Enhanced map from page 24
By Martin Small A/K/A Mordechai Shmulevicz
Prepared for Myrna and Shael Siegel's Trip to Maytchet 2004
- Fire Department - Head of Fire Dept. Martin's cousin Yossel Shmulewicz
- Area of Three Synagogues (Shulhof)
2a. Bet Midrash,
2b. Shteibl
2c. Main Synagogue named Kalte Schul Large brick bldg., high ceiling painted biblical scenes, men's section 15-20 steps down and women sat in balcony, no heat and was used for holidays, Shtiebel for Chassidim and Beit Midrash smaller synagogue
- Rabbi's House and Cantor's House
- Novomiski Liquor business (Martin's Uncle)
- Gilerowicz House
- Korn's House
- Line of Stores
- Alter Rubiezewski (Rubio) House on top of Stores facing Bet Midrash
- Lakhovitzki Pharmacy
- House of Martin's Grandparents Abraham and Shifra Schmulewicz
- Apteka---The Dvorjetski's Pharmacy
- Chaim Meir Gorski's Shoe Store they lived on street behind the store
- House of Beryl Schmulewicz, the Mohel, brother of Martin's grandfather
- Hardware Store of Michel Schmulewicz, Martin's Uncle
- Rabinovitch Dry Goods Store (Uncle of Nachum Rabinovitch)
- Israel Rabinovitch House (Nachum's father)
- House of Vikna Belski
- Bakery (Sora Henie was sales lady)
- Freidl Margolin's store/cafe
- Romanovski's House
- The Water Pump
- Volinski's Soda Factory and Store
- Belitski Dry Good Store
- Road to Slonim
- Elke and Koppel Gorski's General Store on Street to Slonim and 2 doors from Church.
- The White Church Prowaslaw (Greek Orthodox) Street behind was Catholic Church.
- Martin's Uncle Michel Schmulewicz House Rented house and storage rented to Rabinovitch for storage of wheat and grains he sold in market
- Martin's House parents Schlomo and Esther Schmulewicz, children Mordechai Leib (Martin Small), Pesha and Elka behind house was Uncle Zimel's House wife was Chaika Bilitski Address was 17 Handlova
- Uncle Michel Schmulewicz family residence wife Leah and sons Chonia & Moishe. Behind the house was a stable for cows.
- Gilerowicz House
- House of Priest from Pravosiaw White Church
- Jewish Doctor's house, Dr. Shapiro---next to this was a small gentile cemetery
- Chaim Meir Gorski the Shoe Maker's House; children Sachne, Yankel and Minya
- Ozeransky (or possibly Orzechovsky House son Bome lives in Russia and was in the Russian army
- Gentile Doctor Feisher's house
- Catholic Church and Living Quarters
- Gentile Cemetery
- The Health Forest (mostly Pine trees)
- Water Mill
- Mina Gorsky's House---the carpenter
- Viloikhinski the shoemaker
- Liberman's house and business Wealthy man; had a telephone
- House of Yosel Bielous (Brother of Martin's mother)
- Houses of Moshe Aaron Boretcky and houses of sons and their families Shmuel, Noach and Ben Zion Boretcky
- Moshe Aaron Boretcky's Flour Mill
- Uncle Mikal Schmulewicz SMOLARNIA business (would bring roots from trees and burn for weeks to make tar to be used on roofs
- Novomiski houses (on far right)
- All Jewish houses
- Martin's cousin Yudel Schmulewicz motel for guests who came for the summer to the health forest. Would tie hammocks between trees to use as beds
- Weekly Market held on Wednesdays on right of map
Not numbered on map:
Police Station across the street from Yudel Schmulewicz's motel
Train Station built 1938 near the mass grave. The station used before that was in Mickiewicz 4 km. from Maytchet on the way to Baranovichi
Slonimskaya Street was way to Slonim, Yurzdyka St.
On road to Dvorets was another flour mill
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Molchad, Belarus
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Updated 19 Oct 2013 by LA