This is a translation of a one-page yizkor list for Lubaczow. The list, containing close to 860 persons, was finished in 1954, a project of the Israeli Lubaczower Landsmanschaft and its chairman, the late Uri Roth. The scribe who wrote the one-page list was the late Samuel S. Lieberman from Tel Aviv, originally from Cieszanow.
The list gives no indication of age or of internal family relationships ( parents, children, siblings, spouses ) of the victims. The words "and family" in the list seem to indicate there were additional family members whose names were forgotten.
Because the names have been translated from Hebrew and the print in our copy is tiny, the spelling must be taken with much caution. Please send any corrections you can find to me.
The following sources were consulted for the
transcription of the family names:
Eva Floersheim
The honest and pious
Zaddikim and Chassidim,
the men, women and children of the holy community
of the town Lubaczow in Eastern Galicia
May Their Souls Be Bound Up In The Bond Of Life
Merciful God in Heaven, grant
Perfect repose in the wings of the Schechina
of the holy and pure persons as the firmament
the skies will light
the souls of the illustrious and famous rabbis
great in Torah who served on the chair of the rabbinate
for many years in the holy community of Lubaczow:
When remembering these holy persons, we also remember those who died a natural death. May we never, with God's help, forget their names and memory.
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
ADLER Mendel, Channale, Zvi, David-Schmuel, Elka, Meir and family
ALTMAN Chaim-Schmuel, Ester-Etel, Elimelech, Jacob, Sara, Chaim-Zvi,
Nathan, Chana, Chanuch, Motel and family
ASCHKENAZY Moshe David and family
BAKNIWSKI Yitzchak, Chaya-Mirel and family
BAR Breindel and family
BELZ Arieh, Channa, Lea, Yechiel, Lea and family
BERGER Lea'che and family
BERN Shimon, Gittel and family
BLANKENHAMMER Joel and family
BLEIBERG Israel, Sara, Zluba, Szewa, Regina, Etel, Pesel(?) and
BLUMENBERG Yitzchak-Aizik, Lea'che, Dov and family
BLUMENFELD Wolf, Chava, Berl, Yehushua, Fischel, Anschel, Zelta and
family (from Most Katan)
BODENSTEIN Simcha and family
BOGNER Mendel, Chana, Yitzchak, Zippora and family
BRAND Hillel, Glickel, Avraham, Arieh, Fischel, Rachel and family
BRAND Yona, Ita-Reizel, Chaya-Royza, Moshe-Yitzchak and family
BRUNNER/BRUNER Avish, Eliezer, Jacob and family
DICKER Meir Halevi, Perl, Miriam, Moshe, Eliezer, Israel and
DOMINITZ Schmuel, Reizel, Chaim, Moshe, Fredel and family
DORNER Zvi, Keile, Nathan and family
DRUCK David, Dvorah and family
DRUCKER Josef, Breindel, Bluma, Chaya, Rachel and family
DRUCKER Gershon, Mordechai, Leibusch, Feivel, Moshe, Feige, Ben
Zion, Yitzchak and family
EISEN Schmuel, Etel, Josef-Zvi and family
EISENSTEIN Lifa, Eidel, Beile and family
FARBER Moshe, Feige, Leizer and family
FEDER Schlomo, Golda and family
Dr. FEINER, Tila
FELDSTEIN Wolf, Yecheskel, Henna and family
FEUER Baruch, Israel, Eidel, Chana, Chaya, Glickel, Rivka and
FIEDRER(?) Alter, Elka and family
FISZLER/FISCHLER Yehuda, Kreinze, Schmuel, Rachel, Shimon, Reize and
FLAMMENBAUM Jacob and family
FLICK Szmuel and family
FLIESSER Chana and family
FRANKEL/FRAENKEL Avraham, Shifra, Sander, Ester, Klara and family
FRANKEL/FRAENKEL Chaim-Eliezer, Sara, Yaacov, Baruch, Moshe, Perla,
Oskar and family
FRIEDMANN Arie, Fredel, Moshe, Moshe-Yitzchak, Bluma and family
FUCHS Aharon-Eli, Scheindel Sara and family
FUCHS Leibush, Moshe and family
GABEL Yeshaya, Meir, Abraham, Mordechai, Jacob, Meir, Zvi, Yitzchak,
Etka, Sara and family
GAMS Jona, Chava, Freidel and family
GARFUNKEL Leib, Chana, Schmuel, Jente and family
GENIUK Itzchak, Lea, Zeev, Zvi and family
GERTEL Josef-Zeev,Chaya-Mirel, David, Mordechai, Zvi, Jakob, Golda
and family
GLANZBERG Leib, Eisik and family
GOLDMANN Zeev, Dvorah, Gitel, Lea, Chava, Chaya, Pnina, Machla,
Elchanan, Schlomo and family
GOTLIEB/GOTTLIEB Baruch, Schlomo, Pessach, Zvi, Sara, Benjamin,
Jacob, Gitel, Reizel and family
GOTLIEB/GOTTLIEB Haim-Leib, Lea, Hinda, Hina, Yehushua, Daniel and
GRAF David, Rachel'che, Shalom and family
GROSS Moshe and family
GROSSMAN Koif'z (?), Necha-Rachel, Zvi, Josef and family
HABERKORN(?) Israel, Dvorah and family
HALPERN Zalman, Israel, David, Schlomo, Yehushuah, Schmuel and
HANDWERKER David and family
HARPESTMANN(?) Schlomo, Malka and family
HARTMANN Zelta, Heni, Scheindel and family
HAUSER Chaim, Elimelech, David and family
HEILMAN Shraga-Feibush, Hena-Ita, Zeev
HELSINGER Chana, Frummit, Sara, Malka, Rachel, Zippora, Mattil and
HENDEL Yaacov and family
HERZBERG Aharon, Efraim, Chaya-Sara, Schlomo, Gittel, Schmuel and
HERZBERG Josef-Shaul, Abraham, Mordechai, Dov,Yitzchak, Moshe,
Schmuel, Jona, Josef
HERZBERG Josef, Gittel-Perl, Chaya, Pessel(?) and family
HERZBERG Schlomo, Naftali, Avraham'che, Aharon, Efraim Zvi, Arieh,
Jacob, Zeev and family
HERZIG Shabtai, Tema, Malka and family
HESS/HAS(?) Yehushua, Mazel(?), Rachel, Sara, Anschel, Abraham and
HOFFMANN David'che, Leibush and family
KAMPF Chaim-Zalman, Bina, Gershon, Moshe, Zila, Shabtai, Dvorah-
Rivka, Zeev-Yehuda
KUSSER Schmuel, Rivka and family
KATZ Israel, Elka, Moshe-Josef, Dov, Josef, Noach, Zvi and family
KELLER Riv'che and family
KELLER Schmuel, Soyshi(?) and family
KELLER Yashe, Frieda, Mordechai
KELCZ Josef, Yehushua, Fredel, Schmuel, Dina, Zelda, Mordechai and
KELCZ Menachem Mendel, Feige-Mindel(?),Chana, Josef, Temme(?), Lea,
Mordechai, Miriam, Meir and family
KESSLER (?) and family
KESSLER Leibush, Azriel, Basha(?) and family
KIRSCHENBAUM Daniel, Sara-Rachel, Henia, Pnina and family
KIRSCHENBAUM Dov-Yitzchak, Hinde, Shabtai, Yehushuah, Mordechai,
Aharon, Zindel, Zvi
KLACHMANN(?) Avraham, Moshe, Sara and family
KLEIN Pinchas, Ester and family
KLEINGRUB Chaya-Rachel the wife of Reb Fischel, born Rosner and her
KLEINGRUB Yaacov, Leib, Ester, Chana, Scheindel-Suessl and family
KNOPF Zvi-Yitzchak, Gittel, Uri, Shabtai, Arie, Perl, Chana, Chaim,
Leib and family
KORB David-Hersch and family
KORMANN Leib, Dvora, Eliyahu, Meir, Chana'che and family
KORMANN Zvi, Chaya-Gittel, Nathan, Josef, Moni, Nathan, Shaye, Zvi
and family
KORN Benjamin, Zisha(?), Gershon, Roisa, Mendel, Chana, Dvorah,
Ettel, David, Malka, Josef and family
KRAMERMANN Gershon, Leibush, Yaacov, Schlomo, Yehushua and family
KUPFERSCHMIDT Chaim-Zeev, Necha, Gittel, Ettel, Moshe, Reiza and
KURCER/KURZER Simcha, Scheindel and family
KUSSER Schmuel, Rivka and family
KUTSCHER Efraim, Keile, Lea, Yecheskel, Pessach, Kressal(?), Nachman-
Eliezer and family
KOENIG Yaacov-Josef, Moshe, Eli, Fredel, Chaim, Nissan, Yaacov,
Malla and family
LANDAU Meir, Bar-Orin and family
LEHRER/LERER Mordechai-Zeev, Taube, Fischel, Feige, Reizel and
LEMLER Alter, Schmuel, Sara, Machla and family
LEMPEL Jaakov, Rafael, Rivka, Barcha and family
LEMPEL Zvi, Taube, Avraham-Avish, Schmuel, Lea, Yitzchak and
LIEBER Schlomo, Necha , Sheva, Rachel, Schindel, Fischel and
LIEBERMANN David, Taube, Avraham and family
LIPPNER(?) Chaim, Lea, Benjamin and family
LOBHEIM Chaim, Miriam and family
MAJER Schmuel, Michal, Meir and family
MAJERAN Aharon, Yechiel, Mordechai-David and family
MANDEL Zvi, Malka and family
MAUTNER Schlomo, Chana Lea, Reize, Beile, Ester and family
MEILER Pessach, Schlomo, Avraham, Sara, Pessach and family
MEILER Schlomo, Dizel(?), Dvorah, Leib, Moshe-Hersch and family
MEISELS/MEISELES Leibush, Lea, David, Chaya and family
MELAMED Yehushuah and family
MESSER David and family
MOND Sprinze, Yoel and family
MONDSCHEIN Asher-Zelig, Risha(?), Feige, Avish, Benjamin, Shimshon,
Moshe, Lea and family
MUELLER/MILLER YaacovÄ-Hilel, Sara-Hinde, Pnina, Miriam,
Zippora, Josef, Yitzchak, Leib and family
NADEL Yaacov and family
NUSSBAUM Moshe, Priva(?), Malka, Sima, Perl and family
ORENSTEIN Zindel and family
OSTERMAN Dr.Jozef, Leibush and family
POSTER/FOSTER(?) Dov, Ester-Zvettel(?), Naftali, Pia(?) and
REBHUN Menachem, Chaya-Sara, Asher, Simcha, Mordechai and family
RAPPAPORT Yitzchak, Etel, Zviah, Rachel, Aharon and family
REINER Chana, Eliyahu, Mordechai and family
REINFELD Schlomo-Meir, Hendel, Zina, Pashe, Rivka, Schmuel, Wolf,
Chaim and family
REITNER Arie, Gittel and family
RETTIG Herz(?),Avraham-David and family
RETTIG Naftali, Feige, Moshe, Avraham
RIEGER Berish, Mordechai, Yitzchak, Jehuda, Eli
RISS Mordechai, Shalom, Reizel, Bila'che and family
ROSENBACH Josef-Moshe, Rachel, Lea, Zippora, Mani, Sonia, Leizer,
Akiva and family
ROST Noach, Rachel, Josef and family
ROTH Issaschar-Dov, Friedel-Dvorah, Yitzchak-Aizik, Mina, Zippora
and family
ROTH YaacovÄJosef and family
SANDBANK Leib, Yehushuah, Yaacov, Eliyahu, Issaschar-Dov and
SANDGARTEN Moshe, Zippora, Yaacov, Hinda, Moshe, Zippora, Rachel and
SAUERBRUNN Fischel, Naftali, Avish, Elka and family
SCHAECHTER Elazar and family
SCHEINDLING Elazar, Yeshaya, Avraham, Chana, Yehushua, Schmuel,
Zvita(?) and family
SCHEK Rosa and family
SCHELF (?) Chaya, Zvi, Yekutiel, Mordechai, Golda,Simcha, Mendel,
Chaya, Scheindel
SCHEFFER Josef, Naftali, David, Lea, Krein'che, Yehushua and
SCHICKLER Avraham, Jetta, Leibush, Yaacov, Yitzchak, Rachel and
SCHICKLER Shimon, Uri, Yitzchak, Israel-Leib and family
SCHMIEDT Alexander, Chaim, Schlomo, Zvi, Bila'che and family
SCHMUCKLER Yaacov and family
SCHNEK/SCHNECK Asher-Lemmel and family
SCHNEK/SCHNECK Schlomo-Leib, Henia, Zippora, Avraham,
Schmerl(?),Ester, Lea'che, Pessach, Rachel and family
SCHNEIDER Chaim-Schmuel, Lea-Hores(?), Avraham-Avish and family
SCHNEIDER Efraim, David-Pessach, Zissel, Wolf, Chana, Leib, Chaim,
David and family
SCHNITZER Rafael, Ester-Bracha, Salo from Chamnitz and family
SCHOR Zindel, Eliyahu grandchildren of the late Rabbi Yekutiel
SCHREIBER Mordechai, Etel , Avraham, Risha, Yechezkel and family
SCHREIER Meir, Tila [from Oleszyce?]
SCHWARZ Avraham, Dvora, Etel, Shimshon, Pesha, David, Sara, Rachel,
Bila and family
SCHWARZ Aharon-Zvi, Henna and family
SCHWARZ Nachum, Chava, Sara, David, Chaim
SEIFER Avraham-Moshe, Chava, Yaacov, Dvorah, Peretz and family
SEIFZER Yaacov-Yitzchak, Meite-Mirel, Gitel-Heni, Rivka, Rize
(?),Pinchas-Nathan and family
SILBER Zelig-Hersch and family
SILBERMANN David, Baruch-Asher, Aizik and family
SILBERSTEIN Yehushua-Heshel, Miriam, Shimshon,Chana'che, Avraham,
Moshe and family
SINGER Perl and family
SITZ Sasha and family
SLANDER Moshe, Friedushe(?), Chaim and family
SOKAL Mendel, Sosha, Reizel and family
SPIELMANN Schlomo and family
SPINDEL Zalman, Chana, Peretz, Moshe, Lea'che and family
STADFELD Ozer and family
STEIN Israel, Hersch-David and family
STEINBRUCH Arie, Sima, Moshe, Lea, Feige, Chana and family
STEINER Chaim, Zirel, Schlomo, Sara, Sinai,Hendel, Mina'che, Schmuel
and family
SZTERNLICHT(?) Moshe-David, Mordechai-Leib, Zvi, Meir, Eli and
STELZER David and family
STERNKIKER Mendel, Zvi, Yeshay and family
STIEFEL(?) Zvi and family
STOCKHAMER Schmuel, Joel and family
STORCH Yitzchak, Dov, Moshe and family
STRASS(?) Yechiel, Meir and family
STRASSBERG Leib, Meir, Moshe, Itta, Taube and family
STRASSBERG Yaacov, Noach, Mordechai, Moshe, Rivka, Miriam, Lea and
SZAPIRO Malka'le, Moshe and family
SZEINDLING Eliyahu,Scheindel,Rachel and family
SZIKLER Mordechai, Chana, Tova, Sosha, Pesha(?), Zelda, Leib and
SZNAJDER/SCHNEIDER Yaacov, Fischel, Yona, Shimshon, Zippora, Bracha
and family
SZTERNLICHT Avraham, Israel, Michal and family
TAHLER(?) Chaya, Josef and family
TAUBE Shimon, Avraham and family
TELL Mendel, Mattel and family
TEMMER Elimelech, Scheindel, Avraham, Rachel and family
TISSER Schlomo and family
TRATTNER(?) Moshe, Schifra, Aharon, Scheindel and family
WALDER Nachum and family
WALZER Yitzchak, Chaya, Berl, Frieda, Moshe, Meir, Moshe, Rachel,
Dov, Ester, Avraham, Reize, Heinz and family
WALZER Meir, Rachel, Dov, Moshe, Meir, Ettel and family
WASSERMANN Akiva and family
WEBER Zvi and family
WEINBERGER Yaacov, Rachel and family
WEINRATH/WEINROTH Yaacov, Moshe, Yehushua, Lea, Scheindel, Dvorah,
Schmuel and family
WEISS Lea and family
WEISSBERG Schmuel'ke, Dov, Hena and family
WIENER Schlomo, Bila, Simcha, Avraham and family
WIESER Gershon, Frieda, Mordechai, Yecheskel, Leizer, Feige,
Sprintze, Bila'che, Berl, Moshe, Shamai, Fessil and family
WINTER Israel, Sara and family
WIZER Zvi, Eidel, Ita, Lea and family
WOLF Moshe-David, Chana and family
WOLKENFELD Moshe and family
WURZEL Avraham, Lea
ZIEGELHEIM Zvi, Roisa, Josef, Yaacov, Moshe, Frieda and family
ZIEGELHEIM Zvi, Eliezer ,Dov-Eliezer and family
ZIMERMANN Kalman, Fatura, Hilel, Chaya, Anschel and family
ZIMERMANN Mendel, Shabtai, Chaim, Moshe, Josef-Yaacov, Baruch and
ZIMMET Frieda and family
Because the list above gives so little information about the victims, we hope to make it more detailed in the future.
JewishGen, Inc. makes no representations regarding the accuracy of
the translation. The reader may wish to refer to the original material
for verification.
JewishGen is not responsible for inaccuracies or omissions in the original work and cannot rewrite or edit the text to correct inaccuracies and/or omissions.
Our mission is to produce a translation of the original work and we cannot verify the accuracy of statements or alter facts cited.
Lubaczow, Poland
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Updated 13 Oct 2001 by LA