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[Page 31]

Sabbath Eve on the Vylia

-- A poem of memories -

The Vylia was proud on Sabbath eves
Its thin belly rose up
Without a sound, the water flowed through the entire breadth,
Very easily,
Touching -- and not touching the high shore, strewn with houses,
The houses of the fisherman
Who know the life of the river.

As the day ends, to greet the Sabbath
The Vylia silences,
Its breathing stops,
A veil of silence falls upon it.
It was enveloped with the soft beauty of the Sabbath eve.

... And a child who would then wander to the high bank of the Vylia
(Far off, opposite, between the fields, the dirt path leads,
To the abandoned white palace,
Linked in its paleness to the horizon),
Would hear in the silence the advent of the ministering angels.

[Page 32]
(Was this light melody actually heard,
Or just imagined?)
He would see the celestial brilliance kissing the Vylia:
Wonderful Sabbath
The holy Sabbath of the river of childhood
Enveloping the Diaspora
With the light of the far-off Holy Land --

... From the house of prayer hidden somewhere
Among the trees in the fields, in another moment
The sound of the hymn will be heard
“Come my Beloved...” (Lecha Dodi)[6]

5718 / 1958

{Translator's note: At this point, there is an interlude of unnumbered photo pages that are not listed in detail the “List of Pictures and Drawings”, but are noted with a single entry in “List of Pages of Pictures and Drawings.”}

[First unnumbered photo page]

Various generations of youth:

Tz.[vi] Perevoznik, Y. Kotler, Tzvi Ulpasky, N. Shapira, M.[oshe] Yaffa, Rivka Simkovich; Itzik Reibstein, Batya Gorfein, Dova Dobiansky, M. Kremenitzin Reuven Yudelevich, Levi Perevoznik


A. Chasid, Y. Teitelbaum, Sara Shachor, X., Perchik, X., Eliahu Baron, Breina Reibstein, Leah Klibansky, Rachel Rashkes; B. Gorfein, Yenta Nochimovich, X., Esther Novichovich, Yaakov Dembo, Ruda Klibansky, Chasid

[Second unnumbered photo page]

X,. X., X., Elimelech Klotz, Avraham Pimstei


Yaakov Yaffa, Moshe Slomin, Tzvi Suntochky, Moshe Segal, Tovia Kolbiansky, Shmuel Klotz; Meir Wolfovich, Zelig Wender, Moshe Shapira, Yerachmiel Garber, Reuven Yonatan, Hirsh Yankele Stein

[Third unnumbered photo page]

Moshe Yaffa, Y. Kremenitzin, Meir Pogir, Asher Gorfein; Notake Fridman, Fridman, Yaakov Grun


Zelig Abramovich, X., Tzadok Yudelevich; Moshe Klachman, Motel Yudelevich

[Fourth unnumbered photo page]

Generations of Students:

Mina Zak, Nadia Granevich, Feicha Levin, Chasia Fridland; Shifra Lomiansky, Chana Goldshmid, Malka Unterschatz, Lena Kagan


Hadassa Fridman, Henna Granevich, Sara Goldberg, Leah Yudelevich, Pesia Kazansky; Rachel Rashkes, Gita Felkser, Bunia Wolfovich, Rachel Lipschitz; Sheinka Klibansky, Leah Grodsky, Shifra Stoller


Batya Gorfein, Esther Shaposhnik, Sheinka Fridland, Anna Kagan; Rachel Lukman, Freda Wilkomirsky; Leah Klibansky, Sarka Segalovsky, Chaya Dobiansky, Yenta Nochimovich

[Fifth unnumbered photo page]

Chana Marka Unterschatz, Moshe Chaim and Batya Novichovich, Sheina and Mirka Landman, Leah Kronik; Etka and Freda Landman, Binyamin and Rachel Unterschatz, Leah Landman, Feiga Klibansky


Tzipa Leah Wiener, Moshe Baron, Nadia Granevich, Pesach Shachor, Shmuel Goldshmid, Meir Wolfovich, Rachel Burstein, Chasia Fridland; David Pogirsky, Shifra Lomiansky, Miriam Nochimovich, Yitzchak B.[urstein]; Leva Koper, Feicha Levin


Zelig Epstein, Shifra L.[omiansky], Yitzchak B.[urstein], Reizel Aronovsky, Leah B.; Levi Koper, Rachel and Miriam B.[urstein], Mordechai Wolfovich


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