Szupnik |
629 |
Mendl Neugreshel with a Group of Herut [Liberty, Freedom; a Zionist Pioneering Group] |
635 |
Dr. Emanuel Ringelblum |
644 |
Dr. Emanuel Ringelblum with a group of Herut |
647 |
Poalei-Zion Yugnt with Ringelblum |
648 |
Batja Mahler |
670 |
The Marketplace in Sandz |
678 |
From Sandzer Tsaytung |
707 |
The Locked Ghetto and the Labor Ghetto |
720 |
The Judenrat [Jewish council created by the Germans, in charge of internal matters in the ghetto] |
733 |
Rayzl (Ratske) Goldberg and Hene Torum |
780 |
Inscription on the Collective Matseyve [tombstone] |
783 |
On the Mass Grave of 360 Jews in Gribow [Grzybowo] |
788 |
The Jewish Hospital |
801 |
The Monumental Tombstone |
843 |
Tombstone on the Mass Grave for 400 Who Were Shot to Death in an Action Against the Leftist Poalei-Zion |
844 |
The Besoylem [Cemetery] and Several Refurbished Tombstones |
844 |
Frontpiece of the Personal Testimony of Rena Anisfeld |
850 |
Personal Testimony of Hersz Beldegrin |
862 |
The Judgement on Heinrich Haman and His Accomplices |
876 |
A Group of Sandzers in San Paolo |
881 |
Committee of Countrymen from Nowy Sacz In Israel |
882 |
Berisz, Natan and Regina Neugreshel |
885 |