[Page 475]
From right: Sonya, Tzila, (lives in Moscow), Chaya and Boris (1910) |
and a child (1941), all murdered in 1942 |
[Page 476]
May the Lord avenge their blood |
The Organisation of Lubtch and Delatitch Residents in Israel
Translated from the Hebrew by Ann Belinsky
This memorial book, dedicated to the communities of Lubtch and Delatitch, is the fruit of many years of work. Since we were few and of limited resources, we would not have been able to publish it, without the blessed and dedicated help of our friend Chaim Yankelevitch, who invested his time and energy, and worked indefatigably, with adherence and devotion, to gather the material and to obtain the funds for its publication.
For this we express our appreciation and esteem.
It is our pleasant duty to thank also his wife, Elka, for hosting the meetings attended by many participants and for the enthusiastic help she gave her husband in his activities connected with the publishing of this book.
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Lyubcha & Delyatichi, Belarus
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Updated 10 Aug 2013 by LA