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[Page 158]

The Aliyah to Eretz Israel



Meier Strakhilevich, a Kiliyan in the Second Aliyah

Meier, son of Yacov, was born in Kiliya, a Russian town at the point where the Danube spills into the Black Sea. His family was from Kishinev, and they moved to Kiliya. When Meier was 22, he moved back to Kishinev. Meier had ten brothers and sisters. Meier himself was very religious and lived 110 years (by Rubina Strakhilevich).



Biography of Tzvi Strakhilevich

Tzvi was born in Kishinev (Bessarabia) in 1880 (5640). His father, Meier, lived in the port city of Reni, North of Galaṭi, Romania. He spent his youth there. He received a traditional Jewish education, and he helped his father in the business.

He was active in the Zionist movement from its beginning, when the book A State for the Jews was published. He was only 17 when he bought his first “Zionist shekel” and also urged other Jews to buy it in order to finance the First Zionist Congress. When he was not elected to represent the town to the Congress because of his young age, his mother told him, “We will be there before they will do something for Zion.”

Immediately after the First Congress, he came to Eretz Israel in 1918 (5658) and worked in agriculture. His father gave him money to buy a house. He planted a vineyard and grew tobacco on the family farm. His family followed him to Eretz Israel. He insisted on employing Jewish workers and urged the administrators of Baron de Rothschild to give work to Jews. He and his friends even worked without pay on the vineyards of Rothschild. On his farm, he employed only Jewish workers and paid them well.

When Herzel visited Eretz Israel, he invited him to visit his farm. He was present when Kaiser Wilhelm visited the Land.

In Bessarabia, he helped form a council for the settlement of the vineyards of Petah Tikvah. This council brought land and planted vineyards and promised to employ Jewish workers. He planted an orchard in Petah Tikvah, and there he also employed and defended Jewish workers. He was one of the founders of Lishkat Avodah (Workers Bureau). Every evening he visited the farmers to find work for the workers.

He participated in the establishment of the public library. He helped the workers find apartments and founded the Gmilut Hesed (Bestowing Kindness) society to help workers get interest free loans, also the credit union Geulah (Freedom).

After the British occupation, he moved to Jaffa, and there he continued his public work. After the war, he had a wholesale business of building materials. He fought to secure work for Jews in the port of Jaffa. He participated in Tel Aviv social life, bought land, helped build many buildings, and supported public institutions and their activities.


A page from the book: A Farmer in Petah Tikvah with two of Tzvi's daughters.

[Page 159]

Dina Kharlamb (Spectorman) makes Aliyah.
She is pictured here with her family,
her friends from Gordonia, and others. Lovers of nature, note the little girl with lilac flowers.
Lionya Konstantinovsky is received by his family in Tel Aviv when he made Aliyah
From right to left standing: Vova (Zeev Itsik), Aunt Hinda, and Lionya
Sitting: Uncle Abraham, Yehuda, Dov, and Yona Belbak


Dov Konstantinovsky makes Aliyah
Yosef Lerner makes Aliyah
In this picture is Manya Tsalis, Waserman?, Tsipora Lerner, Mosya Abramovich, and Rachel Lerner


Ilyusha Rotshtein makes Aliyah.
On board the ship Princepele Mihai.

[Page 160]

In the port of Constanta on board of the ship Daliya,
Dov Konstantinovsky on his way to Israel
The brothers Khaimovich working in the vineyard 1934/5


The mayor of Netanya, Ben-Ami, welcomes Ben Gurion on his visit there.
Israel Khaimovich is third from the left.
The mayor of Netanya, Bar-Menachem, congratulates Israel Khaimovich


The new generation of Kiliyans:
H. Blinderman (born in 1969) served 12 years in the Israeli Defense Force Artillery
The new generation
of Kiliyans:
P. Blinderman, born in 1963, graduated from Israeli Navy School

[Page 161]

Immigrants from Kiliya who died in Israel

Bar David, Moshe, z”l Khaimovich, Israel, z”l
Belfer, Sheva, z”l Khaimovich, Misha, z”l
Brener, Yana, z”l Khaimovich, Frida, z”l
Berkovich (Konstantinovski), Yehuda, z”l Khaimovich (Dr. Sapozhnik) z”l
Berkovich, Meier, z”l Kogel, Lipa, z”l
Davidovich, Betya, z”l Komarovsky, Israel, z”l
Davidovich, Nunya, z”l Konstantinovsky, Abraham, z”l
Chichilnitski, Shlomo, z”l Konstantinovsky, Hinda, z”l
Chichilnitski, Ester, z”l Konstantinovsky, Dov, z”l
Chichilnitski, Rachel, z”l Lerner, Rivka, z”l
Dorfman, (Khaimovich), Rachel, z”l Marusnik, Moshe, z”l
Feldshtein, Sima, z”l Rabinovich, Leah, z”l
Feinshtein, Mordechai, z”l Roitman, Yosef, z”l
Gamshievich, Grisha, z”l Roitman, Khana, z”l
Gamshievich, Ribusya, z”l Rotenshtein, Ilyusha, z”l
Grinberg, Mira, z”l Shwartsman, (Dentist)
Grinberg, Nakhman, z”l Suskin, Duvidle, z”l
Goldenberg, Asher, z”l Vilder, Rachel, z”l
Goldenberg, Dudik, z”l Weinshtein, Israel, z”l
Goldenberg, Hinda, z”l Weinshtein, Brakha, z”l
Goldenberg, Pinya, z”l Weinshtein, Volf, z”l
Goldman, Tova, z”l Weinshtein, Manya, z”l
Goldman, Michael, z”l Zeidman, Shmariahu, z”l
Kanterman, Shmuel, z”l Zeidman, Liza, z”l
Katz, Israel, z”l Zeidman, Itskhak, z”l
Katz, Chana, z”l Zusman, Shaike, z”l
Katz, Motya, z”l  


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