1932 Taxpayers List from Nadvorna


Introduction by Ada Green

This is a 1932 list consisting of 333 names, plus occupation and amount of tax that they paid.  The first 244 names were from Nadworna itself, with the remaining 89 from surrounding villages.

When I was in Stanislau in July 1996, I had a photocopy made of this list and fortunately was able to compare it up against Rabbi Kolesnik's better copy.  As my Ukranian guide read the names from Rabbi Kolesnik's copy, I marked up my photocopy so that the names would be as legible as the original.  I was familiar with many of the surnames on the list because of the prior work that I had done in "cataloguing" the 617 burials in New York's Nadworna landsmanschaft plots. 

One can see in comparing this 1932 list of taxpayers with the Yiddish index of names that I recently translated from the Nadworna Yitzkor book, that as would be expected, a large number of these people and their families lost their lives less than a decade later.

1932 list of the taxpayers of the Nadworna Jewish Community

(333 individuals) (11 pages)

1.  Abosch Abraham
2.  Adlersburg Szymon
3.  Arzt  Leon, Dr.
4.  Awner Izak
5.  Ball Simche Leib
6.  Ball Chaim Ber
7.  Ball Uscher
8.  Ball Jakob
9.  Ball Hersch
10. Ball Wolf s. Uschera
11. Bandler Jozef Meier
12. Banet Wolf
13. Bickel Chaim
14. Blecher Gittel
15. Brenner Feiwel
16. Bressler Uscher
17. BresslerIzak
18. Bressler Srul
19. Bag Samuel
20. Brandner Mendel
21. Bittman Heinich (or Beinich)
22. Bittman Moses Sr.
23. Bittman Moses Jr.
24. Bittman Scheindel
25. Blau Wolf
26. Binder Moses
27. Bodner Mojzesz
28. Bodner Leizor
29. Bodner Juljusz
30. Bodner Salomon
31. Bodner Jozef, Dr.
32. Berger Kiwa s. Ruchli
33. Berger Moses
34. Blitser Berl
35. Borgenicht Leon, Inz. (Engineer)
36. Burg Juda
37. Brumberger Jozef
38. Brumberger Jozef
39. Brumberger Hersch
40. Brucker Chaim
41. Brunwasser Chaim
42. Czeikel Alfred
43. Dachs Zalel
44. Dachs Berl
45. Dachs Motio
46. Dachs Jeruchim
47. Deutscher Pinkas
48. Dirnfeld Jakob, Dr.
49. Diamond Abraham
50. Drimer Chaim s. Izaka
51. Drimer Feiga
52. Dunejer Henich (or Benich)
53. Dreilinger Berisch
54. Durer Juda
55. Durer Jozef
56. Edelman Aron
57. Eidman Salo
58. Eidman Jozef
59. Engler David, Dr.
60. Eichler Samuel
61. Enker Jozef
62. Erdstein Bruno
63. Feuer Jakob
64. Finkelstein Jzlel(?) Jona
65. Fingerer Mendel
66. Fingerer Jozef
67. Friedman Izrael
68. Frisch Jozef
69. Flohr Agels (?)
70. Flohr Abraham
71. Flicker
72. Frucht Jakob
73. Fuchs Henryk, Dr.
74. Fuchs Leon
75. Gerstennaber Izak
76. Gerler Samuel
77. Gerler Mendel
78. Goldberg Gabryel
79. Goldberg Moses
80. Goldberg Chaim
81. Gold Ire Jozef
82. Goldstein Chaim Leib
83. Grauer Chaim
84. Grussgott Leib
85. Gluck Beila
86. Handelsman Chaim
87. Hamburger Dawid
88. Hamburger Moses
89. Hartman Sprince
90. Herz Abraham s. Samsona
91. Hartman Ruchel
92. Herz Samson
93. Herz Jacob
94. Herz Efroim
95. Hausle Abraham
96. Heckerling Abr. Dawid
97. Heller Salamon
98. Heller Aba
99. Hillman Leib
100. Hillman Boruch
101. Hirsch Filip
102. Hirsch Hersch
103. Hirsch Jakob
104. Hirsch Roza wife of Mosesz Aron
105. Harz Hersch s. Jakoba
106. Hilman Abraham, Inz. (Engineer)
107. Hornik Jozef, Dr.
108. Heizler Selig
109. Hutt Markus
110. Hutt Majer
111. Hubner Mendel
112. Jawetz Feige
113. Jawetz Scheindel
114. Jager Izak
115. Jager Jozef
116. Jeckel Alter
117. Izert Etie Dwora
118. Izert Srul
119. Jurman Selig
120. Juran Samuel Leib
121. Kalmus Franciszek, Dr.
122. Kammer Mendel
123. Katz Leibisch
124. Kerzner Izak
125. Kern Jozef
126. Klarreich Samuel
127. Klarreich Jozef
128. Klarreich Haskel(?)
129. Kleinfeld Gershon
130. Kleinman Chaim
131. Knoll Szymon
132. Knoll Hersch
133. Komornik Chaim
134. Komornik Chassia
135. Kramer Jakob
136. Kramer Srul
137. Kramer Chaim
138. Kramer Benjamin
139. Kramer Benjamin
140. Kressel Israel
141. Kressel Simon
142. Kressel Mozes
143. Kanfer Dawid, Dr.
144. Kurzman Jacob
145. Kriegel Jochim(?)
146. Kawaler Leib
147. Kriegel Abraham
148. Kriegel Abraham
149. Kriegel Izak
150. Kornblith(?) Berisch
151. Kurz Hersch
152. Langsner Benzion
153. Langsner Leib
154. Pharl(?) Jozef
155. Lerner Jozef
156. Lerchbaum Ulrich
157. Liljenfeld Ozjesz
158. Lumer Salmon
159. Metzger Osjesz
160. Margulies Maks
161. Neuman Adolf
162. Oblas Hersch
163. Pecher Boruch
164. Perl Salmon
165. Perl Schaje
166. Piper Moses
167. Petrower Mendel
168. Petrower Samson
169. Pohr Geze
170. Preiss Izak
171. Reiter Moses Hersch
172. Reiter Jakob
173. Reiter Fischel
174. Reiner Hersch
175. Rosenheck Dawid
176. Rosenthal Ignacy
177. Rothstein Eljasz
178. Rottenberg Mordko
179. Rottenberg Jakob
180. Ruff Herman
181. Rom Lazer
182. Samler Mordko Izak
183. Samler Pinkas
184. Samler Samuel
185. Samet Markus
186. Salpeter Natan
187. Sager Izek
188. Schell Maksymiljan, Dr.
189. Seinfeld Jakob Samuel
190. Seinfeld Kopel
191. Seinfeld Salamon
192. Sommerfreund Uscher
193. Schattner _sjosz(?)
194. Silber Aron
195. Spiegel Eisig
196. Starer Michal, Dr.
197. Stamler Chaim
198. Stamler Jakob Ber
199. Stern Leib
200. Schechter Mozes
201. Schar___(?) Ber(?)
202. Seizol(?) Laizer
203. Schmerler Mozes
204. Schmidmajer Gedale
205. Schreier Abraham
206. Sokol Majer
207. Sokol Hersch
208. Schulz Jozef
209. Stroler(?) Maksymiljam
210. Silbershein Izrael
211. Tanne Jozef
212. Teig Chaim
213. Traub Abraham Nuchim
214. Tropper Majer
215. Tropper Izrael
216. Thune Eisig
217. Turteltaub Abraham
218. Urman Leib
219. Weiss Abraham
220. Weitz Samuel
221. Wiezner Jakob
222. Willner Sizie
223. [cut off from my photocopy]
224. Witteles Abraham Moses
225. Witteles Jakob
226. Schneider Maks
227. Wieselman Mechel
228. Wieselman Simon
229. Wiesel Markus
230. Wiesel Dawid
231. Weitz Schaje
232. Weihard Moses Mordko
233. Weinberg Schewa
234. Weinberg Jozef
235. Weinberg Samuel
236. Wiesel Mendel
237. Wiesel Seide
238. Wiesel Aba
239. Wundermann Hersch
240. Zauderer Moses
241. Zauderer Dawid
242. Zauderer Seinwel
243. Zieg Pinkas Leon
244. Zwirn Mendel
245. Weingarten Jozef             Molotkow
246. Nagler Chaim                    "
247. Weinrauch Debora                "
248. Weingarten Chaim Samuel      Cucylow
249. Kwartler Chaim                  "
250. Weingarten Leizor               "
251. Lieber Alter                    "
252. Drimmer Leon                    "
253. Weingarten Simon                "
254. Weingarten Eisig                "
255. Drimmer Hersch                  "
256. Grubin Malka                    "
257. Korn Wolf                       "
258. Drimmer Jona                    "
259. Seinfeld Jozef s. Chaim Moisza  "
260. Seinfeld Seinwel                "
261. Seinfeld Chaim                  "
262. Seinfeld Wolf                   "
263. Marek Chaim Mendel              "
264. Kwartler Emanuel             Bilkow
265. Kwartler Jakob                  "
266. Halpern Jakob                   "
267. Rosmarin Izak                   "
268. Zauderer Sosia                  "
269. Turnschein Leon                 "
270. Blitzer Isak                 Pniow
271. Haber Moses                     "
272. Herz Meckel                     "
273. Rosenkrantz Eisig               "
274. Halpern Benjamin             Pasieczna
275. Wunderman Hersch                "
276. Tischonkel Moses                "
277. Petrower Jozef                  "
278. Spiegel Boruch                  "
279. Konigl Srul                     "
280. Knoll Samuel                    "
281. Wunderman Izak Leizor           "
282. Harz Jakob                      "
283. Herz Nuchim                  Zielona
284. Herz Benjamin                   "
285. Herz Abraham                    "
286. Silber Josel                    "
287. Silber Ryfka                    "
288. Seinfeld Benjamin               "
289. [cut off from top of page]      "
290. Ieselman(?) Moses               "
291. Bloch Chaim                     "
292. Elber Izak                      "
293. Schreiber Szila(?)           Bitkow
294. Bressler Hersch                 "
295. Locker Salamon                  "
296. Roth Moses Leib              Przerosl
297. Srinezer(?) Rosa                "
298. Forster Leiser               Wolosow
299. Fuchs Salamon                _elesnica dolna
300. Fuchs Hersch                    "
301. Weitz Boruch                 [town illegible]
302. Juran Chaim                     "
303. Finkelstein Nuchim              "
304. Hillman Josel                   "
305. Stern Dawid i Gelda             "
306. Knoll Berl                   Majdan g.
307. Knoll Israel                    "
308. Knoll Jozef                     "
309. Bartfeld Simon                  "
310. Blitzer Yechil                  "
311. Handel Motio                    "
312. Engelberg Feiwich               "
313. Brendes Fryderyk                "
314. Reiter Hersch                Tarnowica lasna
315. Reiter Jozef                    "
316. Reiter Tobias                   "
317. Kriegel Moses                   "
318. Weingarten Hersch               "
319. Weingarten Mendel               "
320. Kwartler Izak                   "
321. Kwartler Abraham Hersch         "
322. Bartfeld Majer               Krasna
323. Grun Aron                       "
324. Bartfeld Abraham                "
325. Fischer Abraham Ber             "
326. Menschenfreund Moses            "
327. Menschenfreund Seide            "
328. Abosch Wolf                     "
329. Feuerman Izak                   "
330. Gugig Simcha                    "
331. Rom Alter                       "
332. Stahl Izak                      "
333. Thune Markus                 Bitkow

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