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[Columns 237-238][1]

We Emigrate to the Land of Israel!

Translated by Yael Chaver


A farewell gathering for friends emigrating, 1924

Standing: Rokhl Efron, …, Goldshteyn, Me'ir Holtser, Reyzl Ya'avetz, Yankev Ayzenberg,
Feyge Dvoyre Eylboym, Dovid Abramant, Yoysef Lederkremer, and Volvish Finkelshteyn

Seated: Yekhi'el Fayer, Azri'el Yoysef Berger, Avrom Tsimerman, Freyde Hornshteyn, Montshe Sakal, and Meytshe Hofman
The board of the Brenner Library bids farewell to Bunye Yanover before his emigration to the Land of Israel, 1924

Standing: Mekhl Gertl, Shlomo Shnirer, Khayim Hersh Engelsberg, and Arn Brener
Seated: Eliyohu Gertl, Bunye Yanover, and Yasha Halbershteyn


A farewell gathering for Bunye Yanover and Yashe Halbershteyn, emigrating in 1924

Standing, right to left: Hilel Biterman, Itshe Goldberg, Shloymele Hubel, Shayn, Mekhele Flaks, Me'ir Kahan, Yehoshu'a Tsimet, Hershl Perets
Seated: Pinye Halbershteyn, Yankl Kohe, Yankl Krelenboym, Yashe Halbershteyn, Bunye Yanover, Arn Brener, Avrom Kahan, Itshe Brener


Farewell gathering for Shimen Glazberg before his emigration, 1935

Standing, from right: Mekhl Gertl, Hersh Halbershteyn, Yankl Krelenboym, Me'ir Kahn,
Khayim Frid, Hersh Pachter, Yoysef Lederkremer, Shmu'el Hubel, Moyshe Maskal

Bottom: Avigdor Biterman, Motl Laks, …, Yehoshu'a Harfin, Shimen Glazberg, Avrom Goldfarb, Ruvn Ekshteyn
Farewell gathering for Shoshana Halbershteyn and Yankev Kohen before their departure in 1925

Standing: Mantshe Sakal, Hilel Biterman, Yankev Heshel Eydlshteyn, Yankev Krelenboym,
Dovid Shtokhamer, Avrom Nokhem Kirshenfeld, Avrom Kohen, Tsvi Halbershteyn

Seated: Yankev Royter, Mordkhe Goldman, Me'ir Kohen, A. Pritsker, Yankev Kohen,
Shoshana Halbersteyn, Avrom Tsimerman, Arn Brener, Yoysef Lederkremer, Mikho'el Flaks

[Columns 238-239]

Parting from emigrants to the Land of Israel, 1929

Standing: Avigdor Grinvald, Nakhmen Dikler, Reyzhe Diamant, Motele Gertl, Efroyim Shteyn
Middle row: Leyb Goldberg, Itshe Rubinshteyn, Yokheved Pachter,
Gishe Morgenshtern, Malye Lerer, Esther Shnirer, Monye Ya'avetz, Binyomin Retig

Third row, seated: Feyge Fayer, Yisro'el Lerekh, Yudl Hofman, Hersh Dikler, Sorke Morgenshtern, Itsik Marder
Bottom row: Shmerl Mints, Avramek Finkelshteyn, Pinye Mer
A group of young Frayhayt members parts from emigrants to the Land of Israel, 1935

Standing, right to left: Leybl Tsipel, …, Reyz ?, Itshe Shames, … Hodis, Lerekh, Berl Frost
Seated: Gertl, Avrom Soyfer, Berl Foygel, Shmu'el Flaks, Khantshe Vayntrob, Avrom Vayntrob, Feygele Tsigl
Bottom: Moyshe Kam, … Goldberg, Dovid Hekht


A group of Po'alei Tsiyon members before their emigration to the Land of Israel, 1929

Top row, standing: Hersh Plat, Shloyme Lindenboym, Shloyme Frimer, Yeshayahu Esig, Shmu'el Valdman, Avrom Goldfarb, Refoyl Ader, Yankl Shroyt, Moyshe Maskal
Second row, standing: Dvoyre Kohen, Arish Rap, Shloyme Luft, Shayndl Bliyander, Pinkhes Lederman, Avrom Valdman, Bunem Valdman, Khayim Leyb Soyfer, Malke Ayzen, Sholem Rap, Rokhl Biterman, Yoyne Zayd, Dvoyre Foygl, Dovid Harfin
Third row, seated: Itke Privner, Tshipe Dales, Etl Ayzenkrants, Margalit Goldman, Natan Hadas, Moyshe Frimer, Noyekh Gertl, Yisro'el Lerekh, Elke Eylboym, Hersh Kirshenzon
Fourth row: Reyzhe Diamand, Yehuda Hofman, Binyomin Retig, Oyzer Shprits
Bottom row: Tsirl Klingel, Pessel Fuksman, Khane Zak, Dvoyre Bekher, Avigder Biterman, Yoysef Epshteyn, Dovid Tsimerman, Yisro'el Dimentshteyn, Motl Shpiler, Moyshe Tsigel, Avrom Gruber, Toybe Privner


A farewell for members emigrating to the Land of Israel, 1929

Standing: Teacher Kaleka, Meytshe Hofman, Avrom Zayd, Avrom Gruber,
Shimen Glazberg, Yoysef Lederkremer, Motl Rap

Seated: Eliyohu Gertl, teacher Markus, Dovid Tsimerman,
Yisro'el Dimentshteyn, teacher Sandler, Yehuda Vaksman, Avigder Biterman, teacher Urgan

Bottom: Noyekh Gertl, Yisro'el Lerekh, Moyshe Frumer, Yidl Hofman, Natan Hadas
A farewell for Meytshe Hofman before his emigration to the Land of Israel

Standing: Yehuda Vaksman, Mekhl Gertl, Motl Rap, teacher Mareyn, Yoysef Lederkremer, Arish Rap, Avigder Biterman, Arn Brener, Yisro'el Dimentshteyn
Seated: Shimen Glazberg, Moyshe Tsigel, Reyzhe Diamant, Meytshe Hofman,
Tsharne Gayer, Eliyohu Gertl, teacher Lyuba …, Shmulik Hubel

Bottom: Khayim Frid, Yehoshu'a Tsigel


Translator's Footnote:
  1. Columns 237-238 and 239-240 consist of photographs that are laid out in three sections: top, center, and bottom. Return


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