51°38' / 22°27'
Translation of
Sefer Kotsk
Editor: E. Porat
Published in Tel Aviv 1961
Our sincere appreciation to Yad Vashem
for the submission of the necrology for placement on the JewishGen web site.
Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Kock
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Translated by Yocheved Klausner Hebrew and Gloria Berkenstat Freund Yiddish
Title | Author | Page |
Introduction | A. Porat | 5 |
Chapters of History and Memories | ||
The history of Kotzk | 11 | |
Kotzker History [Y] | 17 | |
The life in Kotzk - long ago | Yakov Herz | 24 |
The sights of the town | Simcha Medens | 28 |
Kotzk | Menachem Zakalik | 35 |
What Was [Y] | Yakov Blitman | 47 |
Shabbos and the Week in Kotzk [Y] | Yakov Herc | 57 |
Kock, My Town [Y] | Motl Siemiatycki | 61 |
A Stroll Across My Shtetl [town] [Y] | Borukh Josef Fiernik | 68 |
Kotzk, My City [Y] | Gedalia Grosman | 73 |
The Kaiser is Coming [Y] | A. Nachtomi | 76 |
A Metamorphosis [Y] | Yakov Herc | 83 |
The changes in Kotzk | Moshe Friedman | 89 |
Longing | Yakov Herc | 92 |
I cannot forget (a poem) [Y] | Yakov Herc | 93 |
Yearning (a poem) [Y] | Yakov Herc | 94 |
My origin | Medens Simcha | 95 |
Berek Yoselevitch | A. P. | 96 |
Giv'at Berek [The Berek Hill] | Simcha Medens | 99 |
Lag Ba'omer at the grave of Berek Yoselevitch [Y] | Sholem Goldfarb | 100 |
The Kotzk Hasidim | ||
The rabbis and ADMORs of Kotzk | Alfasi Yitzhak | 105 |
Thanks to a beautiful tree (a folk legend) | Moshe Michaeli-Reck | 123 |
The Old Kotzker [Y] | Yakov Blitman | 124 |
The crowning of R'Yosele Morgenstern as Rav in Kotzk | Dov Tcharni | 129 |
The Last Kotzk Rebbe [Y] | Yakov Blitman | 131 |
A collection of Kotzk melodies | Yosef Sela | 134 |
From the Recent Past | ||
Figures and events | Yosef Sela | 145 |
In Kotzk before the First World War [Y] | Dovid Rak | 151 |
Memories from Childhood | Moshe Michaeli-Reck | 155 |
From my youth [Y] | Yehoshaya Taszemka | 159 |
Village Peddlers [Y] | Avraham Rosenblum | 163 |
My Chana, the Apostate [Y] | Miriam Tzubek-Paz | 164 |
Zlatka [Y] | Medens Simcha | 166 |
Kopl (a poem) [Y] | Yakov Herc | 167 |
Parties, Organizations and Institutions | ||
The Zionist Movement in Kotzk | Gedaliahu Grossman | 171 |
Hashomer Hatza'ir in Kotzk | Chana Milgrom-Moncherzh | 174 |
The beginnings of the Hashomer Hatzair in Kotzk | Dov Czarney | 176 |
A lively organization | Moshe Fridman | 176 |
The struggle of the Kotzk Youth | Moshe Smuliar | 179 |
The Hechalutz in Kotzk | 184 | |
The Mizrahi Organization in Kotzk | 184 | |
Agudat Israel in Kotzk | Gedaliahu Grossman | 185 |
Betar Organization in Kotzk [Y] | Simcha Kreitzman | 187 |
Jewish Workers Organizations in Kotzk | ||
Kotzk in 1905 | Rachel & Pinchas Kritzman | 189 |
Strikers [Y] | Shaya Erlich | 190 |
Workers Unions in Kotzk [Y] | Yehezkiel Sztern | 191 |
The Bund in Kotzk [Y] | Mendl Szlefachowski | 193 |
Professional Unions in Kotzk [Y] | Nuta Kuperszlag | 194 |
The first strike in Kotzk [Y] | Yisroel Roytapel | 197 |
Community Organizations in Kotzk | ||
The Jewish Kehile [organized Jewish community] in Kotzk [Y] | 199 | |
The Gemilut Chesed Fund [interest-free loans] | 200 | |
The Craftsmen co-operative [Y] | 201 | |
Khevre Tehilim [Psalm Society] | 202 | |
Khevre Kadishe [Burial Society] | 202 | |
Hakhnosas Kallah [aid for poor brides] | 202 | |
Ezras Kholim [organization to aid the sick] | 203 | |
Views and Landscapes in Kotzk | ||
Photographs | 205 | |
How Kotzk Was Destroyed | ||
Remember what [Amalek] did to you | Yosef Sela | 219 |
The destruction of the Kotzk Community | Yakov Aviram-Gazbein | 220 |
The last days of Jewish Kotzk | Gedaliahu Grossman | 226 |
Through suffering and disaster [Y] | Manya Szlajfer-Ziglman | 242 |
Under the Nazis [Y] | Yakov Erlich | 263 |
My Survival During the Time of Hitler [Y] | Ruchl Wajnsztajn | 263 |
In the Osowa Camp [Y] | Yisroel Roytapel | 273 |
Deportation of the Jews in Kotzk by the Germans in June 1942 (a poem) [Y] | 275 | |
The Innocent Spilled Blood [Y] | Motl Semiaticki | 279 |
In the forests around Kotzk | Shimon Rubatcek | 286 |
Kotzker Jews Under the Nazi Occupation [Y] | Gedalia Grosman | 292 |
Where the Day was Spent, the Night Was Not [Y] | Moshe Klejman | 294 |
Stories from the Holocaust | As told by Yakov Ehrlich | 296 |
A bundle of letters from the days of the Holocaust | Moshe Aviram-Gazbein | 297 |
From the frying pan into the fire | Simcha Medens | 300 |
A Visit to Kotzk Right After the Liberation [Y] | Hershl Krajcman | 305 |
A Dream (poem) [Y] | Avraham Rozenblum | 308 |
Kotzkers in France During the German Occupation [Y] | Borukh Josef Fiernik | 310 |
In France during the German occupation [Y] | Yehoshaya Taszemka | 314 |
Personalities and Figures | 321-334 | |
In Memoriam | ||
In memory of my town (poem) | Simcha Medens | 337 |
A Headstone (poem) [Y] | Yakov Herc | 338 |
Their memory will last forever | Moshe Michaeli Reck | 340 |
Where are you? | Moshe Aviram Gazbein | 341 |
The rabbi R'Avraham Yosef Morgenstern | Gedaliahu Grossman | 342 |
The Rav Avraham Israel Isser Tcherni | Dov Tcherni | 344 |
Shiye Magid | Yakov Blitman | 345 |
A cultural-social house | Yosef Friedman | 346 |
David Tevel from Antszharsh | Chana Milgrom from Antszharsh | 347 |
Zvi Fiernik zl | Baruch Yosef Fiernik | 349 |
Leizer Medens | Simcha Medens | 350 |
My brother Matityahu | Gedaliahu Grossman | 352 |
Arie Tcherni | Dov Tcherni | 353 |
Those who were not privileged | Ester Arzi | 354 |
My father | The son | 355 |
Moshe Zeligman | Mania | 357 |
In memory of my family | Eliezer Kleinman | 358 |
From my memories [Y] | Eliezer Klajnman | 359 |
My home [Y] | Josef Czecznikewicz | 360 |
If your son will ask you | Simcha Medens | 361 |
R'Yakov Yitzhak Blumenfeld | 363 | |
Yitzhak Gelbach, the brave partisan | G. G. | 363 |
In their memory | Yakov Arazi | 365 |
Kotzker in Israel and Around the World | ||
The Kotzker in our land | G. G. | 368 |
Kotzkers in Israel [Y] | 369 | |
The organization of former Kotzk residents in Israel | 371 | |
Kotzker Landsmanschaft [organization of people from the same town] in Israel [Y] | 372 | |
Kotzker in Argentina [Y] | Y. Blitman | 373 |
Kotzker in France [Y] | Shimkha Rotbaum | 376 |
Kotzk today | A Polish journalist | 380 |
How does Kotzk look today? [Y] | 383 | |
Yad Vashem [a memorial] | ||
Bravery and holiness | Avraham Nachtomi | 391 |
First echoes of the Kotzk Holocaust | 396 | |
Necrology | 399 |
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