[Page 76]
Yisrael Vakser, may his memory be a blessing |
[Page 77]
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Ivankovitser Ya`aqov son of R Yehoshu`a Leyb | 52 |
His wife Feygeh daughter of Moshe | 45 |
Their daughter Miryam | 11 |
Ingberman Yosef son of R. Aharon | 21 |
Ayzman Moshe son of R. Yosef | 44 |
His wife, Beyleh daughter of Ya`aqov | 42 |
Einbinder Ya`aqov son of Mekhel | 9 |
His wife, Pessi daughter of Dov | 7 |
Their son, Mendel son of R. Moshe [sic!] | 32 |
Their son, Zissi, son of R Ya`aqov | 32 |
Arayos Dov Leyb son of R Yosef (old Konstantin) | 58 |
His wife, Rahel, daugher of Benyamin | 21 |
Ashkenazi Eliezer son of Shlomo | 60 |
Ingberman Yosef son of R Aharon | 58 |
Ayzman Hayim son of R Abraham | 60 |
His wife, Henny | 60 |
Averbukh Naftali Tsvi son of Barukh | 42 |
His wife, Zissel daughter of Yosef | 40 |
Their daughter Sheyndl daughter of Naftali Tsvi | 18 |
Their son David Ber son of Naftali Tsvi | 16 |
Their son Yosef son of Naftali Tsvi | 7 |
Ambrakh Barukh son of R Elimelekh | 16 |
Axelband Moshe son of R Note (from Mezhibozh) | 52 |
Axman [Ochsman?] Abraham Yehudah son of R Shlomo | 62 |
Alexsinitser Risil daughter of of Fishel | 35 |
Altman Yosef son of R Shlomo | 46 |
Opatsher Beyleh daughter of Ya`aqov | 30 |
Her son Ya`aqov son of R Abraham | 5 |
Her son Me'ir son of R Abraham | 3 |
[Page 78]
Axman [Ochsman?] Yisrael (from Old Konstantin) | 56 |
Axelrod Tsvi son of R Beinish | 59 |
His wife Liba daugher of Barukh | 35 |
Their son David | 15 |
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Beylinkes Yokheved daughter of Hayim Pesah (from Tulchin) | 28 |
Her daughter Pessi | 5 |
Barak Ya`aqov son of R. Moshe (Novgorod-Volinsk) | 59 |
His son Yits'haq Ya`aqov | 24 |
Blokh Naftali | 65 |
His wife Peril | 64 |
Their daughter Sarah | 29 |
Their daughter Hayah | 20 |
Kharats Yits'haq son of R Benyamin (from Tshadn) | 68 |
His wife Beyleh daughter of Ya`aqov | 67 |
Berliand Pinhas son of R Yosef (Stareh Moryava) | 52 |
His son, Dov son of R Pinhas | 15 |
Bronshteyn David son of R Betsalel (from Tshernastreh) | 19 |
Blifeld Sheyneh (from Yarmolinets) | 35 |
Her daughter Hayah daughter of David | 14 |
Her daughter Malkah | 12 |
Her daughter Rivkah | 8 |
Brotman Pinhas son of R Shmuel (Medzhibozh) | 46 |
Bukhshteyn Akiva son of R Shmuel Ze'ev (from Kaminets) | 41 |
Berenshteyn Freydeh daughter of Mendel (Lantskurineh) | 48 |
Her daughter Tsviyah daughter of Me'ir | 15 |
Berman Miryam daughter of Yehiel | 23 |
Berezin Hannah daughter of Moshe | 11 |
Her sister Rivkah daughter of Moshe | 9 |
Beckman Abraham Zelik (from Tarnuradeh) | 42 |
His wife Rivkah daughter of Elimelekh | 41 |
Their son David son of R Abraham | 15 |
Their son Yisrael son of Abraham | 9 |
[Page 79]
Their daughter Toybeh daughter of Abraham | 12 |
Barak Pinhas son of Yisrael David | 70 |
Basikhes Hayah Leah daughter of Yosef | 51 |
Barzakh Hannah daughter Moshe | 22 |
Bluvshteyn Beyleh daughter of Aharon | 35 |
Her daughter Goldeh Leah daughter of Shabtai | 8 |
Blank Ya`aqov son of R Yisrael Yehudah (from Dinivets) | 37 |
His son David son of R Ya`aqov | 12 |
Brakhes Yenteh daughter of Eliezer | 18 |
Baltser Shifrah | 80 |
Bran Gedaliah son of R Me'ir (from Dinivets) | 19 |
His wife Malkah daughter of Ben-Tsiyon | 20 |
Batelman Rivkah daughter of Yits'haq Me'ir (from Kupin) | 36 |
Her daughter Dvorah daughter of Betsalel | 7 |
Balkan Leah | 48 |
Her son Nahum son R Yehezqe'el | 8 |
Berenshteyn Brakhah daughter of Yits'haq | 39 |
Blekhman Yehezqe'el son of R Mekhel | 63 |
His wife Rahel daughter of Zekharya | 63 |
Their daughter Shprintseh daughter of Yehezqe'el | 25 |
Beltser Babeh daughter of Shmuel | 31 |
Her daughter Havah daughter of Abba | 16 |
Blekhman Ya`aqov son of R Mekhel | 42 |
Balohnik Tsvi son of R Yehoshu`a | 12 |
Burkovshteyn Hannah daughter of Yisrael | 25 |
Her daughter Rahel daughter of Simhah | 1 |
Baran Ya`aqov son of R Yits'haq (native of Tshahn) | 41 |
His wife Peril daughter of Nahman | 37 |
Their son Dov son of R Ya`aqov | 3 |
Beygelman Asher son of R Moshe | 65 |
Berezneh Dvorah daughter of Dov | 50 |
Bran `Azriel son of R Pesah | 8 |
His sister Rahel | 16 |
Bakman Malkah daughter of Yits'haq | 70 |
Berinshteyn Ya`aqov Yosef son of R Ze'ev | 41 |
[Page 80]
His wife Hantsi daughter of Yehiel (two orphans were left: Yehiel [8] and Ya`aqov [3]) | 30 |
Bran Betsalel son of R Moshe | 38 |
His wife Yehudis daughter of Dov | 9 |
Their daughter Pessi daughter of Betsalel | 6 |
Their son Pesah son of Betsalel | ? |
Berinshteyn Mamtseh daughter of Aharon | 12 |
Brutman Pinhas | 22 |
Bril Moshe | 45 |
Barinboym Nehamah daughter of Yisrael | 16 |
Belfer Leyb son of R Yosef | 37 |
Bresler Mekhel son of R Barukh | 21 |
Blekhman Sosi daughter of Zelik (from Medzhibozh) | 42 |
Her son Yehiel Dov son of R Ya`aqov | 18 |
Her daughter Mikhali daughter of Ya`aqov | 10 |
Her son `Azriel son of R Ya`aqov | 14 |
Her daughter Basyah daughter of Ya`aqov | 6 |
Barmak Yehudah Yits'haq son of R Moshe | 60 |
His wife Lifshah | 59 |
Their daughter Krayna | 28 |
Their daughter Basyah | 25 |
Their daughter Rayza | 18 |
Burikhovitsh Shlomo son of R Tsvi | 36 |
Baltser Mekhel son of R Leyb | 38 |
Brakhos Hayim son of R Yosef | 22 |
Bekman son of R David | 22 |
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Gelfand Gitel daughter of Ya`aqov Leyb (Medzhibezh) | 31 |
Gorivits Mordecai son of R Yisrael (Gomel) | 35 |
His wife Peril daughter of Reuben | 33 |
Their son Alter son of R Mordecai | 5 |
Glazman Hayim Pesah son of R Mordecai | 64 |
His wife Leah daughter of Gershon | 60 |
[Page 81]
Glazman Yehiel Hayim son of R Pesah | 32 |
His wife Sarah daughter of Yisrael | 30 |
Their daughter Henny daughter of Yehiel Hayim | 4 |
Greentsvayg Shmuel son of R Yisrael Abraham | 65 |
His wife Hayah daughter of Ya`aqov | 60 |
Goldfarb Moshe son of R Aryeh Leyb | 54 |
His son Refael `Ozer son of R Moshe | 27 |
Gelbershkovsky Bendik (a soldier captured in Poland and killed) | 24 |
Goldshteyn Itta daughter of Gershon | 32 |
Her daughter Rahel daughter of Eliyahu | 3 |
Gombrikh Yehudah Aharon son of R Elimelekh | 14 |
His sister Brakhah daughter of Elimelekh | 16 |
Goltser Mordecai son of R Me'ir | 7 |
Gokman Moshe Leyb son of R Hayim Gershon | 76 |
Goltser Frima daughter of Barukh | 53 |
Galperin David son of R Zaydah | 25 |
Her [sic!] son Ya`aqov son of R Shlomo | 28 |
Her [sic!] son Hayim son of R Shlomo | 21 |
Gelman Hayim son of R Yits'haq | 80 |
Gershgarin Ester Rahel | 50 |
Ginders Hayim son of R Leyb | 8 months |
Goldenberg Ya`aqov son of R Yits'haq | 64 |
His wife Pina daughter of Abraham | 50 |
Their son Yits'haq son of R Ya`aqov | 31 |
Their daughter Ester daughter of Ya`aqov | 16 |
Glazman Abraham Mordecai son of R Yosef | 51 |
Groys Toybe daughter of Abraham Tsvi | 14 |
Gleyzurman Brayna daughter of Moshe | 16 |
Garfinkel Shim`on son of R Aharon Moshe | 27 |
Goldenberg Mordecai son of R Hayim | 22 |
Nokhman Frima | 26 |
Her son Tsvi Hirsh son of R Shlomo | 8 |
Her daughter Dvorah daughter of Shlomo | 5 |
Nokhman Ya`aqov son of R Shim`on | 28 |
Gilkeh Sarah daughter of Barukh | 70 |
[Page 82]
Groysman Sheyndl daughter of Yehiel | 11 |
Gober Moshe son of R Yehiel Mekhel | 48 |
Gay Miryam daughter of R Zusya | 50 |
Her daughter Beyla daughter of Shmuel | 14 |
His wife Temi Leah daughter of Yehezq'el | 37 |
His wife Hantsi | 35 |
Their son Yosef son of R Abraham | 5 |
Nokhman Yosef son of R Nahum (city of Bar Podolye) | 28 |
His wife Sima daughter of Tuvyah | 25 |
Their son Abraham Yosef son of R Yosef | 2 |
Greenberg Ester daughter of Yosef | 80 |
Goberman Sarah daughter of Moshe (from Zinkov) | 31 |
Gormel Perets son of R Yisrael Abraham | 22 |
Gomarnik David son of R Hayim (from Letitshev) | 19 |
Goltser Ya`aqov son of R Leyb | 46 |
Gorenshteyn Eliyahu son of R Gershon | 56 |
His wife Feygah daughter of Me'ir | 52 |
Their son Tsvi son of R Eliyahu | 16 |
Greenvald Hetil daughter of Shlomo | 35 |
Greenvald Ya`aqov son of R Abraham | 49 |
Greenshteyn Yenteh daughter of Ya`aqov Me'ir | 28 |
Greenshteyn Tsvi son of R Ya`aqov Me'ir | 26 |
Goldenburg Mordecai son of R Hayim | 21 |
Gershkovitsh Shlomo son of R Menashe Volf | 60 |
Gratsh Yehezq'el son of R Alter | 44 |
His wife Faygah | 38 |
Gabrilovna Tsipa Krayna daughter of Tsvi Ya`aqov | 85 |
Goldtsman Abraham son of R Shmuel | 34 |
Goldfarb Refael son of R Shmuel | 33 |
Gaz Yits'haq son of R Dov | 17 |
Garin Ayzik son of R Shmuel | 49 |
His wife Bas-Sheva` daughter of David | 43 |
Their daughter Itta daughter of Ayzik | 10 |
Their son Gershon son of R Ayzik | 23 |
[Page 83]
Geller Adaya daughter of Kalman | 23 |
Gitelman Naftali son of R Yits'haq Me'ir | 57 |
His daughter Pessi | 23 |
Guberman Zalman son of R Yosef | 57 |
His daughter Pessi daughter of Zalman | 19 |
Geller Ya`aqov son of R Yosef (from the city of Pilive) | 28 |
Geller Meni daughter of Me'ir Mordecai | 6 |
Groys Beril son of R Mordecai (from Bar) | 37 |
Geller Miryam daughter of Hayim | 27 |
Groys Leah daughter of Abraham (from Bar) | 33 |
Greenshpan Pessi daughter of Gedalyahu | 65 |
Gratsershteyn Hayim Yosef son of R Eliezer | 64 |
His wife Alte Rahel daughter of Shalom | 46 |
His son Abraham Ya`aqov son of R Hayim Yosef | 36 |
His daughter Pessi Rahel daughter of Hayim Yosef | 27 |
Greentsvayg Malkah daughter of Anshil | 34 |
Gelman Yits'haq son of R Leyb | 37 |
Glazman Shifrah daughter of Moshe Yeh`ayahu | 18 |
Gelman Shlomo son of R Zisi | 16 |
Gurevits Mordecai Reuben son of R Yisrael | 38 |
His wife Peril daughter of Reuben | 36 |
Their son Alter son of R Mordecai Reuben | 5 |
Gendlerman Mamtsi daughter of Mordecai (from Kishinev) | 20 |
Gopshteyn Pinhas son of R Aharon | 87 |
His daughter-in-law Tsirel daughter of Tsvi | 45 |
His grandson Ya`aqov Yits'haq son of R Yisrael | 27 |
Gelman (Katsher) Shlomo son of R Yisrael | 45 |
His wife Sarah daughter of Lipa | 40 |
Their daughter Inde daughter of Shlomo | 18 |
Groysman Fayvel son of R Dov | 50 |
His wife Rahel daughter of R Abraham | 41 |
Their son Abraham son of R. Fayvel | 17 |
Glazberg Shifrah daughter of Moshe (from Mikhalpole) | 19 |
Gilberg Mikhal daughter of Tsvi (from Old Konstantin) | 25 |
Guberman Yokheved daughter of Tsvi (from Mezhibozh) | 40 |
[Page 84]
Gaz Miryam Sarah daughter of Zalman Yosef | 76 |
Guberman Tsvi (from Kizmin) | 19 |
Galperin David son of R Zayda | ? |
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Darman Malkah daughter of Ya`aqov | 55 |
Davner Nisan son of R Eliyahu | 37 |
His wife Rivkah daughter of Levi Yits'haq | 34 |
Drubman Pesah son of R Yesh`ayah (from Kripilev) | 23 |
Dishel Tsvi son of R Yonah (from Radzivilev) | 23 |
His wife Mindi | 31 |
Their daughter Faynah daughter of Tsvi | 10 |
Their daughter Sheyndl daughter of Tsvi | 5 |
Droyzin Abraham Mordecai son of R Efraim | 40 |
His wife Dvorah daughter of Fishel | 39 |
Their daughter Sheyndl | 15 |
Their daughter Miryam | 14 |
Dorfman Yehiel son of R Yits'haq | 80 |
Dukat Shmuel son of R Abraham | 70 |
Diner Yisrael Lipa son of R Yits'haq | 32 |
Dukhovne Yesh`ayah son of R Yosef | 29 |
Dvorkis Freyda daughter of Shlomo | 26 |
Diton Leybush son of R Yisrael | 34 |
Ditinis Yehezq'el Mordecai son of R Shalom Shraga | 20 |
Dermansky Naftali Tsvi son of R Betsalel (from Austry) | 50 |
His wife Yehudis daughter of Dov | 46 |
Their son Dov | 10 |
Their daughter Hannah | 10 |
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Hoffman Babtsi daughter Shlomo (from Mikolayev) | 18 |
Habertman Tsvi son of R Ya`aqov (from Vinkovitsh) | 43 |
His wife Sose daughter of Yehudah | 38 |
Their son Yehudah son of R Tsvi | 3 |
[Page 85]
Holender Hasyah daughter of Yisrael (Nikolayev) | 24 |
Haks Abraham Moshe son of R Shmuel | 36 |
His wife Hannah | 28 |
Their daughter Leah | 7 |
Habermaster Meni daughter of Yerahmiel | 58 |
Hos Sarah daughter of Zalman (from Pinsk) | 73 |
Hoffman [sic!] daughter of Moshe Dov | 20 |
Hoffman Ya`aqov son of R Moshe Dov | 20 |
Hoffman Hannah daughter of Ayzik | 27 |
Hoffman Moshe son of R Shlomo | 27 |
Haksman Yisrael son of R Shoyil | 57 |
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Vaynshteyn Rayza daughter of Hayim (Medzhibezh) | 19 |
Vaynshteyn Hannah daughter of Tsvi Leyb | 50 |
Vaysberg Hayim son of R Barukh | 29 |
Valitsky David son of R Hayim (Medzhibezh) | 39 |
His wife Zlateh daughter of Mendil | 39 |
Vaytelman Moshe son of R Peretz (from Old Konstantin) | 15 |
Vayntroyb Leah daughter of Yisrael | 61 |
Vitlis Me'ir | 20 |
Vaser Hayah daughter of Yehezq'el (Volotshisk) | 45 |
Vaserman Ya`aqov son of R David (from Felshtin) | 40 |
Vaserman Tsvi son of R Berish | 32 |
His wife Mikhali | 30 |
Their daughter Basya | 3 |
Their daughter Leah | 3 months |
Vayntroyb Rahel daughter of Moshe (from Yarmolinets) | 26 |
Vaytser Shlomo son of R Zalman | 50 |
Vaytser Netana'el son of R Zalman | 40 |
Vauberman Sime daughter of Yits'haq | 84 |
Vaynshteyn Hannah daughter of Gershon | 50 |
Her daughter Rayza daughter of Hayim | 19 |
Vaysburd Aharon Leyb son of R Yisrael | 16 |
[Page 86]
His brother Mendil son of R Yisrael | 8 |
Volftsan Moshe son of R Leyb (from Kaminets) | 58 |
His wife Itta daughter of Moshe | 52 |
Their son Ya`aqov David | 24 |
Their son Menashe | 16 |
Their daughter Liba Mirel | 18 |
Vaytsblatt Brakhah daughter of Shmuel Mordecai (from Sharivki) | 48 |
Her daughter Freydah daughter of Ya`aqov Volf | 20 |
Her son Leyb son of R Ya`aqov Volf | 12 |
Vaysburd Minda daughter of Ya`aqov | 1 |
Veretin Efraim David son of R Yits'haq | 8 |
Vaysman Gershon Shmuel son of R David (from Felshtin) | 18 |
Vayts Alte daughter of Yits'haq (from Kaminets) | 26 |
Vaytser Frima daughter of Abraham (from Letitshev) | 30 |
Vevitses Abraham Zisi son of R Pinhas | 40 |
Vayser Rivkah daughter of Mordecai (from Dinivits) | 30 |
Her daughter Sarah daughter of Moshe | 9 |
Vaysberg Hayim son of R Berish (from Zvonits) | 29 |
Vaberman Fayna daughter of Dov | 43 |
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Zolemakher Moshe son of R Hayim | 56 |
His daughter Elka | 19 |
Zaltsman Aharon son of R Yits'haq (from Mikalpoli) | 48 |
His son Yits'haq | 8 |
Zeltser Ya`aqov son of R Tsvi | 70 |
His wife Rayza daughter of Mekhel | 51 |
Their daughter Havah | 17 |
Zayfman Shlomo son of R Yisrael (from Satinov) | 44 |
His wife Leah daughter of Yosef | 39 |
Zelentshir Mordecai son of R Noah | 52 |
His wife Freyda daughter of Me'ir | 42 |
Their daughter Sarah | 10 |
Their son Yonah | 1 |
[Page 87]
Zilberman Shmuel son of R Abraham (from Greyding) | 65 |
His wife Peril daughter of Shmuel | 56 |
Zazali Beyleh daughter of David Leyb | 30 |
Her daughter Rivka daughter of Yehoshu`a | 8 |
Zaltsman Abraham son of R Mei'ir | 47 |
Zemelman Yente daughter of Mekhel | 46 |
Her daughter Leah daughter of Yehiel | 14 |
Zilbermints Esther daughter of Ya`aqov | 63 |
Her daughter Fayga Shprintseh | 25 |
Zemelman Eliyahu son of R Abraham Hirsh | 19 |
His brother Shlomo son of R Abraham Hirsh | 12 |
Their sister Miryam daughter of Abraham Hirsh | 10 |
Zelizetsky Yosef son of R Nahman (from Barditshev) | 48 |
Zinger Zaydel son of R Moshe | 51 |
His wife Rahel daughter of Yisrael | 43 |
Zaytshik Leyb son of R Moshe (from Pitshin) | 28 |
His daughter Frima | 6 |
Zarider Eleazar Hayim son of R Netanael | 61 |
Yahn Moshe Shmuel son of R David | 58 |
Zarebsky Yits'haq son of R Fishel (from Mikolayev) | 68 |
His wife Esther Beyla son [sic!] of Mordecai | 55 |
Zarebky Fayga daughter of David (from Old Konstantin) | 55 |
Zarebky Esther daughter of Yosef | 27 |
Zarebky Mekhel son of R Yosef (from Konstantin) | 22 |
Zilberman David son of R Yits'haq Me'ir (from Greyding) | 25 |
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Hayger Aharon son of R Tsvi (Vishgorodek) | 20 years |
Hazan Netana'el son of R Yits'haq | 40 |
His wife Yokheved | 36 |
Their son Ze'ev | 4 |
Kharash Abraham son of R Ze'ev | 35 |
His wife Miryam | 30 |
[Page 88]
Hayat Dov (from Sharivka) | 60 |
Kholodenki Barukh son of R Abraham (from Lithuania) | 38 |
His brother Yosef son of R Abraham | 32 |
Hadash Indah daughter of Yosef | 40 |
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Tenenboym Yesh`ayah David son of R Pesah (from Sharivki) | 45 |
His wife Basya daughter of Hayim Pesah | 38 |
Their son Eliyahu | 15 |
Their son Gershon | 13 |
Their son Mordecai | 11 |
Their daughter Gitel | 3 weeks |
Tkatsh Rivka daughter of Ya`aqov | 16 |
Tenenboym Gershon son of R Hayim | 15 |
Topli Shmuel son of R Ze'ev | 62 |
His wife Dvosi | 61 |
Tokar Hefil daughter of Yits'haq | 30 |
Tokar Ya`aqov son of R Yehezq'el | 10 |
Trachtman Shlomo son of R Pesah | 56 |
His wife Esther daughter of Ze'ev | 56 |
Their son Yehudah Leyb son of R Shlomo | 37 |
His wife Faygah daughter Moshe | 35 |
Tepman Tsviyah daughter of Ze'ev | 30 |
Her daughter Freyda daughter of Leybush | 4 |
Trakhhtenberg Tsharne daughter of Mordecai | 29 |
Tenenboym Hayah daughter of David | 40 |
Tenenboym Yezpa son of R Gershon Dov | 42 |
Tversky Bas-Sheva, daughter of Rabbi R. Shalom, son-in-law of the Rabbi from Baziliye and grandson of R Avremeleh from Trisk and grandson of the Rebbe from Buchach | 13 |
Tversky Leah daughter of Rabbi R. Shalom, grandson of R. Avremeleh from Trisk and grandson of the Rebbe from Buchach, son-in-law of the Rabbi of Baziliye, grandson of the Rabbi of Apta | ? |
Tolmatsh Rahel daughter of Nahman | 54 |
[Page 89]
Her daughter Golda daughter of Me'ir | 28 |
Her son Yits'haq son of R Me'ir | 21 |
Tokar Khemil daughter of Yits'haq | 26 |
Tepman Yosef son of R Leyb | 70 |
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Yatom [Yusem] Tsirel daughter of Ze'ev | 34 |
Her daughter Beylah daughter of Yits'haq Leyb | 17 |
Yatom [Yusem] Abraham son of R Shlomo | 21 |
Her [sic!] son Moshe son of R Yits'haq Leyb | 7 |
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Katz Miryam daughter of Moshe | 28 |
Her son Barukh son of R Yosef | 6 |
Her son Abraham son of R Yosef | 3 |
Katz Asher son of R Leyb (from Felshtin) | 30 |
Katz Mekhel son of R Leyb | 43 |
Katz Golde daughter of Benyamin | 40 |
Cohen Gedalyahu son of R Akiva (from Tshernostre) | 19 |
Cohen Tsvi son of R Abraham | 55 |
His wife Meni | 52 |
Cohen Aharon Shmuel son of R Tsvi | 31 |
Cohen Shmuel son of R Zalman (from Zinkov) | 41 |
Katz Mendil son of R Pinhas (from Slavita) | 52 |
Katz Shmuel son of R Eliezer Leyb | 48 |
His wife Esther daughter of Simhah | 46 |
Their son Leyb | 18 |
Their son Zisi | 12 |
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Lindenboym Yente daughter of Moshe | 75 |
Lifshits Ben-Tsiyon son of R Shim`on (from Khmelnik) | 47 |
Lopatiner Shifrah daughter of Naftali | 60 |
Her son Ya`aqov son of R Abraham | 32 |
[Page 90]
Leyderman Mordecai son of Rahel daughter of Leyb | 20 |
Lerner Sheyndl daughter of Ze'ev | 45 |
Lavishtshuk Ya`aqov David son of R Moshe | 39 |
His wife Hendil daughter of David | 27 |
Their daughter Hannah | 5 |
Liss Abraham David son of R Leyb | 76 |
Leksan Sosi daughter of Elimelekh (of Satinov) | 44 |
Her son Ayzik son of R Leyb | 18 |
Lapa Beril (a certificate from the Odessa Committee to help a man from Rumania was found in his clothing) | ? |
Lev Shlomo son of R Shevakh | 50 |
His wife Hannah daughter of Yehudah | 44 |
Their son Shevakh | 15 |
Lezniver Hayah daughter of Pesah | 50 |
Her son Nisan son of R Yits'haq | 25 |
Lemberg David son of R Yits'haq | 55 |
Shenker David son of R Pinhas [out of alphabetical order tr] | 27 |
Langleben Ya`aqov son of R Yosef | 34 |
Libman Vulf son of R Abraham | 31 |
Linetsky Yisrael son of R Aharon | 50 |
His wife Motil daughter of Alter | 50 |
Loyfer Manus son of R Shlomo | 65 |
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Medivay Adil daughter of Ya`aqov | 42 |
Her daughter Rivkah daughter of Efraim | 16 |
Her daughter Fayga daughter of Efraim | 10 |
Marants Abraham son of R Hayim | 50 |
Mikhelzon Leyb son of R Yisrael | 59 |
His wife Mamtsi | 55 |
Medved Yonah Tsvi son of R Leyb | 38 |
His wife Rahel | 34 |
His daughter Sosi daughter of Yonah Tsvi | 6 |
Melamed Yehiel son of R Pinhas (from Mikolayev) | 29 |
[Page 91]
Margoliyus Moshe son of R Yisrael | 34 |
His wife Pessi daughter of Shalom | 33 |
Their daughter Etil | 4 |
Their son Shalom | 11 |
Medavay Miryam Esther daughter of Shim`on | 50 |
Mednik Rayza daughter of Shlomo | 20 |
Mandelblit Adel daughter of Dov | 45 |
Mandelblat Leyb son of R Yehudah | 58 |
Melekh Leyb son of R Abraham | 40 |
His wife Freyda daughter of Abraham | 30 |
Their son Yehezqe'el | 2 |
Malyaviner Mendil son of R Abraham | 30 |
Malyaviner Abraham son of R Mendil | 60 |
His son Hayim | 22 |
His daughter Fayga | 25 |
Mudrik Moshe son of R Fayvil | 34 |
His wife Hayah daughter of Leyb | 25 |
Their son Shmuel | 6 |
Medavay Leyb son of R Yits'haq (killed in the synagogue with the Gemara next to him) | 84 |
Malashevitser David son of R Tsvi | 34 |
His wife Sarah daughter of Yosef | 35 |
Their son Mendil | 12 |
Marants Basyah daughter of Esther | 50 |
Her son Shlomo son of R Tsvi | 20 |
Her daughter Golde daughter of Tsvi | 8 |
Marants Hayim son of R Abraham | 63 |
His daughter Inda | 22 |
Mintsenberg Malkah daughter of Moshe | 24 |
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Nazberg Itta daughter of Vulf | 45 |
Her daughter Elki daughter of Yosef | 19 |
Her son Ze'ev son of R Yosef | 15 |
Naygodin Me'ir son of R Leyb | 33 |
[Page 92]
Nadinberg Moshe son of R Dov | 64 |
His wife Golde daughter of Betsalel | 64 |
Nemitshinitser Faygah daughter of Yits'haq | 30 |
Naygorin Mir [sic!-Me'ir?] son of R Leyb | 33 |
His son Dov | 5 |
Nirenberg Rahel daughter of Yehiel | 9 |
Nirenberg Hendil daughter of Shmuel | 38 |
Her son Tsvi Dov son of R Zelik | 18 |
Nimoy Shim`on son of R Pinhas | 21 |
Natanzon Ya`aqov son of R Yehudah | 42 |
His wife Hayah daughter of Mosheh | 40 |
Their daughter Fayga | 18 |
Their son Aharon | 12 |
Their son Yehoshu`a | 10 |
Their son Fishel | 5 |
Their son Yosef | 3 |
Nasberg Ya`aqov | 45 |
Nayter Gitel daughter of Pesah | 36 |
Nemitshinitser Malkah daughter of Reuben | 20 |
Nayter Mordecai son of R Aharon | 76 |
His wife Leah daughter of Yehoshu`a | 70 |
![]() ![]() |
Siliver Akiva Tsvi son of R Yosef | 60 |
Segal Sosi daughter of Yosef | 39 |
Skak Leah daughter of Yisrael | 33 |
Her son Yisrael son of R Moshe | 4 months |
Sobelman Freydah daughter of Leyb | 40 |
Her son Pinhas son of R Yisrael | 20 |
Her daughter Bluma daughter of Yisrael | 18 |
Her son Nathan son of R Yisrael | 12 |
Sapiak Yosef son of R Yits'haq Leybush | 45 |
His daughter Rahel | 18 |
Sendigarsky Dov son of R Me'ir | 48 |
His wife Sarah daughter of Naftali | 44 |
[Page 93]
Segal Hayim Shlomo son of R Yisrael | 53 |
His wife Rivkah daughter of Ze'ev | 53 |
Their son Tsvi | 32 |
Sondel Moshe son of R Reuben | 47 |
His wife Esther daughter of Yits'haq | 43 |
Their daughter Bas-Sheva | 17 |
Stolyar Hayim Yisrael | 35 |
Stolyar Abraham son of R Asher | 35 |
His wife Menuhah daughter of Ya`aqov | 34 |
Their son Ya`aqov | 8 |
Sofer Muni daughter of Mekhel | 63 |
Sastshin Yosef son of R Leybush | 63 |
His wife Beylah daughter of Ze'ev | 54 |
Their son Ze'ev | 19 |
Senderovitsh Sosi daughter of Barukh | 22 |
Sofer Hayah daughter of Zalman | 52 |
Sternik Sarah daughter of Shlomo | 34 |
Her son Leyb son of R Fishel | 8 |
Her son Shimshon son of R Fishel | 6 |
Her son Asher | 4 months |
Sents Yits'haq son of R Yehudah | 20 |
Stambultshik Moshe Hayim son of R Ze'ev | 35 |
His wife Devorah daughter of Moshe | 30 |
Segal Efraim son of R Yesh`ayah | 32 |
Sofer Moshe son of R Yosef | 23 |
Stambultshik Ze'ev son of R Pinhas | 54 |
His wife Rivkah | 52 |
Their daughter Yenteh | 28 |
Their son Elimelekh | 18 |
Their daughter Tsviyah | 15 |
SternikYa`aqov Mendil son of R Nahman | 68 |
His wife Rivkah Devorah daughter Yits'haq | 66 |
Spektor Hayim Tsvi son of R Mordecai | 28 |
Simes Mekhel son of R Abraham Ber | 65 |
Sobel Heni Gitel daughter of Yits'haq | 58 |
[Page 94]
![]() ![]() |
Epshteyn Aharon son of R Ze'ev | 26 |
Epshteyn Toybe daughter of Tsvi | 12 |
Epshteyn Tsvi son of R Moshe | 19 |
His brother Yisrael son of R Moshe | 13 |
Epshteyn Yits'haq son of R Mordecai | 72 |
Eninshteyn Yosef son of R Ze'ev | 74 |
Elfand Frima daughter of Asher | 16 |
![]() ![]() |
Poym Tuvyah | 50 |
His wife Rahel | 50 |
His daughter Sima | 45 |
His son Yits'haq | 20 |
His son Leyb | 17 |
Plitman Yehudis daughter of Moshe | 36 |
Her daughter Inde daughter of Mordecai | 7 |
Her son Dov son of R Mordecai | 4 |
Pressayzen Leah daughter of Abraham | 38 |
Parnes Ben-Tsiyon son of R Hayim | 44 |
His wife Rahel | 41 |
Their son Shmuel | 18 |
Their daughter Hayah | 19 |
Their daughter Esther | 10 |
Their son Yits'haq | 9 |
Their son Leyb | 8 |
Their son Zisi | 2 |
Pikovsky Tsvi son of R Nisan (from Letitshev) | 53 |
His wife Bas-Sheva | 53 |
Their daughter Tsviyah | 19 |
Paltan Shmuel son of R Ya`aqov | 67 |
Portnoy Hayim son of R Yisrael | 71 |
Perelman Tsvi son of R Abraham | 18 |
[Page 95]
Polyak Peril daughter of Yits'haq | 39 |
His daughter Sheyndl | 3 |
Perilmuter Asher son of R David | 22 |
Porter Yisrael son of R Ya`aqov | 50 |
His daughter Yokheved | 24 |
Primak Zelik Yosef son of R Aharon Moshe | 23 |
Perilmuter Shmuel Faybush son of R Efraim | 57 |
Pasternak Ya`aqov son of R Hayim | 8 |
Pasternak Hayim Zisi son of R Zekharyah | 58 |
Perel Efraim son of R Dov | 18 |
His brother Tsvi son of R Dov | 16 |
Perilmuter Tuvyah son of R Yosef Hayim | 68 |
Potihe Pessi daughter of Eliyahu | 55 |
Her son Qehos son of R Abraham Dov | 37 |
Her daughter Zissel daughter of Abraham Dov | 26 |
Her daughter Hendil daughter of Abraham Dov | 20 |
Her daughter Rahel daughter of Abraham Dov | 16 |
Postman Yisrael [son of-tr] R Hayim Moshe | 19 |
Pilat Moshe son of R Simhah | 34 |
His wife Miryam daughter of Eliezer | 32 |
Their son Aharon | 13 months |
Felbroyt Nisan son of R Yosef | 50 |
His wife Sima daughter of Moshe | 45 |
Their son Shmuel | 16 |
Their daughter Leah | 22 |
Fayert Beni Hayim son of R Yits'haq | 30 |
His wife Golde daughter of Yits'haq | 28 |
Fayert Rivkah daughter of Ben-Tsiyon Nahum | 7 |
Faygen Barukh son of R Abraham | 63 |
Fishman Zlateh daughter of Berish | 65 |
Fayert Yits'haq son of R Shlomo | 75 |
Furman Yesh`ayah son of R Netan'el Leyb | 70 |
Flaksman Ya`aqov son of R Zisi | 17 |
Flaksman Rayza daughter of Zisi | 14 |
Felenoer Zalman | 21 |
[Page 96]
Fayfil Rahni daughter of Yits'haq | 36 |
Fishman Eliyahu son of R Abraham | 50 |
His son Barukh | 20 |
His son Yehiel | 16 |
Frenkel Zalman son of R Yosef | 18 |
Fershtman Eliyahu son of R Pinhas | 52 |
Fayert Yosef son of Ben-Tsiyon Nahum | 7 |
![]() ![]() |
Tsatskes Leyb son of R Ya`aqov | 50 |
His wife Esther daughter of Ze'ev | 48 |
Tsatskes Yehudah son of R Yits'haq Yosef | 60 |
His son Shmuel Yonah | 29 |
Tsimerman Eliezer son of R Moshe | 42 |
Tsinker Pinhas son of R Yosef | 37 |
Tsimelzon Mordecai son of R Yehiel | 15 |
Tsimring Brayna Tsipa daughter of Me'ir | 35 |
![]() ![]() |
Kramsh Miril daughter of Shmuel | 23 |
Kislis Yits'haq son of R Hayim | 46 |
His wife Pessi daughter of Ya`aqov | 44 |
Their son Abraham | 15 |
Their son Yisrael | 13 |
Kramshik David son of R Mordecai | 57 |
His wife Zlateh daughter of David | 52 |
Their daughter Sosi | 32 |
Their daughter Esther Rayza | 21 |
Kepilman Fayga daughter of Aharon | 37 |
Her daughter Pali daughter of David | 11 |
Her daughter Hayah daughter of David | 7 |
Karabky Rayza daughter of Moshe | 48 |
Krinsgaber Shlomo son of R Ze'ev | 40 |
Kopshteyn Nahman son of R Me'ir | 43 |
[Page 97]
His wife Leah daughter of Abraham | 40 |
Their son Me'ir | 14 |
Their son Tsvi | 6 |
Their son Yehoshu`a | 8 |
Kopman Gitel daughter of Yits'haq | 50 |
Kotlyar Shmuel Tsvi son of R Shim`on | 72 |
Kalaznik Dvorah daughter of Nahman | 49 |
Her daughter Hayah | 17 |
Kayser Mali daughter Yits'haq | 33 |
Kargman Mordecai son of R Berish | 8 |
Kraytshmar Dobrish daughter of Berish | 32 |
Kraytshman Fayna daughter of Yesh`ayah | 6 |
Krayzer Yosef son of R Leyb | 25 |
Karsansky David son of R Tsvi | 31 |
Kotlyar Miryam daughter of Abraham | 25 |
Kaladiz Hayim son of R Ayzik | 19 |
Klaynberg Motil-Sheva daughter of Yits'haq Me'ir | 9 |
Her sister Sosi | 3 |
Kenigstal Sarah of Yosef | 45 |
Her son Eliyahu son of R Mordecai | 15 |
Kushner Liba daughter of Aharon | 45 |
Her daughter Esther daughter of Pesah | 22 |
Her daughter Sosi daughter of Pesah | 18 |
Her daughter Dvosi daughter of Pesah | 12 |
Her daughter Etil | 6 |
Kelishik Moshe son of R Nisan | 60 |
His son Simhah | 18 |
Kamen Moshe son of R Ze'ev | 45 |
His wife Menuhah daughter of Hayim | 41 |
Their daughter Leah | 17 |
Their son Ze'ev | 12 |
Their daughter Rahel | 8 |
Kalkin Moshe Leyb son of R Eliezer Tsvi (from Odessa) | 54 |
Kraynker Tsvi son of R Yisrael Hayim | 55 |
[Page 98]
Kligerman Sarah daughter of Asher | 23 |
Krat Yenteh daughter of Yits'haq | 56 |
Kupervaser Yudel son of R Tsvi Abraham | 40 |
Kraynman Me'ir David son of R Abraham Simhah | 18 |
His brother Zelik son of R Abraham Simhah | 18 |
Kesler Hayah daughter Moshe | 36 |
Kestelboym Golde daughter of Eliezer | 43 |
Kopit Gitel daughter of David Yosef | 28 |
Her son Yosef son of R Yits'haq | 14 |
Her son Ze'ev son of R Yits'haq | 2 |
Kelikhman Mordecai son of R Zelik | 45 |
Korinsnop Pinhas son of R Mordecai | 54 |
His son Barukh | 19 |
Krekhman Yits'haq Abraham son of R Yehudah | 75 |
Kisin Leyb son of R David | 34 |
Krupnik Perets son of R Efraim | 28 |
Kraynman Shalom son of R Tsvi | 54 |
His wife Rahel daughter of Kalman | 53 |
Their son David | 22 |
Their son Hayim | 22 |
Kuptshik Elimelekh son of R Shmuel | 24 |
Kalisher Yoel Yosef son of R David Leyb | 28 |
Kopit Ya`aqov son of R David Dov | 23 |
Kratsh Mikhal daughter of Shmuel | 22 |
Kligerman Sarah daughter of Asher | 22 |
Kligerman Shalom son of R Zelik | 51 |
His wife Yehudis | 49 |
Their son Moshe | 25 |
Their daughter Hannah | 19 |
Their son Dov | 11 |
Kitay Tsvi son of R Shoyil [= Sha'ul-tr.] | 52 |
His son Mendil | 26 |
His son Moshe | 22 |
His son Shoyil [= Shaul] | 9 |
Krayznar David son of R Yosef | 60 |
[Page 99]
Kubrik Shmuel son of R Naftali Herts | 76 |
His son Naftali Herts | 29 |
Kibrik Sobel daughter of Shlomo | ? |
Kraypil Yosef son of R Ya`aqov | 80 |
Katsman Tsvi son of R Netan'el | 16 |
Kapirshteyn Moshe Tsvi son of R Leyb | 47 |
His wife Peril daughter of Mekhel | 45 |
Their son Reuben | 15 |
Kapershlak Tsiporah daughter of Haykil | 60 |
Klaynburg Leah daughter of Abraham Tsvi | 11 |
Kerdman Mordecai son of R Ya`aqov | 37 |
His wife Beylah daughter of Ayzik | 35 |
Their son Tsvi | 12 |
Their daughter Malkah | 6 |
Their son Hayim | 8 |
![]() ![]() |
Rubak Akiva son of R Mordecai | 70 |
Robin Dov son of R Yoel | 27 |
Royzenfeld Efraim son of R Shlomo | 44 |
His wife Yenteh daughter of Nathan | 46 |
Rozenfeld Faygah daughter of Shmuel | 46 |
Ratner Yits'haq son of R Beni | 30 |
His wife Pessi daughter of David | 24 |
Their daughter Hannah | 6 |
Rabinovitsh Etil daughter of Naftali | 35 |
Her son Ya`aqov son of R Yits'haq | 13 |
Royt Hantsi daughter of Kalman | 40 |
Her daughter Tsipa daughter of Yisrael | 25 |
Her daughter Esther daughter of Yisrael | 15 |
Her son Ya`aqov son of R Yisrael | 12 |
Her daughter Zissel daughter of Yisrael | 9 |
Ruzinsky Dvorah daughter of Moshe | 28 |
Retshkeblit Beylah daughter of Me'ir | 39 |
Her son Yehoshu`a son of R Ze'ev | 20 |
[Page 100]
Her daughter Peril daughter of Ze'ev | 14 |
Rizitsher Yehiel son of R Shlomo | 60 |
His wife Sarah daughter of Ya`aqov | 58 |
Their son Manus | 29 |
(Rayfel) Aberman Mintsah daughter of Yonah | 15 |
Royzenblit Peril daughter of Barukh | 20 |
Her sister Sarah daughter of Barukh | 11 |
Reznik Zalman son of R Shim`on | 32 |
His son Hinekh | 7 |
Royzen Leybush son of R Yits'haq | 39 |
Ratner Dov son of R Hinekh | 31 |
Rayn Abraham son of Nahum | 14 |
Raynshteyn Ya`aqov son of R Shoyil [= Shaul] | 47 |
Royzen Freydah daughter of Moshe | 16 |
Robin (Alter) David Yisrael son of R Abraham | 65 |
Royzenboym Abraham son of R Me'ir | 39 |
Rayzman Shlomo son of R Tsvi | 73 |
His wife Malkah daughter of Nahum | 70 |
His son Gershon | 51 |
His son Mordecai son of Gershon | 16 |
Raynish Hannah daughter of Mordecai | 38 |
Her daughter Sarah daughter of Me'ir | 10 |
Her daughter Sheyndl daughter of Me'ir | 7 |
Raybizh Sarah Itta daughter of Shlomo | 30 |
Her son Mordecai son of R Yesh`ayah | 11 |
Her son Pesah son of R Yesh`ayah | 5 |
Rahmilovitsh Zisi | 30 |
Royzenfeld Pinhas son of R Dov | 57 |
Royzenfeld Shlomo son of R Yosef | 75 |
Royzenberg Yisrael son of R Gedalyah | 25 |
![]() ![]() |
Shabshit Tsaytel daughter of Zelik | 62 |
Shpyalter Shmuel son of R Ze'ev | 45 |
[Page 101]
His wife Sheyndl | 48 |
Their son Vulf | 1 |
Shvarts Yisrael | 60 |
His wife Peril | 58 |
Their daughter Bas-Sheva | 20 |
Shaynem Hayah | 37 |
Her daughter Beylah | 7 |
Shindelman Ze'ev son of R Shoyil [= Shaul] Efraim | 13 |
Sheynberg Moshe son of R Yehudah Leyb | 65 |
Shvayg Yisrael son of R Abraham | 66 |
His wife Rahel daughter of Shlomo | 62 |
Their daughter Gitel | 24 |
Shapiro Yehoshu`a son of R Yits'haq | 17 |
Shekhtmayster Abraham Yits'haq son of R Ya`aqov | 63 |
Sheynfeld Hayim son of R Nathan | 28 |
Shteringas Hayah Dvorah daughter of Yisrael | 48 |
Her son Hillel son of R Ya`aqov | 30 |
Her son Yesh`ayah son of R Ya`aqov | 16 |
Sheynberg Braynah Hannah daughter of Ya`aqov | 39 |
Her daughter Hayah daughter of Kalman | 18 |
Her daughter Sarah daughter of Kalman | 9 |
Shekhmayster Eliezer Yisrael son of R Moshe | 33 |
His wife Dinah daughter of Mekhel | 26 |
Shnayder Hannah daughter of Moshe Barukh | 64 |
Shmukler Nehemiah son of R Abraham | 30 |
[missing woman's name?] | |
Her daughter Zelde daughter of Aharon | 11 |
Her daughter Sima daughter of Aharon | 8 |
Her daughter Adil daughter of Aharon | 6 |
Her son Eliyahu son of R Aharon | 3 |
Her son Hayim son of R Aharon | 3 months |
Shekhtman Yisrael Abraham son of R David | 60 |
Shnayderman Abraham Yosef son of R Ya`aqov | 60 |
His wife Hannah daughter of Aharon | 48 |
Shparivitsh Daniel son of R Moshe | 51 |
[Page 102]
His wife Braynah daughter of Me'ir | 41 |
Their daughter Bas-Sheva | 15 |
Their son Yosef | 13 |
Their daughter Sarah | 5 |
Shusterman Yehudis daughter of Zaydil | 42 |
Shamash Shmuel son of R Shlomo | 7 |
His brother Ya`aqov son of R Shlomo | 4 |
Shindelzon Naftali son of R Yits'haq | 20 |
Shomshteyn Yesh`ayah son of R. Yits'haq | 20 |
Shrayber Yosef Pesah son of R Yehoshu`a | 21 |
Shapiro Me'ir son of R Abraham | 30 |
Shenker Sarah daughter of Mordecai | 51 |
Shenkman Fishel son of R Gershon | 18 |
Shifman Pinhas son of R Aharon | 57 |
His wife Osnas daughter of Daniel | 52 |
Their daughter Faynah | 24 |
Their son Daniel | 11 |
Their daughter Peril | 13 |
Shmidt Beylah daughter of Ze'ev | 55 |
Her son Eliezer son of Abraham | 25 |
Shmidt Etil daughter of Yits'haq | 60 |
Shiladen Gitel daughter of Hayim | 25 |
Shiladen Ze'ev son of R Daniel | 29 |
Sheynberg Moshe son of R Ze'ev | 70 |
Shmukler Bas-Sheva daughter of Mordecai | 23 |
Shekhivits Zalman son of R Yehudah Moshe | 56 |
Shapiro Yits'haq son of R Yisrael | 46 |
Shvayg Rahel daughter of Abraham Shlomo | 65 |
Shukhnalmer David son of R Ya`aqov | 51 |
Shagan Hayah Devorah daughter of Yosef | 12 |
Shenker Yosef son of R Hayim | 26 |
His wife Mindel daughter of Abraham | 30 |
Shukhman Aharon | 73 |
Shapiro Abraham son of R Yisrael | 54 |
His son Benyamin Gedalyah | 27 |
[Page 103]
His son Shim`on | 24 |
His son Dov | 16 |
His daughter Gitel | 19 |
His daughter Sheyndl | 13 |
Shohat Rahel daughter of Yits'haq | 10 |
Shpigel Yehiel Gedalyah son of R Moshe | 30 |
Shmilovitsh Rabbi Yosef David (the Rabbi from Bazalye) | 62 |
Rabbanit [= wife of Rabbi] Miryam daughter of the Rabbi R Yits'haq'el [diminutive] of Libashov | ? |
Shlimovitsh Leyb Vulf son of R Pinhas | 28 |
Shekhter Miryam daughter of Shevah | 75 |
Shlayfer Abraham Me'ir son of R Simhah | 50 |
His wife Sarah daughter of Yisrael | 43 |
Their son Yosef | 25 |
Their son Yisrael | 18 |
Their son Pesah | 14 |
Shvartser Miryam daughter of Shlomo | 20 |
Sheynberg Hayah daughter of Moshe | 14 |
Shvayg Yehiel son of R Efraim | 50 |
His wife Sarah | 50 |
Their daughter Krayna | 20 |
Their daughter Tsitsi | 17 |
Shenkman Moshe Mordecai son of R Ya`aqov | 58 |
His wife Freyda Rivkah | 52 |
Shkaf Fishel son of R Moshe | 44 |
His son Moshe | 17 |
Shukhalter Etti daughter of Tsvi | 21 |
Shubkestel Hannah [sic!] David son of R Yokel | 55 |
His wife Esther Faygah daughter of Yosef | 50 |
Shklyar Aharon son of R Me'ir Ya`aqov | 38 |
Shpiler Mendil | 75 |
Shraga Litman son of R Moshe | 54 |
His wife Tsharneh daughter of Leyb | 46 |
Their son Tsvi | 22 |
Their son Shmuel | 17 |
Shpal Beylah Toybeh daughter of Zelki [Zelik? -tr] | 47 |
[Page 104]
Her daughter Alte daughter of Moshe | 13 |
Her daughter Esther daughter of Moshe | 8 |
Sheyer Raytse daughter of Moshe | 28 |
Shenker David son of R Pinhas | 27 |
Sherman Pinhas Ya`aqov son of R Pesah | 58 |
His wife Sarah daughter of Yehudah Leyb HaKohen | 56 |
may his memory be for a blessing |
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Updated 9 Jul 2011 by LA