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[Page 464]

Photographs of Our Martyrs (cont.)

Translated by Howard I. Schwartz, PhD


Nute Iskiewicz,[1] his sister [Devorah (Iskiewicz) Grin] (on the right), his wife [Rachel, center] and daughter Zlata, of blessed memory (on the left)


Eliezer Iskiewicz,[2] his wife Faiga [Grin] and their children: Shlomo, Sheindel [center], Raizel [front], and Moshe, may he live a long life. The grandmother of Eliezer, Yenta Barshof, of blessed memory.   Shlomo Iskiewicz[3] and his wife Sheindel

[Page 465]

Pesia Grin (Meirzon)[4] of blessed memory   Herschel Grin,[5] of blessed memory, died in service in the Polish army 1926
Abraham Grin[6] and his wife [Rachel] Kutzka, of blessed memory   Ben-tzion Grin,[7] his wife Zlata [Kwasgalter], and their son Mendele

[Page 466]

[Chaim] Monik Kwasgalter[8] and his cousin Faivel   Meir Kwasgalter[9] and his wife Shentzi [Gonik], of blessed memory
Hantzia [Szteinsznaid née Kwasgalter][10] and her son Feiveli   Zelig Kwasgalter,[11] Chaya Gershtein from the Kwasgalter line (left)

[Page 467]

Wolf Berger,[12] his wife Golda, their daughter Hannah [left], of blessed memory. Distinguished for a long life: Reizel [Rosa] their daughter [center] and Ahron [Harari] their son.


[right to left] Shlomo Iskiewitz,[13] Zalman Sheidman[14] of blessed memory, Distinguished for a long life,
Rubin Kozak
  Shlomo Nekunchinik,[16] Hershel Gertnich,[17] of blessed memory. Distinguished for a long life Berel Rabinovitch[18] [front right] and Yitzhak Mandelkern[19]


Editor's footnotes:
  1. Nute Iskiewicz (alternative spelling Isakovich) was born in about 1872 in Mlynov. He had two siblings, Dvora (in this photo) and Shlomo (photo below). Nute was a housewares trader living in Lutsk before the War and he and his daughter, Zlata, were killed in Lutsk. Zlata's Yad Vashem record indicates her mother's name was Rachel. The martyr list (p. 431) indicates that the couple also had a daughter, Sarah, living in Israel and a son Avigdor in Canada.
    Nute's sister, Devorah, married Lieb Grin. Their daughter Khaia Faiga Grin married Shlomo's son (her first cousin) Eliezer Iskiewicz. Their family photo below. Return
  2. Eliezer Iskiewicz (alternative spelling Isakovich) (1896–1942) was son of Shlomo and Sheindel. He married his first cousin Faiga Khaia Grin, daughter of Lieb Grin and Dvorah (Iskiewicz). They were the parents of Moshe Iskiewicz, author of essay, “Impressions and Memories” in this volume, pp. 88-89, and who appears as a young boy in this photo. Another photo of the Eliezer / Leazar appears on page 477. The other children in this photo are Shlomo (1921–1942), Raizel (1927–1942), and Sheindel (1935–1942). Shlomo (1921–1942) was apparently named for his grandfather, Shlomo, in the photo to the right. He also appears as a school lad in the photo on p. 467. According to the martyr list (431), Shlomo disappeared in the battle of Stalingrad in 1942 Return
  3. This Shlomo Iskiewicz, was the brother of Nute and Devora who appear in the photo above. He and his wife, Sheindel, are the parents of Eliezer Iskiewicz and grandparents of Moshe Iskiewicz, the contributor to this volume. Return
  4. Pesia (Grin) Meirzon (1900–1942) was also a daughter of Lieb Grin and Dvora (Iskiewicz). Photos of other siblings follow. She married Aba Meirzon. Pesia died in the German bombing of the airfield in June 1941, when the Germans attacked the Soviets who had occupied the eastern side of Poland. Return
  5. Herschel Grin was also a son of Leib Grin and Devorah (Iskiewicz). Return
  6. Avraham Grin (1900–1942), was also a son of Leib Grin and Devorah (Iskiewicz). Avraham's wife was Rachel Kutzkeh, a daughter of Moshe Melamed (the teacher). Return
  7. Ben-tzion (1894–1942) was also a son of Leib Grin and Devorah (Iskiewicz). His wife Zlata (Kwasgalter) (1900–1942) was the daughter of Yaakov and Rivka, according to Yad Vashem records submitted by Moshe Iskiewicz. Their son Arieh and his family also perished. Zlata's brother Menahem Mendel Kwasgalter is remembered in the bunkers near Berehy by Fania (Mandelkern) Bernstein, “In the Valley of Death,” p. 294 Return
  8. Chaim Monik (1895–1942) was the son of Meir and Sheintzi Kwasgalter (their photo to the right). His cousin Faivel is not identified but he is probably the same Feivel in the photo below. Return
  10. Meir Kwasgalter (1896–1942) was son of Faivel (1894–1942) and Leah. He was a pharmacist and married Sheintzi /Sheina (Gonik/ Genik) (1900–1942) from Rovno. They had two children. Their son Chaim Monik (1931–1942) perished. Their daughter Rachel (Kwasgalter) Rabinovitch (1925–?) survived in hiding with a Czech farmer. Meir and Rachel were among the Mlynov Jews in the bunkers near Berehy mentioned in the account by Fania (Mandelkern) Bernstein, “In the Valley of Death,” p. 295, 303.  According to survivor Helen (Fixler) Nudler, Rachel Kwasgalter married Berel Rabinovitch, the man who organized the commemoration in Mlynov after the War.Return
  11. Hentzia (also called Encia) Szteinsznaid (alternative spellings Steinshneid, Sztajnsznajd) (1895–1942) was born in Dubno to Faivel and Leah Kwasgalter. She was a sister of Meir Kwasgalter whose photo is above. She married Motel Szteinsznaid and they were in Mlynov at the liquidation of the ghetto. Return
  12. This line of the family is unidentified. Return
  13. One of the Berger families from Mlynov. Aaron (Berger) Harari contributed a number of the essays and photos to this volume. Aaron's parents and sister Hannah perished in the Shoah. Aaron's younger sister, Reizel/Rosa (1910–1994) made aliyah in 1933 and married Moshe Chizik (1909–1959) from Mlynov. Two of Aaron's older brothers, Sol (1898-1977) and Kalman/Karl (1906-1990), migrated to Chicago. Another brother, Shaul, was in the Russia army (1901-1976) and survived. Another photo of Wolf, Golda and Hannah appears in Aaron's essay on Jewish Farmers in Mlynov, p. 76, taken during his visit to Mlynov in the winter of 1937/1938. Return
  14. Shlomo Iskiewicz (alternative Isakovich) was son of Eliezer Iskiewicz and Chaia Faiga (Grin). See their photos and notes on 465. Shlomo was the brother of Moshe Iskiewicz, a contributor of “Memories and Impressions,” 88-89, to this volume. Return
  15. Zalman Sznaidman (alternative spellings Shneidman / Snaidman) (1921–1942) was born in Mlynov to Aharon Yitzhak Sznaidman (~1892-1942) and Sara (~1894–1942). He was single and a dental technician. He was one of six siblings to perish. Return
  16. Rubin Kozak (1922–~2016) was the son of Icek Kozak (1899–1994) and Fayge /Chava (Bichman) (1903–1991). Icek contributed “What My Family Endured” to this volume. Icek snuck his whole family, one by one, out of the Mlynov ghetto and they survived. After the displaced persons camp, they migrated to Philadelphia where Icek's brother had settled earlier. Rubin's siblings were Morris Kozak (1924–2012), Jean (Genia) Litz (1928–1998), and Karen (Kreina) Lowenthal (1931– ). Another child Kalman died before the War. A later photo of the family appears on page 506. Return
  17. Shlomo Nekunchinik (alternative spellings Nakonechnik, Nakonechnyuk) his wife Ester from Trovits; Fania Mandelkern remembers Shlomo as one of the men at the head of a group organizing resistance and securing weapons in the early days of the Mlynov ghetto. She recalls Shlomo and his brothers, Yitzhak and Yaakov, were later in bunkers near Berehy. In a book length account, Asher Teitelman who was in the bunkers near Smordva (which is close to Berehy) reports meeting Shlomo Nekunchinik in the bunkers (p. 29) and indicates that Shlomo was shot when the Ukrainians discovered the bunkers and starting shooting (p. 34). Return
  18. Herschel (which means “deer”) Gertnich (alternative spelling Gertnikh) is probably the man identified as Tzvi (which means “deer”) Gertnich in the list of Mlynov martyrs, p. 433. His father was Yitzhak called “the glazier” (1883–1942) and his mother Tehila was from Trovits. His brother Moshe was a kosher butcher (shochet) in Demydivka. This family was related to the Gertnich family who appear in the photo on page 458. Return
  19. Berel Rabinovitch (alternative spelling Rabinovitsh) survived the Shoah. He is remembered in Mlynov after the liberation by survivors Nahum Teitelman, In the Depths of Hell, 341, and Mendel Steinberg in “The Terror of Annihilation,” p. 367. David Bernstein, p. 309, credits Berel with being the initiator of the commemorative monument erected in Mlynov after the liberation for those who perished. Berel stands in the front of the photo taken on that occasion (see page 313). As the Nuremberg trials drew near, Bernstein indicates that Rabinovitch was involved with a local committee documenting Nazi atrocities. According to survivor Helen (Fixler) Nudler, Berel Rabinovitch at some point married Rachel Kwasgalter. In the list of Mlynov martyrs, p. 433, his siblings, Mania and Gitel, are listed under the surname “Geler Rabinovitch.” Also listed is a Chaim Geler Rabinovitch with his wife Dvorah and children, Shlomo and Zysl. Return
  20. Yitzhak Mandelkern was the brother of Shmuel Mandelkern, who contributed essays to this volume. Yitzhak with his young son Gerhson, one of six children, was with group from Mlynov in the bunkers in the forests near Karolinka and Berehy, as described by the writers of “During the Shoah,” pp. 291, 294, 299, 301. After their bunker was discovered, Yitzhak led the group as they headed to the forests and bunkers near Uzhynets. He eventually found a hiding place for himself and his son with a Czech farmer (p. 302) and the two of them were among the survivors who reappeared after the liberation (p. 310). He made aliyah after the War. Return


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