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Sosnowski-Kenigsztein family


Lia Sosnovski and Maier Kenigsztein, born in Łopuszno, emigrated to Argentina in 1937 with their 3 children: Jose (emigrated later to Israel and passed away some 10 years ago), Nacha and Rachela (Rosita, recently emigrated to Israel with her husband Enrique Wagner)


Sura Sosnovski and Slomie Kenigsztein,
both born in Łopuszno and emigrated to Argentina in 1925
Sura Kenigsztein, born in Łopuszno.
Died with her husband Yankel Kalmowicz
and 5 of their children in the Holocaust.
The 3 elder children survived and live today
- Moshe and Aba in the USA and Nacha in Argentina


Zavel Kenigsztein and family, emigrated to Germany in his youth, married there and raised a family. Hid with his wife in a shelter - basement- in Belgium during the entire war and its end left. Their daughter was saved because she was hidden in a convent. Today lives in Paris.


Rivka Kenigsztein, born in Łopuszno. Emigrated in his youth to Argentina, where she married
Jose Mines. Died in Memphis, USA where she emigrated to after she bacame a widow
Smil Sosnovki, born in Łopuszno,
survived and after the war emigrated to Israel
with is wife and their two children


Herszel Keningsztein with his wife and 7 children - all died during the war when the Germans entered with tanks and took them away. All were from Łopuszno


Maier Sosnvski and wife, born in Łopuszno, died in the Holocaust.
Their son, Sloime, survived and after the war emigrated to Argentina
Maiteh Sosnovski, his wife and their 5 children,
all born in Łopuszno, died in the Holocaust.
The Germans took them from thier homes and put them in trucks


Łopuszno - general view


Monument in the place where 21 Jews, citizens of Łopuszno, were executed


Łopuszno 2004. The last stone remaining
of the damaged Jewish cemetery


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Yizkor Book Director, Lance Ackerfeld
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Updated 11 Feb 2012 by LA