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Cover and Drawings by Note Kozlovski

Main Distribution: Moyshe Shmuel Shklyarski

10 Monroe Street, New York


An acknowledgement to the creators from the "book committee":

Yosef Breslov, Louis Galak and Yosef Dorfman, whose dedication has made possible the edition of this book.


Special thanks to:

David Dubinski (Dubinsky), Yakob Potofski, Louis Holender (Hollander), Izidor Nagler (Isadore Nagler), Louis Stalberg, Gedalye Rubin, Israel Horovits, Henri Grinberg (Greenberg), Benjamin Kaplan, Louis Nelson, Sasha Zimerman, Chaim Beker, Natanyel Minkof, Henri Shvarts, Louis Blak and Filip (Philip) Lubliner, for their friendship and help with the book.


This book - In memory of my uncles, aunts and cousins:

Dvoyre (Deborah) Sofer, Yisroel (Israel) Moyshe Sofer and his family.

Meyshke Pruzhanski and his family.

Khaye Sore (Sara) Pruzhanski and her two daughters- Fanye and Sheynke.

Yente Levin, her husband Yankel and their families.

Khayim Pruzhanski and his son Fayv(e)l, his daughter Khane and their families.

Yente and Osher Halpern and their families.


All of them perished at the hands of Hitler's murderers, may the names and the memory of our enemies disappear!

All Krinker holy and noble people who were destroyed by those murderers in the concentration camps,
in the Krinker ghetto and in the limekilns (crematoria).

This dedication shall be like an eternal light for their souls!



Dedication of the translator

I dedicate the translation of this book to my friend Susan Kingsley Pasquariella and to “The Jewish Place in Bialystok”

May the translation of this book serve the eternal memory of Jewish life in the shtetl Krynki; may it bear witness to those who lived there and used a language which, with its warmth and melody, carries light into our hearts.

May we remember its sound and the yearning that is vibrating in it to find a real homeland. May we be reminded of the ideals, hopes and aspirations of those people to create a new, more righteous world.

My transcription of Yiddish (“Romanization”) is done according to the international YIVO standard.

In reverence and respect for the people who spoke and wrote the "old" Yiddish as their mother tongue, I refrain as far as possible from adapting the names into German or English. For these reasons, I also refrain from adapting the Ashkenazic pronounced Hebraisms.

My heartfelt thanks to JewishGen for making this translation possible as a printed book.

Beate Schützmann-Krebs


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Updated 15 Feb 2023 by LA