Table of Contents

List of Photographs

Translated by Nathen Gabriel

Page Caption
4 Mizoczers in Israel on the eve of the memorial for the martyrs of the shtetl in Tel Aviv
12 The Hebrew kindergarten in Mizocz
22 Parade of the “Beitar” group in Mizocz
28 The “Gordonia” Hachshara (kibbutz preparation) group in Mizocz (1934)
32 The pharmacy in Mizocz (built in 1935)
38 The local council building (the “Gmina”) in Mizocz
42 The mass grave of the martyrs of Mizocz next to the Sosenki Forest
59 The Sugar Factory in Mizocz
63 The “HaShomer HaLeumi” on the day of the departure of Rachel Nemirover, the group's first immigrant to Israel
71 ”Brit HeChayal” and “Beitar” in Mizocz
82 The Polish Folk–School in Mizocz – almost all of the students were Jews
94 The train station in Mizocz
100 Public meeting in front of the “Dom Strzelecki” (”Shooting House”) in Mizocz
109 A “HaShomer HaLeumi” group in Mizocz
111 David Fliter
116 The Fliter family – photo taken in 1930
131 The drama club of the public school
134 The “Beitar” group on a hike in Sosenki forest
135 A group of Mizocz “Gordonia” members
136 The partisan Izya Wasserman
144 The “Beitar” group in Mizocz, fourth from left is Izya Wasserman
147 Leah Nemirover's membership certificate in “HaShomer HaLeumi” (Zionist Youth)
148 The “HaShomer HaLeumi” group in Mizocz
151 The “Gordonia” group at a farewell party for member Gurevitch who was immigrating to Israel
153 The Mizocz “Gordonia” group at the “Hitachdut” party's leadership center
155 The “Awakeners” group at the “Gordonia” clubhouse
157 The “Gordonia” group takes leave of immigrants to Israel – Reuven Melamed and Bluma Likvornik
158 Newspaper wall at the “Gordonia” clubhouse
159 The “Gordonia” Hachshara (kibbutz preparation) group in Mizocz
165 A group of “Beitar” members in Mizocz
167 The “Yardenia” group takes leave of Syoma Oliker on his departure for Israel
168 A group of “Beitar” leaders in Mizocz
First row from right to left: Asher Gelberg, Sarah Pogorilitzer, Asher Bat and the teacher Yitzchak Shochet
170 The first “Beitar” command post in Mizocz under the leadership of Moshe Perliuk (in the middle with glasses)
171 Yeshayahu the deaf–mute
174 The first graduating class of the Polish public school in Mizocz. Most of the graduates were Jews. Among the teachers were 3 Jews: Zhenya Shisel, Yitzchak Shochet and the pharmacist Finkel
180 Mizocz youth
181 “HaShomer HaLeumi” leaders in Mizocz
183 Hiking in the snowy streets of Mizocz
240 Rabbi Natan Neta Lerner
242 The teacher Shmuel David Kopelman
244 The Kopelman family takes leave of their son Yosef on his departure for Israel
245 Shmuel Gantzberg
246 Shlomo Kopelman
247 Yitzchak Berez and his wife Chasya
248 Yechiel the Shochet (kosher slaughterer)
250 Leah Reznik
251 Yitzchak Fort
253 Yona Nemirover
254 The Nemirover family
257 Yitzchak Fliter and his wife Esther
258 Baruch Fliter
260 Syoma (Shammai) Oliker
261 The Kotel family
263 Zalman Fliter and his wife Leah (nee Shvartzgorn) murdered in the Holocaust
265 The Eizengart family
266 Memorial plaque in honor of the Zalman Fliter family and the Shmuel Eizengart family murdered in the Holocaust
268 Zeivel Murak and his wife
270 Levi Breizman and his family
271 The Perliuk family with their daughter–in–law Hinda (wife of Moshe) when she visited Mizocz (from Israel)
272 Celebration in the home of Chaim Perliuk in honor of the visit of Hinda (wife of Moshe) in Mizocz (from Israel)
273 (top) Sarah Goldberg (nee Truchler)
273 (bottom) From right to left: Yitzchak Leiber, Shabbetai Golob (lives in Israel), Asher Sudobitzky and Borya Sizak
274 Memorial in honor of the Kopit family and the Tzirkel family murdered during the Holocaust
276 Yosef Wolfman and his sister Rachel
277 (right) Michael Nemirover (murdered during the Holocaust)
277 (left) David Gantzberg (died fighting in the Red Army)
279 Yitzchak and Rivka Yasin
280 (top) The Veltfreint family from Katowice
280 (bottom) The family of Moshe Yosi Fishfeder
281 (top) The family of Tzvi Sizak
281 (bottom) The family of Gedalyahu Kurnik
282 (top) Mottel Sizak and his wife
282 (bottom) Shlomo Sizak and his wife
282 (top) Chaim Brezner and his wife Chaya
282 (bottom) Meir Berez and his wife Roza
284 (top) Right to left: Chaim Brezner, his wife Chaya, their daughter Asya and Meir Berez
284 (bottom) The family of the sister of Mamtzia Gelman, Sarah Shulman
285 (top) The Sudobitzky family at the wedding of Reizel to Yakov Mizocz
285 (bottom) The father of Tzippora Sudobitzky–Holtzker
286 (top) The family of Yosef Mizocz
286 (bottom) The Kopelman family
287 (top) Avraham Sheinfeld and his wife Feiga
287 (bottom) Wolf Neiman and his wife Chaya
288 (top) Bluma Golob (right) Avraham Golob (left)
288 (bottom) Chana Braunshtein wife of Moshe Kuninar(?)
289 (top) Pinchas Fishfeder (right) Buzi Mizocz (left)
289 (bottom) Dr. Libster (right) Lipa son of Yosef–Zalman Sudgalter (left)
290 (top) Avraham son of Lipa Sudgalter, Risi Knepler, Yakov son of Chaim Knepler
290 (bottom) Demonstration in a refugee camp in Germany demanding free immigration to Israel
First on the left: Yisrael Oliker
291 A committee of the Mizocz landsmanshaft in Israel and editorial board of the book
Seated from left to right: Reuven Melamed, Chaya Altman, Asher Ben–Oni, Liza Shtelung, Moshe Feldman
Standing from left to right: Baruch Fliter, Yakov Gelman, Yosef Karni, Moshe Perliuk, Nachum Kopit and Mordechai Sheinfeld
292 Asher Ben–Oni speaks at a memorial for the martyrs of Mizocz
Next to him Reuven Melamed


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