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[Columns 785 - 786]

Arn Yoel Family Circle

by Motl Shayber

Translated by Yael Chaver


[1]Natives of Hrubieszow and the area invite everyone to the
Mo'es Chittin Ball,
today, Saturday night, May 3, 1947,
in Central Plaza, 111 2nd Avenue, corner of 7th street.
Come and amuse yourselves with a good band, meeting fellow natives, and hear news of our former home. New arrivals from Hrubieszow are sure to attend the ball. Come and help those who await our aid!

United Hrubieszow Relief – the Ball Committee


A memorial gathering in New York for the martyrs of Hrubieszow

Standing: Yehoshua Pachter, Itshe Shaffel, Yitzkhok London, Benny Kuper, Max Knal, Moyshe Mekhl Krakover, Anshel Shatz, Yekhezkel Korn, Dovid Givertz, Avrom Gruber
Seated: Moyshe Spektor, Yehoshua Zammer, Dovid Zilberblekh, Khayim Noyekh Lerer


We are not writing the history of the Arn Yoel Family Circle–we leave that to others. We would only like to provide some of its features.

It was in 1929. Shoul Spektor (may he rest in peace), or, as he was called, Sam Spektor, along with his uncle Khayim Volf Grober, were members of several organizations. As none of the organizations suited them, they decided to create their own Circle, which became known as the Arn Yoel Family Circle.

The first founders were the Spektor brothers and their brothers-in-law. Over 30 families of the clan eventually joined. We should note a few of them, who enriched our circle with pride, charm, warmth, and heart. Two people made the Circle great: Shoul Spektor, and his uncle Yosef Volf (may his memory be for a blessing). The latter gave the Circle soul and warmth.

He was a scholar, raised in a religiously observant family, but with a modern approach.[2] He could create a comradely atmosphere, was interested in every relative, and helped everyone. “It is a pity about those who are gone and no longer to be found among us!”.[3]

Eliezer Hastig and Avrom Pachter were always ready to offer help.

How can we ignore the young martyr, who was uprooted so young and whom we so loved, with his generous heart and open hand, always available for the needs of the Circle? I refer to my cousin, Max Retig (may he rest in peace).

We do not eulogize all our members, because their spirit is with us always, in joys as well as in sorrows.

It would be wrong, though, not to mention our aunt Kroyngold. Many gatherings were held at her house; she glowed, when she saw the Circle members in her home.

Losing these members was a calamity for the circle, but they left the society in good hands. The work continued, thanks to the family. A survey of the activities shows that almost every member held a position in the Circle, and every meeting was a party.

We also appreciate the social activities of the different organizations, especially concerning our home town. The activities of the Circle through the years of its existence cannot be evaluated in a few sentences. We supported the United Appeal and the Histadrut.[4]

The dedication and ceaseless work of all the officers has led to the love that everyone feels towards the Aharon Yoel Family Circle.

We wish the entire family health and joy, and hope they will continue their work in our Circle for many more years.


Translator's Footnotes:
  1. The image is of an invitation to a fundraising ball for the Mo'es Chittin (“wheat money”), a social organization that provides the poor with holiday expenses. Return
  2. The reference to “he” is not clear. Return
  3. This Aramaic phrase (‘the deceased person is irreplaceable’), commonly used in eulogies, is a quote from Tractate Sanhedrin, p. 111a. Return
  4. The last two organizations are referred to in an abbreviated manner; the first is the United Jewish Appeal, and the second is the Israel Labor Federation. Return

[Columns 787 - 788]

The Activity of the Pachter Family

by Tzvi Tzvilik, Raanana

Translated by Yael Chaver


A memorial gathering in New York for the martyrs of Hrubieszow


I had the privilege of being half a Hrubieszow native: the son of Gitl and the grandson of Sore Brayne Pachter.

The Pachters were well-known in Hrubieszow as an honorable family, decent, warm-hearted folks in the tradition of Y. Peretz's ideal: Jews who follow the tradition but have incorporated humanist morals into their practice. Theirs was my second home.[1]

Two of their sons, Shmuel and Avrom, and the parents' sister Ella had emigrated to America fifty years earlier. The remaining sisters, Sheyndele and Yashele, were murdered with their families in a mass grave.

During their lives in America, the Pachters nurtured their connection with their home town, and took on various social obligations. Even before World War II, the Pachters organized the immigrants from Hrubieszow as a Committee, which carried out a broad range of activities in many areas. One of these was aid to the needy in Hrubieszow.

During 1915-1920, when chaos reigned, the ruling powers changed from one day to the next, and roads were almost completely blocked, Shmuel Pachter – President of the Committee – was constantly on watch, and utilized every means to send supplies to Hrubieszow, as well as money for the needy. He also directed the annual Mo'es Chittin[2] drive every year before Passover, until the Holocaust. In 1920, Avrom Pachter, a Committee member, traveled to war-ravaged Hrubieszow, where he gathered the women and children whose husbands and fathers were in America, took them to Warsaw, provided them with documents, and sent them to America.

In 1922, Avrom Pachter was elected Secretary of the Committee. In 1923, he organized the immigrants from Hrubieszow in order to obtain American citizenship. This provided them with a better economic and social foundation. Shmuel Pachter died in 1928. His social activity was taken over

by his younger son, Yehoshua (Charles), with great energy and an ambition to continue the family tradition.

A new field for activity emerged during World War II. Immediately after the war, requests for help arrived from all over the world. The survivors drifted like shadows from one camp to the next, uprooted, broken people. In addition to the large sums of money that were necessary, they needed to be approached with tact, and warm brotherly feelings. The General Committee, headed by Avrom Pachter, and the relief committee with Yehoshua as the Secretary, carried the heavy burden. In the time of uncertainty, Avrom–an eternal optimist – cheered everyone up with his artistic letters. During his last years, the doctors forbade him to do community work, because of his weak heart, but he did not take this prohibition seriously, as he found joy in working for the community. He died in 1956.

Yehoshua (Charles) Pachter (long may he live), who left Hrubieszow as a child and spent most of his life in America, did not become a stranger.[3] On the contrary: his interest and enthusiasm were infectious. Actual relief work is not only an honor but also daily drudgery. People liked him and his wide smile, and contributed dollar after dollar, for a final sum of $35,000. He also knew how to treat community money rationally and sparingly.

I know that during World War II, when food was hard to come by (in America as well), Yehoshua Pachter was a food wholesaler. He involved his wife and daughters in the sacred work of making packages and sending them to the address of any Hrubieszow native.

When a Hapoel delegation visited America, Yehoshua gave them a sum of money for Hrubieszow refugees in Cyprus.[4]

Yehoshua's work continues very successfully.

[Columns 789 - 790]

A group of Hrubieszow natives in Australia

Standing: Yehoshua Teller, Nashe Teller, Khane Hasenbel, Ya'akov Hasenbel, Teme Hipsh, Itshe Hipsh, Ken Korn, Miriam Oder, Yekhezkel Oder
Seated: Abe Hastig, Feygele Sher, Etl Korn, Mendl Korn


Hrubieszow Natives in Australia

In 1926, Mendl and Etl Korn arrived in Australia – the first family from Hrubieszow to come to that continent. Two years later, the family of Yekhezkel and Miriam Oder came. The Korns made a living as tailors, whereas the Oders became farmers.

They worked hard in the early years and were not socially engaged.

The only meeting ground was the Kadima Drama Club. After the war, more than thirty Hrubieszow families arrived. Currently, there are more than 40 families from Hrubieszow in Melbourne and Sydney.

Last year, the Hrubieszow colony in Australia suffered a heavy loss, with the death of Etl Korn (may her memory be for a blessing).


Hrubieszow Natives in Mexico


Standing, from right: A. M. Goldhaber, Ben-Tsion Haydenblit. Avrom Tsimet, Yisro'el Tsimet, Dr. Ratnievski, Max Tsimet, Yoel Kam, Yekhiel Ayzen, Sala Ayzen, Fishl Ayzen, Yitzkhok Ayzen, Gary Abraham, W. Klip, A. Midrash
Second row: Goldhaber, Haydenblit, Shprintse Fraynd, Teme Tsimet, Rokhl Kam, Hinde Firsht, Khave Ayzen, Eli Pachter, Malke Fraynd
Third row: Max Haydenblit, Bashe Klip, Sala Goldfeder, Leah Midrash


Translator's Footnotes:
  1. The writer Yitskhok Leyb Peretz (1852-1915), considered one of the three great classic Yiddish writers, was influenced by Enlightenment thought. Return
  2. Mo'es Chittin (“wheat money”), a social organization that provides the poor with holiday expenses. Return
  3. When the names of a deceased person and a living person are mentioned close together, the living person is wished a long life). Return
  4. Hapoel is an Israeli Jewish sport association established in 1926. Return


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