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List of Photographs

Translated by Andrew Katz

Page Caption
7 Daniel Kac (the author of “Summoned From the Ashes”)  with his nephew Stasiek Shershinyevski.
18 A street in Kolki: Polish inscription says Pilsudskie Square, 1935.
31 Yaakov Liplevski.
46 (top) Aron Ha'Koidesh at Kolki's Shul (Hebrew inscription says: HaAron Koidesh De'Beit Hamidrash Trisk
46 (bottom)The family of Pesach-Leib Shpilberg in Kolk.
68 Pesach Shnitzer (Pesach Der Kleizmer).
96 (top) Dramsektzye Bey Der Y.L.Peretz Gezelshaft in Kolk (inscription under the picture)
     Back Row - right to left:   Pinye Kac, Yiddele Palievski,
Manes Aizenberg, Tulye Gutman,  Daniel Weiner, David Kac
     Middle Row - right to left:  Leibl Gutman, Rozke Kac, Yitke Kac,
Freide-Mirl Goldman, Fishl Shnitzer
     Front Row - right to left: Hinde Kac, Ite Godomitzer.
(Ed. - Rozke Kac was executed by the Germans around 1942.)
96 (bottom) 1928
     Standing from right: Nyunia Gildin, Hinde Kac, Naftali Gutman, Chana Goldman, Naftali Groisman
     Sitting from right: Leib Tiva, Liba Gatman, Motel Valik, Frida Mirl Goldman, Daniel Weiner, Chaya Weiner
     Bottom from right: David (Daniel) Kac, Roze Kac, Tulye Liberman.
118 Yosl Chaychik, A.Zilberberg, Zishye Chaychik, Meir Tchartarisker, Meir Tzipes, Tany Fiershtein, Meir Aizenberg, Berish Egber, Shalom Garbatch, Meir Beker, Leibush Katzan, Yosl Kleiman, Reizl Simtzes, Shlomo Druker.
122 Gittle Katz (The author's mother.)
148 Yankl Balut, Sara Kleiman, Shalom Garbatch, Ch.Beker, 
Yosl Kleiman, Malka Simtzes, Meir Tchartarisker, Hershl Biber, Berish Egber, Tzvia Zilberberg, Meir Beker, Zishye Chaychik, Sara Palevski, Leibish Katzan, Sheva Lambatziner, Nachman Mechlin.
186 (right) BenTsion Stavker
186 (left) Izia Shnitzer (The Kleizmer's grandson).
230 Sheinke Schpitz (In Red Army Uniform with 2 Medals).
243 D.Kac, R.Kac, N.Gutman.
244 (top) Alexandra Djevietzka/Drzewiecka with Jewish children she saved and raised them as her own. X marks Stasiek.
244 (bottom) Berl Shershenievski (Holding a Russian Sub Machine Gun).
248 General Yozef Sabyeshiak (Max).
325 Partizan Commander Kanishchuk (Kruk).
325 Partizan Commander Ivan Shishka.
328 (top) Yitzchak Sima.
328 (bottom)The Common Grave of Y.Sima and his friends in Italy (Inscriptions both in Hebrew & English:  Died on Active Service Y.Sima, M.Schipper, M.Wadel).
340 (right) Leibke Zshuk.
340 (left) Meir Tcharta.
341 (top right) Shlomo (Sidney) Max.
341 (top left) Naftali Inkeles.
341 (bottom right) Israel Meniuk.
341 (bottom left) Ester Biber-Matz.
371 Kolkers in Israel:  Meir Aizenberg, Borris Chaychik, Chaim Schpitz, Manish Chaychik, Sender Boslik.
388 Biniamin (Nyunie) Gildin.

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