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[Page 106]

Family Photos {cont.}


The Lerner family (circa 1926): father Yeshayahu David, mother Rivka

From right to left the children: Manya (Kornblit), Ester (perished in the Holocaust), Buzya (died), Tsipora, Motya (came as a Halutz – pioneer to Eretz Israel in 1929), and Yosef who came to Eretz Israel with his family in 1934. The elder sister, Rachel, is not in the picture.


Yosef Lerner and his wife, Sara, and their two daughters, Frida and Ilana (1949)

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Dr. Moshe Morgenshtern
Jenya Lakhmanovich, next to her Josefina Kogan (Akharonovich
Manya Morgenshtern (1977)


Shura Milgram (Tsiru), now a famous cosmetician in Canada
The David Milgram family who survived the Holocaust, the father and two sons -in-law and two daughters, Shura and Liuba

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Mozya Markuzan in a boat on the Danube, 1936, together with Kiva Stoliar, Milya Goldman, Lyova Konstantinovsky, and Zhuzya Kogan
Holocaust from his family, next to the monument for kever akhim (mass grave) of the Chernovitz Jews murdered by the Nazis. The monument was erected after many years of opposition from the authorities.

On the plaque we can read: This monument for the Brotherly Grave was erected at the initiative of D. I. Garbuz, M. M. Markuzan, U. L. Zusevich, L. D. Katz, Ts. P. Khazin, and M. Y. Kamil. M. Markuzan and Asher (Usher) Zusevich were from Kiliya.


Moshe Nusimovich
  From left to right: Zina Davidovich, Galya Kupchik, Sara Nusimovich, Nadya Markuzan (Katz), and Olya and Jean Nusimovich.


Sara Nusimovich
Sara Nusimovich with her two sons and three sisters

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Abraham Strakhilevich
(born in 1862)
Abraham Strakhilevich in his youth with his wife, Feiga
Roza Porat
(daughter of Abraham)


Abraham Strakhilevich's sons: Dr. Asher Strakhilevich, his wife, Eda,
and children, Mila, Arkadi, and Zusya Strakhilevich
Khary, son of Roza and grandson of Abraham Strakhilevich

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Leib Strakhilevich, his wife, Elka, and two daughters, Belina and Shely
Shely Strakhilevich and Belina and son, Seriozha (Dr. Feinblat)


Elka Strakhilevich and her son (1929)

Aizik Safris (son of Rafael), 1937

Rafael Safris (son of Volodya) 1927–1941. He was shot by the Romanians in Akerman.


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