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[Page 63]

Group Photos Before 1939


Liza and Leika Finkelshtein, Buma Davidovich, Ilya Dobiz, and Liuba Abramovich
On the bridge next to the pier of the Danube (frozen)

From left to right: Moshe Brodtsky, Zhuzya Kogan, Sima Kitsis, and Milya Fulferman and his wife


Zhuzya Kogan, Meier Weisman, and Riva Rozental
The Family of Polya Weinshtein

[Page 64]

Handwritten on the photo: With our friend Motya Rabinovich before he left.
A group of young people in the1930s: Reuven Dizhur, Leizer Blumental, Monya Goldenshtein, Neli Kupchik, unknown, Makhal Kupchik, Motya Rabinovich, Mozya Davidovich, unknown, Shmuel Blumental, Israel Gurvits, Roza Dizhur, and Fedya Fish.


L. Konstantinovsky (one year before his Aliyah): seven young people, among them Vida Alberg and Keneth



[Page 65]

Shaike Feferman, Buma and Puca Davidovich, Zina Feferman, Tsila Weisman. Above the groom: Frida Shwartzberg, z”l, Eda Davidovich, Anya Kanish (Davidovich) in a white dress, Sofya Iblutsnik (Brodsky), Polya Davidovich, Mira Grinberg, Polya Weinshtein, Etya Perlmuter, Abraham and Roza Davidovich, and Mrs. Goldenberg (pharmacy)


Twenty-three people from Kiliya, no names
Sara Weisman, Shura Milgram, and Idis Konstantinovsky


Mikhlevich (father and son), Khaike Zusevich, Mrs. Borokhovich, Dolitskaya, and Fanya Weinshtein
After the wedding of Riva Rozental.
On the boat: the parents Ester and Khaim Rozental, z”l, the brothers Shonya and Lonya, z”l, Riva and her husband (not from Kiliya) Zhuzya, Polya and Vamlis

[Page 66]

The Youth Soccer team Barak: Sixteen youngsters, among them 14 Jews

Bottom left: Nicu Rodion. His father and grandfather were members of the anti-Semitic fascist “Cuzist” (Cuza) Party


Isak Khaimovich and others
Unknown, Khinotsky(?), Valya Tsiv, M. Khaimovich, Sara Weisman, Shura Karbazhancu, Unknown with the newspaper Universul


Isak Khaimovich and others Fava, Milya, Liusya, Unknown, Sasha Weisleib, and Yosef from Bender
Gertsovich (Roka), Aisik Feinshtein, M. Khaimovich, Unknown, Eliusha Rotenshtein, Orlovsky, Yacov Berkovich, and Yacov Benharav

[Page 67]

From right to left: Dina Kharlamb, Kogel (the photographer), Rachel Dorfman, Hania Kogel, and Bela Dorfman  
Moshe Felikov, Vania Efremov, Khaim Marimsky, Shaya Zusevich, Polya Kogan, and Coca Antoniu


Izya Davidovich with his wife and daughter, Lili, Yosef Brener and his family, and Yosef Leib Katz
On the boat: Polya Finkelshtein
and Riva Blechman


Unknown, Aizik Kanterman, Mozya Davidovich,
Shmil and Leizer Blumental, unknown,
and Monya Goldenshtein
Batya and Tena Katz, Fava Kogan, Chana,
daughter of Sender Khaimovich

[Page 68]

From right to left: Fulferman, Borya Davidovich, Milya Gershkovich, Granovsky from Ismail, and Liusya Konstantinovsky  
Shaike Gold, Sasha Brodsky, M. Khaimovich, Isak Khaimovich, and Fulferman


Zilya Markuzan, Iulik Litvin, Aizik Goldman, Polik Kogan, Aizik Zisman, Azriel Goldenberg, Khaim Marimsky, Nakhman Grinberg, Meier Kogan, Kolya Novokhatkin, Moshe Felikov, Kiva Stoliar, Meier Weisman, and Fima Rabinovich


Idis and Malka Konstantinovsky, Maika Weisman, Etya Perlmuter, Malka Katz, and S. Davidovich
Isak Khaimovich, M. Khaimovich, Shaike Gold, P. Karbachenku, Borya Markuzan, and Borya Davidovich


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