Memorial Book of Leczyca
(Łęczyca, Poland)

52°04' / 19°13'

Translation of
Sefer Linshits

Editor: Yitshak Yedidyah Frenkel

Published in Tel Aviv 1953

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This is a translation of: Sefer Linshits (Memorial book of Leczyca),
Editor: Yitshak Yedidyah Frenkel, Former Residents of Leczyca in Israel, Published: Tel Aviv 1953 (H 223 pages)

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Translated by Sara Mages

El Male Rachamim   5
Title Page   7
Misgivings and actions (in the hiding place) Issar Frenkel 11
Łęczyca 970-1939 HaRav Yitzchak Yedidya Frenkel  
Chapter 1 - Łęczyca in the old days - The legend of R' Shlomo Efraim author of the book “Kli Yakar” -
The trial of the blood libel - The war with the Swedes - The MAHARAL from Prague in Łęczyca
Chapter 2 - The family of the Kara's rabbis and their family tree - The spirit and soul of Auerbach -
Rabbi Abraham Tiktin, author of the book “Petach HaBait” and his era
Chapter 3 - Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Auerbach who Tikken Chatzot with Yirmiyahu HaNavi -
Rabbi Chaim Auerbach and his era
Chapter 4 - Rabbi Yitzchak Auerbach author of the book “Divrei Chaim” -
The family history of the Auerbach rabbis
Chapter 5 - Rabbi Meir Auerbach author of the book “Imrei Bina   79
Chapter 6 - Rabbi Avraham Binyamin Korongold from Horodna [Grodno]   87
Chapter 7 - The “Sagi Nahor” Rabbi Shneur Zalman Morgenstern author of the book “Minchat Haboker   89
Chapter 8 - Rabbi Meir Leibush, MALBIM - The great controversy   92
Chapter 9 - Rabbi Shlomo Auerbach   113
Chapter 10 - Rabbi Eliezer Auerbach the last rabbi of Łęczyca   115
Łęczyca Before the Destruction    
(Synagogues, institutions, movements, personalities, figures and characters)    
The Great Synagogue in Łęczyca   121
Beit HaMidrash   125
Places of worship and charitable organizations   135
A tour through the city   138
Hibbat Zion” association in Łęczyca B. Elizedek 145
Memories from the city of my birth S. Schori 150
Memories from the National Movement in Łęczyca A. Knopf 154
Shlomei Emunei Yisrael A. Roset 156
R' Shmuel Schlabener A. Knopf 157
Zaionz A. Knopf 163
Moshe Mendel A. Knopf 168
Yanek and the “Kaze” [she-goat] Y. Roshem 172
Types of “Melamdim” [teachers] Y. Roshem 173
The destruction of Łęczyca (1939-1945)  
The history of the last days of the community of Łęczyca Issar 179
List of Martyrs from Łęczyca, Poland   195
Pictures that were given by the relatives   205
Lamentation for Łęczyca's Holocaust   209
The teachings of the MALBIM [Meïr Leibush ben Yehiel Michel] HaRav Issar Frankel 211
Hakoah” association and the Jewish Orchestra S. Broditzky 215
Łęczyca during the First World War Y. Roshem 219
Notes in the margin Y. Roshem 222


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