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Chapter II

The Lowenkrown Family of Dziedzilow

Dov Beryl Lowenkrown had a small store and eked out a living. He was very religious and observed all religious laws. He had a large family that he had to support. He married Pesha Altman and they had the following children: Klara, Shmuel, Hannah, Lipshe, Karola, Regina, Wolf, Hersh and Zosia.

Most of the children would try to leave the place that lacked opportunities. Some succeeded while others remained in the area.

Below is a description of what happed to a Jewish family in Dziedzilow.


Lowenkrowns killed in the Shoa were:

Dov Beryl and Pesha Lowenkrown.


Dov Beryl Lowenkrown, native of Dziedzilow, son of Wolf Lowenkrown, in a Russian prisoner of war camp during World War One


Page of Testimony for Dov Beryl Lowenkrown by his daughter Clara Lewenkrown at Yad Vashem


Page of Testimony for Pesha Lowenkrown, wife of Dov Lowenkrown by her daughter Clara Lowenkrown. Their children: Asher Alter husband of Clara Lowenkrown


Page of Testimony for Asher Alter, by his wife Clara Alter- Lowenkrown


Frieda Lowenkrown, daughter of Beryl and Pesha Lowenkrown, wife of Shmuel Lowenkrown and their children Shlomo Lowenkrown and Hannah Lowenkrown.

Hannah Lowenkrown, daughter of Beryl and Pesha Lowenkrown, and her husband Hersh Neubauer and their children Itzhak, Wolf and Leib. Hannah Lowenkrown was born in Dziedzilow in 1913. She met and married Hersh Neubauer and they moved to Kamionka. They had three children: Itzhak, Wolf and Leib. During the war, they left Kamionka and came to the ghetto of Nowy Jarczow where they were all murdered.

Lipshe Lowenkrown, daughter of Beryl and Pesha Lowenkrown, wife of Nahum Hasten. Lipshe Lowenkrown was born in 1914 in Dziedzilow. She married Nahum Hasten and they moved to Kamionka. They returned to the Nowy Jarczow ghetto and remained there until 1943 when the Germans killed them when they liquidated the ghetto.

Wolf Lowenkrown son of Beryl and Pesha Lowenkrown.

Hersh Lowenkrown son of Beryl and Pesha Lowenkrown.

Zosia Lowenkrown daughter of Beryl and Pesha Lowenkrown.


Page of Testimony for Hersh Neubauer, husband of Hannah Lowenkrown by Clara Lowenkrown


Page of Testimony for Hannah Lowenkrown, wife of Hersh Neubauer by her sister Clara Lowenkrown


Page of Testimony for Nahum Hasten, husband of Lipshe Lowenkrown by Clara Lowenkrown


Karola Lowenkrown was born in Dziedzilow to Dov Beryl and Pesha Lowenkrown. She attended public school but never made friends with her non-Jewish classmates. The Jews were tolerated in Dziedzilow. Jews and non Jews had no social contacts except at the market or during business hours. There were few opportunities for Jews in Dziedzilow and many young Jews left the hamlet for greener pastures. The family struggled to make a living. The home was very religious; Polish was the language of the street while Yiddish was the language spoken at home.

Germany attacked Poland and the Germans soon entered Dziedzilow. They encouraged the Ukrainians to harass and persecute the Jewish population. The Ukrainians did not need the encouragement for their hatred of the Jews was well-known in the area. Jewish stores and homes were vandalized while the Germans stood by. The German occupation of Dziedzilow was short lived for the secret Soviet-German agreement called for the occupation of Dziedzilow by the Russians. Soon enough, the Soviet army entered the hamlet followed by the Soviet secret police and the Communist party. The latter immediately opened an office and registered members. All Communist detainees were instantly released from jail. Many of the Polish officials were dismissed from their posts and replaced by party members. Well-to-do and influential Poles and Jews were rounded up and sent to Siberia. Large stores, banks and work-shops were nationalized. Suddenly there were shortages of basic goods that resulted in a black market. All Jewish institutions were closed except for the office of the Jewish Communist party. The independent press was closed. Jewish religious life was hampered; people had to work on Saturday. The new order pauperized the Jewish population that depended to a great extend on commercial activities. Everybody tried to get a governmental job. Fear became the daily worry of the people of Dziedzilow for the secret police were everywhere and had a hand in everything.

This situation ended abruptly with the German attack on Russia. The Germans reached Dziedzilow and let the Ukrainians stage anti-Jewish activities. The S.S. soon arrived and began to enforce the anti-Jewish ordinances namely arm bands, seizing Jews for all kinds of work details without pay. Each day brought new anti-Jewish rules. The farmers were not permitted to bring their produce to the Jewish stores in the hamlet that resulted in hunger. A black market developed but it was very risky, for the guilty party was usually shot or sent to a forced labor camp where their chances of survival were non-existent. The Germans organized a Judenrat and a Jewish police force to provide cheap labor. Soon, the Germans decided to expel the Jews from Dziedzilow and send them to the ghetto of Nowy Jarczow. Old, young, sick and babies were forced to march the distance to the ghetto. The conditions in the ghetto were beyond description. Nowy Jarczow received not only the Jews of Dziedzilow but the Jews from the vicinity. Hunger, disease and lack of accommodation were the lot of the Jews. “I [Karola]managed to establish contacts with Poles while working with them and they helped me to get out of the ghetto of Nowy Jarczow and to move to the big city of Lemberg where I was hidden until the Soviet Army liberated the city. Following the war I married Mr. Baum and we had a son named Yossef. We left the area and settled in Tarnow, Poland where my husband died. I then moved to Israel to join my sister Klara.”


Regina Lowenkrown


International Tracing Office report on Regina Lowenkrown, born February 7, 1925, in Dziedzilow to Dov Beryl and Pesha Lowenkrown


Regina Lowenkrown was born in Dziedzilow to Dov Beryl and Pesha Lowenkrown. Her childhood was similar to that of her sister Karola. They shared the same hiding place during the war in Lemberg after escaping from the ghetto of Nowy Jarczow in 1943. She hid until the area was liberated by the Soviet army in 1944. She met David Diengott and they decided to marry. They took advantage of their Polish citizenship and left the Soviet area of Lemberg for Lodz in Poland. They soon left Lodz and headed to Rzeszow, Poland with the Brichah. Rzeszow was the assembly point for crossing illegally to Czechoslovakia and then to Bucharest, Romania where they hoped to take a boat to Palestine. But there were no ships heading to Palestine for the Russian fleet closed the main port of Constanza to private shipping.They continued their journey with the Brichah to Yugoslavia. Meanwhile they contacted their family in Argentina to help them reach that country. In 1948, Regina finally reached Argentina.


According to this document, Regina Lewenkrown left Lemberg in 1945 and headed to Lodz, Pland. She married David Diengott. They left Lodz for Rzeszow, then went to Bucharest, Romania. They continued to Yugoslavia and then to Argentina.


Wolf Lowenkrown, son of Dov Beryl and Pesha Lowenkrown was also in the ghetto of Nowy Jarczow and was sent to the death camp of Belzec according to this German document below. There are several other Lowenkrowns on the list, apparently Hersh and Zosia but it is not clear.


Wolf Lowenkrown listed on this deportation list headed to the death camp of Belzec


Yente Lowenkrown, Dov Beryl's sister, with her fiancé Michael. Dov Beryl Lowenkrown had sisters and brothers in Dziedzilow. Above, his sister Yente.


Zelda Lowenkrown, sister of Dov Beryl Lowenkrown, with daughters Klara and Hanna


Pesha Altman-Lowenkrown and her son Shmuel Lowenkrown


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