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[Page 259]

Chapter 24

Goldie's Family Pictures

Question: You have the album here called Family Roots. Tell us about some of the family pictures that are in here.


Jacob arranged this book. Here we see Jack, Uncle Al, myself, and Sidney.


This picture is Jack, Tante [Mrs. Jacobson], myself, and Sidney and Al. Tante was my father's sister.

[Page 260]

Now, this picture is in Kovno. That's before Jack left Lithuania. So here we are in my brother's home.
This is Yisroel [far left], myself, and this is already their son, Bereleh; next, Jack, and there's Henneleh.
Next is Yisroel's other child, Chanaleh, and Tsileh, his wife.


Oh, this is a young picture in Abel. I was ice skating. That is myself in the center [arms extended].
That's the young people from the shtetl. One girl is a friend of mine. She lived in Argentina, and Jeremy visited her.
Some of them were not Jewish; they all used to skate on the ice.

[Page 261]

This is my sister Chana and her husband.


This is a group: Hesheleh [bottom left] and Jack [top right], Henneleh [next to Jack],
and the Goureviches-I don't remember who they were.

[Page 262]

This, again, is Yisroel and his wife, Tsileh, taken in Kovno.


This is my sister Chana.

[Page 263]


This is myself and a group of women in Germany, in the prenatal home in Iltsen.


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