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Photographs from Dachau Torture Camp
The following photographs of the German bestial murderous activities in the Dachau camp were contributed by Avraham Gelbard.
He received these photographs from American officers who took these photographs immediately after they took over the camp.
Avraham Gelbard in the camp attire. He lives in Israel. |
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(should be cremated instead of gassed) |
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the terrible images of the German extermination |
The committee of the Yiskor Book strove to enter in the Sefer Klobuck the names, the photographs of all the Klobucker persecuted Jews. Unfortunately it was not possible to obtain a full list of names and to gather all of the materials from all of the deceased families. |
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El Malei Rachamim
God, full of mercy, Who dwells above, give rest on the wings of the Divine Presence , amongst the holy, pure and glorious who shine like the sky, to the holy souls of Klobucker Jews and surroundings, fathers, mothers, sons and daughters. Old and young people, infants and babies, children and women who were killed, burned, slaughtered, strangled, struck, murdered and were buried alive by the Germans descendants of Amalek.
Therefore, the Merciful One will protect their souls forever, and will merge their souls with eternal life. The Everlasting is their heritage, and they shall rest peacefully at their lying place, and let us say: Amen. (translation partly from Wikipedia) |
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Klobuck, Poland
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Updated 25 Apr 2014 by LA