Surname | First name/details | Chapter |
AKS | Berlinka | 15 |
AKS | Bezalel | 15 |
AKS | Mendel | 9 |
AKS | Nahman | 15 |
AKS | Shapik | 15 |
ALTER | David | 12 |
ALTER | Doba | 15 |
ALTER | Itzik | 12 |
ALTER | Shlomo | 12 |
ALTER | Tanhum | 14 |
ALTMAN | The the tarrer | 17 |
ARONOWICZ | Owner of a tea store | 14 |
ASCH | Sholem | 14 |
BADHAN | Berl | 16 |
BAR DON | Shulamith | 13 |
BASHKES | Mendel | 3 |
BASHKES | Miriam | 3 |
BASHKES | Motel | 3 |
BEKER | Tayvel (Tuvia) | 7 |
BERLINKO | 3 | |
BERMAN | Hazkel | 3 |
BIALIK | Moshe | 1, 3, 14, 15 |
BIEZUNSKA | Andzia | 14 |
BIEZUNSKI | Avram Yizhak | 3, 4 |
BIEZYBSJU | Abraham Isaac | 1 |
BLUM | Haskel | 17 |
BLUM | Maneh | 17 |
BLUM | Yankel | 10 |
BLUMENDRANZ | 4, 15 | |
BLUMKIN | The teacher | 9 |
BORENSTEIN | Mendel | 17 |
BORNSTEIN | Motek | 15, 17 |
BRACHFELD | Leibel | 3, 14 |
BRACHFELD | Wolf | 1, 3, 4 |
BREINDEL | Wolf | 8 |
BURSTEIN | the Lame | 12 |
CIECHANOWER | Reb Avrehmele | 2, 4 |
CITRIN | Moshe | 3 |
CITRIN | Yossel | 7 |
COHEN | Alter | 4, 17 |
COHEN | Mendel | 10 |
CUKERKORN | Moshe | 3, 4 |
CWOK | Abraham | 15, 16 |
CYTRYNIZRZ | Shmelkeh | 15 |
CZARKA | Yosef | 3, 9 |
CZERSKI | 9 | |
CZIZEWAR | 9 | |
CZOSNEK | Moshe-David | 14, 15 |
CZOSNEKS | 15 | |
CZYZEWER | Itcheleh | 15 |
DOMB | "Feivush ("Black Geivush")" | 11, 12 |
DOMB | Haim | 12 |
DOMB | Motel | 8 |
DOMB | Yizhak, son of Feivush | 12 |
DOMKIEWICZ | Ruven | 7 |
DOMKIEWICZ | Yosef | 11 |
DRATTVA | Haim | 16 |
DUGO | Fishel | 7, 12 |
DUGO | Zalel | 12 |
DZIEDZIC | The fisherman | 17 |
EDELSTIEN | Butche | 4 |
EICHLER | Haim Yosef | 3, 17 |
EICHLER | Sana | 3 |
EICHLER | Yizhak | 10 |
EICHLER | 1, 4 | |
EICHLER (TSOTS) | Haim-Yosef | 16 |
EISENBERG | Baruch | 1, 3 |
EISENBERG | Kaufman | 1 |
EISENBERG | 15 | |
ESTREICHER | Binem Shiyehs | 4 |
FIGOT | Elia Nahman | 7 |
FILAR | Leah | 17 |
FILAR | Yosef | 4 |
FISCHER | Shlomo Itcheh | 3, 4 |
FRAENKEL | David Henoch | 9, 16 |
FRAENKEL | Esther | 15 |
FRANK | 1, 4 | |
FRENKEL | Fischel | 3 |
FRIED | Arieh Leib | 3, 4, 12 |
FRIED | Ben-Layzer | 14 |
FRIED | Berl | 12 |
FRIED | Leyzer | 8 |
FROCHT | Joshua | 16 |
GABEN | Moshe | 17 |
GALANT | Berish Itcheh Mendel | 12 |
GALANT | Haim-Nathan-Simcha-Binem | 10 |
GALANT | Hava Hayah Feiga | 10 |
GALANT | Itcheh Mendel | 10 |
GALANT | Simha | 15 |
GALANT | Ya'akov Herzl Naftali | 10 |
GALANT | Yehiel | 8 |
GALANTI | Abraham, Rabbi | 10 |
GARFINKEL | Yossel | 15 |
GEIGENBAUM | Itcheh | 16 |
GESUNDHEIT | Moshe | 14 |
GLOTZER | Yankel | 11 |
GLOWINSKI | Gecel | 4 |
GLUZMAN | Raphael-Fula | 2 |
GOLDBERG | The lawyer | 14 |
GOLDBERG | 9 | |
GOLDMAN | Israel | 13, 14 |
GOLDSTEIN | Mendel | 13 |
GOLDSTEIN | Peretz | 13 |
GOLDSTEIN | Rifka-Leah | 13 |
GOLDSTEIN | Shmuel | 13 |
GOLDSTEIN | Wolf | 13 |
GOLDSTEIN | Yossel | 2, 13 |
GOLOMB | Alla | 14 |
GOLOMB | Moshe | 9, 13, 14 |
GOLOMB | Rachel | 14 |
GOLOMB | School | 17 |
GORDON | Anszel, David's son | 9 |
GORDON | David | 9 |
GRABIEN | 15 | |
GRADID | 11 | |
GREEN | Gischel | 16 |
GREEN | Tischel | 16 |
GREEN (KOSOBUDSKI) | Mendel | 7 16 |
GREENBERG | Adam | 3 |
GREENBERG | Arek | 14, 15 |
GREENBERG | Avraham | 14 |
GREENBERG | Mendel-Leib | 16 |
GREENBERG | Moshe Hirsh | 7 |
GREENBERG | Mota | 3 |
GREENBERG | Motteh | 9 |
GREENBERG | Shmuel-Avigdor | 16 |
GREENBERG | The watchmaker | 14 |
GREENBERG | Ya'akov | 16, 17 |
GRZEBIENIARZ | Moshe | 3 |
GURNI | Mendel | 14, 16 |
GUTGELD (BEN TOV) | Mordechai Ben Tov, ggrandchild of Yossel | 13 |
GUTMAN | Raphael | 9 |
HAZAN | Ya'akov | 14 |
HEINSDORF | Leibesh | 4 |
HERMAN | Mindel | 10 |
HERMAN | Moshe | 15 |
HERSCH | Avrum | 7 |
HERSCH | Meyer Nusen | 7 |
HERSCH | Michael | 7 |
HERSCH | Shmuel | 7 |
HERSCH | Yerahmiel | 7 |
HERTZFELD | Rouven-Leib | 13 |
HIRSCHBERG | Moshe Gabeh | 4 |
HIRSCHHORN | Yizhak | 9 |
KALINA | Gershon | 14 |
KANAREK | Meyer, Zalman Leder's grandson | 3, 15 |
KAPLAN | Moshe | 14 |
KAPLAN | 15 | |
KATZ | Mattes | 3, 16 |
KATZ | Yehiel | 15 |
KATZ | 15 | |
KAUFMAN | 4 | |
KERSCHENBAUM | Haim-Eliyah | 15 |
KERSCHENBAUM | Moshe | 15 |
KERSCHENBAUM | Perla | 15 |
KIDZBORSKI | Mendel | 10 |
KIENIEC | Kuba | 15 |
KIKELE | Mendel | 10 |
KIRSCHENBAUM | David | 7 |
KLEIN | Shmuel-Eliyah | 17 |
KLEINBARD | Malka, the baker | 10 |
KLEINER | Ya'akov David | 16 |
KLEMEL | Dr. | 14 |
KLENIEC | Herman | 4, 13 |
KLENIEC | Lemel | 13 |
KLENIEC | Moshe-Yosef | 13 |
KLENIEC | Sarah | 13 |
KLINKELSTEIN | The conductor of the Coissack orchestra | 14 |
KOITCHEH | Koitcheh | 12 |
KONECKI | Borka | 4 |
KONECKI | 1, 4, 13 | |
KOP | Avrum | 12 |
KOPPEH | Mendel Wolf | 5 |
KOPPEH | 15 | |
KORN | 16 | |
KOSHES | Beilah Tova | 6 |
KOZEBRODSKI | Menahem | 15 |
KOZIK | Yankel Blum | 10 |
KRASNOBORSKI | The valisemaker | 17 |
KRISTAL | Brothers (sons of Eidlic and Isaac) | 15 |
KRISTAL | Eidlic | 15 |
KRISTAL | Isaac | 15 |
KRULEWIZKI | Meyer Shlomo | 3 |
KRZESLA | Shayah | 3, 14, 15 |
KURTA | 3 | |
LADNO | Isser | 3 |
LADNO | Itzik | 3, 17 |
LADNO | "Leibel "Pral"" | 17 |
LADNO | Mordechai | 3 |
LADNO | Shiyeh | 3 |
LADNO | the family of... | 17 |
LANDAU | Avrum | 13 |
LANDAU | Matels | 4 |
LANDAU | Reb Itchkeh | 4, 8, 13 |
LANDAU | Yehiel | 14 |
LANDAU | Yerahmiel | 13 |
LANDAU | 1 | |
LANGLEBEN | Zanvel | 1 |
LASK | The commission agent | 16 |
LASKI | Mendel | 4 |
LASKI | Moshe | 9, 14, 15, 16 |
LASKI | Rifka | 4 |
LEDER | Zalman | 15 |
LEDER | 3 | |
LEDERBERG | Feitcheh | 14 |
LEDERBERG, | 4 | |
LENGALKA | Zureh, the fisherman | 16 |
LENTKE | Yoel | 17 |
LEVI | Tzaddik | 2 |
LEVI | Yizhak | 2 |
LEVIN | 9 | |
LEVINTHAL | 15 | |
LICHTENSTEIN | Gershon | 16 |
LICHTENSTEIN | Moshe | 14, 16 |
LICHTENSTEIN | Simha-Binem | 16 |
LICHTENSTEIN | Zipra (Zippora) | 16 |
LICHTER | 11 | |
LIDZBARSKI | Tirza daughter of Yehuda-Meir | 13 |
LIDZBARSKI | Yehuda Mayer | 1, 4, 13 |
LIDZBARSKI | Zalman | 3, 4, 15 |
LIEWENTHAL | Leibel | 14 |
LIFSCHITZ | Shayeh | 13 |
LIKPINSKI | Yonas | 14 |
LIPSCHITZ | Dudek | 14 |
LIPSCHITZ | Nissek | 15 |
LIPSCHITZ | Sabina | 14, 15 |
LIPSCHITZ | Zigmunt | 3 |
LIPSHITZ | Leib | 1, 4 |
LIPSKER | Shimon | 1, 4, 16 |
LIZBRASKI | Abraham | 13 |
LIZBRASKI | Fischel | 13 |
LIZBRASKI | Haim | 13 |
LIZBRASKI | Meyer, Shlomo's son | 13 |
LIZBRASKI | Shlomo | 13 |
LIZBRASKI | Zalman | 13 |
LOEWENTHAM | The tailor | 17 |
LUBLINER | Leibesh | 3 |
LUBLINER | Pinhas | 3 |
LUBLINER | 4 | |
LUPCZAK | Lupczak | 3 |
MAGNOSZEWSKI | Avrum-Benyumin | 3, 15 |
MAKOWER | Joseph | 15 |
MAKOWER | Shayiah | 16 |
MAKOWSKI | David Hirsch | 1, 4 |
MAKOWSKI | Haim | 13 |
MAKOWSKI | Nathan | 8 |
MAKOWSKI | Tzudek | 8 |
MAKOWSKI | Yossel | 13 |
MAKOWSKI | Yuzef | 8 |
MEIZLIC | 4 | |
MEIZLIC | 15 | |
MENDEL | Yohanan | 3 |
MERKER | Mendel | 14 |
MERKER | Moshe | 14 |
MERKER | 9 | |
MIEDZAK | Haim | 2 |
MILLENBAND | Haim | 9 |
MONDRI | Pinhas | 4, 10, 15 |
MONDRI | Shaya | 10 |
MONDRI | Yeshayah | 10 |
MONDRZAK | Ya'akov Shlomo | 2, 7, 9, 16 |
MONDRZAK | 3 | |
MONDRZAK | Duvcze | 15 |
MONKLEK | 3 | |
MORDOVICZ | 3, 16 | |
MORGENSTEIN | The tailor | 17 |
MUCDONE | Dr. | 14 |
NACHTSTERN | Yankel | 7 |
NAPARSTEK | Shiyah | 15, 16 |
NARZEMSKI | Haim Leizer | 7, 13 |
NARZEMSKI | Wolf | 13 |
NARZEMSKI | Yosef-Lev | 13 |
NARZENSKI | Aharon-Yosef | 10 |
NATHAN | Nathan | 15 |
NATTELBERG | Yankl-Duvid | 16 |
NITZKIN | Hayah Nitzkin | 15 |
NITZKIN | Simha | 6, 7, 8 |
NUSKEH | The melamed | 17 |
OLEVNIK | Shmuel | 10 |
OPATOSHU | Yosef | 13 |
OPATOWSKI | David | 10, 13, 14 |
OPATOWSKI | Feivel | 3, 14 |
OPATOWSKI | Moshe | 1, 4 |
OPTATOWSKI | Hanah | 14 |
OVADIEH | Berish | 10, 12 |
OVEDS (SHERPSKI) | Archeh | 6 |
OWSIANKO | Mendel | 17 |
PAREH | Kivke | 11 |
PERELMAN | Aharon | 14 |
PERLA | David | 15, 17 |
PERLA | Haim Eliyah | 3, 4, 9 |
PERLA | Zvi | 14, 15 |
PERLBERG | "Moteh-Leib ("Ronczka")" | 16 |
PERLBERG | Shmulik | 14, 15 |
PERLMUTTER | Abraham | 15 |
PERLMUTTER | Baruch Itsel | 14, 15 |
PERLMUTTER | Berish | 9, 14, 15, 16 |
PERLMUTTER | Yossel | 1, 7 |
PINKUS | 15 | |
PIZIC | David | 4, 13, 17 |
PIZIC | Haimush | 15 |
PIZIC | Koppel | 9 |
PIZIC | Mendel | 15 |
PRASZNICKI | Zureh | 2 |
PRZYSUISKIER | David | 17 |
PRZYSZWA | Yossel | 14 |
PSZEMIAROWICZ | Abraham | 16 |
RADZYMINER | Yankeleh, Rabbi | 17 |
RAK | Mordechai-Leib | 3, 16 |
REINGEWIREZ | Meyer | 3 |
RODAK | Yosef | 3, 8, 11, 15 |
ROLLER | Ruven | 14 |
ROSEN | Yizhak | 1, 4 |
ROSENBERG | Avrum | 15 |
ROSENBERG | Shimshon | 16 |
ROSENTHAL | Meyer-Shlomo | 13 |
ROSENTSTEIN | Fischel | 17 |
RYBAK | Abraham | 3, 13, 14 |
RYBAK | Henryk | 13 |
RYBAK | Nancza | 15 |
RYBAK | Ya'akov -Wolf | 13 |
RYBAK | Yosef | 13 |
SAGALOWICZ | Yehiel Moshe | 4 |
SEGAL | the distilleries of... | 17 |
SEGAL | Yonathan | 3, 7, 16 |
SHAFT | Abraham | 15 |
SHAFT | Eliyahu | 7 |
SHAFT | 15 | |
SHAPIK | The cobbler | 17 |
SHAPIRA | Feivish | 1, 4, 13 |
SHAPIRA | Rabbi of Plock | 5 |
SHTRUMPFMAN | Mordechai | 16 |
SKURKA | Henoch | 3 |
SLUSARZ | Haim, the locksmith | 17 |
SLUSARZ | Haskel | 17 |
SLUSARZ | Meyer | 17 |
SOBIESRAL | Baruch | 9 |
SOFER | Moshe | 5, 9 |
SOFER | Samech, wife of Moshe | 9 |
SOLDANSKI | Benyamin | 3 |
SUNIK | Yankel | 4 |
SZAPIK | Bezalel | 15 |
SZKOP | Shiyeh | 12 |
SZOSZWA | 15 | |
SZRENSKI | Menasze | 17 |
SZRENSKI | The tailor | 17 |
TACHNA | Shimshon | 7 |
TACHNA | Yuda-Nissan | 16 |
TAIFELD | Huna | 16 |
TAUBENFELD | Taubenfeld | 15 |
TERZER | Abraham | 9, 10 |
TISSABOV | 8 | |
TZEITAG | Berish | 1, 4, 17 |
VELVOL | Havah | 8 |
WARSZAWSKI | Avrumcio | 15 |
WARSZAWSKI | Binem | 13, 14, 15 |
WARSZAWSKI | Mendel | 13 |
WARSZAWSKI | Moshe Hirsh | 7 |
WARSZAWSKI | Yakir | 13, 15 |
WARSZAWSKI | Zelik | 13 |
WARSZTACKI | Moshe | 16 |
WATTEMACHER | Sara | 17 |
WICZINSKA | Nancze | 14 |
WIEGOCZYN | Surgal | 2 |
WIELGOLASK | The army tailor | 17 |
WIELGOLASKI | 3, 15 | |
WIERNIK | Simha | 4 |
WILNER | Moshe | 3, 4 |
WINDICKI | Tzudek | 16 |
WINDICKI | Wolf-Ber | 14, 16 |
WINDICKI | 15 | |
WINIVER | Ya'akov | 9, 13 |
WISHINSKA | Mala | 15 |
WISHINSKI | Avrum-Yizhak | 10 |
WISHINSKI | Haikel | 14, 15 |
WISHINSKI | Mendel | 3, 6 |
WISHINSKI | Yonah | 2 |
WISHINSKI | 10, 15 | |
WISMAN | Paniez | 1 |
WISZINSKI | Abraham Yizhak | 17 |
WITMAN | Yacob-Yosef | 16 |
WITMAN (PANICZ) | 16 | |
WIUR | the family of... | 11 |
WOLARSKI | Leibl | 7 |
WOLD | Mendel | 17 |
WOLF | Breindele | 2, 4 |
WRUBLEWER | Baruch | 7 |
YA'ANEH | David | 12 |
YABLON | Mordechai | 17 |
YONISH | Abraham Jankev, the first born of Hersch Tovieh | 17 |
YONISH | Avrum | 15 |
YONISH | David | 16 |
YONISH | Haim | 15 |
YONISH | Hersch Toiveh | 7, 13, 17 |
YONISH | Izhak | 16 |
YONISH | Usher | 15, 16 |
YONISH | Ze'ev | 14, 15, 17 |
YONISH | Zisa Reizel wife of Tovieh | 17 |
YOSPA | "The "Black"" | 10 |
ZARATINER | Mattathiahu | 13 |
ZEITLIN | Hillel | 14 |
ZELASKA | Haim | 1 |
ZEMAH | Shlomo | 14 |
ZILBERBERG | Henoch | 1, 4, 16 |
ZILBERBERG | Zisa-Dinah | 16 |
ZILBERBERG | Zisza | 16 |
ZILBERMAN | Eliyah-Berish | 16 |
ZILBERSTEIN | Motele | 3, 16 |
ZILKES | Itcheleh | 16 |
ZILKES | Luzer | 16 |
ZIMMERMAN | "Yankel "Gloczer"" | 12 |
ZLOCZEWER | Itcheleh | 3 |
ZLOTNIK | Moshe David | 3 |
ZUKERKORN | Avram, the Black | 16 |
ZUREH | The wagoner | 11, 12 |
ZUROMINER | Yosef | 8 |
Sweet Rifka | 1 | |
Abraham | 7 | |
Abraham the rope-maker | 10 | |
Abraham who sewed fur coats | 17 | |
Aron | 7 | |
"Azriel "the Yellow"" | 16 | |
Azriel the blacksmith | 7, 17 | |
Baruch Melamed | 9 | |
Beile the baker | 15 | |
Binem | 10 | |
Dina, Haim-Shmayah's wife | 17 | |
Duvcze | 16 | |
Elisha, the driver | 12 | |
Eliyah, the dyer | 17 | |
Elka the servant girl | 17 | |
Fischel the cantonist | 7 | |
Gershon the organ-grinder | 12 | |
Golda the baker | 10 | |
Haim the Red | 17 | |
Haim-Haikel, the cantor | 5 | |
Haim-Shmayah the Dayan | 5, 8, 17 | |
Hanah, grandma | 12 | |
Hava-Yitta | 4 | |
Haya-Sarah | 9 | |
Hazkel the tailor | 6 | |
Hersch-Ber | 4 | |
Huneh the lame | 17 | |
Itcheh Mendel | 17 | |
Joseph the silent | 16 | |
"Leibel "Pultorak"" | 3 | |
Leibel with the mole | 12 | |
Leib-Hirsch son the cantor | 17 | |
Lieba, Haim-Shmayah's daughter | 17 | |
Luzer, the drunkard | 3 | |
Mania (wife of Huneh) | 17 | |
Meir Shlomo | 9 | |
Menahem Mendel the beggar | 6 | |
Menash | 7 | |
Mendel Motke | 4 | |
Mendel the beggar | 6 | |
Mendel the cap-maker | 17 | |
Mindel the baker | 8 | |
Moishe-Aron | 9 | |
Mordechai | 12 | |
Moshele the butcher | 15 | |
Moshke the shamash | 1 | |
Moteleh | 12 | |
Nahum the ice cream man | 7, 17 | |
Pearl, wife of the cemetery watchman | 17 | |
Pelteh, Sarah's son | 9 | |
Perla | 1 | |
Pesah, Rebbe | 9 | |
Pessiah the baker | 10 | |
Pinkus the tinsmith | 17 | |
Rachel, daughter of the cemetery watchman | 17 | |
Rifka the black, daughter of Haim | 17 | |
Rifka-Rachel | 8 | |
Rope maker | 16 | |
Rouhel-Leah | 17 | |
Shmuel Hirschel | 6 | |
Shmuel the tombstone engraver and brother-in-law to Mendel | 17 | |
Sholo who stitched shoes | 10 | |
Sima | 16 | |
Sima the honey-cake baker | 10 | |
Simha Sureh | 12 | |
Simha the lame | 3, 17 | |
Tuvia, Reb | 5, 8 | |
Tuvia, the Dayan | 10 | |
Tzudek the nurse | 8 | |
Watchman who guarded the cemetery | 17 | |
Ya'akov Hersch, the coachbuilder | 17 | |
Ya'akov Rabbi | 5 | |
Ya'akov-Herzl | 8 | |
Yeruham-Fischel | 4 | |
Yohanan, son of Mendel the cap-maker | 17 | |
Yosef Motke | 4 | |
Yosef the Shohet | 4 | |
Zalel | 7 |
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