The First 17 Victims of the German Murders in Krasnik
Yiddish translated by Gloria Berkenstat Freund and Hebrew by Yocheved Klausner
Avraham Zimerman | Avraham Brik |
Noakh Citrinbaum | Yosef Grosman |
Yitzhak Krumholc | Moshe Zilberman |
Moshe Kawa | Borukh Gutwilik |
Szerman Hirsh | Sztajnbuk Moshe | Perlzon Moshe |
Ligner Shlomo |
Berman Elkhanan | |
Fajrsztajn Dovid |
Bermanzon Shlomo | |
Krumholc Yakov | Hener Ahron |
Leib (Noakh) Sytokman
the Jewish commander of the Budzyn concentration camp. His moral
behavior and his kind attitude toward the prisoners were famous. All survivors of the Budzyn camp praise him.
He perished in the Holocaust.
Daniel Freiberg writes about him (pp. 235, 238, 242): I did not realize at the time, that this man, whose appearance was distanced and official, will be the subject of my admiration and respect, more than any person of an official position that I met in the camps He was loved and respected by all his acquaintances and friends, due to activity as a commander, or head of the Budzyn camp The Police, together with the Jewish institutions and offices in Budzyn were the sole point of light in the darkness of the camp under the influence of the commander Sztokman and his explicit instructions
Leib (Noakh) Sytokman the Jewish
commander of the Budzyn concentration camp. [He] fell into
the hands of German captivity in 1939 when the Polish Army was defeated.
Sztokman, even in those frightful conditions, was like a father to the
unfortunate concentration camp prisoners. He helped in any way he could to
encourage and console those who successfully escaped from the Budzyn
concentration camp. Remember him with respect and honor his name.
He also perished al Kiddush haShem [in sanctification of (God's) name as a martyr].
Honor his memory!
The partisan Chaim (son-in-law of Idel, used to sell kerosene in Krasnik)
was murdered by the Poles.
The Partisan Chaim (son-in-law of Eidl Gapczasz) murdered by the Poles. I do not know his family name. But his heroic deeds were known to all of those in Krasnik who survived the Hitlerist flood. He was the only one who successfully escaped from the Belzec death camp and gave the information that the Jews were being led to their annihilation. He fought heroically in the partisan detachment and reached the rank of captain. He was shot by Polish reactionaries on one of the streets in Lublin after the liberation.
On Sunday, the 1st of June 1946, the unveiling of the monument in memory of the
heroes, Krasnik young men and women who fell in France in the fight against the
Hitlerist enemy, Josef Wajsbrat, Mendl Rozencwajg, Czeytl Flam, Charles and
Maurice Goldbaum, Jacques Zilberfajn, Maurice Grinwald took place at the
Pantin Cemetery in Paris.
Here are several pictures of the martyrs:
[The same as in Yiddish YK]
From the right and underneath: The brothers Mordekhai and Yakov Goldbaum, members of the anti-Nazi underground movement. Fell in the fight with the Germans. Mordekhai was 18 years old; his brother 20.
Yankele (Jacques) Zilberfajn
perished in Paris |
Maurice Grinwald may his memory be blessed |
Mendl Rozencwaig may his memory be blessed |
Yoel Wizenberg born in Kraznik in 1918, shot in Paris in 1944 by the Germans |
Josef Wajsbrot may his memory be blessed from the trial of the 23 |
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Updated 27 Jul 2018 by OR