The Jews of Kishinev
(Chişinău, Moldova)

47°00' / 28°57'

Translation of
Yehudei Kishinev

Edited by: Yitzhak Koren

Published in Tel Aviv 1950




This is a translation of: Yehudei Kishinev (The Jews of Kishinev),
Editors: Yitzhak Koren, Tel Aviv 1950 (Y, 264 pages).

Purchase details for a printed copy of this translation can be found at

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The Jewish suburb in Kishinev in 1870


TOC translated by Yocheved Klausner

Foreword 11
Each Community and its Destiny 15
The First Period 16
Ruralism and Urbanism 18
Community Life 20
The National Identity 22
First Sparks of Zionism 23
The Reactions to the Pogroms 24
The Ukrainian Refugees 27
Within the Jewish Community of Romania 30
Hasidism and “Enlightment”
The Kishinev rabbis 35
Beginning of Enlightenment (Haskalah) 37
The Yeshiva, centre for the religious studies 40
Between Hasidim and Maskilim 41
War against the “tough guys” 47
The Influence of the Hasidim on the community 49
Social Movements
Revolutionary Centers and Labor Organizations 58
The Bund 60
Agudat Israel Party 62
The Children of Israel of the New Testament 63
The Argentina movement 67
The Pogrom in the year 1903
The Jewish Defence 78
The Most Culpable for the Pogrom 80
The “Righteous Among the Nations” 82
The End of the Riots 84
The Echo through the Diaspora 87
The Pogroms of 1905 92
Hibat Zion – Hovevei Zion 97
Political Zionism 112
The Post Bureau 117
Tze'irei Zion [Youth of Zion] 122
The Beginnings of the Second Aliya 128
Kishinev Zionism within Romania 136
He–Halutz [the Pioneer] 139
The activity of the Funds 140
A Zionist Family 145
The years before the Holocaust 148
Education and Culture
Education and Culture 155
Physical education 165
Literature and journalism 168
Mikhail Gershenzon (1869–1925) 177
The Press 180
The Jewish Theatre 186
The Cantors in Kishinev 194
Painting and sculpture artists 198
The Economic and Legal Life
Within the boundary of Moldavia until 1812 205
Under Russian rule (1812–1918) 205
The Jewish co–operative movement 212
Within the boundaries of Romania (1918–1940) 213
Social institutions 219
The Jewish Hospital 220
Days of Disintegration and Destruction
The Ghetto and the Deportation 228
Destruction in Transnistria 235
The “Struma” – in the depths of the sea 236
Documents 243
The Lost Community 259
Sources 261

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