The Jews of Kaszony, Subcarpathia
(Koson’, Ukraine)

48°15' / 22°28'

Edited by Joseph Eden (Einczig)

N. Y. 1988



Project Coordinator

Lisa Brahin Weinblatt


Our sincere appreciation to Joseph Eden
for permission to put this material on the JewishGen web site.

Our sincere appreciation to Yad Vashem
for the submission of the necrology for placement on the JewishGen web site.

This is from: The Jews of Kaszony, Subcarpathia. ed. Joseph Eden (Einczig), N. Y. 1988, E, H, HU

This material is made available by JewishGen, Inc. and the Yizkor Book Project for the purpose of
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Chapter   Page
  Foreword v
1 I Remember Jewish Life in Kaszony 1
  Kaszony, a Centre of Jewish Learning 7
  The Zionist Movement 10
  The Holocaust Period 13
  The Liquidation of the Jewish Community 14
  The Names of Those Who Died in Kaszony Between 1938-1944 15
2 How Did Our People Perish? 17
  Auschwitz and the “Final Solution” 17
  Kamanetz Podolsk 17
  The Work and Plight of the Labor Servicemen 18
  Doroshich – Another Tale of Horror 21
  Bor and the Kiskunhalas Massacre 22
3 Kaszony's Outstanding Personalities 24
  Rabbi Yisrael Zvi Rottenberg 24
  George (Gyuri) Klein 32
  Béla Auspitz 34
  Dezsõ Rappaport 35
  Sándor Iczkovics 36
  Záli Julis 36
  Miska Klein 37
4 The Victims of Hate 38
  “El Male Rachamin” 38
  The Names of the Martyrs 39
5 The Survivors 62
  The Survivors of Concentration Camps 62
  The Names of the Survivors and Their Resettlement 64
  How Did Our People Survive? 76
  Jenõ Ackerman 76
  Siku Klein 77
  Rezsi Veres 77
  Alex Schneider 78
  Jozsi Einczig (Eden) 78
6 The Statistics 82
  The Sad Statistics 82
  The Survivors and Their Resettlement 83
7 Connecting Threads 84
  What Happened to the 20,000 (20%) Jews of Subcarpathia
Who Survived
  Our Israeli War Hero: David (Lacika) Eisenreich 87
  Forty Years of New Life 88
  From Generation to Generation 92
  The Hymn of the Jewish Partisans 95
8 Where is Kaszony? 96
9 Brief History of the Jews of Subcarpathia 100
10 An Eyewitness Testimony About the Destruction of the Hungarian Jewry
(From the Nuremberg Trials)
  Bibliography 123
  Hungarian Summary
  Hebrew Summary
(wording is in Hebrew)

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Contact person for this translation Lisa Brahin Weinblatt
This web page created by Lance Ackerfeld

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Updated 4 Oct 2016 by MGH