The authors of "Sefer Horodenka" created from memory a list of their family members and neighbors who perished in the Holocaust. We've translated that list from Yiddish to English, and present it to you here.
We used the
YIVO style
when transliterating names.
Due to our inexperience with translating Yiddish,
we were sometimes unsure of our translation.
In these cases we've
included the original Yiddish spelling or our comments [in square brackets] in
the text.
In some cases, the book's typsetting was incorrect, which led to some
confusion in the translation. For example, the typesetters were
careless when differentiating between the letters "fey" and "pey."
We've translated exactly as printed, except where we could determine
with high assurance that the typesetting was at fault.
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ABUSH, Shepsil (Shabsil).
ABTSUG, Shmuel with his wife and their children Leyb and Sara.
ABTSUG, Tuvya, his daughter Sara and his son Yakov (from Korniv).
AGATSHTEYN, Itsik with his mother and two sisters.
AGATSHTEYN, Avraham with his wife; their daughter Gitl; their son Nakhman with his wife Hudl and their children.
AGATSHTEYN, Itsi and his brother Avraham.
AGATSHTEYN, Zeyde with his wife Toybe and their children Manye, Etye and Rukhl.
AGATSHTEYN, Toybe and her daughters Hudye and Kreyndl.
AGATSHTEYN, Mekhl (from Korniv).
ADLER, Khayim-David with his wife Ite and their children, Mendl and Yosef.
ADLER, Moshe and his sister Rivka.
ADLER, Elke and her children, Leyzer and Manye.
ADLER, Fishl and his wife Viltsye
ADELSBERG, Barukh and his wife Pesye ; his two sisters Vitye and Sara.
AVERBUKH, Asher and his wife Feyge.
AVERBUKH, Nina and her parents.
EYZMAN, Ben-Tsion with his wife Tsiupa and their children Ester and Dvora.
EYZMAN, Hershl with his wife and their children Yankl, Itse, Leyzer, and Rukhl.
EYZMAN, Shprintse; her daughter Zisl; her daughter Khaya with her husband; her son Mekhl with wife and children.
EYZMAN, Rivka and her sons Leyzer and Yokl.
IMBERMAN, Beynish with his wife.
IMBERMAN, Mordkhay with his wife; their son Avraham with his family; their son Shmuel with his family.
IMBERMAN, Kofl with his wife Sheyndl and their four children.
ISL, Yosef and his two sisters, Rukhl and Khaya.
ALFERT, Dr. Adolf (attorney) and his son, Mundek (Zigmund or Sigmund) Alfert
OLIVER, Yitskhak with his wife and their children.
AMSTERDAM, Frume; her son Kalman; her son Zakharaya with his wife.
OSTERMAN, Poldek with his wife Fanye and their children.
OSTERN, Binyamin with his wife and their children.
OFENBERGER, Avraham with his wife and their children Khaya and Moshe.
OFENBERGER, Barukh-Leyb and his wife Feyge.
OFENBERGER, Gershon and his wife Zisl.
OFENBERGER, Zeyde with his wife Tsipe and their children Yosl and Feyge.
OFENBERGER, Zeyde and his wife.
OFENBERGER, Khayim-Yisrael.
OFENBERGER, Yenkl and his wife Klara.
OFENBERGER, Leybish with his wife Libe and their children Maks and File.
OFENBERGER, Libke ; her daughter Rivka with her husband (Gilzon).
OFENBERGER, Mikhl with his wife Ester and their daughters Vitsye and Roza.
OFENBERGER, Moshe, his son Leyzer and two daughters.
ORNSHTEYN, Velvl with his wife and their children.
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BAKHER, Shamai [shin-mem-alef-yud] and his wife.
BONUS, Shlomo and his children.
BONUS, Meir with his wife and their children.
BARTFELD, Avraham and his wife Gizela.
BALAN, [no given name] and his family.
BANDLER, [no given name].
BAKELNIK, Yosef with his wife Elke and their children Minye and Dvora.
BOYMEL, Shlomo with his wife and their children.
BUMBERG, Yitskhak-Arye; his son Eyzik with his family; his son Moshe with his family; his son Meir; his three daughters Blume, Frume and Yehudit.
BUMBERG, two brothers (Akiva Bumberg's sons).
BURG, Shaya-Mendl and his wife Etl.
BIDER, Hersh and his wife Malka.
BIDER, Avigdor.
BIDER, Ester.
BIDER, Henye-Malkha.
BIDER, Moshe.
BIDER, Kune (Alkuna [alef-lamed-kuf-nun-hey]).
BIDER, Rivka.
BIDER, Reyzye.
BILER, Moshe and his wife Frume.
BILDER, Menashe, his wife Ita, their child Risye and their daughter Kheytsye (married name GRINBERG).
BINDER, Eyzik-Shimon and his wife Khana; their son Zeynvl with his wife Rukhl; their daughters Mizye, Brukha and Beyle with their families; their son Yisrael.
BINDER, Golde.
BINDER, Khayim.
BINDER, Frume.
BINDER, Yakov with his wife Dvora and their children Manye and David (from Korniv).
BIRNBOYM, Hersh and his wife Pesye.
BISHL, Aharon and his wife Khaya-Hudl.
BLAT, Shimon.
BLAT, Batya.
BLAT, Khonon.
BLAT, Rivka.
BLAT, Menakhem with his wife Sara; their son Yisrael with his wife Pesye; their son Hersh with his wife Pesye.
BLUTAL, Barukh and his wife.
BLAUKOPF, Nakhum with his wife Mintsye; their son Hersh with his wife Babtsye and their children Salo and Ruven (from Korniv).
BLEY, Frume and her children.
BLETERFEYND, Efraim and his wife Kheytsye.
BEKER, Shmuel with his wife and their children.
BEKER, Aharon with his wife Toybe and their children Gitsye and Yosef.
BEKER, Yona and his wife Milke (Milkha).
BERGMAN, Avraham with his wife (from Semakovits).
BERGMAN, Nekhama.
BERGMAN, Kreyndl.
BERGMAN, Shifra.
BERGMAN, Yekhezkeil.
BERGMAN, Mendl and his children.
BERMAN, Berl and his wife Lea.
BERMAN, Berl with his wife Miryam and their daughter Khaya.
BERMAN, Yosl, his son Yehuda and his daughters Kheytsye and Fridzye.
BERNSHTEYN, Avraham, his son Hersh and his daughter.
BERNSHTEYN, Pinye with his wife and their daughter.
BERKOVER, Avraham, his wife Khana and their son Manele.
BRILER, Yosef.
BRILER, Mantsye.
BRILER, Frume.
BRILER, Khana.
BRILER, Khaya.
BRILER, Shalom.
BROYNSHTEYN, [no given name] his wife and their children.
BREKHER, Yitskhak and his wife.
BREKHER, Yehuda (Eydl) with his wife Yehudit and their children Moshe, Yosef and Khana (from Korniv).
BRENER, Aharon, his brother Moshe and their sister Etl.
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GOLDBERGER, Avraham-Yakov with his wife Rukhl and their children Mendl, Moshe and three daughters.
GOLDBERGER, Binyamin-Volf with his wife Khana and their children Itsi, Yosl and Moshe-Hersh; their daughter-in-law Reyzl with her daughter Golde.
GOTESMAN, Ester and her children.
GOLDSHTEYN, Antshl and his wife Golde (LAGSHTEYN).
GOLDSHTEYN, Eliyahu, with his wife Hudye and their children Avraham, Yitskhak and Ester.
GOLDSHMID, Moshe-Itsik with his wife and their children
GORFINKL, (the widow); her son Nusye (Natan); her son Yehoshua with his wife and their children.
GUTMAN, Mordkhay-Hersh with his wife Etye; their son Yenkl with his wife and two children; their daughter Reyle with her family; their daughter Kheytsye with her family.
GUTMAN, Aharon with his wife and their children Sabine and Mintsye.
GUTMAN, Yosef-Yitskhak and his wife Beyle.
GUTMAN, Yenkel with his wife and their children.
GUTMAN, Yekl (Yakov) with his wife Khana and their children Rekhamiel [resh-khes-mem-yud-alef-lamed], Zeynvel, Shprintse and Note.
GUTMAN, Leyb with his wife Blume and their daughter Ester.
GUTMAN, Moshe with his wife Sime and their children Mantsye and Yosef.
GUTMAN, Shlomo with his wife Rivke and his son Shmuel.
GUTMAN, Royze.
GUTMAN, Rukhl.
GUTMAN, (the children of Gershon GUTMAN): Leyb; Eyzik; Shmerl with his family.
GITER, Yekhezkeil with his wife Henye and their children Zalman, Tsila, and Tsipura.
GITER, Mendl with his wife.
GITER, Avraham (from Mikhaltshe).
GITER, Yitskhak (Bubi) (from Mikhaltshe).
GITER, Aharon (from Mikhaltshe)
GITER, Dvora (from Mikhaltshe).
GINSBERG, Hersh, his wife Malkha and their daughter Klara.
GINIGER, Hersh-Moshe.
GLOGER, Iser and his wife Golde.
GLOGER, Velvl with his wife Tsirl and their children.
GLOGER, Barukh with his wife Khume (Nekhama) and their daughter Eydl.
GLOGER, Efraim with his wife Freyde; their daughter Golde; their son Moshe-Mendl with his wife Khana and their children; his son Yosl with his wife and children, his daughter Lea'tsye and her children.
GLOGER, Shlomo-Ber with his wife Sara; their son David with his wife Tsharne and their children Fani, Yisrael and Matilde; their son Efraim and his daughter Ester.
GLOGER, Yisrael-Kune with his wife Khana; their son Yirukhem [yud-reysh-vov-khes-mem] with his wife and their children.
GLOGER, Yehuda-Shoel with his wife Tsipe and their children.
GLOGER, Ite; her son Hersh with his wife Sheyndl and children Eydl and Leyzer.
GELER, Izye with his wife and children
GELER, Itsi.
GELER, Munye with his wife Hele and their children.
GELER, Munish with his wife Shibe.
GEFNER, Olye with his wife and two children.
GEFNER, Berl with his wife Slove and their children Rutsye, Zalmn and Dvora.
GEFNER, Meir with his wife Yehudit and their children Fride, Kalman, Yona and Dvora.
GERINGER, Mendl with his wife Feyge and their children Sender and Noakh.
GROSKOPF, Shikl with his wife and children.
GRAPAKH, Shekhna with his wife Puge [pey(fey?)-vov-giml-ayen] and their children.
GRAPAKH, Aharon with his wife Berta and their children Khana and Gusta.
GRAPAKH, Eliezer.
GRINBERG, Izak with his wife Malkha and their children Vili, Zusye, and Motl.
GRINBERG, Edzye with his wife Rukhl and their children Aba and Munye.
GRINDLINGER, Hershl with his wife and children.
GRINZEYD, (Dr.) with his wife and children.
GREYF, Hilel with his wife Etke and their children.
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DOLINGER, Eliezer with his wife Beyle-Khana; their sons: Alter with his wife and children; Efraim with his wife and children; Moshe with his wife and their children (a son Berl and four daughters).
DOLINGER, Leybele with his wife and children.
DOLINGER, Yosl with his wife and their children.
DOLINGER, Kozil with his wife Mintsye and their daughter Sara.
DOLINGER, Shraka [shin-resh-hey'kuf-eyen] (Sarke).
DORNFELD, Shlomo with his wife Nutsye and their children Meir, Moshe, Menakhem and Feyge.
DANKNER, Lole, his brother Tsale and their sister.
DORF, Yehoshua with his wife and their children.
DORNFELD, Shlomo. [the same one as above?]
DORNFELD, Nutsye. [the same one as above?]
DORNFELD, Feyge. [the same one as above?]
DORNFELD, Aharon-Moshe.
DULBERG, Yosi; his children Khaytsi, Zisl and Blume.
DULBERG, Shlomo with his wife and their children.
DUL, Yekhezkeil and his son Yosl.
DINER, Antshel with his wife Sara; their son Shoel [shin-vov-alef-lamed] with his wife Henye and their children.
DINER, Yosl with his wife Feyge and their children Royze, Khaya and Pile [pey(fey?)-yud-lamed-ayen].
DINER, Ben-Tsion with his wife Sara; their son Yisrael-Mordkhay with his wife and their three daughter; DINER, Shmuel (son of Yisrael-Mordkhay) with his wife and their children.
DINER, Babe (Babe Khaya-Beyles).
DINER, Berl with his wife Beyle and their son Zalman.
DINER, Hersh and his wife Sara.
DINER, ("Yapontshik" [yud-pasekh alef-pey-komets alef-nun-tet-shin-yud-kuf]) with his wife and their children.
DINER, Zalman with his wife and their children Moshe, Beyle and Hudye.
DINER, Lea; her son Yosl with his family; her sons Lipa, Avraham and Meir, and a daughter.
DINER, Malye and her children Shoel and Mendl.
DINER, Peysye (Pesakh) with his wife and their children (Shmuel and others).
DINER, Mendl with his wife Frida and their children Moshe, Yosl, Miryam, Rivka and Gitl.
DINER, Moshe and his children Itsik, Feyge, Shmuel and Matilde.
DINER, Meir with his wife and their children.
DINER, Hersh with his wife Sara and their children.
DIKER, Feyvl with his wife Rukhl and their son Moshe.
DIKER, Herman with his wife and their children Leyzer, Fani and Shlomo.
DIKER, Loti and her son Khayim.
DIKER, Paye and her daughter Royze.
DRAKH, Yitskhak and his wife Perl.
DERMER, Yakov with his wife and their children Shalom and Kheytsye.
DRUKER, Yitskhak with his wife Ester and their children Shimon, Khayb [khes-yud-yud-beys(veys?)], Ulu [shtumer alef-vov-lamed-vov], Lonye and Manye.
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HABER, Yenkl (Yakov) with his wife Royzye; their children Donye, Edzye, Frume and Bela, and their families..
HAHEN, Yakov with his wife Malkha and their son Gershon.
HALPERN, Yona with his wife Khinke and their children.
HALPERN, Beynish with his wife Gitl and their children Moshe and Tsipe.
HAZELNUS, [no given name] with his wife and their children.
HOFMAN, Leybish with his wife and their children.
HOFMAN, Nesye and her children Perets and Gitsye.
HOFMAN, Arye and his daughter Sime.
HOFMAN, Berish with his wife and their children.
HAKER, [no given name] with his wife Babtsye and their children.
HORN, Moshe with his wife and their children Lea'tsye and Velvel.
HORN, Ite-Hentsye and her children Zlate, Moshe, Mikhael and Yosl.
HARTENSHTEYN, Hersh with his wife and their children.
HARTENSHTEYN, Itsi with his wife and their children.
HARTENSHTEYN, Leyb with his wife and their children.
HUT, Yosl with his wife and their children Meshulam, Shlomo and Todres.
HUNDERT, Mikhl and his family.
HUS, Yehoshua with his wife and their children.
HUS, Shlomo with his wife Roza and their children Tsirl, Miryam and Etl.
HUS, Roza and her family.
HUS, Yekl and his family.
HUS, Yitskhak with his wife Rivka and their children Ruven and Hersh.
HUS, Yekl with his wife Maltsye and their children Leybele and Feyge.
HUS, Shaya with his wife and their children; their son Moshe David with his wife Khantsye and their children Note-Hersh, Ite, Milke and Barukh.
HUS, Etl and her family.
HURVITS, Sheyndl.
HURVITS, [no given name] (the brother-in-law of Itsi KORN).
HENIG, Breyntsye (from Korniv).
HERMAN, Leyb with his wife Maltsye and their children.
HERMAN, Motl with his wife and their children.
HERMAN, Beyka [beys(veys?)-yud-yud-kuf-pasekh alef] with his wife Maltsye and two daughters.
HERMAN, Yuven with his wife Pesye and their children Roza, Shmerl and Rivtsye.
HESEL, [no given name] (Dr.) with his wife and their children.
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VAL, [no given name] with his wife Gitl and their children Pesye and Yekele.
VAKHTEL, Yakov with his wife; their daughter Etl with her family.
VASER, Fishl with his wife Libke and their children Lea and Marlena.
VASER, Feyvl with his wife Maltsye and their children Yehuda and Yekhezkeil.
VASER, Morits with his wife Miryam; their son Beyzye [beys(veys?)-yud-yud-zayn-yud-ayen] with his wife Sara.
VASER, Feliks and his sister Lusye.
VASERMAN, Naftali with his wife and their children.
VAKHER, Yakov with his wife Rivtsye and their children Hersh and Pepi.
VIZER, Bronek, Rozye and Natanya (from Korniv).
VEYKH, Khayim-Yisrael with his wife and their children Maks and Salye; their son Simkha with his wife Iza.
VEYKH, Khayim-Hersh; his son Hertsl and his two children.
VEYKH, Yosl with his wife Roza and their children Khayim, Shalom, David and Yisrael.
VEYNER, Rukhl and her children Yakov, Malkha, Rivka, Ben-Tsion and Hinde.
VEYNROYB, Moshe with his wife Miryam and their children Yukhbad, Yente and Etl.
VEYNROYB, Pinye with his wife; their sons Shimon, Nisan [nun-yud-samekh-nun] and Yisrael, and two daughters.
VEYNSHTEYN, Maks, his son Kamial [kuf-mem-yud-alef-lamed] and his daughters Fantsye and Rosye; his son Peysye (Pesakh) with his wife Ester.
VEYNSHTEYN, Munye with his wife and their children.
VEYNSHTEYN, Eliezer with his wife and their hcildren.
VEYNSHTEYN, Khayim with his wife and their children.
VEYNSHTEYN, Yosef with his wife and their children.
VEYSBERG, Yeti and her daughter Sidonya (Sidzya).
VEYSBERG, Henya and her husband Dr. KORMAN.
VEYSBRAT, Moshe, Lea'tsye, Eyndl and Golde.
VEYTSMAN, Eliyahu with his wife Miryam and their children Sara, Dvora and Elke.
VEYTSMAN, Mates-Loy.
VITSLING, Shaul and his wife Roza.
VEBEL, Royze and her children Shmerl, Mendl, Frume, Binyamin and Moshe.
VEBER, [no given name] (Dr.) and his two children.
VERBER, (Dr.) Emanuel and his two children.
VERMUT, Moshe with his wife Tsharne and their daughter Uka (Rukhl).
VERMUT, Mikhl with his wife Yente and their daughter Fridzye.
VERGER, Sheyntsye.
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ZALTSINGER, Khayim-Zerakh [zayn-resh-khes] and his wife Tsipura.
ZANKEL, Eydl and her daughters Freyde, Hentsye and Nesye.
ZONENBLUM, Iser with his wife Gindl and their children Eydl and Ite.
ZONENBLUM, Berl and his children Itsi, Leybish and Basye.
ZONENSHEYN, Itskhak-Leyb with his wife Vitye and their children David and Mikhl.
ZEYDMAN, Moshe and his wife Yente.
ZEYDMAN, Khayim-Hersh with his wife Sara and their daughter.
ZEYDMAN, Yulian and his children Natan, Yitl, Zigmund, Lumtsye and Lea.
ZEYDMAN, Adolf and his children David, Klara, Ruzye, Sara-Lea and Rukhl.
ZEYDMAN, Moshe with his wife and their children.
ZEYDMAN, Khana, her son Zigi and her daughter Felo.
ZEYDMAN, Avraham with his wife and their children.
ZEYDMAN, Itsi with his wife Miryam-Bela and their son Yosef.
ZEYDMAN, Efraim.
ZEYDMAN, David with his wife Klara and their daughter Roza.
ZEYDMAN, Zeynvl [zayn-yud-yud-nun-vov-vov-lamed] with his wife Sara and their daughter Rukhl.
ZEYLER, Yosef with his wife Blume and their two children.
ZEYF, [no given name] with his family.
ZEYFER, Berl with his wife and their children.
ZEYFER, Efraim with his wife Lea and their children Gitsye and Shmarya.
ZEYFER, Yosl with his wife Khana and their children Nunye, Freyde, Blume, and Note.
ZEYFER, Yakov with his family.
ZEYFER, Dora with her family.
ZILVER, Leyb with his wife Feyge and their daughter Khaya.
ZILBER, Shmuel (from Pototshiska) with his wife Rukhl and their children.
ZILBER, Shmuel (from Horodnitse) with his wife Libe and their children Lea and Pepi.
ZILBER, Yisrael (from the "Kotikivke" [kuf-komets alef-tes-yud-kuf-yud-vov-vov-kuf-ayen]) with his family.
ZILBER, Moshe and his children.
ZILBERBUSH, Nakhman [nun-khes-mem-nun] with his wife Feyge; his mother and his sister Ester.
ZILBERSHEYN, Zelig with his wife Frida and their children Tsipura-Rukhl and Golde-Mina (from Chernelitse).
ZINGER, Avraham and his wife.
ZEMEL, Eyzik with his wife Bela and their children Berta, Lea and Roza.
ZENENZIV, [no given name] (Dr.) with his wife and two children.
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KHARASH, Yeshaya with his wife and their children.
KHALTSEL, [no given name] with his wife Malvina and their son Mietshislav.
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TAV, Berl with his wife and their children Zigi, Lilyan, and two daughters.
TAV, Moshe-Zalman with his wife and their two daughters.
TAEYN [tes-pasekh alef-ayen-yud-yud-nun], Berl and his family.
TEYN, Binyamin with his wife Sara and their children Motl and Leytsye.
TOYBER, Avraham with his wife Sheyndl and their children Sender and Khana.
TOYBER, Zalman with his wife Batya and their daughter Khentsye.
TOYBER, Yekhezkeil with his wife and their children.
TOYBER, Meir-Yosl with his wife and their children.
TOYBER, Mordkhay-Yoel with his wife and their children.
TOYBER, Shmuel with his wife and their children.
TOYBER, Khentsye-Rivka and her daughter Manye.
TOYBER, Moshe.
TEYTLBOYM, Zusye and her son Bunye.
TILINGER, Zunye with his wife and their children.
TIKER, Zindl wtih his wife and their children Yoel, Etl, Aharon-Itsik, Shekhna and Nakhum; their son Hersh with his wife and two children.
TIKER, Volf with his wife Libe and their daughter Feyge.
TREYBITSH, Frume and her children Rekhl, Mizye and Freyde.
TREYSTER, Mordkhay; this brother Yosl, his brother Berl and their sister Hentsye.
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YANKNER, Zelig and his wife Pesye.
YANKNER, Meshulam with his wife and their children.
YANKNER, Yekil with his wife Vitye and their children Davidye, Ruven, Dvora, Yente and Roza; their son Mordkhay-Itskhak with his wife and their children; their son Shepsil (Shabtil) with his wife Etye and their child.
YANKNER, Pinye with his wife Ester and their children Mendl, Yosl and Kheytsye.
YANKNER, Pinye with his wife Rivka and their children.
YANKNER, Moshe-Leyb.
YANKER, Pinye (from Horodnitse) and his children.
YUNGERMAN, Emanuel and his wife Gizela.
YURMAN, Mekhl with his wife and their children Yeshaya, Shlomo and others; their son Moshe with his wife and their children.
YURMAN, Meir-Yoel with his wife and their three children (one of them was named Aharon).
YURMAN, Meir with his wife Rivka and their children Munye and Yenkl.
YURMAN, Gedalya with his wife and their children Yosef and Rukhl.
YURMAN, Yidl with his wife Khaya-Rutsye and their children Kalman, Shmuel, Khaya-Lea, Feyge, Ite and Hersh.
YURMAN, Barukh and his family.
YEGER, Avraham with his wife Rivka and their children Miku (Shmuel) and Mosye.
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KOHEN [kof(khof?)-hey-nun], Aharon-David with his wife and their children.
KOHEN, Avraham and his wife.
KATS, Yisrael with his wife and their son Yosef; their son Itsik with his family; their son Hersh with his wife Mantsye and their child; their son Note with his family.
KATS, Yosef with his wife Dora and their daughter Rivka.
KATS, Beyle.
KATS, Pinkhas with his wife Toni and their children Shmarya and Rivka.
KATS, Leybtsye with his wife Batya and their children Feyge, Tsvi and David.
KATS, Berl with his wife and their children.
KATS, Khentsye [khes-nun-tsadek-yud-ayen].
KATS, Naftali with his wife and their children.
KATS, Mordkhay.
KATS, Binyamin ([tes-resh-vov-mem-beys-ayen-resh]).
KATVAN [kof-tof-veys-nun], Rukhl and her sister Etl.
KATVAN, Bela with her husband and their children Aharon and Khaya.
KATVAN, Yakov with his wife and their daughter Doro.
KATVAN, Miryam with her husband and their child Moshele.
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LAGSHTEYN, Volf with his wife Roza and their son Aharon (from Korniv).
LAGSHTEYN, Meshulam with his wife Sima and their son Perets [pey-resh-tsadek] (from Korniv).
LAGSHTEYN, Pesakh with his wife Olga and their daughter Eti (from Korniv).
LAGSHTEYN, Shlomo-Zalman (Dr. Zunye LAGSHTEYN) (from Korniv).
LADENHEYM, Yosl with his wife Feyge and their children Hersh, Leyzer, Itsi, and three other children; their son Barukh with his wife and children; their son Shalom with his wife.
LADENHEYM, Yeshaya with his wife and their children.
LOBISH, [no given name] with his wife and his mother.
LAZER, Davidye with his wife Shpira and their children Obadaya and Roza.
LATNER, Joseph, with his wife Hudiye and their children Yente and Yisrael; their son Khayim with his family.
LAM, Arye-Leybush, the thin, and his wife Perl (daughter of Herb Ashkenazi).
LAMPNER, Yisrael and his wife Royzl.
LAMPNER, Akiva with his wife and their children.
LAMPNER, Hersh-Kopl and his family (Kalman, Shprintsye and others).
LAMPNER, Gershon with his wife and children; their son Leyzer with his wife.
LASTER, Itsik with his family.
LASTER, Shmuel with his wife and their children, and his mother Reyzye.
LASTER, David with his family.
LASTER, Yenkl with his wife and their children.
LASTER, Gershon with his wife and their children.
LASTER, Yisrael, Barukh, Shmuel, Reyzl and Malkha.
LASTER, Alte and her children Shmuel, Brurya [beys-resh-vov-resh-yud-hey], Breyne and Toybe.
LASTER, Eydl, Henye, Sara, Freyde and Rukhl.
LOYTMAN, Moshe-Leyb with his wife Miryam and their son Note.
LOYTMAN, Leyb with his wife and their children; his brother Mekhel with his wife; their two sisters Leytsye and Mintsye.
LUFT, Yosl with his family.
LUFT, Freyde and her two daughters.
LIBMAN, Yokhanan with his wife and their children.
LIBMAN, Aba with his wife and their children Meir and Beynish.
LIBSTER, Yisrael and his family.
LIZER, Sabina and her daughter Blanka.
LITMAN, [no given name] and his family.
LIKHTENTAL, Volf and his wife Miryam.
LIKHTENTAL, Pinye and his family.
LIKHTENTAL, Yisrael and his family.
LIKHTENTAL, Etl and Khana-Toybe.
LIN, Shmuel with his wife Ester and their son Yakov.
LISER, Yosl with his wife Breyntsye and their children Mikhal and Dvora.
LISER, Kamial [kuf-mem-yud-alef-lamed] with his wife and their children Itsik-Eli, Yosl and Milek; their son Hersh with his family.
LISER, Breyntsye and her children: Shalom with his family; [yud-resh-khes-mem-yud-alef-lamed] with his family; Rukhl with her family.
LISER, Mendl and his wife Rivka.
LINDNER [no given name], with his wife Rukhl and their son Gershon.
LESTER, Barukh with his wife Feyge and their children David-Volf, Khana and Hilde.
LERER, Note with his family; his son Buzye with his family.
LERER, Meir with his wife Feyge (STAKHEL) and their children David, Volf and Khona.
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MAYER, Yona with his wife; their daughter Frume; their son Moshe with his family.
MOLER, Gedalya (death learned of in Bukhenvald).
MASLER, Moshe.
MOSBERG, Aharon and his family.
MOSBERG, Beynish and his family.
MOSBERG, Hersh and his family.
MOSBERG, Moshe and his family.
MOSBERG, Hudye and her daughter Sheyndl.
MOSBERG, Feybish and his family.
MOSBERG, Shmuel and his family.
MORGENBESER, Shlomo and his sons Yisrael and Mekhel.
MARKSHEYD, Khayim with his family.
MOSHKOVITSH, (the Reb) with his family.
MEYTE, the baker with her husband Pinye and their six children.
MEYNHART, Devora and her children Lea, Henye and Mikhael.
MILER, Moshe and his wife Zisl; their son Zerakh [zayn-resh-khes] with his wife Manye; their son Feyvl with his wife Bela and their son Menakhem.
MILER, Kalman with his wife.
MILER, Ite (wedding servant) and her son Obedaya.
MILER, Ruven with his wife.
MINTSER, [no given name] with his wife and their children Shlomo and Berl.
MELTSER, Eyzik with his wife Frume and their children Yeshaya, Shmarya, Rukhl, Etl and Ite; their son Yosl with his family; their son Kalman with his wife Rukhl.
MELTSER, Moshe with his family.
MERBOYM, Yosl with his family.
MERBOYM, Barukh with his family.
MARGOLYOT, Elyakim with his family.
MARGOLYOT, Moshe with his sons Mendl and Avraham.
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NAGLER, Yisrael with his wife Tsipura and their two sons.
NAFE, Moshe with his wife and their son Khayim.
NORD, Henrika and her son Yakov.
NUDELMAN, Tsvi-Hersh with his wife Ratse and her children Mendl, Dobrish and Lea; their daughter Yeti with her husband Moshe GRINDLINGER and their children Meir and Milka (from Chernelitse).
NUDELMAN, Etya (wife of Yehoshua NUDELMAN) with her children Ester and Freyde.
NUDELMAN, Barukh with his wife Gitl and their two children (from Chernelitse).
NUDELMAN-HERMAN, Roze with her son Mordkhay (from Chernelitse).
NEYGISER, Moshe-Manes.
NEYMAN, Moshe with his wife and their two children.
NEYMAN, Voltsye with his family.
NEYMAN, Kopl with his wife and two chidren.
NEYMAN, Heynikh with his wife and their three children.
NEYMAN, Zalman with his wife.
NEYMAN, Peysye and his four children.
NEYMAN, Resya.
NEYMAN, Shaul with his wife and their child.
NEYMAN, Shlomo with his wife Nekhe and their two sons.
NIKER, Heynrikh with his wife.
NIKER, Sara and her daughter Gitl.
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SOBEL, Motye with his wife Khaya-Rivka and their daughter Manye; their son Volf with his family.
SOBEL, Yehuda-Hersh with his wife Kreyntsye and their children Yisrael and others; his brother Itsik with his family; their sister Babtsye with her family.
SOBEL, Yosef with his family.
SALPETER, Elimelekh with his wife Feygtsye and their children Shalom, David and Khaya.
SHMUEL, [no given name - probably this is the given name and the surname is missing] and his two children Munye and Tsonye [tsadek-vov-yud-ayen].
STRIZOVER, Shmuel and his daughter Etl.
SUKHER, Motye with his wife Rukhl and their children Tsvi and Khana; their daughter Gitl with her husband Meir EYZENKROFT and their child Yosef.
SUKHER, Yisrael with his wife and their child.
SUKHER, Zalman with his family.
SKULER, Aharon-David with his family.
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EDELSHTEYN, Motl and his wife Matl; their daughter Dora with her husban and two children; their son Yakov with his wife Miryam and their son Arye.
EDELSHTEYN, Rivka and her children Teme and Milek.
ELSTER, Avraham-Itsi and his children Ratsye and Shmuel.
EMZIG, Yakov with his wife Nekhe and their daughter Misya.
ENGELBERG, David and his wife Sheyndl.
ESNER, Shmuel with his wife Tsviya and their children Shlomo and Tsvi.
ESENFELD, Shlomo and his family.
EKHOYZ, Gedalya with his wife Khaya and their son Yehuda.
EKHOYZ, Eliyahu with his wife Sara and their children Shlomo, Tsvi and Yisrael.
EKHOYZ, Sara, Yakov and Avraham.
EKHOYZ, Eli with his wife Shlime [shin-lamed-yud-mem-ayen] and two children.
EKERLING, Feyge with her husband and their children.
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PODVISAKER, Hershl and his wife; his son Itsik-Eli with his family.
PODVISAKER, Moshe and his wife Gitl.
PASVIG, Rukhl.
PALGER, Khayim-Yakov with his wife Hentsye and their son Yekhiel.
PALGER, Aharon with his wife Rukhl and his children Herthye and Yekhiel.
FEYER, Zalman-Hersh and his children Sosye and Motl; his son Rekhamiel [resh-khes-mem-yud-alef-lamed] with his family; his daughter Khana with her family; his son Yenkl with his wife Toybe-Khana and their children.
FEYER, Yosl with his wife and their children.
FEYER, Shlomo with his wife Menye and their children Kalman, Berl and Rukhl.
FEYER, Shmuel and his two sisters.
FEYER, Shalom with his wife and their children.
FEYER, Malkha.
FEYER, Efraim.
FEYER, Yosef and his daughter.
FEYER, Feyvl.
FEYER, Khaya-Henye.
FINK, Mendl.
FINK, Meir with his family.
FINK, Rukhl, FINK Efraim and FINK Libe (Shalom-Hersh FINK's children).
FILFL, Khaya and Blume.
PILFL, Volye with his wife Elke and their children.
PILFL, Khaya and Hudl.
PILFL, Mekhl and his sister Lonye.
PILFL, Shimon and his wife Eydele.
PILFL, Morits and his wife Zshenya.
PILFL, Pesil.
PITSYE, [no given name].
FLOR, Moshe with his family.
FLOR, Fani.
FLIGLER, Yakov with his wife Sheyndl; their son Hertsl with his family; their son Leyzer with his family.
FLIGLER, Itsi and his wife Mizye.
FLIGLER, Natan with his wife Tsipura and their children Binyamin, Khayim, Shmuel and Sara.
FLESHNER, Ezreal with his wife Mantsye; their son Khayim with his wife Lea and their son Eyzik.
FENSTER, Todres with his wife and their children.
FENSTER, Motye with his wife; thier daughter Kheytsye with her family; their son Yidl with his family.
FETNER, Avraham-Aharon with his wife Malkha.
FETNER, Mekhl with his wife and their children.
FETNER, Leyb with his wife Sheyndl (PODVISOKER) and their children.
FETNER, Alter with his wife Etl and their children Brukha and Mizye.
FETNER, Efraim with his family.
FETNER, Gimfl [giml-yud-mem-fey(pey?)-lamed] with his wife and seven children.
FETNER, Avraham with his wife and their children.
FETNER, Mendl with his family.
FETNER, Moshe with his family.
PERLMAN, Lipe with his wife Kheytsye and their children Gimfl [giml-yud-mem-fey(pey?)-lamed] and Shlomo, and another son.
PERLMAN, Yosl with his wife and their children.
PERLMAN, Kamial [kuf-mem-yud-alef-lamed] with his family.
PERLMAN, Kotsye with his family.
FRIKH, Eyzik with his wife Golde and their children Sheyndl and Meir.
FRIKHMAN, Davidik with his wife Gitsye.
FRIKHMAN, Davidik with wis wife and their children Vove and Shmeya [shin-mem-ayen-yud-hey].
FRIKHMAN, Beynish and his children Motye and Shikale.
FRIDMAN, Volf with his wife; their son Moshe with his family.
FRIDMAN, Leybish with his family.
FRIDMAN, Mekhale and his daughter.
FRIDMAN, Mendl and his sisters: Vitye, Mintsye, Elke and Basye (Batya).
FRIDMAN, Nusye (Natan) with his family.
FRIDMAN, Note with his wife Kheytsye and their children.
FRIDMAN, Sime-Khaya; her son Leyb with his family; her daughter Yakhe with her family; her daughter Babtsye with her family.
FRIDMAN, Yenkl (son of Moshe-Leyb, [giml-ayen-hey-resh-giml-ayen-tes] discovered in the Buchenwald camp).
FRIDFERTIG, Shmuel with his wife Ester-Khana and their children Mekhl and Toni.
FRIDFERTIG, Itsi with his family.
FRIDFERTIG, Khayim-Shaul with his family.
FRIDFERTIK, Rive with her family.
FRIMAS, [no given name].
FREYER, Reyzl and her son Itye and daughter.
FREYER, Hersh and his family.
FREYER, Elishe [alef-lamed-yud-shin-ayen] and his family.
FREYER, Khayim and his family.
FREYER, Milek and his family.
FREYER, Breyntsye with her husband and their children Miryam, Etl, Golde, Volf-Moshe and Ester.
PRIFER, Avraham-Leyb with his wife Shprintsye and their children Hersh and Miryam.
PRIFER, Aharon with his family.
PRIFER, Barukh with his wife Reyzye and their children Freyde, Etye, Khana, Rivka and Itsik-Leyb.
PRIFER, Hersh with his wife Freyde and their daughter Nemi.
PRIFER, Hersh-Leyb with his wife Sheyndl and their children Reyzye, Fani and Mendl.
PRIFER, Yosl with his wife Shibe and their children Ruven Leyb [no hyphen or comma], Miryam and Gitl.
PRIFER, Yenkl with his wife Sara and their daughter Golde.
PRIFER, Yisrael and his children Barukh and Yekhezkiel.
PRIFER, Yirukhem [yud-reysh-vov-khes-mem] with his wife Khana.
PRIFER, Mikhael with his wife Kreyntsye and their children Shmuel, Ruven, Lea, Miryam, Rosa and Hinde.
PRIFER, Geyge with her family.
PRIFER, Ruven with his wife Rosa.
PRIFER, Shaya with his wife Sosye and their son Avraham.
PRIFER, Zev (Chernelitse).
FRISHLING, Avraham with his wife Slove.
FRISHLING, David with his wife Rukhl.
FRISHLING, Zalman with his wife Sara.
FRISHLING, Khayim-Volf with his wife Khaya-Tzvia and their son Leyzer.
FRISHLING, Yosl with his wife Frida.
FRISHLING, Yisrael-Itsik with his wife Feyge and their children Mendl, Kune (Alkuna [alef-lamed-kuf-nun-hey]), Munye, and Hersh.
FRISHLING, Meir with his wife Rivka (lost in Buchenwald).
FRISCHLING, Mendl with his wife and their children Schlomo and Etl.
FRISCHLING, Moshe with his wife Rukhl and their children Yisrael and Mizye.
FRISCHLING, Slove and her daughter Rukhl.
FRISCHLING, Shmuel with his wife and their daughter Loti with her husband (GILZON).
FRENKL, Levi [lamed-vov-yud] with his wife and their children (Dusye and others).
FRENKEL, Adolf with his wife Lea and their children Zalka and Yulek.
FRESHL, Kamial [kuf-mem-yud-alef-lamed] and his family.
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TSOYDERER, David and his children Geyge, Munye and Bubi.
TSOYDERER, Khana and her children Aharon and David.
TSUMER, Yitskhak Leyb with his wife and their children.
TSUMER, Miryam and her son Leyb.
TSUMER, Yisrael Meir; his son Pinye with his wife Sarah'tsye [shin-resh-hey'tsadek-yud-ayen] and three children.
TSUMER, Pinye and Ester.
TSUKEL, Avraham-Ber with his wife Khaya (from Korniv).
TSVENGLER, Meir with his wife and their children Yosef, Etl and Roza.
TSIN, Moshe with his wife Elke and their daughter Sara (Vaser); their son Yitskhak with his wife Tsila.
TSIFERBLAT, Leyzer with his wife and their children.
TSIFERBLAT, Gerl with his wife and their children.
TSIFERBLAT, Mekhl with his wife and their children.
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KOHEN, Yosef with his wife.
KOHEN, David (Dr. KOHEN) with his family.
KOVAL, Fishl with his wife Ester; their son Shimon with his wife Freyde and their children.
KOVAL, Meir with his wiefe Khana and their children.
KOVAL, Shmuel-David and his children Roza, Freyde, Sara and Breyntsye.
KOKH, Hilel with his wife Sara and their son Menakhem-Mendl (Emanuel).
KOKH, Beynish with his wife Sheyndl and their son Menakhem-Mendl (Emanuel).
KOKH, Berl with his wife and their children.
KOKH, Yokhanan with his wife Sara; their son Meir with his family; their son Shmerl with his family.
KOKH, Zlate.
KOKH, Moshe with his wife.
KOKH, Nosye (Natan) with his wife and their daughter Miryam; their son Fishl with his family; their son Berl with his family.
KOKH, Shlomo-Yoel with his wife and their children.
KOKH, Shaya with his wife Ratse and their son Yidale; their son Leybele with his family; their son Itsik with his family; their son Nakhman with his family; their son Yosef with his family.
KOKH, Leybele with his wiefe Feyge (from Tshernyatin).
KALMUS, Hersh-Leyb; his son Todres with his family; his son Mekhl with his family.
KALMUS, Moshe with his wife Roza and their daughter Ruzshke.
KALMUS, Yenkl with his family.
KALMUS, Aba-Itsi with his family.
KALMUS, Natan with his family.
KAMIL, Leybke with his wife Sara and their daughter Khana.
KAMIL, Zeyde with his wife Libe and their son Moshe.
KAMIL, Mekhl with his wife Sara.
KAMIL, Moshke with his wife and their children.
KAMIL, Zalman with his wiefe and their children.
KAMIL, Mendl-Noakh with his wife Reyzl and their children Golde, Vitsye and Yetke.
KANAFAS, Gustav.
KANTOR, Hersh with his wife.
KOSER, Yenkl with his wife and their daughter Nora.
KOSER, Leyb with his wife Gitl and their son Munye; their daughter Nora with her husband Dr. LISER and their child.
KOP, Todres with his family.
KOP, Mendl with his family.
KOP, Shlomo with his family.
KOFLER, Heynikh with his wife Hentsye and their children Malkha, Vitye, Feyge, Yosef, Aharon and Itsik; their son Yakov with his wife and their children; their son Shimon with his wife and their two children.
KARMIN, Feybish, his daughter hanula and his son Yosef (from Korniv).
KORN, Itsi with his wife and their daughter Sosye.
KORN, Binyamin, with his wife and their children: Tuvya, Shlomo, Yedidya, Hilel, and two other children.
KORN, Leybele with his wife.
KORNER, Mendl with his wife and their children.
KARP, Ruven with his wife Etl and their daughter Tsipura; their son Moshe with his family.
KUGLER, Eyzik with his wife and their children Elyokim, Avraham and others.
KUGLER, Yisrael with his wife Masha and their daughter Miryam.
KUGLER, Yosef with his wife Rukhl.
KUGLER, Naftali with his son Leyb.
KUGELMAT, Eyzik with his wife and their children (Yosef and others).
KUGELMAS, Yisrael and his wife Sara; their son Leyzer-Itsik with his family; their son Yehuda with his wife Etye; their daughter (name unknown).
KUGELMAS, Yehuda with wife Etye and their children Meir and Shimon.
KUGELMAS, Leyzer-Itsik with his wife Malkha and their children Yisrael, Eli and Khana.
KUGELMAS, Shmarya with his wife Mintsye; their daughter Tontsye and their son Avraham.
KUGELMAS, Avraham with his wife and their son Mendl.
KUGELMAS, Hersh with his wife Perl and their children Yakov and Yosef; their son Avraham with his family; their son Shikl with his family, their daughter Toybe with her family.
KUGELMAS, Shlomo with his wife Golde and their children Binyamin and Shimon-Avraham; their son Yosi with his family; their daughter Sosye with her family.
KVETSHER, Khano-Itsik with his wife Rivka.
KVETSHER, Shimon with his wife and their children.
KOYFMAN,Fishl with his wife Lea and their children Herman, Lena, Yezshik and Erikh.
KUPFERMAN, Itsi with his wife Khaya.
KUPFERMAN, Berl with his wife Manye and their children Efraim, Zelde, Yehuda, Zime [zayn-yud-alef-mem-ayen], Shlomo and Lea.
KUPFERSHMID, Hersh with his wife.
KUPFERSHMID, Berl with his wiefe; their son Efraim with his family; their son Shlomo with his family.
KIHL, Yidl and his children Khayim, Sara, Manye and Moshe.
KIHL, Pinkhas with his wife Babtsye and their son Motye.
KIHL, Kreyndl; her son Zelig with his family; her son Dolye with his family.
KIMEL, Berl with his family.
KIMEL, Henikh with his family.
KIMEL, Vove and his children: Fishl, Zeyde, and others.
KIMELMAN (the widow); her son Yehuda with his family; her son Yisrael with his family.
KIRSHNER, Yoel with his wife and their children; their son Mendl with his family.
KLIR, Eyber [alef-yud-yud-beys(veys?)-ayen-resh] and his children Yakov, Babtsye and Rukhl.
KNOBL, Shimon with his family.
KNOBLER, Hersh and his wife Hentsye.
KNOBLER, Itsi with his family.
KNOBLER, Davidye with his family.
KELMAN, Yehuda.
KRAMER, Itskhak with his wife Khaya and their children Zelig and Pinye.
KRAMER, Yisrael with his wiefe Royze and their children Shlomo and Zelig.
KRON, Ozer [ayen-vov-zayn-resh] with his wife Khana and their children Leyb, Shmuel, Shpira, and Fridzye.
KRON, Royze.
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ROZENBOYM, Akiva with his wife Dina and their son Tsvi.
ROZENBOYM, Aharon-Hersh with his wife Tsipura.
ROZENBOYM, Eli-Mekhl with his wife and two children.
ROZENBOYM, Yehoshua with his family.
ROZENBOYM, Shikl with his mother and his sister.
ROZENBOYM, Binyamin with his wife Khana and their children Toybe and Mina.
ROZEBLAT, Yeshaya with his wife Libe and their children Tsvi (Hersh) and Yehuda.
ROSENHEK, Herman with his wife and five children.
ROSENFELD, Avraham with his wife Yente and their son Yosef.
ROSENFELD, Mordkhay-Leyb with his wife and their children Yisrael, Rukhl and others.
ROSENFELD, Yisrael with his wife Yente and their children Yosef and Avraham.
ROZENKRANTS, Itsi with his family.
ROZENKRANTS, Itsik with his wife Khaya and their children Khayim, Gusta, Roza, Yirukhem [yud-reysh-vov-khes-mem], Eftsi [ayen-fey(pey?)-tsadek-yud], and Yekel; their son Mendl with his family; their son Shimon with his family.
ROZENKRANTS, Binyamin with his wife.
ROZENKRANTS, Feyvl with his wife and their children Aharon and Bube.
ROZENKRANTS, Zalman, his sister and his family.
ROZENKRANTS, Leyzer and his mother.
ROZENKRANTS, Yosef and ROZENKRANTS, Blume (relatives of Moshe SHUKHNER).
ROSENSHTOK, Khana-Miryam.
RAT, Yakov with his wife Rukhl-Lea and their children.
RAT, Shimon with his wife Toybe and their children.
ROTMAN, Yehoshua and his children Yosef, Noakh, Mendl, Rukhl, Frida and Dvora.
ROTMAN, Etl and her children Khava, Sara and Barukh.
ROTMAN, Reyzye and her children Melekh and Leyb.
RAMER, Yosef with his wife Bronye and their children (Eli and others).
RUBEL, Edvard with his wife Gusta (from Korniv).
RUBEL, Ernestina (from Korniv).
RUGENDARF, Moshe and his children Reyzye and Yente.
RUGENDARF, Yosl and his wife Yeti.
RUGENDARF, Siome with his family.
RUGENDARF, [no given name] with his family: Kheytsye, Yente and Dolye.
RUGENDORF, Mordkhay-Itsik with his family.
ROYKHVERGER, Hersh-Kopl with his family.
ROYKHVERGER, Yukhbad [yud-vov-khes-beys-daled] and her sons David and Yehuda; her daughter Rivka with her husband Tsvi SHERF and their child Nekhe.
ROYKHVERGER, Yakov and his wife Khaya.
ROYKHVERGER, Yisrael with his wife; their son Hersh-Kopl with his family.
ROYKHVERGER, Lea, Zlate, Ite and Yosef (sister and brother).
RUM, Volf with his wife Hudl and their children.
REYTER, Mordkhay-Yoel with his wife and their children.
REYTER, Avraham with his wife and their daughter.
REYTER, Shmuel with his wife and their daughter.
REYTER, Mordkhay with his wife Rivka (from Korniv).
REYKHMAN, Anshl with his wife Hinde; their son Michael with his wife Mintsye; their son Yosef-Hersh with his wife Sime and their children Freyde, Berish and Itsye; their son Berish with his wife Dusye and their children Ronye and Tsvi; their son Aba with his wife.
REYKHMAN, Binyamin with his wife Freyde, their son Berish and their daughter Tsipre; their daughter Kheytsye with her family.
REYKHMAN, Freyde with her family.
REYKHMAN, Samuel (Shmuel) with his children Munye and Sonye.
REYS, Eliyahu with his wife Sheyndl and their children Yakov, Khava and Etl.
REYS, Alter with his wife Frume-Hentsye.
REYS, Zeyde with hi swife Gitl.
REYS, Zigmund with his wife Gizela and their children Yosef, Genia and Aharon.
REYS, Leytsye and her two daughters.
REYS, Mendl with his wife Freyde; their son Fishl with his wife and their children; their son Mekhl with his wife; their son Ruvn with his family.
REYS, Mendl with his wife Khava and their son Shmarya.
REYS, Mendl with his wife Milkha and their children Mekhl, Tsipa, Leyzer and Feyge.
REYS, Nekhamia with his wife and their children.
REYS, Shlomo with his wife Mina and their children Eliezer, Khava, Tsila, Blume and Moshe.
REYS, Shmarya and his children Mendl, Meir, Khaya and Libe.
REYF, Sime and her children Khayim-Hersh, Sara, Rom-Tov and Fishl.
REYF, Ben-Tsion with his wife and their son Maks.
REYF, Heynikh with his wife Golde and their children.
RIKHTER, Yoel with his wife Toybe.
RIKHTER, Moshe with his wife Toybe.
RINDENOY, Zelig-Meir with his wife Golde and their children.
RINDENOY, Berl and his sister.
RINDENOY, [no given name] and his family (from Chernelitse).
REGENBOYGEN, Yitskhak-Wolf with his wife.
RESH, Khayim with his family.
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SHATSBERGER, Note with his wife Golde.
SHATSBERGER, Gitl and her family.
SHATSBERGER, Ester and her family.
SHOR, Kalman and his children Natan and Dago; his son Aharon wtih his wife.
SHOR, Meir with his family.
SHOR, Miryam (the widow of Sholma-Avraham SHOR).
SHOR, Aharon-Moshe with his wife Roza.
SHOR, Feyge with her husband Advocate [a lawyer's title] HOYZKNEKHT.
SHARPSHTEYN, Shlomo with his wife Babtsye and their children Genya, Izio [alef-yud-zayn-yud-komets alef] and Eliezer.
SHVAKH, Itsi with his family.
SHVAKH, Kopl with his family.
SHVAKH, Leybl with his family.
SHVAKH, Moshe-Mendl and his children Shmuel, Mordkhay, Shikl, Kopl, Gitl, Frume and Shlomo.
SHVARTZ, Elimelkh with his family.
SHVARTZ, Miryam-Beyle with her family.
SHVARTZ, Shmuel with his wife and their son Avraham.
SHVARTSFELD, Yakov with his wife Klara and his two sisters.
SHVARTSKOPF, Shikl with his wife and their six children.
SHVEYGER, Motye with his wife and their daughter Nekhe; their son Yehoshua with his wife and their children.
SHVEYGER, Lea and her son Itzi.
SHVEYGER, Yisrael with his wife and their children.
SHOYDERER, David and his five children.
SHVIMER, David with his wife Feyge (from Korniv).
SHUKHNER, Vove with his wife Yente (daughter of Hadin) and their children Tsvi, Miki and Feybish.
SHUKHNER, Pinye with his wife and their two children.
SHUKHNER, Moshe with his wife and two children.
SHUKHNER, Bum and his family.
SHUKHNER, Milek and his family.
SHUKHNER, Zarakh and his family.
SHUKHNER, Aba with his wife and their three children.
SHUKHNER, Zeyde with his family.
SHUKHNER, Zindl with his wife Sarah and their children Yeti and Velvl.
SHUKHNER, Zalman-Leyb with his wife and their children.
SHUKHNER, Yehoshua with his wife.
SHUMER, Yakov with his wife Rosa and their four children (from Chernelitse).
SHTORPER, Yosef with his family.
SHTARK, Munish with his wife and their three children.
SHTIGLITS, Shlomo with his wife and their children; their son Mendl with his family.
SHTEYNER, Khana; her son Yehuda with his wife Gitl and their chilfren Itsik and Yirukhem [yud-reysh-vov-khes-mem].
SHTEYNKOYL, Freyde and her children Sara and Simkha.
SHTEYERMAN, Avromtsye with his wife Mintsye and their two children.
SHTENDIG, Avraham with his wife Etl and their sons Obadaya [ayen-vov-beys-daled-yud-hey] and Dolek (from Korniv).
SHTERN, Mayer with his wife; their son Avraham with his family.
SHTERN, Mendl with his wife Alte.
SHTRAUCH [shin-tes-reysh-alef-vov-khes], Alter with his wife Batya.
SHTRUM, Moshe.
SHTRUM, Hersh-Leyb with his wife Khava and their children Yosef, Dudye Aharon, Vitye, Zosye and Itsik.
SHTREYT, Shlomo; his son Asher with his wife Bronye and their children Hersh and David; his daughter Sara with her husband Aba NAGLER; his daughter Feyge with her husband Shmuel DINES and their two children Meytale and Khanele.
SHTREYFLER, Shlomo and his two children.
SHEYNBLUM, [no given name] with his family.
SHINDLER, Yente and her children Khana, Yehudit and Lipa.
SHIFTER, Moshe and his family.
SHITS, Hersh-Leyb and his daughter Pepi; his son Eyber with his wife Fridzye and their child.
SHITS, Hersh-Leyb with his wife and their children Ruvn and Fride.
SHITS, Pinye with his wife and their children Yakov, Mendl and Ruvn.
SHIKLER, [no given name] with his family.
SHLAM, Hersh with his wife Khaya and their children Yehoshua, Avraham, Tsipura, Rukhl, Lea and Sosye.
SHLAM, Etl with her husband Yosi VEYSMAN and their children Bina, Yehoshua and Tsipura.
SHLOSER, Moshe with his family.
SHMERHOLTS, Hersh with his wife Khana-Lea and their daughter Roza; their son Mikhael with his family.
SHMERHOLTS, Zeyde with his wife Zelde and their children Tsharne, Hudl and Pesye.
SHMERHOLTS, Itsi-Mayer with his family.
SHNEYD, Mayer with his wife Gutsa and their children Mina, Yehudit and Batya; Their daughter Pnina with her husband Volf KOD (from Chernelitse).
SHNEYD, Lea (from Chernelitse).
SHNEYD, Shavl [shin-alef-vov-lamed] (from Chernelitse).
SHNEYD, Salomon (from Chernelitse).
SHNEYDER, Leyzer (Dr. SCHNEYDER) with his wife Sabina and their daughter Blanka.
SHNEYDERMAN, Yisrael with his wife Reyzl and their son Hertsl; their daughter Freyde with her family; their son Avraham with his wife Buzye and their children.
SHNITSER, Khayim; his son Meshulam with his wife Rukhl and their children Sara and Ester; his son Moshe with his wife Etl and their children Avraham and Sara; his daughter Kheyke (the widow of Simkha SHNITSER) and her children Mordkhay-Zev, Rivka-Nekhe, Khava, Elimelekh and Yehuda; SHNITSER, Henits (daughter of Simkha SHNITSER).
SHNITSER, Yehoshua-Hersh with his wife Maltsye and their children Toni, Moshe, Pepi, Lea and Aba; their son Leyb with his wife Bronye and their children.
SHNITSER, Avner with his wife; their son Aba with his family.
SHNITSER, Avner with his wife Leytsye and their son Aba and a daughter.
SHEKHTER, Antshl with his wife and their children David, Shimon and Shoshana.
SHEKHTER, Nutsye (Itsi) with his wife Malkha (SHLAM) and their children (Tsipura and two other children).
SHEKHTER, Hersh with his wife Gitl and their children Note and Mordkhay.
SHEKHTER, Velvl with his wife and their three daughters.
SHEKHTER, Mayer with his wife Pepi.
SHEKHTER, Yidl with his wife and their children (Rukhl and others).
SHEKHTER, Note with his wife Yente and their children.
SHEKHTER, Moshe with his wife.
SHEKHTER, Mayer with his wife Eda.
SHEKHTER, Yidl with his wife and their daughter Mintsye.
SHEKHTER, (the Engineer) with his family.
SHEKHTER, (from the lumber-yard) with his family.
SHEKHNER, Motl with his family.
SHERER, Gaula [giml-alef-vov-lamed-hey] with her son Maks.
SHERF, Hersh with his wife Rivka and their child.
SHERF, Yosef with his wife and their two children; their son Mayer with his wife Hentsye and their two children.
SHERF, Yakov with his wife Malkha and their daughters Ite [alef-yud-tes-ayen] and Rivka.
SHERTSER, Moshe-Hersh with his wife and two children.
SHERTSER, Davidye-Leyzer with his family.
SHERTSER, Shimon with his family.
SHERTSER, Feyge with her family.
SHERTSER, Roza with her family.
SHERTSER, Heytsye with her family.
SHERTSER, Mayer with his family.
SHERTSER, Rivka with her son Meshulam and her daughter Freyde.
SHERTSER, Meshulam with his wife Etl and their children Yosef and Hesye (Hersh).
SHERTSER, Leyzer with his wife Ite and their children Khana and Leytsye.
SHPAN, Shmuel with his family.
SHPORN, Rukhl (née PODVISOKER) and her two children.
SHPUND, Motye with his family.
SHPUND, Ite with her family.
SHPUND, Hersh with his wife Sara and their children Yisrael, Moshe, Yidl and Vili.
SHPIGLER, Yosef with his wife and their children Tsurtsye and Khava.
SHPIGLER, [no given name] with his family.
SHPIGLER, Yisrael with his family.
SHPIRA, Shmuel with his wife Ite; their daughter Rukhl with her husband Yosef KUGLER and their children Mayer and Feyge.
SHPIRA, Yisrael (son of [hey-daled-yud-yud-nun]).
SHPIRA-TSIMER, Feyge (daughter of [hey-daled-yud-yud-nun]) with her daughter Ester.
SHPIRER, Berl with his wife.
SHPIRER, Ronye with her daughter Khana; her son David with his wife Nekhe and their two children; her son Yosl with his wife Malkha and their children Etl, Aharon, Yitskhak, Dvura and Khana; her son Moshe-Mekhl with his wife Dvura and their son Mendl.
SHPIRER, Aharon.
SHPIRER, Benyamin with his wife Freyde and their son Khayim.
SHPIRER, Davidik with his family.
SHPIRER, Moshe-Mendl with his family.
SHPIRER, Shmuel with his wife Yente.
SHPIRER, Zalman with his family.
SHPIRER, Leybtsye with his wife and three children.
SHPIRER, Yosl-Itsik with his wife and their daughter Vitye.
SHPIRER, Hersh-Mendl with his family.
SHPIRER, David with his wife Yente.
SHPIRER, two sisters.
SHREYER, Todres with his wife Sabina and their son Shikl.
SHREYER, Hersh with his family.
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TALMUD, Malkha and her children.
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