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Respectful remembrance of the martyrized community that was annihilated
Yiskor book of the destroyed Klobuck community

A. Wolff Jasny       Redactor

Published by “Organization of people originating from Klobuck in Israel”
and by Klobucker countrymen from France and Australia

Tel Aviv Tav Shin Chaf (1960)

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Printed by “Arazi” Ltd.
Tel Aviv
Ayelet Hashachar 4 Stree

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Memorial candle for the martyrized Klobuck community
Sketched by Adele Unglick


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Organization of people originating from Klobuck in Israel:

Yiskor book committee:
President: Yechiel Zeidman
Secretary: Baruch Szimkowicz
Treasurer: Chaim Kurland

Management members:
Avraham Goldberg
Avraham Osher
Avraham Weiss
Yaakov Szperling
Shmuel Goldberg
Moshe Fajga
Berek Yakubowicz
Shimshon Zeidman


Committee from Countrymen:

In Paris:

Moshe Wajnman, Yaakov Moshe Unglick, Israel Azjner, Noach Rypsztein, Yaakov Szmulewicz*

In Australia:

Adele Shaw (Unglick), David Kroszkowski, A. D. Buchweicz, Elihayu Rosenthal, Mendel Shniur

* Errata on page 433: the name Yaakov Szmulewicz is missing


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Updated 08 Jul 2014 by JH