Jews in Glinyany
(Glinyany, Ukraine)

49°49' / 24°31'

From Історія Глинян

Written by: Bohdan Woloshyn

Edited by: Tetyana Yastermska

Published by the Information Center of Halychyna “Halstar”, 2004



Project Coordinator

Joseph Hirschfield


Marta Baczynsky


This is from Історія Глинян (Jews in Glinyany), Written by Bohdan Woloshyn,
Edited by: Tetyana Yastermska, Published by the Information Center of Halychyna “Halstar”, Lviv, 2004

Our sincere appreciation to Dr. Bohdan Woloshyn
for the submission of the necrologies for placement on the JewishGen web site.

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Our mission is to produce a translation of the original work and we cannot verify the accuracy of statements or alter facts cited.

The A. Schwartz International Center “Holocaust”

Bohdan Woloshyn






Lviv – 2004


Published under the patronage
of the Dr. A. Schwartz International Holocaust Center
and the E. Domberger
Lviv Regional Charitable Organization B'nai Brith “Leopolis”



Jews in Glinyany
Pictures from the book
Pictures of Glinyany as it is today

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Contact person for this translation Joseph Hirschfield
This web page created by Lance Ackerfeld

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Updated 19 Dec 2008 by LA