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Zionist Activities

The Zionist Committee in Kishinev – 1920 (5680)

Insert: The Kiliya Representative was Mrs. Hinda Konstantinovsky, z”l, 1895–1990

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The Keren HaYesod Committee of Kiliya with the Kishinev representatives, June 1923

Right to left seated : Z. Fradkin, Dr. N. Rabinovich, H. Reidman, K. Leventon, Dr. I. Sapir, Ety Kitsis, Wilhelm Kitsis, Sh. Leventon, N. Baranovsky
Standing: Zelikovich, I. Goldman, I. Khaimovich, Z. Kalmanson, Marcus Kitsis, F. Lakhmanovich, Pradis, B. Feferman, R. Safris
Seated on the bottom row: Leizerovich, A. Glukhoy


Zionist Activities in the Community

1898 Founding of the Zionist Association immediately after the Second Zionist Congress
1900 July 4th. Mr. Kitsis from Kiliya participated at the meeting of the Association in Kishinev, chaired by Dr. Bendersky
1901 In Kiliya there were two Zionist Associations
1902 A representative to the Russian Zionist Congress was elected in Minsk
1903 Kiliya ordered Keren Kayemet stamps of 25 Rubles
1906 The Association Tseirei Zion (Youth of Zion) was established as part of the General Zionist Organization. It participated in the Zionist Congress and its institutions. The Zionists were defending democratic values, but they were against Marxist thinking. In the same year, a personal tax was imposed to help Keren Kayemet, and 109 rubles were collected.
The Poalei Zion (The Zionist Workers) that was established a few years before sent a letter to Theodor Herzl and to the Union of the Zionist Workers in the matter of the Ugandan proposal.

Material provided by the book The Jews of Bessarabia, pages: 539, 547, 550, 556/7, 580, 591.


1937: Visit of the Zionist delegate Israel Shildkraut (in the front) at the Citadel of Old Kiliya

Also in the picture: L. Konstantinovsky, Mrs. Vinograd, Wolokh, Vinograd, Gusta

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1931 The Kiliya Gordonia branch – a few of them are now in Israel


A group of graduates

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Gordonia (Zionist Youth Movement) 1932


Graduates and organizers of the Central Committee

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Gordonia, winter 1933


At the Port 1933


Dina Kharlamb and her friends from Gordonia

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Orlovsky, manager of Beitar Kiliya, and Itsik Zisman


Beitar Kiliya was established under the management of I. Orlovsky at the same time as Gordonia was developing. This organization was active among the youth. Itsik Zisman, (now in Israel), Shmulik Olfovich, Meier Kogan, and Polik, Moshe Felikov, Shoilik Umansky, Moshe Abramovich, and others were active together with Orlovsky.


Members of Gordonia, May 1, 1934
Here we have Milya Komrovsky, Azrielik Goldenberg, and others


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