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[Page 181]

Maytchet in pictures A (cont.)


1. Mordechai Belski. 2. Mina Ravitz. 3. Shimon Gilerovitz. 4. Ethel Romanovski. 5. Pulchik (a teacher from outside). 6. Mina (the daughter of the rabbi of Sinyavka) . 7. Chaim Epshtein. 8. Libaka Izraelovitz. 10. Yehoshua Novomishiski. 11. Tzila Biteknski. 12. Nachum Gilerovitz


1. Malka Zukovitzki. 2. A teacher from outside. 3. A teacher from outside. 4. Tronski (a teacher from outside). 5. Yechezkel Ravitz. 6. Avraham David Zukovitzki. 7. Chana Boyarski. 8. A teacher from outside. 9. Tzila Bitenski. 10. Libaka Izraelovitz

[Page 182]

Row 1 - right to left: 1. Manya Novomisky 2. Etel Rubizewski 3. Teacher not from Maytchet 4. Teacher not from Maytchet 5. Gunik, a teacher
Row 2 – right to left: 6. Katz, teacher at Tarbut School 7. Malke Zukovitzki  8.Chaim Novomiski 9. Nachum Gilerovitz 10. Rivke Novogrudsky 11.Teacher not from Maytchet
Row 3 – right to left: 12. Teacher not from Maytchet 13. Alte Boretcky 14.Yehoshua Novomisky 15.Hana Boretcky Avraham 16. David Zukovitzki


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