Memorial Book of the Jews of Jedrzejow
(Jędrzejów, Poland)

50°38' / 20°18'

Translation of
Sefer-HaZikaron LeYehudi Yendzhyev

Edited by: Shimshon Dov Yerushalmi, Former Residents of Jedrzejow in Israel

Published in Tel Aviv, 1965

Table of Contents and Necrology were originally published in the Kielce-Radom SIG Journal,
Vol. 7, No. 1 (Winter 2003), pages 16-28

This is a translation from: Sefer-HaZikaron LeYehudi Yendzhyev;
Memorial book of the Jews of Jedrzejow.
Editor: Shimshon Dov Yerushalmi, Tel Aviv, Former Residents of Jedrzejow in Israel, 1965 (H,Y)

Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Jedrzejow

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[Pages 493 - 496]

Translated from the Hebrew and Yiddish by Judy Montel

(Y = Yiddish; H = Hebrew)

To the Reader The Book Committee 4
Introduction (In Hebrew) The Book Committee 5
Introduction (In Yiddish) The Book Committee 8
Words from the Editor (upon completing the book) Shimshon-Dov Yerushalmi 12
Sole official source for the history of the Jews of the City from the Jewish Encyclopedia 15
Memorandum of Representatives of the Jews of Jedrzejow to Marshal J. Pilsudski   16
Their conversation with Marshal Josef Pilsudski From the newspaper “Nowy Dziennik” 19
The printing blocks of the original memorandum and the publication in “Nowy Dziennik” from Dec 18, 1918   20

Thus They Lived (City Elders Describe)

About the history of Jewish settlement in Jedrzejow (H) Zev Abramowicz and Itzak Avrahami 25
Memoirs of Jedrzejow of Yesteryear (Y) Menachem-Mendel Horowicz 32
From my memories of my native city (H) Yaakov Sharf 44

People of Jedrzejow Recall (Hebrew and Yiddish)

Suffering and Joy in my Life's Path (Y) Izrael Gortman 49
From my Memories (H) Shaul Grinberg 70
My Beloved Shtetl Jedrzejow (Y) Rivka Zaromb-Hutnik 75
From my old home (Y) Moshe Chinski (Chenchinski) 79
My Memories of Jedrzejow of Yesteryear (Y) Kalman Chenchinski 83
From the memories of a Jewish soldier in the British Army and the “Jewish Brigade” (H) Yehuda Lipmanowicz 92
Do you remember Jedrzejow? (Y) Moshe Potashinski 97

The Zionist Associations in Jedrzejow

Excerpts of Memoirs about the Youth Association in Jedrzejow (H) Itzak Avrahami 100
The “Mizrachi” and “HaPoel HaMizrachi” associations in Jedrzejow W.H. 101
“HaShomer HaTza'ir” in Jedrzejow (H) W.H. 104
A Collection of my memories about “HeChalutz” in Jedrzejow (H) Itzak Walach 106
Zionist Life in Jedrzejow (H) Tzvi Trajster 108
The Zionist Association in Jedrzejow (H) Mordechai Shledzhik 111

Economic and Political Institutions

Banks and Financial Institutions in Jedrzejow (H) Shaul Grinberg 119
The “Chessed Shel Emet” Association in Jedrzejow (H) Shaul Grinberg 120
The Jewish Artisans and Small Businessmen (Y) Eliezer Rubinshtain 122
The “Chevra Kadisha” in Jedrzejow (Y) Eliezer Rubinshtain 125
The Communist Movement in Jedrzejow (Y) Hersh Shaikowicz 126

A Few Memories, Episodes and Types of Characters

Victims of Hitler's venomous Agitation in 1936 (Y) W.H. 128
An Episode from my childhood years in Jedrzejow (Y) Rochama Beker-Wilage 130
Jedrzejow of Yesteryear¼(Y) Izrael Dudkiewicz 131
Jedrzejow's Jewish Characters (Y) Lajb Waksbaum 138
A Few Memories (Y) Chaim Yehoshua Wilage Z”L 141
Thursday in Jedrzejow (Y) Moshe Wajcman 145
Zecharia'le the Drayman and his Rivals (Y) Moshe Chinski (Chenchinski) 149
A Polish “Chrabie” - A Guest of my Grandfather's (Y) Eliezer Rubinshtajn 152
Awraham Paliwa Z”L (Y) Hersh Shaikowicz 154

Stories of Before and During the Shoah (Hebrew and Yiddish)

Picture of Dirge-singer of the Shoah and the words of his Dirge (H) W.H. 163
Photograph of the Memorial Tablet for the Jews of Jedrzejow on Mt. Zion (H)   164
The City and the Dead Emanuel Ber 165
Our town Jedrzejow (H) Avraham Shraga Berlin 176

Living Testimonials Describe

Wolf Brener Describes (Y) 179
Avraham Michl Gzibmacher Describes (Y) 184
Yaakov Wilczkowski Describes (Y) 187
Yoram Simoni Describes (Y) 189
Laibush Faigenbaum Describes (Y) 190

Survivals and Memories (Yiddish)

From my memories Tzipora Gotfrid-Kozlowska 195
My survival and my visit to Jedrzejow Benjamin Gutman 197
Jedrzejow on the eve of its destruction and afterwards Izrael Gortman 200
General places of worship, shtiblach, rabbis and Admo”rs,
rabbinical arbiters, “holy vessels” and public people Shaul Grinberg 206
A few memories from my Ghetto life Menachem-Mendel Horowicz 211
My survival in the Second World War Kalman Chenchinski 218
What I did for our brothers after the Second World War Laibush Edelist 239
About my survival in the Second World War Yaakov Elbaum Z”L 240
Facts Laibush Faibenbaum 243
My Little Shtetl Jedrzejow Yaakov Finkelshtain 246
My Memories about Jedrzejow Aizik Kaizer 253
A Visit to the Ruins of my Home Itzak Riterband 255
About my survival in the period of Hitler Mordechai Shledzshik 259
My Bitter Cup in a sea of tears Ester Sharf 267

Characters and Episodes

Nothing but tears (Y) Moshe Apelshtain 269
A contribution for someone needy (Y) Yechezkel Fokshendler 270
Two Water-Bearers (Y) Moshe Kosir 271

Three or Our Relatives in America

Mr. Moris Chinski (Chenchinski) (Y) Izrael Gortman 274
Mr. Zelig (Solly) Lehman (Y) Moshe Chinski (Chenchinski) 276
Mr. Note Natan Kahan (Y) Moshe Chinski (Chenchinski) 279

Those of Us Who Fell Defending the Homeland and in the War of Independence

Avigdor Belfer Z”L Itzak Avrahami 281
Yaakov Berger HY”D Itzak Avrahami 282
Menachem Gotlib HY”D W.H. 285
Raya Horwicz HY”D (Y) W.H. 286
Mordechai son of Avraham Chenchinski Z”L A. Wignajnski 287
Tzwi Lanchner HY”D W.H. 288

Men of Torah and Wisdom, Activists, Educators amd Pioneers Who Died in Israel

Rabbi Azriel Ingber Z”L S-L G-G 290
Rabbi Itzak Ickowicz W.H. 291
David Goldberg Z”L C.S. 292
Shmuel Dudai (Dutkewicz) Z”L Itzak Avrahami 294
Rabbi Baruch Zonshain Z”L Townsman 295
Izrael Zarchi (Zerach Gertler) Z”L S.D.I. 296
Rabbi Natan-Dov Chenchinski Z”L Izrael Gortman 300
Rabbi Alter-Yechiel Topiol Z”L Izrael Gortman 304
About the father of Rabbi Alter Yechiel Topiol Z”L Yaakov Topiol 307
Rabbi Noson-Ber Chenchinski Z”L (Y) Izrael Gortman 309
Aharon ben Yaakov Sochecki Z”L Itzak Avrahami 312
Efraim-Itzak ben Yaakov Sankewicz Z”L N-N L-I 313
Yaakov Kanmon Z”L M.N. 314
Ester Raizman Z”L (Y) W.H. 315

Men of Torah and Wisdom, Activists, Educators and Pioneers Who Died Abroad

Asher Brin Z”L Kalman Chenchinski 318
Rabbi Chaim Breslauer HY”D Y.B. 319
My Parents Rabbi Maier Yechiel and Rivka Tzirel Genat Z”L Shalom Genat 320
Rabbi Tzvi Hersh son of Rabbi Yechezkel Grinberg HY”D Shaul Grinberg 323
Rabbi Shlomo Dutkewicz Z”L (Y) Y-L D-Z 324
Hilel Dutkewicz Z”L (Y) Y-L D-Z 325
Jonatan Halpern Z”L (Y) The Literary Lexicon 327
Jonatan Halpern (Y) J.M. Naiman Z”L 328
Information about the writings and sons of Jonatan Halpern Z”L S.D. Yerushalmi 331
Pictures of Rabbi Yaakov Horowicz Z”L, Yekutiel and Sela Horowicz HY”D and Rabbi Moshe Worgon HY”D   332
Rabbi Chanoch Henich Waksbaum Z”L (Y) Izrael Gortman 333
Mr. Hirsh [Cwi] Natan Wyloga, May His Memory Be for a Blessing (Y) Chaim Jehoshua Wyloga 336
Chaim Jehoshua Wyloga, May His Memory Be for a Blessing (Y) Jisrael Gurtman 338

Three Generations of Pious Men and Men of Action (H)

a) My Grandfather Rabbi Simcha-Bunem Werdiger HY”D Chedva Mintz 340
b) My Father Rabbi Mordechai-Josef Werdiger HY”D Chedva Mintz 341
c) My Brother Rabbi Itzak Majer Werdiger HY”D Chedva Mintz 348
Moshe Zylberstein HY”D (A dirge for the death of my brother-in-law) Itzak Avrahami 350
Moshe Zylberstein HY”D (Y) Izrael Gortman 352
Rabbi Izrael David Zelcer HY”D N-I R-Z 353
My Sister Sara Topiol Z”L Yaakov Topiol 355
In Memory of Sara Topiol Z”L (Y) W.H. 356
Sara Topiol Is No More! (Y) (Article of appreciation in her memory) “Zionistishe Shtime” (Paris) 356
Engineer Moshe Tenenbaum HY”D Zev Abramowicz 358
Rabbi Josef Traister Z”L J-R 360
Aharon Machtynger (Kotzker) Z”L (Y) Moshe Chinski (Chenchinski) 361
Moshe Fish Z”L W.H. 363
Rabbi Natan Menachem Mendel Rubinshtain Z”L W.H. 363
My Brother Akiva Rubinshtain HY”D Eliezer Rubinshtain 364
Jedrzejow in the Jewish Press (Y) Excerpts from the press 366
Report on the activities of the organizing committee (H) Organizing Committee 371
Report on the activities of the organizing committee (Y) Organizing Committee 381
Festive Reception for activists from abroad and relatives (with photographs) (Y)   386-391
The prayer “El Malei Rachamim” for the martyrs of our people may God avenge their blood   392
A memorial candle for the martyrs of Jedrzejow (list of martyrs)   393-418
Obituaries to memorialize the martyrs by their families   419-490

The Bloody Conclusion

(Numbers and a table regarding Jews in the Jedrzejow region) J.H.A. (Warsaw) 491-492
Table of Contents of the book The Editor 493-496

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