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[Page 421]

Obituaries (cont.)

In perpetual sorrow for our deceased parents—Shloime Gershon and Shifra-Leah Fishbein, sister Chayeh and husband Binyomin Kerschenblatt; brother Israel FIshbein and Itzchak.

Dvoireh Chapnik (Fishbein)
Shloime Gershon and Shifra-Leah Fishbein,
their children Chayeh and Itzchak, and grandchild


My father: Leibish Laks, mother: Hindeh Laks; brother: Ze'ev (Vevey) Laks; brother Noach Laks; grandfather Meir Laks; grandmother Ruchl Laks; grandfather Chaim Zilberman; grandmother Dvoireh Zilberman; uncle Yechiel-Moishe Laks and family; Itzchak Rosenberg and family; Yosl Kopelman and family, Gershon Ettinger and family; Pinchas Laks, his wife Sureh; Shmuel Laks, his wife Leah and children; Meir Zilberman and family; Shimon Kirshenboim and family; Yerachmiel Zukerman and family; Tzirl Zilberman, Shmuel Zilberman.

Shmuel Laks

[Page 422]

Itzchak and Feige-Leah Fishbein, their children
Moishe-Velvl Issar and two daughters Ruchl and Dina
Chaim-Leib Fishbein
Eternal shame for the murderers of my unforgettable parents, Itzchak and Feige-Leah Fishbein; brother Moishe-Velvl, his wife Tobeh and son Isser; brothers Chaim-Leib and Isser; sisters Ruchl and Dina.
Shifra Mardiks

With pain and sorrow I remember those murdered by the Nazis—the godly parents Avrum-Chaim and Ruchl-Leah Kandel, my brother Yakov, his wife Mindl and children, my sisters Necheh, Tzipora, and Tobeh; my brothers Israel-Zalman and Mordechai.

Itteh Frieder (Kandel)
Brother Yakov and Mindl Kandel and their children,
brother and sister Mordechai and Necheh Kandel

[Page 423]

Isser and Chaneh Rosenberg, Yakov Gothelf
Eternal glory to the memory of my parents Aharon-Leib and Golde Gothelf, brother Yakov, sister Chaneh and her husband Isser Rosenberg and brother Yerocham (all four fell as partisans).
Reich (Gothelf) Dina

To the noble memory of our brothers and uncles Yudl, Gedalieh, Yosl, Moishe with their wives and children; brother Berish, our sister and aunts Dvoireh Laks, Itteh Ettinger, and Hentsche Kastleman and their husbands and children; our mother and sister Yocheved Loterstein, Miriam Loterstein.

Gershon Schwartz and Michal Loterstein

[Page 424]

We will never forget our parents Israel and Sima Zilberman; brothers Shimon, Yehoshua, Avraham, Hersh, Berish, Henech, and sister Feige.

Fradl Ushenker (Zilberman)
Rivkeh Kestelbrenner (Zilberman)
I mourn the tragic death of my mother Tcharneh Kestelbrenner, my sister Manye and family.

Eisenberg (Kestelbrenner) Tziporah
Malkeh Gothelf and her daughter
In deep sorrow I remember my blessed parents—Berish and Malkeh Gothelf.

Zvi Gothelf

I honor the memory of my parents Aharon and Golde, sister Ruchl-Leah, and her husband Melech Rosen and their little daughter Chaneleh.

Goldman Yehoshua-Berish

[Page 425]

To the memory of my mother, my wife who was devoted to her children in life and in death at the hands of the Nazis—Beile Hoffeld age 38, hy”d, and to the memory of the twins Yocheved and Nechama, age 10.

Israel and Yakov Hoffeld
Captain A. Glazschneider

Our father Noach Glazschneider, sister Yachtche and her husband Mordechai Rik and children, our son captain Aryeh Glazschneider, who fell in the liberation war of the state of Israel.

In loving memory
Chaim and Dvoireh Glazschneider

My father Noach Glazschneider, died in Israel in 1954, our brothers Israel- Moishe Halberstein and his wife Chaneh-Feige, my sister Yachtche and her husband Mordechai Rik and children.

Yahalom David
I will forever remember my deceased parents—Mordechai and Ruchl Westelschneider, my sisters: Malkeh, Rivkeh, Dvoireh, Feige, Perl, Gnendl, and brothers Hershl and Yudl.

Nathan Westelschneider

[Page 426]

I will always remember you!

My husband Israel Fishbein, my father Aharon-Yosef Nirenberg, my mother Sureh, my sister Chaneh and her husband Moishe Kerschenblatt and children, my brother Moishe Nirenberg.

Eidl Fishbein (Nirenberg)
To the memory of my parents—Nathan and Tzlube-Itteh Zeidenberg, my grandfather Sender Fishbein, my uncles Yechiel, Betsalel, Tzadok, and Shmuel with their families, my aunt Chayeh and her husband Zvi Must; Sheindl and her husband Eliyahu Tzereshnik and children.

Malkeh Skornik

I honor the memory of my brothers: Aharon-Leib Fraberstein, his wife Maleh and children; Nachum Fraberstein and family, Shalom Fraberstein and family.

Freda Stein
My little sister
In eternal memory

In memory of our beloved mother Rivkeh Fishbein, our sister Chaveh, our brothers Dovid and Nechemieh, z”l, who died at the hands of the Germans.

Esther and Yakov Fishbein

[Page 427]

In sorrow I remember the martyr's death of my father, Berish Schwartz, my aunt, the wife of Gershon Scwartz, cousin Israel Eidelstein and his wife and children (transported by the Germans from Paris to Poland and killed there); my grandfather Shloime Schwartz.

Do not forget, do not forgive!

Michal Schwartz
In perpetual sorrow for my parents—Pinchas and Gehle Kandel, brother Israel-Ber and his wife Gitl and 5 children, my sister Tseitl and her husband Kalman Gothelf and three children, brother Yakov and his wife and child, brother Avraham, his wife Sheva and child.

Leibish Kandel
Binyomen and Zissl Capa
My father Yerachmiel-Binyomin, my mother, Zissl. My sisters Mindl, Ruchl, Chaneleh, my brother Israel, all killed at the hands of the Nazis.

I will never forget you!

Yakov Capa

[Page 428]

Dvoireh (Dora) Pelz
We mourn the sudden death of Dvoireh Pelz, the life companion of our board member, Moishe Pelz, who was taken from us forever at the tender age of 32 on the 24th of October, 1955.
Organization of former Markuszowers in Israel


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