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[Page 131]

List of Names Mentioned in the Book


Malka Avital
Shlomo Even Shabat
Rabbi Avraham Chaim
Avraham – the tailor
Matityahu Aharon, shochet [ritual slaughterer]
Efraim Izrail
Yehoshua Abraham
Eliahu Edrei
Shoshana Azulai
Rabbi Aharon of Zhitomir
Baruch Eizenreich
Shamu Shimon Eizenreich
Dr. Izak
Zindel Eizikovitz
Zahava Izrael
Eliezer the shochet
Aharon Elbaum
Moshe Altman
Yehuda Altman
Yisrael Isser Altman
Shimon Altman
Alter (the baker)
Esther Elenboigen
Naftali Elenboigen
Yisrael Menachem Elenboigen
Perl Elenboigen
Chana Elenboigen
Yisrael Moshe Angel
Miriam Angel
Yisrael (Menachem) Mendel Appel
Rachel Henia Appel
Yechiel Tzvi Hirsch Appel
David Meir Appel
Mihali Afa-pi
Aryeh Leib
Asher Leib


Burger, the bookbinder
Chaim Nachman Bialik
Shoshana Bitman
Gabor Batan
Mordechai Simcha Blau
Dr. Bleier
Musa Ben Balko
Meir Ben Shabbat
Ben Zion Wechsler
Baal Shem Tov
Avigdor Berger, shochet
Nathan Berkovich
Meir Braun
Chaim Braun
Moshe Braun
Yosef Braun
Yaakov Berger
Avraham Berger
Trabash Berger
Yechiel Braun
Zahava Bernat
David Brody
Dov Berkovich
Yeshaya Berkovich

[Page 132]

Shmuel Chaim Berkovich
Sara Berkovich
Gizi Berkovich
Batya (partisan woman)


Yaakov Gotlieb
Meir Gotlieb
Dov Ginz
Miriam Ginz
Shlomo Glik
Yitzchak Glik
David Glik
Amira Glik
Gochir Glik
Glik the caftan tailor
Menachem Mendel Ganz
Yona Grosinger
Eliezer Grosinger
Yisrael Shimon Grosinger
Elimelech Grosinger
Tzvi Grosinger
Shlomo Zalman Grossman
Antel Gross
Nota Gross
Yeshayahu Gross, potter
Moshe Aharon Gross
Mordechai Gross
Gross (Kökényesd)
Mordechai Gross
Goldi Gross
Matityahu Gross
David Gross
Ben Zion Gross
Rabbi Yehuda Grinwald
Rabbi Eliezer David Grinwald
Chaim Grinfeld
Yehoshua Wolf Grinfeld
Shaima Grinfeld
Moshe Avraham Grinfeld


Zecharia Davish
Rafael Davish
Doliner Rebbe
Yitzchak Donenberg
Yitzchak Diamandi
Chananya Yomtov Lipa Deitler
Dr. Ladislau Donash
Shneur Zalman Daskel
Shimon Daskel
Yaakov Daskel
Shoshana Dertler


Gideon Hausner, Member of Knesset
Aryeh Heimowitz
Shmuel Heimowitz
Tzvi HaLevi
Leibish Halpert, the son of the rabbi
Munchi Holtzer
Rabbi Pinchas Horowitz
Shmuel Moshe Heimfeld
Yosef Heimfeld
David Heimfeld
Gedalia Hiter
Baruch Hendler
Yechezkel Hendler
Tzvi Hershel Hendler
Dr. Hershkovitz


Simcha Vida, engineer

[Page 133]

Wolf (Zeev), shochet
Mordechai Wolfowitz
Moshe Weider
Feish Franz Weiss
Michael Weiss
Weiss (Mizrachi)
Shlomo Leib Weiss
Meir Weiss
Tzvi Hershel Weiss
Yoel Weiss
Weiss of Satmar
Elimelech Weiss
Yisrael Leib Weiss
Shprintza Weiss
Miriam Weiss
Shimon Weiss
Rivka Weiss
Yechiel Weiss
Pearl Weiss
Malka Weiss
Chana Weiss
Menashe Weiss
Menachem Weiss
Falik Moshe Weiss
Helen (Chaya) Weiss
Irina Weiss
Weiss (of Trabasz)
Esther Weissberg
Frana Weinbach
Yomtov Lipa Wechsler
Rivka Wechsler
Hirsch Mendel Weschler
Avraham Chaim Weschler
Ben Zion Wechsler
Rabbi David Werner


Rabbi Javniker
Fishel Zoldan
Ogla Zisman
David Zicherman
Mordechai Zicherman
Yisrael Aryeh Zicherman
Eliezer Zicherman
Yaakov Zicherman
Elia Zicherman
Avraham Zicherman
Menashe Zicherman
Yuta Zicherman
Yulan Bila Zicherman
Zanvil (teacher)
Zoldi (Jester)
Shlomo Zimrony
Janos Zapolia


Chaim, shochet
Chaim (teacher)
Chaim Avraham
Yafa Chamish


Yaakov Tolidanos
Luga Miklos Tolda
Rabbi Yoel Teitelbaum
Rabbi Yoel Teitelbaum [1]
Rabbi Izak Yitzchak Tabum
Yirmiahu Tessler
Gavriel Traub
Tzvi Traub
Menachem Traub
Shoshana Traub
Ilana Traub
Menashe Traub
Chaya Traub
David Traub
Fishel Triser
Yehuda Leib Triser

[Page 134]

Chaim Mordechai Triser
Zeev Triser
Eliezer Triser
Zelig Triser
Klara Triser


Yosef (judge)
Doda Yartza
Alec Yaakov
Yankel, the teacher
Yankel the Shochet
Alter Jakubovitz
Meir Jeremias
Moshe Jeremias
Shmelka Jeremias
Avraham Yekutiel Jeremias
Yechezkel Jeremias
Avraham Bumi Jeremias
Yosef Jeremias
Hoshea Yerushalmi
Yitzchak Yerushalmi


Aharon Kahana
Daniel Kahana
Mordechai Kahana
Tzvi Kahana
Yehuda Kahana
Chaim Kahana
Vera Kahana
Lili Kahana
Freda Kahana
Malka Kahana
Rozi Kahana
Munchi Kahana
Esther Kahana Arzi
Izik Katz
Eliezer Katz
Tibi Katz
Yosef Katz
Gizi Katz
Yisrael Aryeh Katz
Tova Katz
Aharon Katz
Mendel Katz
Bat Sheva Katz
Dov Katz
Sima Yuta Katz
Dr. Shmuel Cohen
Menachem Carmi


David Langer
Hashni Layush
Ruth Lavie
Aharon Levendel
David Levi
David Levi [1]
Mordechai Levi
Yisrael Levi
Zeev Wolf Levi
Tova Levi
Levi Yitzchak of Berdichev
Levi (Trabash)
Peri Lazar, lawyer
Leib Libish
Leibu, soda factory
Yaakov Hirsch Libi
Breina Libi
David Libi
Pesia Libi
Rivka Gitel Libi
Mordechai Libi
Meir Libi

[Page 135]

Berl-Dov Libi
Gila Libi
Menashe Wolf Libi
Sara Libi
Pesia Libi
Esther Libi
Rabbi Shmelka Liper
Shalom Lib
Eida Lebovich
Alter Landau
Yehuda Landau
Shlomo Landau
Lili Landau
Feiga Landau
Helen Landau
Iren Landau
Otto Landau
Zalman Landau
Avraham Landau
Yisrael Yehuda Landau
Tova Landau
Yuta Landau
Reizel Landau
Yisrael Landau
Chaya Bluma Landau
Menachem Mendel Landau
Sara Landau
Tzvi Libovich


Hirsch Meir (shochet)
Magda Meir
Rabbi Yehuda Meir
Fani Meir
David Mozes
Bracha Moshkovich
Yehuda Moshkovich
Chaim Mordechai Moshkovich
Tzvi Hirsch Pinchas Moshkovich
Shimon Moshkovich
Tova Yona Moshkovich
Asher Zindel Moshkovich
Moshe Moshkovich
Sara Moshkovich
Yaakov Mitelman
Yaakov Meirovich
Yisrael Meirovich
Rabbi Zev Mandelbaum
Shmuel Shmelka Mandel
Yehuda Mandel
Tzvi Herman Mandel
Bazi Mandel
Eliahu Markovich, shochet
Shoshana Markovich
Shlomo Markovich
Shalom Markovich
Izidor Yisrael Marmelstein
Yosef Marmelstein
Alexander Marmelstein
Dr. Markzamer
Rabbi Mordechai of Nadworna
Moshe Zeev, the judge, Turcz
Meir Kam, Yankel the son of Simcha Bunim


Ladislau Nados
Berl (Dov) Neuhaus
Tova Nik
Neiman (jester)


Avraham Sasa

[Page 136]

Avraham Savoy
Lili Savoy
Luba Savoy
Giza Sani
Yehudit Solomon
Ladislau Skali


Shlomo Etla


Rabbi Yechezkel Panet
Moshe Falik
Rabbi Binyamin Fuchs
Chava Feier
Yitzchak Menachem Feuer
Menashe Feuer
Yona Feuer
Nathan Nota Fish
Mordechai Fish
Shlomo Fish
Chaya Sara Fish
Avraham David Fish
Yitzchak Fish
Moshe Fish
Yaakov Fish
Shimon Fish
Sosel Fish
Michael Fish
Zlata Fish
David Fisher
Dina Fisher
Dr. Yosef Patai
Yechiel Fisher
Dov Fisher
Yitzchak Fisher
Shimon Pachi
Shmuel Tzvi Fried
Shalom Fried
Rabbi Shalom Yerucham Friedman Avraham
Aliza Friedman
Avraham Yerucham Friedman
Betzalel Friedman
Elisha Friedman
Dov Leib Friedman
Peri Friedman
Friedman (Yav Zido)
Friedman (Rus Zido)
Yosef Zerach Friedman
Avraham Chaim Friedman
Tzvi Hershel Friedman
Shalom Friedman
Daboltz Friedman
Yehoshua Farkas
Zeev Wolf Farkas
Meir Farkas
Tzvi Hershel Farkas
Eliezer Farkas
Shmuel Farkas
Avraham Yekutiel Farkas
Pnina Farkas
Rivka Farkas
Farkas (cashier)
Wolf Leib Farkas
Tzvi Farkas
Zanvil Farkas
Pinchas, potter
Chava Purzoles
Efraim Purzoles
Yaakov Purzoles
Meir Franz
Zeev Peper


Herzl Tzionit

[Page 137]


Mordechai Kostlitz
Rabbi Kopel Javniker
Avraham Kopali
Rabbi Kopali of Kolomyya
Baruch Katuna
Motel Katuna
Binyamin Kish
Mordechai Kish
Sheindel Koko
Rabbi Eliahu Klein
Rabbi Yaakov Shalom Klein
Rabbi Shmelke Klein
Rabbi Dov Ber Klein
Ilana Klein
Yeta Chaya Klein
Yitzchak Klein[1]
Lili Klein
Yitzchak Klein
Shmuel Kelner
Tibi Kelner (pharmacist)
Feiga Knopf
Yitzchak Yaakov Kraus
the daughter Kraus
Rabbi Dr. Moshe Kraus
Efraim Kramer


Yosef Robenstein
Rivka Rubin
Avraham Rusu
Rabbi Mordechai Rotstein
David Rotstein
The Roth brothers
Yosef Rozat
Meir Roth
Dr. Eliahu Roth
Iren Roit
Chaya Sara Roth
Menachem Roth
Yitzchak Roth
Alec Roth
Lili Rosenthal
Berta Roisenfeld
Roizner (Trabash)
Rois (Trabash)
Dr. Ronai
Mordechai Richman
Yehudit Richenberger
Simcha Rapapor
George Rakozi


Meir Shaya
Elemer Shugar
Yitzchak Meir Solomon
Daniel Solomon
Libi Solomon
Eliahu Solomon
Shimshon Solomon
Mordechai Solomon
Moshe Solomon
Asher Zindel Solomon
Avraham Aharon Solomon
Chaim Tzvi Solomon
Leah (Neni) Solomon
Tzvi Hershel Solomon
Zelig Solomon
David Solomon
Yosef Solomon
Meir Solomon
Eliahu Solomon
Chaya Sara Solomon
Zeev Wolf Solomon
Aharon Solomon
Shlomo Mordechai Solomon
Pinchas Schwartz
Zeev Schwartz
Moshe Schwartz

[Page 138]

Shmuel Mordechai Schwartz
Rivka Schwartz
Elemer Eliahu Schwartz
Anush (Chana) Schwartz
Zeev Wolf Schwartz
Reizel Schwartz
Yehuda Schwartz
Reizel Schwartz
Rachel Schwartz
Sara Schwartz
Avraham Zeev Wolf Staub
Efraim Stern
Leah Stern
Menachem Zeev Stern
Shlomo Staub
Dr. Steier
Dr. Georg Steier
Lili Steinberger
Meir Steinberger
Shlomo Steinberger
Lemel Steinberger
Izidor Steinberger
Yona Steinberger
Moshe Steinberger
Sender (Alexander) Stark
Sara Stark
Esther Stark
Elizabeth Stark
Tarner Samuel
Chaim Meir Samuel
Rabbi Shmelke of Selish
Shimon Shalom
Shimon Smaya
Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi
Fishel Shapira
Beila Shurz
Vera Shurz


Yehoshua Turen
Yosef Tnemi

Translator's Footnote

  1. Noted twice in the names index Return

[Page 139]

Table of contents

[Page 140]

List of Photographs

From the Memorial Ceremony
Remember, and do not forget!
Children of the Yavneh school at the memorial ceremony
Yizkor – from the words of eulogy
Yehuda Schwartz, the director of the school, opens the memorial ceremony
Rabbi David Werner, may he live long, brings greetings from the office of the rabbinate of Hadera
Menachem Carmi brings greetings from the natives of Halmeu, Turcz and the district
Mordechai Kostlich, the vice mayor, brings greetings from the Hadera town council
Remember! From the compositions of the students
In memory of the martyrs of Halmeu-Turcz and the district
The holy ark in the Yavneh School in Hadera in memory of the holy communities of Klausenberg and Halmeu, prepared and donated by the students of grade 8 under the direction of the teachers M. Dolinski and Yamima Waldman.
Yehuda Schwartz, editor of the book
When the Jews of Hungary were Taken To Auschwitz
Images and Personalities of the Community
Rabbi Gabriel Traub
of blessed memory
The rabbi and Gaon Rabbi Eliahu Klein of holy blessed memory, the head of the rabbinical court of Halmeu
The rabbi and Gaon Rabbi Yaakov Shalom Klein of holy blessed memory
Memorial tablet in the Holocaust Cellar on Mount Zion in Jerusalem
Memorial tablet in the Talmud Torah Zichron Meir, Bnei Brak
The rabbinical judge Rabbi Dov Ber of blessed memory, the shochet Reb Elia Markovich of blessed memory, and Shlomo Glick of blessed memory
Reb David Zicherman of blessed memory, trustee of the Chevra Kadisha
Reb Wolf Leib Farkas of blessed memory
The gravestone of the Gaon and Tzadik Reb Eliezer of blessed memory and his righteous wife Yartza of blessed memory.
Rabbi Yisrael Hager of holy blessed memory (Visznitz), the Beis Midrash of
Reb Chaim Meir, may he live long
The Admor Rabbi Baruch may he live long
The rabbi and Gaon Rabbi Akiva Sofer of holy blessed memory
The rabbi and Gaon Rabbi Yosef Tzvi Dushinsky of holy blessed memory
The rabbi and Gaon Rabbi Shmuel David Ungar of holy blessed memory
The Great Synagogue of Halmeu
The interior of the Great Synagogue of Selish
The students of a class in the Government School of Halmeu
The students of the Zichron Meir Talmud Torah gathering to memorialize the holy community of Halmeu-Turcz
Rabbi Dov HaLevi Berko and his wife Rivka of blessed memory
Rabbi Yeshayahu Barkai
Reb Tzvi Weiss and his wife Rachel of blessed memory (Cidreag)
Toward Extermination
From the Annals of the Holocaust – Reading Chapters


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