The Mass Migration
Jews Leave Eastern Europe

Compiled by William Leibner



Project Coordinator

William Leibner


Edited by Erica S. Goldman-Brodie


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The Mass Migration of Eastern European Jewry

To the D.P. (Displaced Persons) Camps in Germany

To the D.P. Camps in Austria

To the D.P. Camps in Italy

To the Detention Camps in Cyprus


The Book is Dedicated to the Jewish Survivors of the Shoah


Polish Jews leaving the country in broad daylight in search of safety


Chapter Title Pages
Introduction 8
1 Jewish DP camps in the American zone of occupation in Germany 11
2 The Central Committee of Liberated Jews in Germany 100
3 Jewish DP Camps in the British zone of occupation in Germany 110
4 Austrian Jewish D.P Camps 140
5 The Jewish DP Camps in the Austrian zone of occupation 152
6 Italian DP camps 162
7 France 172
8 Cyprus 181
9 Epilogue 186
10 Bibliography 187


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Yizkor Book Director, Lance Ackerfeld
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Contact person for this translation William Leibner
This web page created by Lance Ackerfeld

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Updated 27 Jun 2019 by JH