[Page 184]
Gline was the cultural center for Jews from the surrounding villages and a few small towns. The village Jews would come to Gline to visit the rebbe and submit their requests for his help for issues relating to their livelihood, problems with their children, health and arranged marriages. Jewish girls engaged to be married would have their wedding dresses made in Gline. Wealthy village Jews would bring the tailors out to their homes and make the dresses there. The local settlers would also bring out teachers for their children; they also either took their animals and fowl to be slaughtered by ritual slaughterers in Gline, or brought the slaughterer home for a day. All women's halachic questions and rabbinical court cases would be brought to the rabbi of Gline, and village Jews would also bury their dead in the Gline Jewish cemetery. Almost all village Jews would travel to Gline with their families for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur and stay with relatives and friends in order to celebrate the holydays together with the Jews of Gline.
In times of trouble, when village Jews were scared to stay in their villages because of death threats, they preferred going to Gline, since, as the saying goes: If you have to die, it's better to die among Jews. The Jews in Gline took them in with open arms, and everyone thereby got through the difficult times. This was how it was until the Holocaust.
Some of the villages mentioned
below are closer to other towns than to Gline, but because they had more
contact with Gline, we are listing them too.
Jewish families and villages
near Gline:
Tshenov: Chaim Tshenover and his children. He had a mill and was a businessman.
Poltva: There were 8 families. They had an inn, mill and were in business with the local gentiles.
Kitker: 16 families, almost all of them were poor.
Bezbered: 16 families. The children of Toybe the Bezbereder leased land, and the rest of the Jews earn their living from them.
Zodvaortcha: 10 families. Some were in business, and some made their living from the train station.
Polonitsh: 5 families. They earned their living from R. Meir Polonitsher. When he lost his wealth, the Jews started doing business with the gentiles in the village.
Bogdanevka: Aharon and his son were in the horse business.
Loshek: 7 families. They lived off of their inn and business.
Tcharovnik: 10 families. They did business with the gentiles in the village.
Herminiov: 6 families. They were in the horse business.
Fernoyev: 4 families. They barely made ends meet from the inn and side businesses.
Korvitch: 6 families. All the Jews were poor, except for R. Shmuel Korovitcher (Erlich).
Bordkov: 8 families. There were two inns. They did business with village gentiles.
Perlovka: 6 families. They earned their living in the village.
Rezvoren: 5 families. One was a milkman, one had an inn, one had fields, and two were in business.
Bolutschin: 6 families. All were in business in the village.
Polechov: 7 families. In business with the village gentiles, and sold horses and milk products.
Koshets: Yankel Koshetser had many fields and lived well.
Vizshlan: 6 families. Yitzchak Wieslanner, Hirsh, Moshe Pinchas, Leibush and Godel Wieslanner had lived in the village for approximately 150 years and had a good living.
Solovia: 10 families. In the horse business, some did business in the village.
Podheitshika: 18 families. Field workers. Horse traders and road contractors (they built and fixed the roads).
Chonitshov: 40 families. Almost a small town.
Yochtorov: 10 families. 2 were tenants, 1 was in the milk business. The rest did business with anything they could find.
Sloviet: 12 families. Involved in earning a living in the village. Yehoshua Slovieter and his son Itsha were scholars.
Lodov: 12 families. Were in the orchard business, gardeners and horse traders.
Frochides: 6 families. In 1897 the land tenant's wife and 3 children and old parents were murdered. The murder traumatized the entire region. The murderer was never found.
In those days, many young people went off to study in Lemberg. Most of the first students who completed the first four classes at the Baron Hirsch School were artisans, and a couple went to study in Lemberg. Later many students at the Hirsch school went to high school [gymnazia] and university. A large percentage of them were children of artisans and managers of small inns for example, the children of Hillel Pinneles, Moshe Fogelfanger, Dr. Lindenbaum, David Zenenzieb, Shlomo Unger, Yaakov Roth, Feivel Roth, Mendel (Becker) Borrer, Notta Rosentsal, Leib Shulman, Yosef Mordechai Leinwand, Yechezkel Hecht, Zindler, Moshe Kopel and others.
Aharon Rubentsal was one of the first Gline Jews who sent his son (David) to Lemberg to study in high school. This was in 1904. David Rubentsal later became the religion teacher at the Lemberg High School, and also the administrator of the Jewish orphanage in Lemberg. He was a famous Zionist leader, and one of the distinguished leaders of the community.
In 1905, under Aharon Rubentsal's influence, Yankel Stricker (Yankel Mantsher) and Pinchas Mehlman's children were sent to Lemberg to study at the high school. Avramtse Stricker, Yankel's son, and Chaim Yoel Mehlman, son of Pinchas Mehlman, were the first Gline Jews to study medicine.
Moshele Stamm (Moshele Marsholok) was among the first Jews in Gline to send his son (Leizer) to study in high school. Leizer graduated as a medical doctor, and moved to Palestine before World War I.
At the same time, Rabbi Meir Shapira and his group of Agudath Israel didn't sit with their arms folded. They promoted extensive activity in the religious administration and religious educational institutions in town. Rabbi Shapira established an association of Torah-observant residents in Gline, and made a major effort to close down the Baron Hirsch School so that Jewish children could devote all their time to studying in the religious elementary schools. This caused disputes between the Zionists and the Agudists. Under the leadership of Ephraim Katz, Zionists R. Karkiss, Hillel Pineles, Shlomo Unger, Gershon Mehlman, Dr. Tennenbaum and the lectures and intervention of Motik Halpern (Mordechai, son of Yechezkel) were effective against Rabbi Shapira's opposition to the school. On more than one occasion there were harsh words and shouting against the rabbi and his followers.
This is how life and events were right up until the outbreak of World War I.
Sholom, son of Moshe Pinchas
Chaya, daughter of Yaakov
Chaim Yoel Mehlman
Schechter (Fogelfanger) and her son and husband.
Their Souls Be Bound Among The Living
Parents: Naftali, son of Zvi Hirsh, Rubentsal
Chaya Beila
Brother: Mortre [Mordechai]
Sister: Pessel
May Their Souls Be Bound Among The Living
Abiyah Rubentsal
Parents: Moshe, son of Yehuda, Frommer
Sheindel Bina, daughter of Shlomo
Sisters: Chana, her husband Yehoshua and children
Beila and Moshe
Rachel and her husband Yankel
and her children
Elisha and Moshe
May Their Souls Be Bound Among The Living
Harry (Hersh) Frommer
Our Grandfather: R. Shmuel Leib, son of Reuven
Father: Ze'ev (Volf), son of Aryeh
Uncle: Yehoshia, son of Shmuel Leib
His wife: Hentsche and their two children
Cousin: Shmuel Leib, son of Yehoshua and his family
killed in the sanctification of the Name of G-d in 1943
May Their Souls Be Bound Among The Living
Molly, Reuven, Yehudis, Yitzchak (Itshe)
Parents: Uziel, son of Baruch Yehudah-Aryeh
Sabel, daughter of Chaim
Sister: Esther
May Their Souls Be Bound Among The Living
Chaim, Notta
Our parents: Yechezkel, son of Yair
Chana (Chantshe), daughter of Yaakov
Their graves were desecrated by the accursed, in the city of Gline
May Their Souls Be Bound Among The Living
Mordechai, Chanoch
Parents: Yosef, son of Meir (Yozef)
Feiga, daughter of Leibish
Their graves were desecrated and ravaged in Gline
May Their Souls Be Bound Among The Living
Aharon (Ortsche)
Parents: Leib, son of Avraham David
Rivka, daughter of Leibish
Their graves were desecrated and ravaged in Gline
May Their Souls Be Bound Among The Living
Mordechai, Shimon
I will always remember my parents, brothers and their families.
May Their Souls Be Bound Among The Living
Ezra (Volf), son of Yechezkel
Throughout all generations, the memories of those closest to us, and our loved ones should be consecrated forever. Fathers, mothers, sisters and brothers; grandparents, uncles and aunts, friends and acquaintances, and the small children of our hometown, Gline, who were killed for the sanctification of G-d's Name at the bloody hands of the Nazi savages and Ukrainian and Polish murderers during the Second World War, 1939-1944.
The Jewish life of our hometown, Gline, was totally eradicated, like trees torn out of the ground by their roots from the spot they had grown and been nurtured for hundreds of years. Nothing at all of Jewish life remains there, in the place where it had existed for generations.
In all his mercy, may G-d remember the righteous pure Jews, the souls of the community of Gline (Gliniany). May He prepare a good portion for them, and before our very eyes avenge the spilled blood of his servants!
Izshe Hochberg, son of Yisrael HochbergInnocent people were sentenced by Gline Ukrainians and herded out to Loshek Forest (near Gline), where the Ukrainian murderers ordered them to dig huge pits. They were all pushed into the pits and shot. Izshe Hochberg was thrown alive into the same pit and buried alive.
Two sons of Feivish Shraga
Itshe, son of Shimon Freinlich
Gedaliah, son of Shmuel Eichenhaltz
Zalman Levin
Dresher (the Teacher)
July 13, 1941They were beaten up so badly in the detention room of the Gline municipality, that they were unrecognizable. Afterwards, the murderers took them out to Loshek Forest and shot and buried them.
Aryeh Bocher, son of Mendel Becker
Yudel Pollack
Yair Halpern died. His wife was
murdered by the Ukrainians. Their sons, Sola and Yonka, together with their
children, were shot at the Gline cemetery.
On 24 Kislev, 5703 / December 2, 1942, the following were led out to Belzec to the gas chambers:and other Jews.
Rabbi Aryeh Leib Gottesman
Leib Englesberg, son of Itshe Chassid
Rakhmiel Wolf (Chadok)
Yitzchak Gastfreind
On 17 Sivan, 5703 / May 22, 1943, the Premyshlan ghetto was liquidated. On the same day, approximately eleven hundred Gline Jews were transported to their deaths at Belzec. Among them was the Rebbe of Gline, Rabbi Efrati and the rebbe's old wife (R. Betsalel's wife). The holiday of Lag Ba'Omer is the anniversary of the deaths of all the martyrs.
Moshe Rubinstein's wife poisoned herself. His brother Nachum, and his wife were hanged in a camp near Cracow in 5705/1944.
Leibish Mahl
Leibish Mahl was the son of Yoel Mahl and came from the village of Korovitch. He was the husband of Ethel Rubin. Leibish died to sanctify the Name of G-d at the hands of two Ukrainian murderers. The murderers took Leibish under the mountain, near the Baron Hirsch School, and beat him on the head. Then they undressed him, tied him up hand and foot with barbed wire, pulled out his gold teeth, and because they thought he was dead, they beat him mercilessly, took him to the creek nearby, and threw him in it.
Elka Angstreich
A daughter of Itshe Angstreich. Three weeks earlier, before the Soviets arrived in Gline, a gentile neighbor killed Elka. He had killed more than one Jew.Kessler's daughter was shot in Gline, in the middle of the street.
Yosef Itska's son was killed.
On 17 Sivan, 5703 / May 22, 1943, 73 Gline Jews miraculously escaped from the Premyshlan ghetto and made their way back to Gline. When they got there, the unlucky Jews were captured by local gentiles with the help of the Ukrainian police, robbed, and on 19 Sivan, were all taken out to the Jewish cemetery and shot. Among the martyrs were:
Aharon Hochberg and his wife The dentist, Billiger and his wife Meir Wolf's wife and a small child Henya Feiler (wife of Dr.Shmuel Feiler) Her child and her mother Yair Halpern's children
The dead of the Mehlman family: Gershon Mehlman, who was killed in the Belzec camp. His wife and grandchild were killed while escaping from the Premyshlan camp.
Dr. Shlomo Mehlman
The gentiles from a nearby village called Rozov killed him in 1944.His wife and child
Gentile neighbors turned them over to the German murderers. They didn't come out alive.
His sister, Beila
killed with all her children. His brother-in-law, Yisrael Hochberg, committed suicide.Bezshe Mehlman
was killed in the Yanov (Lemberg) camp. Bezshe's daughter-in-law was killed.Chaya Mehlman
and her two daughters were killed in Zborozsh.Dr. Yaakov Fogelfanger,
Menashe Fogelfanger's son was killed by the Gestapo. His wife and daughter were killed in the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising. His sisters, Rosa, Drezel and Chaya, and their children were all killed.Nachum Damm
hid out with 40 other Jews and his whole family in a bunker in the Bogdanov Forest. They managed to stay away from the murderers for a while but eventually were also murdered.Binyamin Beitrag
was beaten by the Gestapo and Ukrainian police so badly that he died from his injuries on 10/4/1941.Wolf Dudelzack, a brother of Yudel Foiker, was shot in the Korivitch camp.
Miriam, his sister, was the wife of Avraham Himmer. She was transported with her sons on 4 Tevet 5703,12/4/1942, from the Premyshlan ghetto to Belzec and burned. One of her sons was sick in bed and shot right then and there. They other six sons were Leib, Moshe, Hersh, Meir, Shimon and Yudel. They all worked in the camp in Zodovoritsha. When the Nazis' aktsia took place, they all escaped. Yisrael Brotter, Sasha's husband, was among them as well. They fled to the Palanitsh Forest, and remained there for two days. The Ukrainian murderers discovered them there, and shot them. Only Leib and his wife managed to escape. This happened on 8/2/1943. On 8/14/43, 13 Av 5703, Leib was shot by the Gestapo. His wife managed to survive, but on 8/22 the Soviets arrived in Gline, and she was shot by the Ukrainians thugs.
She was sent to the Belzec gas chamber from the Premyshlan ghetto together with her four children on 12/4/1942 / 4 Tevet 5703.Yaakov Katzav's daughter, Charna
She was also sent to Belzec, together with one child; her husband, Leibish Finger, and a child were both shot in the ghetto. Yaakov Katzav's brother Motyan, and his wife and children were shot in the Yakhitshov ghetto. Four weeks later the dead were dug up and burned.90% of the Jews in the village of Slovet were killed and burned. A son of Elimelech Schnieder was shot in a village near Gline.
Engineer Shlomo Speiser and his wife Hersh Friedel Lieber Lifshitz Rachel Baum Moshe Kanner Julia Tennenbaum (3) Zelig Kuperwasser (4) Yaakov Kanner Yaakov and Michel Feiering Frima Reinhertz Lieb Eidelberg Moshe Wolf (Kaminetsky) Mendel and Mark Shlomfer Aharon Saul Yitzchak Diamant-Nass (3) Aharon Gerstel and wife Dr. Shlomo Nass and wife Aharon Boyko, wife and child Moshe Neiman Isaac Herzberg Rose Baum Izzy Fogelfanger Yenta Nass Shmuel Nass Chana Hochberg Yehudah Hochberg Anshel Blick's sons (6) Dr. Dashke Lindenbaum Arthur Gezunt and family (4) Yaakov Kanner, Moshe Yakur son [misprint? Jacobson?] Hobber (Stelmack's son)
Sheindel Rudder Rachel Weitz Sholom Moyer David Reinhartz Dr. Sig. Ferster and child Sholom Kanner, wife und 2 children Moshe Rubenstein Dr. Bertha Mehlman Regina Waksgieser Miriam Miller Hillel Aks, wife and child Judel Steinwerzel and son Feivel Weinman Moshe Zohn Chaim Moshe Weitz, wife and child Helena (Tennenbaum) Halbmillan Bernard Kuperberg Mendel Kunst-Rubin Isaac Nodelstecher Sarah Korn and husband Ora Schnaff Hersh Gisser (Lodov)
Yechiel Leinwand, wife and child Rosa Goldstein and child Bertha Lvov and child Sister of Moshe Zohn, Lola Avraham Rubin Mark Scharf
Shlomo Zweck Ethel Rubin Melch Nass Chana Hesheles Yisrael Nass Dr. Yosef Brotter, wife and child Zelig Angstreich Sprinza Angstreich Yaakov Angstreich Engineer Speiser's daughter-in-law
Yaakov Sibbet Sprinza Gerber
David Klinkovstein (Lipa Lehrer's son-in-law
Binyamin Meth und wife Sheindel Dudelzack Clara Fefferkorn Regina Laufer Ester Feierman
Dr. Yonah Allerhand and wife Leon Lifshitz
Meir Feivish
Yosef Reinhartz
It should be mentioned here that the bloody result of Jews in Gline and surrounding villages at the outbreak of World War II was close to 3,000 people.
At the end of the war, following such horrible destruction, no more than 126 souls survived. This includes some Gline Jews who already lived in other cities and towns before the war.
The total of Gline Jews worldwide:
United States: | Approximately seventy years ago, the first person from Gline went to the United States. Afterwards, Gline Jews slowly started emigrating to America. In 1949, there were 450 Jews, including Jews who arrived from the villages around the shtetl . (Their American-born children aren't included in this number). |
Israel: | In 1949, there were approximately 230 Gline Jews in Israel who arrived there previously. Following World War I, Gline Jews started emigrating to Palestine. The first Jew from Gline went to Palestine in approximately 1874, or a little later. |
Canada: | There are four Gline Jewish families there. |
Mexico: | There are four Gline Jewish families. |
Argentina: | There are ten Gline Jewish families there. |
The foregoing numbers do not include the recent arrival of Gline war refugees. We think that there are 880 Gline Jews in various contries. May their numbers increase!
AKS, Hillel, wife and child (United States of America)
ALLERHAND, Dr. Yonah, and wife (Chile) ANGSTREICH, Sprinza (Poland) ANGSTREICH, Yaakov (Poland) ANGSTREICH, Zelig (Poland) BAUM, Rachel (2) (Israel) BAUM, Rose (Israel) BLICK, Anshel his sons (6) (Israel) BOYKO, Aharon, wife and child (Israel) BROTTER, Dr. Yosef, wife and child (Poland) DIAMANT-NASS, Yitzchak (3) (Israel) DUDELZACK, Sheindel (Germany) EIDELBERG, Lieb (Israel) FEFFERKORN, Clara (Germany) FEIERING, Yaakov and Michel (Israel) FEIERMAN, Esther (Germany) FEIVISH, Meir (Brazil) FERSETER, Dr. Sig., and child (United States of America) FOGELFANGER, Izzy (Israel) FRIEDEL, Hersh (Israel) GERBER, Sprinza (Austria) GERSTEL, Aharon, and wife (Israel) GEZUNT, Arthur, and family (4) (Israel) GISSER (Lodov), Hersh (United States of America) GOLSTEIN, Rosa, and child (Canada) HALBMILLAN, Helena (Tennenbaum) (United States of America) HERZBERG, Isaac (Israel) HESHELES, Chana (Poland) HOBBER (Stelmack's son) (Israel) HOCHBERG, Chana (Israel) HOCHBERG, Yehudah (Israel) JACOBSEN, Moshe (Israel) KAMINETSKY (see Wolf) KANNER, Moshe (Israel) KANNER, Sholom, wife and 2 children (United States of America) KANNER, Yaakov (Israel) KLINKOVSTEIN, David (Lipa Lehrer's son-in-law 4) (Sweden) KORN, Sarah, and husband (United States of America) KUNST-RUBIN, Mendel (United States of America) KUPERBERG, Bernard (United States of America) KUPERWASSER, Zelig (4) (Israel) LAUFER, Regina (Germany) LEINWAND, Yechiel, wife and child (Canada) LIFSHITZ, Leon (Chile) LIFSHITZ, Lieber (Israel) LINDENBAUM, Dr. Dashke (Israel) LODOV (see Gisser) LVOV, Bertha, and child (Canada) MEHLMAN, Dr. Bertha (United States of America) METH, Binyamin, and wife (Germany) MILLER, Miriam (United States of America) MOYER, Sholom (United States of America) NASS, Melech (Poland) NASS, Dr. Shlomo, and wife (Israel) NASS, Shmuel (Israel) NASS, Yenta (Israel) NASS, Yisrael (Poland) NASS (see Diamant-Nass) NEIMAN, Moshe (Israel) NODELSTECHER, Isaac (United States of America) REINHARTZ, David (United States of America) REINHARTZ, Yosef (Argentina) REINHERTZ, Frima (Israel) RUBIN, Avraham (Canada) RUBIN, Ethel (Poland) RUBINSTEIN, Moshe (United States of America) RUDDER, Sheindel (United States of America) SAUL, Aharon (Israel) SCHARF, Mark (Canada) SHLOMFER, Mendel and Mark (Israel) SCHNAFF, Ora (United States of America) SIBBET, Yaakov (Austria) SPEISER, Engineer Shlomo, and his wife (Israel) SPEISER, Engineer his daughter-in-law (Poland) STEINWERZEL, Yudel, and son (United States of America) TENNENBAUM, Julia (3) (Israel) TENNENBAUM (see HALBMILLAN) WAKSGIESER, Regina (United States of America) WEINMAN, Feivel (United States of America) WEITZ, Chaim Moshe, wife and child (United States of America) WEITZ, Rachel (United States of America) WOLF (Kaminetsky), Moshe (Israel) ZOHN, Lola (sister of Moshe Zohn) (Canada) ZOHN, Moshe (United States of America) ZWECK, Shlomo (Poland) |
Page |
Row |
Correction |
12 | 29 | R. Shmuel Leib Neschles |
18 | 29 | The Jews |
31 | 21 | Itsche Yoel |
42 | 19 | Merchants |
44 | 1 | Influence |
46 | 26 | Gline |
50 | 21 | Village Jews |
68 | 41 | Hitting |
89 | 39 | Gline |
92 | 24 | Ephraim |
99 | 28 | R. Yosele |
107 | 33 | That if |
110 | 27 | Wife |
111 | 27 | Carrying |
112 | 41 | Synagogue and Study Hall |
116 | 9 | 21 |
117 | 27 | 21 |
130 | 13 | 1895 |
131 | 42 | Issue |
131 | 48 | Especially |
136 | 34 | Meir |
141 | 14 | Eidele |
141 | 17 | Enlightenment |
141 | 20 | Cohen |
145 | 20 | Meir Shmuel |
156 | 39 | Crazy |
161 | 32 | Jewish |
162 | 45 | Small Synagogue |
166 | 25 | Hershke |
170 | 40 | Knitter |
175 | 20 | Long Baruch and his wife |
177 | 9 | A loaf |
183 | 12 | Tailor |
183 | 17 | Especially |
187 | 22 | Berish |
191 | 27 | From Gline |
198 | 24 | Gline Community Association |
207 | 34 | Milk Business |
208 | 33 | Dovidel Dovidelsak |
208 | 33 | Yechezkel Dayan |
310 | 29 | Even though |
212 | 11 | Flag [or pan] |
215 | 32 | Daybreak |
216 | 37 | Go over |
220 | 11 | Was |
220 | 19 | Packages |
227 | 42 | Home |
233 | 26 | But the Jew was shot |
238 | 14 | Bocher |
241 | 17 | Zlotas |
[or 262] |
11 | Yaakov Feiering |
268 | 21 | Itsche Shlomo Speiser |
273 | 31 | Hannah Hochberg [Haifa, 2/22/1946] |
290 | 11 | Gline Jews who lived in other cities |
37 | 20 | Leibishel the Comedian, son of Hillel Filler. He was from the new generation, the majority sung and preached to couples at rebbe weddings. |
88 | 32 | Should be: Shaul Hescheles, Yisrael Nadler, Zische Hochberg,
Leizer Volf Sibbert, Aharon Erlich, Mendel Graubard's son-in-law, Meir Baum.
They were from the younger generation. |
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